Biographical Directory of Citizens
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Anson, Florace, far., S. 31; P.O. Keosauqua. Anson, G., far., S. 31; P.O. Keosauqua. Baird, Nathan, far., S. 18; P.O. Pittsburg. Baker, M. L., merchant tailor, Keosauqua; born Sept. 27, 1825, in Fleming Co., Ky.; parents moved to Monroe Co., Ind., in 1827, and he came from there to Bloomfield, Davis Co., Iowa, in 1855; followed his trade there till May, 1851 [1861]; when he enlisted in his county's service in Co. A, of the 3d Iowa Cav.; was elected as first Lieutenant of his Company and was promoted to Captain June 24, 1862; resigned Aug. 10, 1863; was a participant in the battle of Pea Ridge, Ark., and many skirmishes. Returned to Keosauqua, having his family removed to this place after he had entered the service; has followed his present business principally ever since. He was married to Isabella Hardesty Oct. 22, 1852, in Indiana; she was born Sept. 3, 1834, in Indiana; have seven children - Charles A., Willie E., Frank, Mark M., George D., Samuel H. and Mary. Members of Christian Church; Democrat. Baker, S. T., saloon, Keosauqua. Baldwin, Charles, attorney at law, Keosauqua. Barker, A. C., far., S. 17; P.O. Mt. Zion; owns 207 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre; was born March 18, 1842, in this county, where he spent his boyhood days, and at his country's call enlisted in Co. H, 3d Iowa Cav. Sept. 8, 1861; participated in the battle of Moore's Mill, Mo., where he was wounded by a ball passing through the side of the jaw and under the jugular vein, and lodging in the back of the neck, from which he recovered and afterward participated in the battles of Little Rock, Ark., Tupelo and Guntown, Miss.; was also with Gen. Wilson, in his raid through Alabama and Georgia; was discharged Aug. 25, 1865. Returned home and was married to Miss Martha M. Van Emmons, of this county; she was born in Missouri in October, 1853; have 5 children - George V., John H., Maud, Nellie and William R. Moved on his farm in 1871. Is a member of the Presbyterian Church; Republican. Barker, B. J. and Eli, fars., Sec. 35; P.O. Keosauqua. Barker, Benton H., far., S. 35; P.O. Keosauqua; born Sept. 13, 1837, in Decatur Co., Ind., came with his father, B. J. Barker, to this county in June, 1840, and purchased his present farm of 320 acres, near Keosauqua, in this county, with his brother, Eli Barker, an unmarried brother, who makes his home with him; their father, B. J. Barker, was born Oct. 20, 1803, in Monongalia Co., W. Va., and was married to Margaret McCoy in Indiana, June 12, 1834; she was born Nov. 25, 1817, in Ohio; they have eight children - Lovina L., Benton H., Mary L., Augustus D., Jennet, Dolly E., Julia and Eli. Benton H. went to Montana in 1869, and subsequently to Idaho, Oregon, California and Nevada; returned home in 1876; is now stopping with his father; has no family. Barker, William A., far., Sec. 1; P.O. Mt. Zion. Owns 685 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; born July 3, 1833, in Carroll Co., Ohio; came with is parents to this county in the fall of 1839, since which time it has been his home, with the exception of being in California from 1854 till the fall of 1859, when he returned, and was married to Rebecca True, of this county, in September, 1860; she was born in 1844, in Carroll Co., Ohio; have seven children living - Zora E., Etna L., Della G., Lelia O., Bessie L., Wilda A., and an infant son; lost two-- Frank and Geary. Mr. Barker is one of the leading farmers of his township. Members of the Presbyterian Church; Republican. Beaman, David Crichton; born in Burlington, Lawrence Co., Ohio, Nov. 22, 1838; his parents were Rev. Gamaliel Co. and Emelia C. Beaman; is a lineal descendant of Admirable Crichton, through his mother, whose family name is Crichton; removed to Montrose, Lee Co., Iowa, in 1846, and resided there during the Mormon troubles there, and the destruction of the Mormon temple at Nauvoo, just across the river; moved to Croton, on the Des Moines River in the same county, in 1852; was educated at Denmark, Iowa, and Oberlin, Ohio; went to work at Croton as a railroad station agent in 1859. Was married Dec. 31, 1860, at Athens, Mo., to Miss Luella A. Smith, daughter of Dabzell and Mary Smith, of St. Louis; his wife was born in Augusta, Ky., Feb. 13, 1839. As a member of Col. Moore's command, which was composed in part of Iowa companies, participated in the battle of Athens, Mo., on the 5th of August, 1861, being one of the first battles of the rebellion. Removed to Independent, Van Buren Co., in January, 1862, still being in the employ of the railroad company; continued in railroad employment at that place until 1866; went into general merchandising at the same place in 1867, and continued about two years; began the study of law in 1866, at home and in connection with other business, but under the tutorship of Hon. Robert Sloan; admitted to the bar at Keosauqua, in September, 1869, and at once commenced practice in Independent, going into courts of Van Buren, Davis, Jefferson and Wapello Counties; has been practicing ever since; removed to Keosauqua in October, 1874, and formed a law partnership with Rutledge Lea, under the firm name of Lea & Beaman, in the office formerly occupied