Biographical Directory of Citizens
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McCarty, John, R. R. employe; P.O. Mt. Zion. McCrary, A. H., retired farmer; P.O. Keosauqua; born July 23, 1814, in Vanderburgh Co., Ind.; emigrated West in 1835; stopped in McDonough Co., Ill., till fall of 1836; then, in company with his brother J. C. McCrary and A. W. Mangum came to Van Buren Co., and made their claims just below Keosauqua on the south side of Des Moines River; returned and moved their families out in the spring of 1837. The following July, Iowa was organized as a Territory; Mr. McCrary was elected Justice of the Peace of his township (Vernon) in 1841, which office he filled till 1848, when he was elected to represent his county in the House of Representatives of Iowa, and was re-elected in 1850, and, in 1852, was elected as State Senator, and again in 1860, at the expiration of this term he retired to private life upon his farm; in 1876, left his farm and moved into Keosauqua on south side of the River, where he now lives. He was married to Miss Nercissa Mangum of Gibson Co., Ind., Feb. 6, 1834; she was born April 1, 1816, in Indiana; have six children -- William M., Marietta, James N., Alvin J., Curtis R. and Ira C. Members of Chirstian Church; Republican. McPherrin, A., far., Sec. 29; P.O. Keosauqua. Maltbie, M. B., wagon-maker, Keosauqua. Mangum, A. W., retired farmer; P.O. Keosauqua; born Feb. 5, 1813, in Gibson Co., Ind.; came to McDonough Co., Ill., in fall of 1836; stopped a short time there; came on to this county in company with A. H. and J. C. McCrary, and selected their claims on the south side of Des Moines River, below Keosauqua, returned to McDonough Co., and brought their families out in the spring of 1837; Mr. Magnum followed teaching some before coming here, and continued for a time after coming to this county. He was married to Miss Minerva McCrary, Dec. 19, 1836, in Illinois; she was born in 1811, in Indiana, and died in this county March 25, 1849; was again married, to Jane Irvine Dec. 29, 1850; she died March 2, 1862; was again married, to Mary E. Taylor Nov. 13, 1864; she was born Nov. 31,[?] 1837, in Ohio; Mr. Magnum has had eighteen children -- six by each wife, two by first wife are living -- Ruth E. and Rebecca J.; lost four -- Silas M., Leander F., Finis C., and an infant; by second wife, three living -- Samantha C., Mileta E. and Clara; lost three -- Lysander F., Alice J. and Mary O.; by third wife, five living -- Edwin C., Charles A., Alcephas F., Patience I. and Lena; lost one -- Willie. Members of Christian Church; Republican. Manning, Edwin, banker and dealer in general merchandise and real estate, Keosauqua; has branch stores at Vernon, Doud's Station, Portland and Independent, of this county; also, half owner of bank at Chariton and is President of the same; Mr. Manning is one of the leading business men of Southern Iowa, and estimated to be worth over $1,000,000, which he has accumulated by his own industry and far-seeing business qualifications; he is of English descent and son of Calvin and Desire (Gurley) Manning, and was born in South Coventry, Tolland Co., Conn., Feb. 8, 1810; was raised on a farm and educated in the common schools until he was 16 years old; he then started out in the world for himself; went to New York and caught his first glimpse of the great metropolis, after which he went to Bethany, Penn., and entered his uncle James Manning's store as clerk, at a salary of $10 per month; after four years, he was taken in as a partner, with one-third interest, in the business; in the summer of 1831, he took his uncle's family horse and made a tour through northern counties of Pennsylvania, and finally located at Canton Corners, in Bradford Co., where he commenced mercantile business with a Mr. J. C. Rose under the firm name of Manning & Rose, which was carried on successfully till the autumn of 1836; he sold out his interest and in accordance with a subsequent suggestion made by Horace Greeley, concluded to go West; accordingly, he came to St. Louis, Mo.; and was advised by Col. Benton that; there was the place to make a start; but he concluded that his purse was not heavy enough for that place; he went on West as far as Lexington, Mo. where he made some purchases of land; but not liking the system of slavery, he, with others, came on up the Mississippi and Des Moines Rivers to St. Francisville, Lee Co., which was in December, 1836; made some investments in half-breed tracts; went on up to Fort Madison and visited the wigwam of the noted chief Black Hawk, who appeared rather reticent, though friendly, seeming to fully realize his lost power; in January, 1837, Mr. Manning, with James Hall and others made the claim of the land and laid out the town of Keosauqua, that being the Indian name of the river, after which he returned to Pennsylvania, and, in 1838, returned to Iowa and attended the first land sale at Burlington, and purchased several small tracts for himself, with quite a large amount for others; in 1839, he purchased in New York the first stock of merchandise ever brought to Keosauqua, and shipped them via ocean and Mississippi and Des Moines Rivers to Keosauqua; they were several weeks on the way; he also built the first flatboat that ever passed out of the Des Moines River; in 1851, he ran a loaded steamer from St. Louis to Des Moines; he was also Commissioner of the Des Moines River Improvement from 1856 to 1859; during