Biographical Directory of Citizens Search Hint: Search for surnames by using the "Find" command usually found under the "Edit" menu or by the keyboard command "Ctrl+F" on most PC's. Use "Ctrl+G" to find next instance of same name. Names in some cases are not in alphabetical order. Others my be found in the body of the bio rather than as the subject. Alcorn, James A., merchant, Mt. Sterling. Aldred, Stephen, far.; P.O. Vernon. Aldridge, S. G., far.; P.O. Vernon. Algire, G. W., far.; P.O. Willits. Anderson, A., far., Sec. 12; P.O. Willits. Anderson, L., far.; P.O. Willits. Bell, Elias, far., Sec. 7; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Blackledge, F., far.; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Blackledge, S., far.; Sec. 10; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Bradford, H. E., merchant and Postmaster, Mt. Sterling. Bradford, L., far.; P.O. Vernon. Brewster, H., far., Sec. 20; P.O. Keosauqua. Brown, Daniel, far.; P.O. Keosauqua. Burns, J. W., far., Sec. 24; P.O. Vernon. Butler, N., far., Sec. 5; P.O. Vernon. Cackley, W. C. C., far., Sec. 23; P.O. Vernon. Calahan, H. J., merchant, Mt. Sterling. Carlston, A. S., far.; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Cavitt, J. H., far., Sec. 9; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Clark, J., physician, Mt. Sterling. Cox, A., far., Sec. 17; P.O. Keosauqua. Cox, Randolph, far., Sec. 17; P.O. Keosauqua; owns 271 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; born April 7, 1821, in Jefferson Co., In 1827, parents moved to Sangamon Co., Ill.; he went to Menard Co. in 1838; while there learned the trade of stone and brick mason. Enlisted during the Mexican war in Co. F, 4th Illinois Volunteers, in May, 1846; was under Brigadier Gen. Shields, in Taylor's army; while below Matamoras was taken sick, finally discharged and returned home via New Orleans and the Mississippi River. June, 1847, came to this county. Married Sarah McIntosh April 22, 1849; she was born Feb. 10, 1826, in Tazewell Co., W. Va.; her parents came to this county in 1838; have nine children--Juliette, Alonzo, Harvey R., Agnes, Clarinda, Florence, Eudora, Carrie and Alice. Mr. Cox settled on his present [farm] in 1849. Member M. E. Church; Independent. Cresswell, R., Jr., far., Sec. 25; P.O. Vernon. Currier, Sargent, far.; P.O. Vernon. Davis, Extine, far., Sec. 22; P.O. Vernon. DeHart G., far., S, 29; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Englebright, A., far., Sec. 36; P.O. Vernon. Ellis, George, farmer, Sec. 22; P.O. Vernon; son of Jeremiah and Rebecca (Miller) Ellis; born March 26, 1825, in Sullivan Co., N.Y.; his father and mother were born in New York; his mother died in this county Oct. 15, 1853; his father is living in Keosauqua, with a widowed daughter, Eleanor Anderson. Mr. Ellis' parents moved into Tompkins Co., N. Y., in 1827; to Hamilton Co., Ohio, in the fall of 1837; to this county in the spring of 1839; settled near Keosauqua, where his early days were spent; he moved on to the farm now owned by D. Rockafellow; in 1855, he sold that, and came on to his present farm in 1869. Was married to Ruth A. Gale, March 31, 1850, a daughter of John W. and Rebecca G. (McCrary) Gale; she was born Jan. 18, 1830, in Gibson Co., Ind., have no family; his wife's father died Feb. 1, 1854, aged 48 years; his mother died April 12, 1869, aged 62 years. Her grandfather, John McCrary, was an able and zealous minister of the Christian Church; died at the residence of his son, Maj. J. C. McCrary, Sept. 19, 1857, at the age of 86, and his wife, Ruth, died Dec. 12, 1859, at the same place, aged 84 years. Mr. Ellis owns a farm of 241 acres, valued at $35 per acre. Republican. Evans, A., far.; P.O. Vernon. Fitzgerald, J., far., Sec. 26; P.O. Vernon. Fowler, James A., farmer and Township Assessor, Sec. 9; P.O. Mt. Sterling; son of Henry and Mary Fowler; born June 14, 1842, in Indiana; his parents came to this county in the spring of 1843, and settled in Bentonsport; his father was drowned in the Des Moines River the same spring; his mother died in February, 1855; from that time till 1862, he lived with the Meek Brothers, of Bonaparte. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Co. D, of the 30th Iowa V. I.; was at the siege of Vicksburg, Resaca, Dallas, Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, Atlanta, Macon, Ga., and with Sherman in his march to the sea; mustered out in June, 1865. Married Amanda Perkins, of this county, Feb. 12, 1867; she was born in this county, Jan. 26, 1848; have three children--William H., Anna M. and an infant daughter. Came on to his present farm of 105 acres, in 1874. Republican. Fowler, L., far., S. 29; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Gaston, J. W., far., Sec. 5; P.O. Sterling. Gwinnup, John, farmer, P.O. Mt. Sterling; owns about 700 acres of land adjoining Mt. Sterling; the eastern addition to the town was laid out by him; born Feb. 13, 1823, in Clermont