by J. C. Knapp, who was that year elected to the District Judgeship. Was Republican candidate for the Legislature in 1875, but was defeated by a small majority. They have four children--James L., born March 23, 1862; George C., born July 5, 1863; Alice M., born May 5, 1865; Arthur D., born May 11, 1871. Father, Rev. G. C. Beaman, was one of the pioneer Presbyterian ministers of Iowa, having been a minister over forty years. Beer, James Madison, far., Sec. 30; P.O. Keosauqua. Beer, Jas. Monroe, teamster, Keosauqua. Bell, Eli D., farmer, Sec. 19; P.O. Mt. Zion; he is a son of James and Barbara Bell; his father being a native of Virginia, and his mother of Kentucky; was born June 11, 1835, in Campbell Co., Ky.; parents moved to Hancock Co., Ill., in 1836, and to this county in the spring of 1837, and settled in this township, where he spent his boyhood days. Was married to Miss S. A. Matthews Feb. 12, 1857; she was born Nov. 10, 1832, in Ohio. In 1858, moved to Oregon Tp., Washington Co., Iowa; and in the spring of 1860, went to Kansas and returned the following fall and stopped in Dutch Creek Tp., and, in the spring of 1865, came on his present farm; have two children living - James W. and Edna L.; lost two - Catherine C. and Elizabeth D. His father died in this county April 16, 1872, and his mother died Oct. 8, 1862. Member Presbyterian Church; Democrat. Bell, John R., farmer, Sec. 19; P.O. Mt. Zion; is a son of James and Barbara Bell; owns 115 1/2 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre, it being the old homestead of his parents; born Nov. 14, 1836, in Hancock Co., Ill., and, in the spring of 1837, his parents moved to this county, which has been his home ever since. He was married to Sarah A. Bridell March 17, 1859; she was born March 17, 1840, in Indiana, and died July 11, 1871; was again married to Almira Bell, maiden name Kimmel, January 24, 1872; she was born Sept. 28, 1847, in Iowa, and died Sept. 16, 1876; was again married to Mary C. Miller Oct. 3, 1877; she was born Aug. 24, 1842, in Indiana; have three children by first wife - Marietta, Harriet F. and Addie B., and one by second wife - Don S. Member of M. E. Church; Democratic. Bennett, Benjamin, far., Sec. 35; P.O. Keosauqua. Bennett, W. S., far., S. 35; P.O. Keosauqua. Black, John, laborer, Keosauqua. Bleakmore, J. B., druggist, Keosauqua. Bleakmore, Wylie H., publisher of the Keosauqua Republican, Keosauqua, with J. S. Sloan; born July 17, 1847, in Marshall Co., W. Va.; came from there to Jefferson Co., in the spring of 1857; in 1860, went into the office of the Fairfield Ledger, to learn the printer's trade; and, in 1862, went into the office of the Burlington Gazette; in 1863, went to Denver, Col., and worked in the Denver News office till the latter part of 1864; he returned to Jefferson Co., and went into the Fairfield Democrat office, where he remained till he came to Keosauqua in February, 1877, and went into his present office. He was married to Mary E. Goddard of Jefferson Co., Iowa, in September, 1868; she was born in 1847, in St. Louis, Mo.; have two children - Willard M. and John B. Republican. Bonner, A., far., Sec. 28; P.O. Pittsburg. Bonner, G., far., Sec. 28; P.O. Pittsburg. Bonney, A. L., retired, Keosauqua. Bonney, J. H., retired merchant and farmer, Keosauqua; born Feb. 14, 1817, in Steuben Co., N. Y., his father died the following summer; soon after, his mother moved to Tioga Co., N. Y., at the age of 14, he went to Elmira where he clerked in the dry goods business about four years; in the fall of 1838, he emigrated West; stopped in Cass Co., Ill., till the spring of 1839, when he came into this county and settled about three miles below Keosauqua at a place called Rochester; engaged in the mercantile business. In August, 1840, he was elected Sheriff of the county, being the first elected by the people; he then came to Keosauqua; after his term of office expired, he clerked in a general store about a year. At the August election in 1843, he was elected a member of the Legislature; was again elected Sheriff of the county in 1844; and, in 1846, was elected County Clerk, which was the first elected by the people. In the fall of 1848, was elected Secretary of State. In 1851, he again commenced the mercantile business, which he continued about five years. In 1853, he was elected as one of the Commissioners for the improvement of the Des Moines River; was also one of the contractors for the improvement in Keosauqua. He opened an exchange business in 1855, which he continued till 1860; since that time he followed clerking, farming, etc., till February, 1871; he was appointed Steward of the Poor Farm of this county, which he held till February, 1878. He was married to Orpha F. Stannard, in this county, May 20, 1841; she was born Sept. 16, 1822, in Newport, N. H.; have six children living - Mary J., Anna A., Arma F., Orpha, Estella R., C. Hinman; lost two - Sarah J., Laura C. Democrat. Brill, D. O., far., P.O. Pittsburg. Brooks, W., far., Sec. 8; P.O. Pittsburg. Brown, Alexander, attorney, Keosauqua; son of Hugh and Mary Brown; born May 3, 1837, in Luzerne Co., Penn.; parents came to this county in fall of 1842; commenced the study of law under Judge Wright in 1858, and was admitted to the bar in September, 1859; he