the late civil war, he was a firm supporter of the Government, having unbound faith in its perpetuity, taking $10,000 of the first 5-20 bonds and subsequently many thousands more; he is at present owner of about 8,000 acres of land in this and adjoining counties; also a fine farm and residence in his native State. He was married to Sarah J. Sample, of Lee Co., March 8, 1842; she was born in Pennsylvania July 21, 1816, and died June 1, 1857; was again married, to Nannie Bryant, an adopted daughter of the late Joseph A. Wright, Nov. 3, 1859; she was born Feb. 3, 1832, in Indiana; has three children by first wife living -- Hannah G., Calvin and William S.; lost two -- Mary and Edwin; by second wife, five children -- Edward B., Albert W., Kate W., Stanley W. and Craig I. Is a liberal supporter of the churches; Republican. Marlow, B. P., clerk in the dry goods store of Edwin Manning, Keosauqua; born Aug. 2, 1819, in Ohio Co., Ky.; came to Vermilion Co., Ind., in the fall of 1829, and to Burlington, Iowa, in the spring of 1836, and to Keosauqua in 1845; has been engaged in the dry goods business most of the time since; was in the wholesale house of M. Seaton & Sons, in Keokuk, from 1855 to 1857; was Deputy Sheriff of this county under Robert Rutledge, during 1858-59, after which he engaged in the mercantile business till 1867; spent one season since in a wholesale boot and shoe house of St. Louis; he has been in the employ of Edwin Manning since 1871. Was married to Miss Hannah W. Hinkle in Burlington Nov. 21, 1844; she was born in 1819, in Pennsylvania; have two children living -- Hinda W. and Isabell; lost three -- Alice, Virginia and Milton H. Republican. Martin, Abner, far., Sec. 17; P.O. Mt. Zion. Mathias, J. J., far., S. 7; P.O. Pittsburg. Mathias, T., farmer; P.O. Pittsburg. May, M., far., Sec. 34; P.O. Pittsburg. McGrath, H. M., farmer; P.O. Pittsburg. Merideth, Lee Roy, farmer; P.O. Keosauqua; owns 260 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre; born Dec. 31, 1833, in Washington Co., Ind.; came with his parents to Mercer Co., Ill., in 1836, and, in the fall of 1837, came to Van Buren Co. and settled in Bentonsport; came from there to Keosauqua in 1840, and has lived in this vicinity ever since. Married Miss Susannah Mullen, of St. Clair Co., Ill., March 21, 1858; she was born Aug. 21, 1828, in West Virginia; have four children living -- Harvey E., Abbie L., Anna B. and Lizzie V.; lost two -- Henry A. and David W. Members of the M. E. Church; Republican. Miller, Daniel, farmer; P.O. Pittsburg. Miller, Geo. W., Postmaster, Mt. Zion. Miller, Henry, far., Sec. 18; P.O. Mt. Zion; owns 194 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre; born Oct. 30, 1831, in Columbiana Co., Ohio; his parents moved to Perry Co. when he was a small boy, and came from there to this county in 1839, and settled on the farm he now owns; in 1850, he went to California by overland route in 1853, and returned home in 1856. Married Lucinda Hunter May 21, 1857; she was born Feb. 14, 1841, in Pennsylvania; have four children living -- Isadora, Curtis M., Mary E. and Craig; lost three -- William F., John S. and Ella T. Members of the M. E. Church; Republican. Miller, Jacob, farmer; P.O. Pittsburg. Miller, John A., Deputy Auditor, Keosauqua; born Dec. 12, 1831, in Perry Co., Ohio; came to this county in the spring of 1847, and settled in Keosauqua; in 1853, engaged in the drug business with Dr. Craig, which he continued till 1859, when he was appointed Deputy County Clerk, which he held for two years; in 1869, he was again appointed County Clerk, and was elected to the office for three successive terms, since which time he has acted as Deputy Auditor. He was married to Amanda J. Hartzell, of Keosauqua, Oct. 23, 1856; she was born Oct. 23, 1837, in Indiana; have six children -- Mary, George, Craig, Maud, Paul and Ed. Republican. Miller, J. J., far., Sec. 17, P.O. Doud's Station; owns 160 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; is a son of Daniel and Margaret (Jackson) Miller; was born Oct. 15, 1833, in Perry Co., Ohio; came with parents to this county in the fall of 1841, and settled on the farm where he yet lives. He enlisted in the service of his country February, 1863, in Co. G, of the 3d Iowa V. C.; participated in the battle of Guntown, Miss.; was also with Gen. Wilson in his raid through Alabama and Georgia, at the capture of Selma and Columbus; was discharged at Atlanta in August 1865. He was married to Sarah E. Tolman, of this county, May 1, 1856; she was born in Ohio April 1, 1835; have seven children -- Clifton T., Edwin, Charles, Alpha, Mary I., Nettie and Frederick; lost one -- Fannie T. Member M. E. Church; Republican. Miller, T., retired farmer, Keosauqua. Minnich, S., carpenter, Keosauqua. Moore, H., far., S. 30; P.O. Pittsburg. Moore, Henry H., Postmaster, Keosauqua; born March 22, 1835, in Bedford Co., Penn.; came with parents to Perry Co., Ohio, in 1838, and to this county in the spring of 1846, and settled in Keosauqua; he served as Deputy Postmaster during President Polk's administration; was appointed Postmaster in October 1862, which office he has filled since, with the exception of ten months in 1870 and 1871. He was married to Adeline M. Walker Dec. 23, 1858, in Keosauqua; she was born in June, 1837, in York Co., Penn., have four children -- Frank, Effie, Lida and Edna. Mr. Moore owns a farm of 124 acres, valued at $40 per