Co., Ohio; came to Iowa in 1849, purchased part of his present farm, and returned to Ohio. Was married to Isabel Jones Feb. 13, 1850; she was born March 28, 1829; in the spring of 1850, moved to his present farm, since which time farming and stock-raising have been his business; has seven children--Martha J., Francis M., Alice C., Mary E., Juliette E., John L. and Temperance B. Democrat. Hales, John, far., Sec. 29; P.O. Vernon. Hales, Thomas, Sr., far., Sec. 21; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Hanna, S., far.; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Hardin, Geo. L., far.; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Harvey, Norman B., far., Sec. 6; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Heminger, Valentine, far., S. 17; P.O. Keosauqua. Hunter, Wm., far.; P.O. Vernon. Huston, John R., far., Sec. 6; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Johnson, John F., far., S. 12; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Lanam, Jacob, farmer; P.O. Vernon. Lanam, Joseph, farmer; P.O. Vernon. Lineweaver, Geo. P., far., Sec. 26; P.O. Vernon. Lineweaver, John, Sr., far., Sec. 22; P.O. Vernon. Lippincott, Wm. P., far., Sec. 27; P.O. Vernon. Long, Henry, far., Sec. 34; P.O. Willits. Long, Titus, far.; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Lundberg, Frederick, far., P.O. Willits. McElroy, A. J., farmer; P.O. Mt. Sterling. McIntosh, Thos. B., far., S. 17; P.O. Keosauqua; owns 280 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre; son of George and Isabella McIntosh, born Sept. 12, 1817, in Tazewell Co., W. Va.; came with parents to this county in the fall of 1839, and settled on the farm part of which he now owns; his father died Nov. 26, 1863, mother died Sept. 9, 1865. Was married to Rebecca E. Fitzgerald June 13, 1852; she was born May 4, 1831, in Kalamazoo Co., Mich.; her parents came to this county in July, 1837, and settled near Keosauqua; have eight children--James M., George S., John W., Mary L., Thomas A., Jane E., Catharine I. and Rosa M. Members of the M. E. Church; Independent. McManaman, Isaiah W., far., P.O. Willits. Madden, Thomas, far.; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Matlock, David, far., Sec. 23; P.O. Bonaparte. Miller, David, far.; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Miller, Samuel, retired farmer; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Muir, W. P. L., far.; P.O. Vernon. Nelson, John E., far., Sec. 12; P.O. Willits. Owing, J. W., farmer; P.O. Willits. Pettit, Giles, far., S. 9; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Peterson, Ralph, far., S. 19; Keosauqua; owns 250 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; born Sept. 29, 1808, in Adams Co., Ohio. Married there to Mary Grove, March 2, 1830; she was born Jan. 28, 1811; moved to Fountain Co., Ind., in the fall of 1834; and from there to this county in October, 1839. Mr. Peterson has served his Township as Trustee, and his county as Supervisor, for the years 1866 and 1867. Have eight children living--John G., Jacob R., William H., Mary E., Martha E., Ralph B., George A. and Edwin O.; lost three--Thomas R., Matilda A. and Henry C. Members of the Christian Church; Republican. His son Edwin was born June 25, 1856; is running the home farm; was married to Flora J. Walker, daughter of Wesley Walker, of Pleasant Hill, Oct. 10, 1877; she was born Dec. 1, 1856, in this county; have one daughter--Mary E. Reith, John, far., Sec. 32; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Rogers, J. M., farmer; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Ross, Abraham, far., Sec. 10; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Sample, Jeremiah, far., Sec. 6; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Skriver, William, far., Sec. 5; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Simmons, D., far., Sec. 26; P.O. Vernon. Simmons, J., far., Sec. 26; P.O. Vernon. Simmons, M., far., Sec. 26; P.O. Vernon. Simmons, R., far., Sec. 32; P.O. Vernon. Simmons, T., far.; P.O. Vernon. Snare, G., far., S. 31; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Snare, Robert, far.; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Snare, Wm. M., far.; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Spencer, John, far., P.O. Vernon. Stewart, S. M., merchant, Mt. Sterling. Stone, Crawford, laborer, Mt. Sterling. Story, J., far., Sec. 25; P.O. Vernon. Swanson, G., far., Sec. 12; P.O. Willits. Swanson, G. E., far., S. 12; P.O. Willits. Sutton, S. S., far., S. 8; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Taylor, Frederick, farmer and physician, S. 19; P.O. Keosauqua. Thatcher, A. H., blacksmith, Mt. Sterling. Thatcher, I. B., dealer in grain, lumber, etc., Mt. Sterling; son of Mark C. and Hannah P. Thatcher; born Nov. 2, 1836, in Clinton Co., Ohio; came with his parents to this county in the spring of 1839; settled in this township. Enlisted in Co. E, of the 15th Iowa Inf., Oct 5, 1861; in