then went to Magnolia, Harrison Co., Iowa, and practiced law till in the year 1861. He returned to this county and enlisted in Co. E, of the 15th I. V. I., Oct. 20, 1861; was promoted as Sergeant Major of the regiment, March 1, 1862; participated in battle of Pittsburg Landing, where he was wounded, and afterward, at the battle of Corinth, from the effects of which wound he was discharged Feb. 12, 1863. Returned home, and was clerk in Provost Marshall's office at Burlington till fall of 1865; then, returned to Keosauqua, and was elected County Judge the fall of 1865; which office was changed to Auditor after first year, and he was elected Auditor three successive terms; after which, he commenced the practice of law with his present partner - W. A. Work. He was married to Mary Rankin, of Keosauqua, June 9, 1870; she was born June 16, 1848, in this county; have one son-Ord, born Feb. 22, 1876. Republican. Brown, John B., banker, Keosauqua. Browne, John, farmer, Sec. 10; Kilbourne; son of Wm. And Elizabeth Browne (nee Alexander); was born May 4, 1833, in West Meath, Ireland; father came to this country in 1847, and settled on the farm where John Browne now lives, his mother having died in Ireland Jan. 1, 1827, and his father here Nov. 12, 1854. Was married to Eliza Craig Feb. 22, 1860, in this county; she was born in Ireland in 1831; have six children - James R., born Dec. 13, 1860; Eliza, born Dec 23, 1862; Mary J., born Sept. 11, 1865; Sarah, born March 28, 1868; Hester, born Oct. 10, 1870; William, born May 26, 1873. Mr. Browne, owns the homestead farm of 135 acres, valued at $25 per acre. Politics, Republican. Burton, E. F., Keosauqua, proprietor of restaurant and dealer in groceries; born Sept. 1, 1812, in Fredericksburg, Va.; in 1833, came to Greene Co., Ohio; worked at millwright business and coopering till he came to this county in August, 1841; settled in Keosauqua and has followed his present business most of the time. He was married to Elizabeth McDill, of Virginia, March 1, 1838; she was born in Pennsylvania in 1807; have six children living - Julia, Elizabeth, Margaret A., John, Daniel H., Edward F.; lost three - Mary A., William and Ira. Republican. Cahill, Timothy, retired physician, Mt. Zion. Cahill, John, proprietor of a saloon, and dealer in groceries, notions, etc.; born June 24, 1832, Mt. Zion, in County Kerry, Ireland; came to the United States in the fall of 1851; followed railroading in New Hampshire and Massachusetts till the spring of 1857; came to Jefferson Co., Iowa, and, the following fall, came to Van Buren Co., which as been his home since, with the exception of some traveling through Missouri and elsewhere. He was married to Mary Breen April 8, 1856, in New Hampshire; she was born in County Kerry, Ireland, in 1830; have three children - Mary, born Jan. 3, 1859; James, born Dec. 2, 1864; Catharine, born May 16, 1867; lost two - Julia and Margaret. Member of the Catholic Church; Democrat. Campbell, Bethel, farmer, Sec. 8; P.O. Mt. Zion; owns 200 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; born March 24, 1833, in Brooke Co., W. Va.; came with his parents to this county in 1840, and settled on the farm where he now lives; went to Idaho in the spring of 1862, and returned in the fall of 1866. Married Mary E. Johnston Nov. 28, 1867; she was born in Ohio July 27, 1843; have three children -- Thos. E., Charles A. and Myrtes; lost Ira W. Democratic. Carruthers, J., far., S. 17; P.O. Pittsburg. Cheney, E. J., carpenter, Keosauqua. Clarke, Robt. L., County Treasurer, Keosauqua; born April 2, 1838, in Portage Co., Ohio; parents moved to White Co., Tenn., in 1854, and came from there to this county in the spring of 1856, and settled in Vernon Tp.; the second year after arriving here, he moved into the village of Vernon, in Henry Tp., and taught school there one season; before coming to this State, Mr. Clarke had spent three years at the Western Reserve College at Hudson, Ohio; during the winter of 1859, he moved into Bentonsport and engaged in the drug business for about three years; then went into the office of the K. & D. M. R. R. Co. as Station Agent, which he filled for nine years. In the fall of 1871, he was elected as County Treasurer, which he has filled up the present time. Mr. Clarke organized the A., F. & A. M. Chapter in Keosauqua, and has held the position of High Priest for five years. He was married to Miss Jennie M. Yeager, of this county, Nov. 30, 1858; she was born in Pennsylvania in 1840; have five children -- Carrie A., Ellen B., Kate G., Libbie B. and Leora B. Member of the Congregational Church; Republican. Clayton, James H., far., S. 27; P.O. Pittsburg; owns 110 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre; son of Samuel Clayton; was born Sept. 30, 1816, in Perry Co., Ohio; parents moved to Washington, Co. in 1832; in the winter of 1836, his father came to this county and made his claim at the mouth of Chequest Creek, he being the first settler in the township west of the Des Moines River; the following fall, James H. came out and stopped with his parents; his mother died in 1848; father died August 27, 1872. Was married to Mary A. Bowers (maiden name Saunders) Sept. 28, 1843; she was born Oct. 22, 1813, in Ohio; died July 17, 1878, leaving her