acre. Republican. Moon, Samuel, teamster, Keosauqua. Mort, C., far., S. 15; P.O. Pittsburg. Mort, J., far., Sec. 28; P.O. Pittsburg. Morton, John N., merchant, Keosauqua. Moore, Wm., attorney and mayor, Keosauqua. Mullen, Amandus, painter, Keosauqua. Murphy, Daniel, merchant, Keosauqua. Murry, J., far., S. 32; P.O. Pittsburg. Myers, M. M., farmer, Keosauqua. Nixon, Jonathan, lime burner, P.O. Keosauqua. Norris, Samuel, far., P.O. Keosauqua. Nourse, Solon, professor of music, Keosauqua; owns a farm of 85 acres valued at $25 per acre; was born June 8, 1817, in Sullivan Co., N. H.; came to Cincinnati in 1844, where he followed his profession till 1859; then came to Van Buren Co., and settled in Keosauqua, where he still follows his profession. He was married to Amanda A. Hodgman, of Stillwater, N. Y., in July, 1852; she was born in 1817, and died at Fort Edward, N. Y., May 19, 1854; was again married, to Mrs. Cardine E. McBride, whose maiden name was Abbott, Dec. 14, 1859; she was born June 20, 1827, in Athens Co., Ohio; have had one daughter, by second wife -- Carrie B., who is dead; his wife has one son by first husband -- Wm. E. McBride. Member of Presbyterian Church; Independent. Orth, Wm. H., butcher, Keosauqua. Overman, James, Keosauqua. Pace, Thomas, farmer; P.O. Keosauqua. Parker, Alfred, far.; P.O. Pittsburg. Parker, Calvin S., far., P.O. Pittsburg. Parks, John, far., S. 15; P.O. Pittsburg. Payne, Jordan, laborer, Keosauqua. Peacock, James, far., Sec. 30; P.O. Pittsburg. Pearson, F. A., Keosauqua. Pfoutz, Reuben, blacksmith, Keosauqua. Phillips, J. W., wagon-maker, Keosauqua. Ricketts, Joshua, farmer; P.O. Doud's Station. Rankin, Thomas, retired merchant, Keosauqua; born January 16, 1821, in Licking Co., Ohio; came to this county in 1842; commenced the mercantile business in Keosauqua in 1850, which he continued till 1853, when he was elected County Treasurer, which office he filled for two terms; in 1857, he was elected County Judge, and, in 1859, commenced the mercantile business, which he continued till 1875; since that time has been interested in the business at Davis City, Decatur Co., with his sons, J. C. and A. T. He was married to Amanda Bonner, of this county, Oct. 8, 1845; she was born in July, 1821, in Greene Co., Ohio; they have four children living -- James C., Mary E., Archie T. and George A.; lost two -- Martha and Samuel. Members of the M. E. Church; Democrat. Ream, B., far., Sec. 20, P.O. Pittsburg. Rehkopf, B. F., County Auditor, Keosauqua; born July 26, 1846, in Galveston, Texas; came with his parents to St. Louis, Mo., in 1849; and, in the spring of 1852, came to Bentonsport, of this county; he succeeded his father in the harness business there in 1867, which he followed till 1877; he was elected to the office of County Auditor in 1865, and re-elected in 1877. He married Aralda J. Cheney, of this county, Feb. 12, 1874; she was born Feb. 8, 1850, in this county; have two children -- Laura R. and Ned B. Member of the Congregational Church; Republican. Ricketts, James, far., P.O. Pittsburg. Roberts, A. W., far., P.O. Keosauqua. Roberts, Wyatt, far., Sec. 6; P.O. Keosauqua; son of Isaiah Roberts; born July 16, 1849, in Highland Co., Ohio; came with his parents to this county in 1859, and settled on the farm upon which he now lives, his father having died Jan. 6, 1870; was born Feb. 16, 1805, in Ohio; his mother is still living with him on the homestead; she was born March 20, 1809, in Ohio. Mr. Roberts was married to Carrie Gustin Oct. 15, 1874; she was born in 1851, in Ohio; have two children -- Albert and Roy. Member of the Christian Church. Republican. Robertson, D. W. M., physician and surgeon, Keosauqua; born Feb. 23, 1844, in Muskingum Co., Ohio; his parents moved into Holmes Co., in 1852, and from there to this county in 1858, and settled in the western part of the township; he commenced the study of medicine under Dr. Whitton, of Doud's Station, in 1867, and subsequently attended lectures at the medical college at Keokuk, where he graduated Feb. 2, 1870; commenced practicing at Newbern, Marion Co., Iowa, in the spring of 1870; returned to Cantril in 1872, and went to El Paso, Colo., in 1874, where he remained till June, 1877, and then came to Keosauqua. Mr. Robertson, at his county's call, enlisted in Co. H, of the 3d Iowa V. C.; was at the battles of Mooresville and Kirksville, Mo., Little Rock, Ark., Guntown and Tupelo, Miss., Pea Ridge, Ark., Selma, Ala.; was discharged in the fall of 1865. Was married to Mary A. Park, of this county, Oct. 11, 1870; she was born Feb. 26, 1846, in Guernsey Co., Ohio; have two children living - Hugh L. and an infant; lost one, Clarence A. Member of the United Presbyterian Church; Republican. Robinson, J., blacksmith, Keosauqua. Robinson, S., Sr., far., Sec. 5; P.O. Keosauqua. Root, A. R., gunsmith, Keosauqua. Roush, A., far., Sec. 8; P.O. Pittsburg. Russell, Allen, farmer, carpenter and joiner, Sec. 32; P.O. Lebanon; owns 95 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre; born June 2, 1829, in Venango Co., Penn.; moved from there to Erie Co., in 1848, and to Livingston Co., Mo., in 1855, and to Davis Co., Iowa, in 1861, and to this county in 1862, and, in 1864, returned to Erie Co., Penn., and from there to Venango Co., in 1865, and, in the fall of 1866, returned to Van Buren Co. He was married to Louisa Perry, in Pennsylvania, July 4, 1853; she was born in New York Dec. 15, 1834, and died April 2, 1859; was again married to Nancy