the battle of Pittsburg Landing was wounded in the right arm; was also in battles of Iuka and Corinth, Miss.; at the latter place, was wounded in the right hand; taken to the St. Louis Hospital; came home; was discharged for disability in March, 1863; in the fall of 1864, assisted in recruiting Co. K, of the 45th Iowa Inf.; was elected Captain of the company; was out about four months, having enlisted in the 100-days service. Married Mary W. S. Morse March 12, 1868; she was born April 17, 1844, in Essex Co., Mass.; have three children--Charlie E., Frank H. and Harry M. Followed farming after the war, till the railroad was built through Mt. Sterling, since which time, he has been engaged in his present business; is also proprietor of the grain scales in the town. Republican. Thatcher, M. C., retired far.; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Thompson, Hiram, far., Sec. 25; P.O. Bonaparte. Thompson, Otis, farmer, Sec. 25; P.O. Bonaparte. Vanauken, M. P., far., Sec. 3; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Walter, James F., far.; P.O. Willits. Ward, Alfred, far.; P.O. Vernon. Ward, Calvin, far., P.O. Vernon. Warren, Christopher, far., Sec. 30; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Warren, Joseph, retired farmer, Sec. 30; P.O. Keosauqua; is of English descent; was born July 12, 1814, in the county of Wexford, Ireland; came to this county in the spring of 1854; served the county as one of the Board of Supervisors, in 1863-64, and his township as Justice of the Peace, one term, and at present makes a specialty of administering upon estates, etc. He was married to Ann Pierce Oct. 17, 1840, in Ireland; she was born May 8, 1817; have four children living--Christopher, Ellen, Sarah and Jane; lost three; Susan and Maggie dying on the way from Ireland here, the first on the ocean, and the second in St. Louis, Mo., and Maggie, No. 2, since; his youngest daughter, Jane, was married to a distant relative of the name of Samuel Warren, Sept. 12, 1876; he was born July 31, 1840, in the same county, Ireland, and came to the United States in 1848; stopped at Sandusky, Ohio, till 1854, and then went to Dunleith, Ill., and from there to Kansas, in 1857, where he still has a farm. Mr. Joseph Warren has given the homestead farm of 310 acres, to his wife Jane, the parents living with them. Mr. Warren is a member of the M. E. Church; Republican. Warren, S. H., far., Sec. 30; P.O. Mt. Sterling. White, David, far.; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Willits, Albert S., Postmaster of Willits P.O., and farmer; brother of E. W. Willits; born Dec. 14, 1840, in Wayne Co., Ind., came with his parents to this county in fall of 1842. Married Jane Beck Dec. 19, 1861; she was born January 14, 1839, in Perry Co., Ohio; her parents came to this county in the fall of 1853; came on to his present farm in the spring of 1863; have four children--John B., Robert E., George L. and Sarah M.; lost two, Mary S. and an infant. Democrat. Willits, E. W., farmer, Sec. 1; P.O. Willits; son of Robert and Sarah (Beard) Willits; born Oct. 17, 1838, in Wayne Co., Ind.; his father was a native of Pennsylvania, his mother of South Carolina; his parents came to this county in the fall of 1842, and settled on Sec. 28, of this township, where his father died Sept. 27, 1869. He purchased his present farm of 280 acres, in 1862, since which time the B. & S. W. R. R., running through it, has made Willits' Station. He was married to Nancy Craig, of this county, Sept. 13, 1870; she was born Aug. 8, 1850, in Clarion Co., Penn.; have one daughter--Della B. Democrat. Willits, I. N., far., S. 28; P.O. Vernon; son of Robert and Sarah Willits (nee Beard); born Oct. 26, 1836, in Wayne Co., Ind.; parents came to this county in 1842, and settled upon the farm on which he now lives in April, 1843. He was married to Nancy Beck Nov. 27, 1856; she was born Jan. 8, 1838, in Perry Co., Ohio; have seven children living--Frank L., Hiram S., Anstis J., James, George B., Charley L. and Ella; lost one--Norine. In 1864, Mr. Willits moved to Story Co., Nevada; fall of 1865, went to Mendocino Co., Cal.; his father died Sept. 27, 1869, and at the solicitation of his mother, he returned to the old homestead in the fall of 1872. Wilson, Christ., far., P.O. Mt. Sterling. Wilson, John, far., P.O. Mt. Sterling. Wolf, Alfred, far.; P.O. Vernon. Wolf, David M., far., Sec. 27; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Wolf, Jacob, far., S. 21; P.O. Vernon. Wolf, James M., far., Sec. 34; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Wollam, Henry, far., Sec. 9; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Wollam, John G., far., Sec. 4; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Wollam, John, far., Sec. 11; P.O. Mt. Sterling. Woods, R., farmer, Sec. 24; P.O. Bonaparte. 1878 Biographies of Bonaparte Township, Van Buren County, Iowa transcribed by Rich Lowe. 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