husband alone in the world, they having no children. Mr. Clayton is a member of the M. E. Church and a Republican. Clark, W., far., S. 29; P.O. Pittsburg. Clemmens, J., far.; P.O. Pittsburg. Clemens, S. O., far., S. 28; P.O. Pittsburg. Cocherell, Alpheus, lab., Mt. Zion. Cocherell, Henson, far.; P.O. Keosauqua. Cocherel, W. H., lab.; P.O. Keosauqua. Cook, J. D., far., S. 14; P.O. Pittsburg. Cowan, A. H., far., S. 32; P.O. Pittsburg. Craig, A., far., Sec. 15; P.O. Pittsburg. Craig, William, Keosauqua, born July 29, 1817, in Westmoreland Co., Penn; parents moved to Indiana Co. in 1824, and, in 1833, he went into Jefferson Co., and to Clarion Co. in 1837, and commenced the study of medicine under Dr. James Ross, of Clarion, and during the time attended lectures at Geneva, N. Y.; in 1845, he went into Somerset Co., and commenced the practice of medicine, and subsequently attended the Cleveland Medical College, Ohio, where he graduated in 1850; and, in the fall of 1851, came to Keosauqua, of this county, where he has practiced medicine more or less ever since, and in connection therewith has carried on the drug business some ten or twelve years; owns a farm of 115 acres near town. He was married to Miss Anna Brown, of this place, Nov. 24, 1858; she was born in Pennsylvania; have five children --Jean, Hugh B., Colin S., Wm. G., and James A.; lost one -- Mary. Member of Congregational Church; Republican. Craig, Wm., far., S. 11; P.O. Pittsburg. Creasy, Jacob, far., S. 17; P.O. Pittsburg. Cresap, J. T. B., engineer; P.O. Pittsburg. Cubberley, Jesse, farmer and blacksmith, Keosauqua; born Jan. 15, 1820, in Licking Co., Ohio; learned the blacksmith's trade in early life; came to Keosauqua in the spring of 1849, where he has made his home ever since. In August, 1861, he enlisted in the service of his country, in the 3d I. V. C., Co. G, and was honorably discharged July 1, 1862, for disability; his service was in detached service, skirmishing, etc., in Missouri. He was married to Miss Lydia W. Lewis, of Washington Co., Ohio, Sept. 24, 1846; she was born in same State Nov. 6, 1818; have four children -- Mary, born July 31, 1847, in Ohio; James, born Dec. 6, 1849, in Iowa; Edward H., born Sept. 1, 1852, in Iowa; and John M., born March 4, 1855, in Iowa. Member of the Congregational Church; Republican. Dougherty, John F., merchant, Keosauqua. Dougherty & Shane, mer., Keosauqua Davis, H., far., S. 30; P.O. Pittsburg. Davis, A. F., clerk, Keosauqua. Dawson, N. R., tailor, Keosauqua. De Gallyer, James, laborer, Keosauqua. Denning, Jonathan, far.; P.O. Portland. Dewey, J. C., far., S. 22; P.O. Pittsburg. Disbrow, H. H., artist, Keosauqua. Downing, John, far.; P.O. Portland. Duffield, Geo. C., farmer and stock-raiser; P.O. Pittsburg; owns about 500 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre; son of James and Margaretta (Bierly) Duffield; his father was a native of Maryland, and his mother of Pennsylvania; they were married in Franklin Co., Penn., in 1815; move to Jefferson Co., the same year; he was born in that county May 13, 1824; in the fall of 1834, moved to Fulton Co., Ill.; his father and brother John, in December, 1836, made claims of land in Van Buren Tp.; the following spring, moved on the claim; their wagon-track was the first west of the Des Moines River in this township; when young, Mr. Duffield spent some time in Louisiana; in St. Paul, Minn., then a small trading-post, in 1849, assisted in unloading the first printing press brought to that place; in 1849, went to California; in the spring of 1853, returned; has been engaged in the stock business extensively; went to Texas, purchased 1,500 head of cattle, and drove them to market; has been Superintendent of the stock, hog and sheep department for the State Agricultural Society for twelve years, and one of the Directors the last three years. Served as a scout for the 3d Iowa Cavalry, about one year. Married Zervia Stannard April 17, 1856; she died March 4, 1857; was married again to Addie Stidger, March 18, 1867; she was born Jan. 4, 1843, in this county; have three children living--Glenn S., Mary C. and Ada E.; lost one -- Howe H. Mr. Duffield's father died Jan. 20, 1875; his mother is living at his brother James'; she is in her 84th year. Republican. Duffield, H. P., retired merchant, Keosauqua. Duffield, John, far., S. 21; P.O. Pittsburg; owns 144 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre; he is a son of James Duffield, Sr.; born Sept. 1, 1820, in Jefferson Co., Ohio; his father moved to Fulton Co., Ill., in the fall of 1833, and, in the fall of 1836, he, in company with his father, came to this county and located the land upon which he now lives, and returned to Illinois; the following spring of 1837, the family came, they driving the first wagon ever driven west of the Des Moines River in this part of the county, which was then a wild, uninhabited region, except by the red men of the forest, wild animals, game, etc. He was married to Jane H. McKibben, of this county, April 27, 1848; she was born January 2, 1829; have five children -- Margaretta J., George W., Zervie A., Orion J. and Henry -- two of whom are married, George W. and Margaretta. Mr. Duffield holds the position of Elder in the Presbyterian Church; Democrat. Duffield, J., far., S. 