E. Brent, June 26, 1859; she was born Dec. 5, 1834, in Kentucky; has two children by his first wife - Perry and Wilson A.; by his second wife, five - Elizabeth, Sarah L., Aaron, Simon G. and Allen. Member of the M. E. Church. Sanderson, H., far., Sec. 7; P.O. Mt. Zion. Sanderson, J. F., far., Sec. 7; P.O. Mt. Zion. Schreckengast, J., far., Sec. 25; P.O. Keosauqua. Schreckengast, W., far., Sec. 25; P.O. Keosauqua. Scott, Wm., laborer, Keosauqua. Seaman, R., far.; P.O. Keosauqua. Seawright, D. J., harness-maker, Keosauqua. Shepherd, James, Justice of the Peace, Keosauqua; born March 15, 1800, in Allegheny Co., Md.; his parents moved to Fayette Co., Penn., in 1801, and to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1804. He subsequently lived in Warren and Clinton Counties, till 1827; he then moved to Sangamon Co., Ill., and in the spring of 1843, came to Keosauqua and issued the first newspaper, called the Iowa Democrat, July 1, 1843; in 1844, he brought his family; he continued the publication of said paper in the county, with his son, J. M. Shepherd, till 1850; he also commenced running the Keosauqua House, in1847, which he run for several years. In 1860, he bought the Iowa Democrat, and run it till 1865, and then engaged in the hotel business up to 1874, since which time he has rented his hotel. Mr. Shepherd was elected Colonel of the 31st Ill. Regt., in 1830, he was also the first Master of Keosauqua Lodge, No. 10, A., F. & A. M., which was organized in 1845, and for several years thereafter; he is one of the honored and respected members of the Order; he is also a member of the M. E. Church, and has been a licensed minister for five years. Mr. Shepherd was married to Jane Sherman, of Clinton Co., Ohio, March 7, 1821; she was born Feb. 20, 1806, in North Carolina, and died Sept. 20, 1870; have six children living - Jesse M., Elizabeth, James S., Charles W., Lewis C. And Stephen H.; lost five - Mary, Rebecca, Jane, Elvira and Helen C. His sons, Jesse M. and Stephen H., are publishing a paper in Baker Co., Oregon, and Charles W., a Methodist minister, is now at Bentonsport, of this county. Shepherd, J. S., fire and life insurance agent; Keosauqua; born Dec. 4, 1834, in Sangamon Co., Ill.; came with his father, James Shepherd, to this county in 1844; commenced work in the office of the Iowa Democrat, published by his father and brother, which he continued to work in till 1855; was Postmaster in Keosauqua office from 1856 to 1861; then commenced to work on the Des Moines News, published by himself and father, till 1865, when he sold out, and worked in the Republican office a short time; then worked on the Des Moines Register, a short time; since 1868, has been engaged in the insurance business. He was married to Mary Moore Jan. 9, 1862; she was born Aug. 25, 1838, in Ohio; have four children -- Minnie E., Littie J., Alva C. and George S. Member of A., F. & A. M., and of the M. E. Church; Democrat. Sigler, Andrew, proprietor of livery and express, with William M. Stewart; P.O. Keosauqua; born Feb. 14, 1846, in Putnam Co., Ind. In the fall of 1855, his parents immigrated to this country, and the following spring went to Wayne County. Enlisted in the Government service as wagoner, Aug. 12, 1861, in Co. B, of the 6th Kansas Cavalry, with rank as Sergeant; was mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. Returned to Wayne County and came to Keosauqua in 1866, and followed butchering one year, then farmed till 1874, when he went into the hardware business, in Milton, till the spring of 1877, then engaged in the lumber business till the November following, then came to Keosauqua and bought out Mr. F. Johnson's interest in the livery and express business. Married Emma C. Orth April 10, 1865; she was born in this county in 1844; have three children -- Iola, Luella and Alva W. Greenbacker. Sloan, J. S., publisher of Keosauqua Republican, with W. H. Bleakmore; Keosauqua; born Jan. 29, 1822, in Chester Co., Penn.; his parents move to Columbiana Co., Ohio, in 1823, where his early years were spent; by his own perseverance he gained a thorough knowledge of the common branches from the common schools, and followed teaching in Ohio, about twelve years; in the spring of 1853, came to Iowa, and stopped at Iowaville, of this county, his father, Robert Sloan, settling near there, in Davis Co.; he remained there but a short time, and then went into Davis Co.; was there only a few months; he then went to Agency City and taught school there one year, and then returned to Village Tp., of this county; served as Justice of the Peace there two years; in 1859, was elected County Judge of this county, which office he filled till 1861; he was then elected County Treasurer, and for four successive terms thereafter, at the close of which he was appointed County Clerk for one year, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the County Clerk. In 1873, he engaged in the mercantile business, in which he continued till the fall of 1877; he then came in as a partner in the Republican office, with Mr. Bleakmore, and the same fall was elected as County Supervisor, and at the first meeting of the Board, was elected Chairman. He married Sarah A. Sinclair April 14, 1853, in Ohio; she was born Nov. 12, 1827, in Allegheny Co., Penn.; have five children living -- Fanny, Maggie E., George S., Rutledge and Hattie C.; lost two, Ida B. and Robert. Member of the Congregational Church; Republican. Sloan, Robert, Keosauqua; Circuit Judge for Second District; son of Robert and Elizabeth (Steapleton) Sloan; born Oct. 21, 1835,in Columbiana Co., Ohio; the Sloans are of Scotch-Irish descent; his great-grandfather, Robert Sloan, was an officer under Gen. Braddock, and subsequently a Captain in the Revolutionary war. Judge Sloan was employed on a farm till 17 years of age; received a common-school education, with one year's attendance at New Lisbon, Ohio; came with his parents to Davis Co. in the spring of 1853, and settled near Iowaville; he following teaching, principally, from that time till in 1860 he commenced the study of law in the office of Hon. Judge George G. Wright, of Keosauqua; was admitted to the bar in March, 1861; soon after commenced the practice of law in partnership with Mr. William Webster; in 1868,he was elected Judge of the first circuit of the Second Judicial District; at the close of the term, was elected Judge of the Second Judicial District, which he has filled since; his present term expires in December, 1880. Married Mary Brown, of this county, July 15, 1863; she was born Jan. 11, 1838, in Ireland; have seven children -- Stella B., Hugh B., Lizzie, Mary E., Della, Io G. and Robert E. Members of the Congregational Church; Republican. Smith, George F., publisher of the Van Buren Democrat; born April 27, 1847, in Jefferson Co., N. Y.; in 1850, his parents moved into St. Lawrence Co., and, in 1854, came to La Salle Co., Ill.; to Grundy Co. in 1855; in 1863, he went into Mt. Morris Herald office to learn the printer's trade; remained about a year, then went into the Chicago Tribune office about a year, and, subsequently into the Times office six months; he commenced attending the Jennings Seminary at Aurora, Ill., in 1866; subsequently attended Lombard University, at Galesburg, three years, three months of which time he published a paper called College Items; came to Bonaparte, this county, in January, 1870, and issued the first number of the Van Buren Democrat the 19th of that month, in company with R. I. Holcomb, whose interest he purchased the following spring; in December, 1876, he came to Keosauqua with his paper. Married Carrie J. Johnson, of Bonaparte, Feb. 22, 1871; she was born January 11, 1849, in this county; have two children -- Pussie E. and M. Irene. Democrat. Smith, James, far., Sec. 32; P.O. Lebanon; owns 170 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; born May 4, 1805, in Albemarle Co., Va.; moved to Logan Co., Ohio, in 1833, and from there to Washington Co.; Tenn., in 1837, and to Greene Co., in the spring of 1838; the same fall, returned to Washington Co.; from there he came to this county in the fall of 1853. Married Elizabeth Garber Sept. 27, 1827; she was born Oct. 9, 1809, in Augusta Co., Va.; have ten children living -- Benjamin F., Sarah F., Thomas J., Barbara A., Andrew J., William H., John C., Silas T., Martha T. and Elizabeth J. Members of the M. E. Church. Smith, Joseph F., attorney at law, Keosauqua; born April 26, 1823, in Selby, Yorkshire, England; came to Springfield, Ohio, in 1841; entered Kenyon College at Gambier, Knox Co., the next year; continued till 1846; then went to Columbus, and commenced the study of law in the office of Judge Swan; was admitted to the bar at the sitting of the Supreme Court in 1849; followed his profession at Columbus till 1854; then moved to Ottumwa, Iowa; in 1855, came to Keosauqua; continued law practice until four years ago, when an inflammation of the eyes produced blindness; within the last few months has been recovering his sight. Married Miss Francis A. Mills, of Licking Co., Ohio, April 30, 1850; she was born Feb. 20, 1828, in Jefferson Co., N. Y.; have four children living -- Carrie H., Fanny H., Josephine and Samuel M.; lost three -- Mary H., George C. and Helen F. Members of the Protestant Episcopal Church; Republican. Smith, W. D., jeweler, Keosauqua. Snead, Egbert, laborer, Keosauqua. Snider, Jacob, far.; P.O. Keosauqua. Spencer, Elburt, far.; P.O. Pittsburg. Spencer, Thos., far.; P.O. Lebanon. Stannard, O., Mrs., Keosauqua, widow of Obed Stannard; born May 2, 1808, in Sullivan Co., N. H., and was married to Mr. Obed Stannard June 18, 1828, in same county; he emigrated to Beardstown, Ill., in the fall of 1836, and, in the spring of 1837, went to Rushville, of same county, and, Feb. 20, 1838, arrived in Van Buren Co.; settled about three miles below Keosauqua, on the Des Moines River; moved into a log cabin, and over the places for windows were pasted greased paper to let the light shine through; there were but a few neighbors, but plenty of the native Americans; came into the town of Keosauqua in 1849. Mr. Stannard was Deputy Sheriff of this county for several years; he died in Keosauqua Sept. 28, 1869, leaving his wife and three children to mourn his loss -- Alfonso W., born April 24, 1829, and Edwin, born Jan. 5, 1832, in New Hampshire, and Melissa, born Nov. 3, 1840,in this county; lost three -- Zeriah A., William H. and Sarah E. Her son Edwin went to Missouri several years ago; has served the State as Lieutenant Governor, Member of Congress and is at present President of the St. Louis Board of Trade. Mrs. Stannard is a member of the Free-Will Baptist Church. Starr, R. H., attorney, Keosauqua. Steves, Morris, far.; P.O. Pittsburg. Stewart, G. W., retired liveryman, Keosauqua. Stewart, W. M., Keosauqua, proprietor of livery and express, with A. Sigler; born Dec. 17, 1852, in