21; P.O. Pittsburg. Duffield, J. H., Postmaster, Pittsburg; dealer in dry goods and general merchandise; born Jan. 27, 1835, in Fulton Co., Ill.; his parents moved to this county in the fall of 1837; settled west of the Des Moines River in what is now known as Van Buren Tp., of this county; he attended the Iowa Wesleyan University at Mt. Pleasant from 1859 to 1861. He then enlisted in his country's service in Co. F, 2d Iowa Inf.,; participated in the battle of Ft. Donelson, where he was wounded by a minie-ball striking him in the neck and passing under the jugular vein and through the shoulder-blade, which wound disabled him so that after his recovery he was discharged, and came home in the spring of 1865. In the spring of 1866, he came to Pittsburg, where he continued four years, then returned to Keosauqua, and was in partnership with a Mr. Harrison two years; and with J. S. Sloan, four years; bought out Mr. Sloan's interest in the fall of 1877, and removed to Pittsburg. He was married to Melissa M. Stannard April 18, 1875; she was born in March, 1842, in this county; they have three children living -- Mary E., Ida M. and James E.; lost one, Charles S. Members of the Presbyterian Church; Republican. Eno, N. G., physician, Keosauqua. Entler Bros., hardware, Keosauqua. Fasnacht, Lewis E., artist, Keosauqua. Fasnacht, S., butcher, Keosauqua. Fellows, E., far., S. 20; P.O. Pittsburg. Fellows, W. M. V. B., far., Sec. 4; P.O. Pittsburg. Fellows, Stephen D., farmer, Sec. 31; P.O. Keosauqua; born Oct. 3, 1833, in Luzerne Co., Penn.; his parents emigrated West in 1836; stopped in Michigan till spring of 1837, then came on to Van Buren Co., and settled on the farm upon which he now lives; his father, Asahel Fellows, died here March 19, 1869; his mother is still living and makes her home with her children. Mr. Fellows married Ann Bowen, of this county, in 1862; she was born in Wales, in 1842; have six children--Asahel G., Allen D., Sherman G., Thomas H., Chloe and Stephen L. Member of the Christian Church; is also a member of A., F. & A. M., and I. O. O. F. Democrat. Fellows, Whiting A., farmer, Sec. 8; P.O. Pittsburg; son of Asahel and Susanna (Harrison) Fellows; born May 22, 1828, in Luzerne Co., Penn.; his parents moved to Kalamazoo, Mich., in the spring of 1836, and, in the fall of the same year, he came to this county, and located his claim just below Keosauqua, and the following spring of 1837, moved his family, where he lived till March 19, 1869, when he departed this life for that country from whose bourn no traveler returns. Mr. Fellows pre-empted his present farm of 180 acres, from the Government, and came on to it in 1858. He was married to Miss Susan E. Dodson, in Luzerne Co., Penn., March 12, 1862; she was born in this county, February 27, 1843; her parents having moved to this county in 1837, her father died in 1847, and her mother returned to Pennsylvania in 1848, but is now living with her daughter Susan. Mr and Mrs. Fellows have but one son, Harry D., born Jan. 16, 1863. Democrat. Forbes, A., far., Sec. 13; P.O. Pittsburg. Forbes, B., far., Sec. 9; P.O. Pittsburg. Forbes, R., Sr., far., S. 18; P.O. Mt. Zion. Forbes, R., Jr., far., S. 14; P.O. Pittsburg. Forbes, T., far., S. 5; P.O. Mt. Zion. Ford, Wm. H., mechanic, Keosauqua. Forman, Daniel, lab., Keosauqua. Frazee, S. C., far., S. 12; P.O. Kilbourn. Fry, Isaac, far., S. 24; P.O. Keosauqua; owns 233 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre; born June 28, 1813, in Washington Co., Penn.; parents moved to Deleware Co., Ohio, in 1828; were there a few years, then went to Union Vale and Little York, where he was engaged in the manufacture of threshing machines for about nine years; afterward, went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he was engaged in a planing and saw mill about ten years; came to this county in 1854, and settled near Winchester; moved to Missouri in the spring of 1864, and returned and purchased his present farm in 1872. He was married to Margaret Allen March 13, 1832, in Ohio; she died in 1842; was again married to Charlotte Roach March 23, 1843; she was born Jan. 8, 1822, in Jefferson Co., Ohio; have three children living by first wife--Abiah, Josephus and Caroline; lost one--Angeline, and by second wife eight -- Thomas A., Johnson F., William H., Sarah A., Margaret L., Cassius M. C., John C. F. and Abraham L.; lost two -- James L. and Harry H. His son, William H., was admitted to the bar as attorney at the August term of the District Court, 1878. Republican. Funk, Wm., mill-owner, Keosauqua. Gaylord, Edward, teamster, Mt. Zion. Gebhardt, G. C., retired, Keosauqua. Gebhardt, W. A., County Clerk, Keosauqua; born Dec. 10, 1840, in Pickaway Co., Ohio; came to this county in 1856. Enlisted April 16, 1861, in the 11th Indiana Zouaves for ninety days, after which he returned to Iowa and enlisted in Co. K, of the 15th Iowa Inf., and re-enlisted as a veteran in 1864; was discharged in October, 1864, and promoted to First Lieutenant of the 70th U. S. C. Inf; was mustered out of the service March 4, 1866; he participated in the battles of Shiloh, siege of Corinth, Iuka, siege of Vicksburg; was also with Sherman in his march to the sea. At the close of the war, returned to Keosauqua and went into the County Treasurer's office, and subsequently into the County Judge's office and County Clerk's office, in which he acted as deputy eight years and was elected to the office in the fall of 1876, by the largest majority ever given any Republican candidate in the county; he commenced the study of law in 1869, and was admitted to the bar in August, 1874; he has recently been commissioned as Lieut Colonel and Aide-de-camp on Gov. Gear's staff. He married Harriet E. Silver in Ohio April 16, 1869; she was born Nov. 8, 1841, in Ohio; have four children -- Bessie L., Fred L., George C. and an infant daughter. Republican. Goddard, Edwin, abstract office and Notary Public; Keosauqua, born June 12, 1821, in Champaign Co., Ohio; came to this county in the fall of 1840; settled in Chequest Tp.; in 1849, came to Pittsburg; the following January, in company with Geo. Duffield and Jesse Elder, started for California; followed mining there most of the time near Sonora; returned to this county in May of 1853, and remained at Pittsburg most of the time till 1859; then bought a farm about three miles south of Keosauqua and commenced improving it. At his country's call, he enlisted in Co. F, 2d I. V. C., in May, 1861; was wounded at Ft. Donelson, which disabled him for further duty, and was finally discharged at St. Louis Sept. 13, 1862. He then returned home; in the fall of 1864, he was elected County Recorder, and re-elected in 1866; he was elected Secretary of the Old Pioneer Society, at their second annual meeting, in August, 1872, which position he has filled up to the present time with credit to himself and the satisfaction of the Society. Mr. Goddard has taken great pains in preserving reminiscences of the early history of Van Burin Co. Republican. Groan, W. S., far.; P.O. Lebanon. Handy, Moses, farmer, Sec. 34; P.O. Pittsburg. Harrington, John, R. R., employe; P.O. Mt. Zion. Harrison, Wm., agent, Keosauqua. Hearn, John W., farmer, Sec. 9; P.O. Doud's Station; owns a farm of 173 acres, valued at $20 per acre; is a son of Thomas Hearn, deceased; born in this county July 8, 1849; his father died Sept. 4, 1877. Was married to Anna Jamison, daughter of D. S. Jamison, Sept. 21, 1876; and came on to his present farm the same month; wife was born June 9, 1852, in this county; have one daughter -- Florence M., born July 31, 1877. Member of the M. E. Church; Republican. Hearn, Perry, farmer, Sec. 23; P.O. Keosauqua; son of Thomas and Nancy Hearn; was born in this county May 13, 1857; his father was born in Maryland March 11, 1805, and mother Aug. 30, 1812, in same State, and were married Dec. 30, 1833, and emigrated to this county in 1836, and settled on the farm where they are still living; his father died Sept. 4, 1877; there are four other children in the family -- Martha, Samuel, John W., and Rachel; Perry being the youngest, who is living with his mother on the homestead. Hearn, Samuel, far., S. 9; P.O. Pittsburg. Hearn, William, farmer. Hellyer, M., far., S. 7; P.O. Portland. Holbert, William, brickmason, Keosauqua. Hootman, Henry, far., Sec. 5; P.O. Mt. Zion; born May 1, 1827, in Harrison Co., Ohio; came with his parents to this county in the fall of 1839. He was married to Miss Mary Barker, of this county, Oct. 17, 1850; she was born in Carroll Co., Ohio, Jan. 25, 1830; have ten children -- Martha L., Mary C., Anna M., Jacob G., Maria C., Ezra J., Ada D., Joseph T., Henry H. and Orpha O. He owns 320 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre. Is a member of the Presbyterian Church; Democrat. Horn, W. H., far., S. 6; P.O. Pittsburg. Hortman, Augustus, carpenter, Mt. Zion. Houk, Jacob, far., Sec. 18; P.O. Mt. Zion; owns 125 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; born April 8, 1810, in Tuscarawas Co., Ohio; came from there to this county in the spring of 1839, and settled in Washington Tp., and came on to his present farm in 1858. Married Nancy Campbell in Ohio, in October, 1829; she was born in 1811, and died in May, 1840; was again married to Lucinda Barker April 5, 1843; she was born in Ohio in 1822; have two children by first wife, living -- David and Mary; lost two -- Clarissa, and Harry, who was killed at the battle of Fort Donelson; by second wife has six children living -- Rodolphus T., Alice, Catherine, William A., Melissa J. and Anna S.; lost one -- Eva, who was the wife of William Price. Members of the Presbyterian Church; Republican. House, Thomas, far.; P.O.Portland. Howard, Samuel, dealer in dry goods and general merchandise, Mt. Zion; born Jan. 13, 1836, in Montgomery Co., Mo.; parents moved to Taney Co. in 1845; left there in 1848 and came to Decatur Co., Iowa, where he made his home mostly till 1866; during that time, however, he spent a couple of years in Oregon, Idaho and Montana; also spent three summers in Kansas; came to this county in 1866, and commenced his present business in 1873. Married Miss Margaret J. Kisling Jan. 6, 1859; she was born in 1839 in Indiana; have six children -- George F., Florence M., William C., Adolphus, Leonard and an infant. Independent in politics. Hunter, Joseph, farmer, Sec. 24; P.O. Mt. Zion; owns 120 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre; born May 2, 1833, in Perry Co., Penn.; came from there to this county in the spring of 1844; he