Keosauqua; he, in company with his brother-in-law, Frank Johnson, succeeded his father, J. W. Stewart, in the livery and express business in 1875, and in November, 1877, Mr. Johnson sold his interest to A. Sigler. He was married to Delia King, daughter of Russo King, of this place, April 19, 1877; have one infant daughter. Steves, J., far., S. 15; P.O. Pittsburg. Stidger, Geo., physician, Keosauqua. Stidger, T. F., dentist, Keosauqua, son of Dr. George Stidger, of this place; born Sept. 20, 1854, in Marshall Co., W. Va.; came with his father to this county in 1858; commenced the study of dentistry at Washington, Iowa, in 1873, under a Dr. Rowk, where he continued until 1875, when he returned to Keosauqua and commenced the practice of dentistry. Republican. Strait, Samuel, far., S. 18; P.O. Doud's Station; owns 678 acres of land and his wife 156 acres, valued at $25 per acre; he was born Aug. 5, 1820, in Perry Co., Ohio, where he lived till he came to this country in the spring of 1877. He was married to Miss Cordelia Hitchcock, of same county, March 4, 1847; she was born Nov. 14, 1820; have five children living -- Mary J., Leonidas H., Israel H., Warren B. and William C.; lost three -- Clarissa F., Thomas E. and Charles. Member M. E. Church. Strickling, Henry, physician and surgeon, Keosauqua; born Sept. 27, 1824, in Frederick Co., Va.; came with his parents to Belmont Co., Ohio, in 1838; commenced the study of medicine in 1844 with a Dr. Walker, of St. Clairville, of said county; in 1848, commenced practicing medicine; removed to Guernsey Co., Ohio, in 1850; came to Iowa in the fall of 1854, stopped in Henry Co. till the spring of 1855; then came to Winchester, of this county, and to Corydon, Wayne Co., in 1857; returned to Winchester in 1858; in the fall of 1861, was elected County Judge; he then came to Keosauqua; was elected two successive terms; while he was acting as Judge, he commenced the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in 1867; engaged in the grocery business in 1868, and, shortly after, in the boot and shoe business, and, still later, in the pottery business, which did not prove very successful; he resumed the practice of medicine in 1873. He was married to Sarah A. Kinkead, of Guernsey Co., Ohio; she was born Dec. 1, 1830, in Ohio; and died March 11, 1877; have five children living -- Beatrice, Joseph C., William J., Lydia and Evalina; lost three -- Maria E., Henry an Harley. Member of M. E. Church; Republican. Strickling, Joseph C., clerk, Keosauqua. Stout, Moses, far., Sec. 6; P.O. Pittsburg. Stull, Francis, farmer, Keosauqua. Sniers, John, farmer, Sec. 19; P.O. Pittsburg. Sniers, William, farmer, Sec. 5; P.O. Pittsburg. Trebelcock, John, farmer, Sec. 30; P.O. Keosauqua. Taylor, Patience; P.O. Keosauqua; owns one-third interest in the farm of 230 acres, the estate of her deceased husband; maiden name, Frybarger; born Dec. 12, 1816, in Warren Co., Ohio; married to Samuel Taylor Oct. 6, 1836, of same county; he was born May 22, 1817; came to this county September, 1863; settled on the farm upon which she now lives; he died Sept. 26, 18 1875, leaving herself and nine children to mourn his loss -- Mary E., John E., Catharine E., Henry J., Jacob F., Caleb W., William G., Samuel A. and Harriet L.; her son Jacob F. served in the 100-days service, in Co. K, 45th I. V. I., under Capt. I. B. Thatcher. Mrs. Taylor is a member of the Christian Church. Thatcher, Jonathan, farmer and nurseryman, Sec. 1, P.O. Keosauqua; owns forty-three acres, valued at $25 per acre; born April 8, 1824, in Berkeley Co., W. Va.; in 1826, came with parents to Wayne Co., Ohio, and in 1827, removed to Clinton Co., Ohio, and from there to this county in the spring of 1839, and settled near Mt. Sterling. Was married to Miss Malinda Sayre, of Scotland Co., Mo., Jan. 30, 1847; she was born in West Virginia; the same year of his marriage, came to Keosauqua; followed millwright work, also carpenter and joiner business, he also followed running a stationary engine for several years; upon the breaking-out of the rebellion, he enlisted Aug. 26, 1862, in Co. E, 15th I. V. I.; the following January, was detailed as engineer on the tugboat Rollins, in the Mississippi River, near Vicksburg, till June, 1863, when he was transferred to the Pioneer Corps under Capt. Davis; participated at the siege of Vicksburg; was also with Sherman's army in its march to the sea. He was discharged Aug. 3, 1865, returned home, and the following fall was elected Representative of the Eleventh Assembly, and was appointed Postmaster of the Twelfth Assembly; since that time has been engaged in nursery and fruit-growing business. He has five children living -- Florence, Hannah, Tamzin, Isaac A., Stella; lost one -- Mary F. Republican. Thompson, J. G., far., Sec. 1; P.O. Keosauqua; owns 159 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; born Nov. 13, 1841, in Clermont Co., Ohio; his parents moved to Highland Co. the following year -- 1842; came from there to this county in the spring of 1857, and settled on his present farm in the fall of 1875. Enlisted in the service of his country in July, 1861, in Co. G, of the 3d Iowa Cav.; participated in the battles of Tupelo, Miss., Memphis, Tenn., and Little Rock, Ark.; also many skirmishes with bushwhackers; at the close of the war, was mustered out. June 26, 1865, returned home, and the following year, June 8, 1866, was married to Miss P. A. Haines, of this county; she was