went to California in the spring of 1855, by overland route, and returned home in 1858, via New York. Was married to Mary Trebilcock May 4, 1859; she was born in December, 1835, in Ohio, and died March 23, 1873; was again married to Mrs. Sarah Massey March 26, 1874; her maiden name was Price; she was born July 21, 1848, in Iowa; has five children by first wife -- Francis M., Ann, Joseph W., Ella and Eva M.; by second wife -- James E. and Virginia; lost two, Theodore and Udora. Member of Presbyterian Church. Hunter, R., clerk, Keosauaqua. Irish, J. D., farmer and merchant, Keosauqua. Jackson, J., retired far., Keosauqua. Jackson, Jonathan, farmer, Sec. 23; P.O. Keosauqua; owns 113 acres of land, on the banks of the Des Moines River, which is very pleasantly located, being above high water; his father, Jeremiah Jackson, came from Maryland to this county in 1837, he being among the earliest settlers of the county; the subject of this sketch was born May 29, 1845, in this county, and lives on the old homestead farm. He was married May 5, 1875, to Minnie M. Short, daughter of Benjamin and Rhoda Short, of Lick Creek Tp., of this county; have one son -- Benjamin, born Dec. 11, 1876. Members of the M. E. Church. Democrat. Jackson, T. C., station agent of K. & D. M. R. R., Mt. Zion; son of William Jackson who came from Belmont Co., Ohio, to this county in 1850, and settled in Village Tp., near Doud's Station, where he still lives; the subject of this sketch was born July 2, 1851, in this county, where he spent his boyhood days; at the age of 15, he commenced to learn railroading in the Des Moines office of this company and after one year's service was appointed agent at Doud's Station, where he continued about five years; then went into the County Treasurer's office at Keosauqua a short time; was then appointed agent at the station where he now is. He was married to Miss Sadie E. Arnold, of Lee Co., Iowa, June 3, 1873; she was born in September, 1851, in Ohio; have one daughter -- Orpha L., born April 9, 1876. Republican. Jamison, Daniel S., far., S. 29; P.O. Keosauqua; owns ninety-three acres of land, valued at $35 per acre; born Aug. 25, 1822, in Westmoreland Co., Penn.; came from there to this county in the spring of 1844, and settled in Keosauqua; followed his trade of carpenter and joiner work till he came on to his present farm in the spring of 1853. Was married to Martha E. Alexander, of this county, Nov. 13, 1845; she was born Oct. 14, 1825, in Missouri, and died Jan. 19, 1858; was again married to Louisa Broadwell Feb. 21, 1861; she was born Aug. 27, 1836, in Sangamon Co., Ill.; have three children by first wife -- Marian, Florence L. and Ann A.; and by second wife five -- Charles E., Cora M., Hugh S., Bob S. and Ralph L. Mr. Jamison has been Assessor for Van Burin Tp. for ten years. Republican. Jameson, Wm., lab., Keosauqua. Johnson, Daniel, lab., Keosauqua. Johnson, David, carpenter, Mt. Zion. Johnson, John, lab., Keosauqua. Johnson, Richard, lab., Keosauqua. Johnson, W. R., proprietor of portable steam saw-mill and millwright, Keosauqua; born July 13, 1831, in Newark, Ohio; parents moved to Richmond, Ind., in 1841; while there he was apprenticed to a millwright and learned the trade, and from there he came to Northern Missouri in 1859, where he followed building mills principally. In the spring of 1861, enlisted in the Home Guards, and subsequently, in Co. G, of the 2d Mo. V. C.; worked mostly with construction train, was with Gen. Banks in the Red River expedition; was discharged in 1863, for disability. Returned home and engaged at his trade, contracting, building, etc., putting up thirty-two mills west of the Mississippi River; in 1869, he came to Keosauqua and put up sixty-three buildings the first year. He was married to Laura M. Marine Oct. 31, 1850, in Indiana; she was born Dec. 10, 1832; have three children -- Martha C., James H. and Christopher C. Republican. Johnston, Benjamin, attorney, Keosauqua; born March 9, 1845, in Keosauqua; his parents came from Luzerne Co., Penn., in 1842. At his country's call, he enlisted in Co. E, of the 15th Iowa V. I., Oct. 13, 1861, and re-enlisted as veteran, in December, 1863, and, the following March was promoted as 1st Lieutenant of Co. G, in the 67th U. S. C. Regiment; he was mustered out at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 14, 1865; returned to Keosauqua and engaged in the drug business, which he continued till 1869, and the following two years he traveled for a Burlington book and stationery house; in 1872, engaged in the dry goods business and continued for one year; he then assumed the charge of the engineer corps for the St. L., K & St. P. R. R., after which he traveled through Kansas; returned and clerked for Ed. Manning one winter; in 1875, again commenced the drug business; sold out in 1877, and commenced reading law with Judge Robert Sloan, and was admitted to the bar in April, 1878; he was recently commissioned as Captain of the military company of Keosauqua; is also member of the A., F. & A. M. Order; is Generalissimo in the commandery. Was married to Miss Anna Purviance Nov. 7, 1867; she was born in August, 1845, in Jefferson Co., Ohio; have four children -- Margaret, James A., Mary B., and Ella C. Member of the Episcopal Church; Republican. Johnston, Francis, Sheriff, Keosauqua. Jones, Leander, far., P.O. Keosauqua. Jones, Wm., far., S. 30; P.O. Keosauqua. Jones, J., far, Sec. 30; P.O. Keosauqua. Keller, A., farmer, Sec. 19; P.O. Pittsburg. Keller, J., far., Sec. 19; P.O. Pittsburg. Kerr, S., far., Sec. 10; P.O. Pittsburg. Kittle, D. K., County Recorder and proprietor of the Shepherd House; Keosauqua; son of Phineas W. and Margaret (Luke) Kettle; born Aug. 2, 1826, in Hamilton Co., Ohio; his parents moved to Dearborn Co., Ind., in 1829; went to Knox Co., in 1839; in the spring of 1841, his father returned to Dearborn Co., and died there. In the summer of 1841, D. K. was attacked with a white swelling, with which he has been afflicted ever since. In the spring of 1842, he returned to Dearborn Co, on his uncle's invitation, to live with him and go to school, which he did some three years, supposing it was through his uncle's generosity, but learned a few years ago that it was his brother John who paid the expense; commenced teaching school in 1845; in the spring of 1854, he came to Iowaville, of this county, and followed teaching until 1872; filled several official positions in his township -- Justice of the Peace, Township Clerk, Assessor, etc.; in the fall of 1872, was elected County Recorder, and for four successive terms. Married Lovina McCullough, of this county, Nov. 26, 1854; she was born Oct. 30, 1837, in Indiana; have four children living -- Dora, Della, Roger and George; lost three, Edgar, Ida and Carrie. Member of the M. E. Church; Republican. Kettle, S., far.; P.O. Portland. Kinersly, J. J., proprietor of Orion Mills; P.O. Keosauqua; born in Staffordshire, England, May 4, 1813; he learned the tailor's trade there, and emigrated to the United States in 1835; stopped at Manayunk, Pa., where he remained till the summer of 1837, then went to Martinsburg, in Belmont Co., Ohio, and remained about a year; from there he went to Princeton, in Butler Co., Ohio, and in the spring of 1839, started for Iowa, and came to this county, and stopped about a month at a place on the Des Moines River, in Farmington Tp., called Salubria, a paper town; he then came to Keosauqua; followed tailoring till 1845, when he commenced the business of selling dry goods and general merchandise, which he continued till 1862. He purchased the mills built by Maj. King and others, in 1849, which were destroyed by the ice in 1857; he commenced building his present mill in 1860, which was completed in 1861. He was married to Mrs. M. D. Pratt, of this place, whose maiden name was Kendall, on the 15th of June, 1843; she was born Dec. 11, 1812, in Boston, Mass.; she had two children by her first husband, and eight by Mr. Kinersly, four of whom are living -- Charlotte A., Edwin R., Lucy A. and Orion; those dead are Volney, Robert, Ruthbin and Ainsworth. Mr. Kinersly can say what but few persons can, that he was never sick a day in his life, with the exception of a little ague in 1839, and his wife about the same. He was brought up a Catholic, but after coming to this country, changed his views. He has made it a point to live uprightly in his dealings with all mankind, but has never been identified with any church. Democrat. King, Russo, farmer, formerly millwright; P.O. Keosauqua; owns a farm of 200 acres adjoining the town of Keosauqua; born June 11, 1811, in Luzerne Co., Penn.,; in the spring of 1834, emigrated to Kalamazoo, Mich.; and, in the spring of 1837, to Van Buren Co., and settled on his present farm; Keosauqua was then in its infancy, there being but few families here and plenty of native Americans in the vicinity; he followed his trade, that of millwright, for several years; he, in company with others, put up the first grist and saw mill here, just below where the present mill stands. He was married to Miss Elizabeth McGuire, of this place, in 1842; she died within one year thereafter; was again married to Margaret J. Nixon in August, 1845; she was born July 11, 1815, in Belmont Co., Ohio; have three children living -- Stephen, Virginia and Adelia; lost two -- Elizabeth and Franklin. Democrat. Kirkendall, E. B., far.; S. 6; P.O. Doud's Station. Knapp, J. C., Hon., Judge District Court, Keosauqua. Leach, Matthew, far., Sec. 11; P.O. Pittsburg. Lea, Rutledge, attorney, Keosauqua; born Nov. 4, 1843, in Adams Co., Ohio; parents moved to Fairfield, Jefferson Co., Iowa, in the spring of 1855, and to Keosauqua, of this county, in April, 1856; commenced the study of law in 1860, in the office of Judge Knapp & Wright, and was admitted to the bar Sept. 5, 1864. Was married to Victoria Henry, of Keosauqua, April 9, 1868; she was born July 2, 1851, in Johnstown, Penn.; have three children -- Iola, born Nov. 9, 1872; Henrietta, born May 11, 1875; Mamie, born Jan. 20, 1877. Mr. Lea was appointed as one of the United States Circuit Court Commissioners in May, 1871, which office he resigned in 1876, and was elected as one of the Republican Presidential Electors for that year. Leach, Wm., far., S. 11; P.O. Pittsburg. Lenager, R., far., S. 29; P.O. Pittsburg. Lewis, George W., far.; P.O. Pittsburg. Long, George, carpenter, Keosauqua. Lowe, C., far., Sec. 30; P.O. Pittsburg. Lowe, J. E., far.; P.O. Pittsburg.
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