born March 4, 1844, in New Jersey; have four children -- Isaac N., Bessie M., Lavina and Phoebe M. Members of the Christian Church; Republican. Trimble, D. P., manufacturer and dealer in harness, saddles, etc., Keosauqua; born April 12, 1837, in Preston Co., Va.; his parents came to Burlington, this State, in the spring of 1842; the following fall, moved into Henderson Co., Ill.; learned the harness-maker's trade while there; was also engaged in carrying the mail between Oquawka and Rock Island. Enlisted at St. Louis in a New Mexico brigade, in November, 1861; the following winter, was transferred into Co. K., of the 8th Kansas Infantry, was promoted from a private to all the intermediate offices up to First Lieutenant and Sergeant Major; participated in the battles of Mission Ridge, Chickamauga, Perrysville, Ga., and Nashville; was mustered out Jan. 12, 1866. The following spring, engaged in the mercantile business at Sagetown, Ill., up to 1869, and at his trade at Oquawka till 1870; then came to Keosauqua and commenced his present business. Married Eliza Carl, of Illinois, Dec. 18, 1867; she was born in 1848, in Bangor, Me.; have three children living -- Hannah E., Virgina E. and Gertrude E.; lost one -- May A. Democrat. Trites, G. L., far., S. 30; P.O. Keosauqua. Twombly, V. P., dealer in dry goods and general merchandise, Keosauqua; born Feb. 21, 1842, in Farmington Tp., this country; his father died the following summer, and his mother moved to Keosauqua in 1844, and married Dr. H. H. Barker the same year, who has since died. In May, 1861, he enlisted in Co. F, of the 2d Iowa Inf.; was chosen one of the color bearers in the first charge on the rebel works at Fort Donelson, and the only one that escaped; he also participated in the battle of Shiloh, siege of Corinth, battle of Corinth, and with Sherman in his march to the sea; in August, 1862, he was promoted as Second Lieutenant, in the early part of 1864, and the following fall, as Captain; was honorable discharged July 20, 1865, at Davenport, Iowa. He then returned home and attended commercial college at Burlington; after which he went to Ottumwa and engaged in the grain, flour and grocery business, for two years; then came to Pittsburg, this county, and followed milling about nine years; then came to Keosauqua and commenced his present business. Married Miss Chloe A. Funk, of this place, May 1, 1866; she was born Feb. 9, 1845, in Ohio; have one son -- Willie T., born Feb. 16, 1871; lost three -- Cora, Gracie and Henry. Members of the Congregational Church; Republican. Valentine, L., furniture dealer, Keosauqua. Varner, J., shoemaker, Keosauqua. Walker, C. L., telegraph operator, Keosauqua. Walker, E. H., far.; P.O. Keosauqua. Walker, J., ret. far.; P.O. Keosauqua. Walker, Josiah, far.; P.O. Keosauqua. Walker, Wesley, farmer, Sec. 1; P.O. Keosauqua; owns 120 acres of land in this county, valued at $40 per acre, and 100 acres in Missouri; born June 11, 1820, in York Co., Penn., came to Keosauqua in the spring of 1839; followed house-building and carpenter work for several years; went to California in 1849 via Panama and a sail vessel, which, after about three months, landed at Monterey, Cal., and nearly starved to death; followed mining till he returned home in December, 1850; bought his present farm in 1851 and moved on it in 1868. Married Rosa A. Robbins June 17, 1846; she was born Dec. 19, 1828, in Lebanon Co., Penn., and died Aug. 27, 1873. Have five children living -- Mary, William, Flora, Emma and Morris; lost one -- Alice. Is a member of the Christian Church; Democrat. Walls, P. B., dealer in lumber, lath, shingles, etc., Keosauqua; born March 12, 1808, in Danville, Ky.; in fall of 1831, came to St. Louis, Mo., where he followed dealing in stock, running hotel and farming till the fall of 1846, came to Keosauqua, from which time he followed the dry goods business most of the time till 1871, since which time he has been engaged in his present business. He was married to Frances Ramsey, of Kentucky, Aug. 28, 1828; she was born in 1808, and died Dec. 20, 1842, in St. Louis; was again married to Mrs. E. J. Collins (whose maiden name was Kinkead) Jan. 2, 1868; she was born in Ohio; have but one child living -- Priscilla J.; lost three -- John A., Mary A. an B. F. P. Republican. Whitney, Mark, proprietor marble works, Keosauqua. Whorton, J. W., minister, Pittsburg. Wiley, J. C., far.; P.O. Pittsburg. Wilkin, Abe, Capt., farmer; P.O. Keosauqua; born Nov. 20, 1837, in Greene Co., Ohio; moved to Edgar Co., Ill., in 1852, and to Stearns Co., Minn., in 1855, and to Burlington, Iowa, in 1856, and came to this county in 1859. Enlisted in the service of his country in April, 1861, in Co. F, 2d Iowa V. I., and was elected as Second Lieutenant by the company, and, the following October, was promoted as Captain of the company; participated in the battles of Fort Donelson and Shiloh, at which latter place he was wounded; recovered so as to be with Sherman in his march to the sea; was mustered out in February, 1865. After returning home, spent four years in the mercantile business in Keosauqua, and for a few years has followed farming or carrying on his farm of 160 acres. He was married to Jennie Roberts Feb. 4, 1864, in this county; she was born April 12, 1843, in Highland Co., Ohio; have two children living -- Carrie A. and Minnie M.; lost two -- Vinnie and Neal. Member Christian Church; Republican. Williamson, Thomas A., proprietor Russell House, Keosauqua; born Oct. 11, 1826, in Harrison Co., W. Va.; came from there to this county in 1854; stopped at Winchester a short time; then purchased a farm lying on the county line, being in Jefferson and this county, on which he lived one year; then sold, and purchased a farm near Winchester; remained there and at Birmingham till 1862; he went to California, Montana and Oregon; returned home in 1865, and, in 1868, moved into Birmingham, and, in 1870, came to Summit; in July, 1874, came to Keosauqua and purchased the Russell House, which he is still running. He was married to Miss Harriet Kinnard, of Taylor Co., W. Va., June 28, 1848; she died in this county in 1855. He was again married to Barbara Walter Feb. 3, 1857; she was born March 24, 1833, in Randolph Co., W. Va.; have two children living by first wife -- Mary J. and James K., and three by second wife -- Hattie A., Thomas R. and George M.; his oldest son, William H., died at Birmingham; had previously been admitted to the bar as an attorney. Democrat. Wilmot, H., far.; P.O. Pittsburg. Wilson, Benjamin, Keosauqua; born Nov. 23, 1804, in Cheshire Co., N. H.; parents emigrated to Guernsey Co., Ohio, in 1815, and from there to Morgan Co. in 1817, where he remained until 1822; he then left home and went into Washington Co., Ohio; followed boating on the river to New Orleans, and, latterly, in the dry goods business till the spring of 1845; he then came to Keosauqua; followed farming till 1850, then engaged in the dry goods and general merchandise business, which he continued till the fall of 1870. He was married to Miss Elizabeth Abbott, of Athens Co., Ohio, Dec. 8, 1836; she was born Nov. 4, 1813, in Ohio, have four children living -- Boyleston S., Alice M., Flora A. and Lizzie L.; lost three -- Frances J., Caroline E. and Solon N. Members of the Congregational Church; Republican. Wilson, E. G., farmer and proprietor steam thresher; P.O. Kilbourn; owns 123 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; son of Adam B. and Sarah M. (Dean) Wilson; was born Nov. 8, 1826, in Highland Co., Ohio; his father was a native of North Carolina, and mother of Ohio. Mr. E. G. Wilson followed the business of buying and driving stock to the New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore from 1840 to 1850; came to this county in the spring of 1855, and settled on his present farm in 1857. Married Mary A. Lea Nov. 3, 1852, in Ohio; she was born Sept. 26, 1830; have six children living -- Herbert L., Sarah M., Adam C., Amy E., Ettie S., William C.; lost three -- Lenora, Della and Fanny. Members of the Presbyterian Church; Republican. Worden, Henry J., farmer, Sec. 21; P.O. Pittsburg; owns 130 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre; he was born May 19, 1846, in Lorain Co., Ohio; parents moved to Kelly's Island, in Lake Erie, in 1856; they were engaged in the grape culture, his father working at carpenter and joiner work during winters, in which he also engaged. He enlisted in Co. K, 130th O. V. I., in May, 1864, and was discharged in the fall of 1864, was employed principally in and about fortifications near Richmond and Petersburg, Va. Married Mary Ward, of Kelly's Island, Aug. 10, 1868; she was born Jan. 19, 1849; in the fall of 1872, came to this county, and settled where he now lives; have four children -- Harry, Albertie, Grace and Edna. Members of the Presbyterian Church; Republican. Work, William A., attorney, Keosauqua; born Dec. 25, 1844, in Jefferson Co., Iowa; parents moved into Union Tp., in 1845, and settled on a farm adjoining Birmingham, part of which was platted in the town. Served his country in the United States navy, on board the gunboat Benton, in the lower Mississippi, from 1863 to 1864. He had previously attended the Iowa Wesleyan University at Mt. Pleasant one year, and on returning from the navy he again entered the university and graduated in 1867; then came to Keosauqua and commenced the study of law under Judge Robert Sloan, and was admitted to the bar in January, 1869; he was Principal of the Keosauqua school nine months. Married Hinda H. Marlow, of this place, Oct. 9, 1869; she was born April 28, 1849; have three children -- Craig M., Benjamin M. and Emmett A. Member of the M. E. Church; Republican. Workman, John, farmer; P.O. Mt. Zion. Wright, William, far.; P.O. Pittsburg. Yeager, C. E., retired farmer; P.O. Keosauqua; born March 5, 1814, in Columbia Co., Penn.; learned the carpenter and joiner trade in Pennsylvania, and, in 1831 went to Lockport, N. Y., and worked at his trade there; from there he went to St. Joseph Co., Mich., in 1833, and from there to this county in 1837; there were but a few log cabins in Keosauqua, a Mr. Harlan and one other man had small stores; there were also plenty of the native Americans in the vicinity; Mr. Yeager worked at his trade principally for twenty-five years after coming here, since which time he has followed farming most of the time. He was married to Minerva Dodson, of this county, May 31, 1840; she was born in 1819, in Pennsylvania, and died Aug. 31, 1875. Was again married to Mrs. Sarah Cook, whose maiden name was King, Dec. 21, 1876; had two children by first wife -- William and Eliza A., both of whom are dead; his second wife has three children -- Jesse, Mary and Maggie. Mr. Yeager is a member of the M. E. Church; Republican. Zachan, Nicholas, furniture dealer, Keosauqua.
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