Biographical Directory of Citizens Search Hint: Search for surnames by using the "Find" command usually found under the "Edit" menu or by the keyboard command "Ctrl+F" on most PC's. Use "Ctrl+G" to find next instance of same name. Names in some cases are not in alphabetical order. Others my be found in the body of the bio rather than as the subject. Arbaugh, J., far., Sec. 19; P.O. Doud's Station. Arbaugh, A., far., Sec. 19; Doud's Station. Anson, H., Sr., far., Sec. 3; P.O. Kilbourn. Arbaugh, J., far., Sec. 7; P.O. Doud's Station. Anderson, L., far., S. 34; P.O. Kilbourn. Baldwin, J., far., Sec. 3; P.O. Birmingham. Barthelow, J. M., far., Sec. 5; P.O. Doud's Station. Beale, J. W., far., Sec. 6; P.O. Doud's Station. Beale, P., far., Sec. 6: Doud's Station. Bennett, John, farmer, Sec. 10; P.O. Birmingham; born in Bradford Co., Penn., Jan. 21, 1798; in 1836, he moved to Franklin Co., Ohio, a year after to Van Buren Co., which has since been his home; farming has always been his occupation. Married Sarah Bagley Nov. 11, 1824; she was born in Bradford Co., Penn., Dec. 4, 1804; had fourteen children, thirteen now living--Harriet A., R. Durinda, William J., M. Orris, Celinda O., A. Matilda, L. Thomas, Sarah A., Esther A., Nancy A., Emily M. and Eliza J. (twins), and Edwin M. Mrs. Bennett is a member of the Baptist Church. Their son, William J., was born in Bradford Co., Penn., March 14, 1829; in the spring of 1850, he went to California and engaged in mining; returned in August, 1852; in 1853, he moved to Davis County, and engaged in farming; in 1857, he traded his farm for goods, and entered the mercantile business with M. Shively, a year; dissolved partnership, and Mr. Bennett continued in business one year, then trading his stock for a farm in Schuyler Co., Mo. In 1861, he enlisted in Co. B, Missouri State Militia, for 100 days; in 1862, he traded his farm for land in Van Buren Co., and moved on it. On Nov. 14, 1864, he enlisted in Co. B, 13th Iowa V. I.; discharged July 21, 1865; was in the battle at Nashville, and several smaller engagements; since, has been farming. Married Harriet C. Latimer Dec. 16, 1852; she was born in Mercer Co., Ky., May 27, 1833, and died Aug. 12, 1876; had eight children--Thomas, Mary E., Lawrence, Spencer, James, Orlando, Minnie and George A.; married Mrs. Lucy Yarnall (nee Mattox), June 28, 1877; they have one child from this marriage, Eva M. Mrs. Bennett had seven children from her former marriage--Leora G., Mary O., Emma J., John F., Charles L., Eli E. and Debby L. He owns 210 acres of land, valued at $7,000. Birch, W., far., S. 1; P.O. Birmingham. Bonnett, G. W., far., S. 34; P.O. Kilbourn. Bott, A., far., S. 32; P.O. Doud's Station. Bott, W. H., far., Sec. 33; P.O. Doud's Station. Boyd, S., far., S. 22; P.O. Birmingham. Bryan, William, farmer, Sec. 28; P.O. Doud's Station; born June 8, 1815, in Randolph Co., Va.; moved to Van Buren Co., in 1838, and settled in Lick Creek Tp.; farming has always been his occupation. He married Nancy Christie Sept. 12, 1844; she was born in Harrison Co., Ohio, Aug. 21, 1818; died May 2, 1873, had eight children, five living--James, Mary J., Thomas N., John L. and Milton. He married Milly Price (nee Farrell) March 24, 1878; she was born in Athens Co., Ohio, June 6, 1833; she had four children by former marriage, one living--Ettie J. Members of M. E. Church. He owns eighty acres of land, valued at $1,500. Buckey, C., S. 13; P.O. Birmingham. Buckmaster, J., far., S. 35; P.O. Kilbourn. Cande, Samuel, far., Sec. 2; P.O. Birmingham. Carl, H. G., farmer, Sec. 8; P.O. Birmingham. Carr, A., far., S. 8; P.O. Doud's Station. Carson, W. G., far., S. 9; P.O. Birmingham. Catcott, S. V., far., S. 36; P.O. Kilbourn. Chalfant, M., far., S. 19; P.O. Doud's Station. Channell, George, farmer, Sec. 30; P.O. Doud's Station; born in Harrison Co., Ohio, April 30, 1819; in 1820, moved with his parents to Carroll Co., Ohio; in 1845, moved to Van Buren Co., and settled on his present farm. Held several township offices; now serving second term as Trustee. Married Rachel Hendricks Jan. 17, 1844; she was born in Carroll Co., Ohio, Sept. 24, 1824; have had ten children, nine living--Edward, William, Mary M., John W., George W., Jeremiah, Samuel R., Andrew J. and Margaret E. He owns 164 acres of land, valued at $4,000. Christy, M. A., far., Sec. 29; P.O. Doud's Station. Clinkinbeard, Mace, far., Sec. 10; P.O. Birmingham. Coleman, Joseph, far., Sec. 10; P.O. Birmingham. Cook, Moses B., far., Sec. 19; P.O. Doud's Station. Countryman, Noah, far., Sec. 18; P.O. Doud's Station. Countryman, M. L., far., Sec. 17; P.O. Doud's Station. Cox, J., far., Sec. 27; P.O. Kilbourn. Crane, S., far., Sec. 3; P.O. Kilbourn. Crumrine, William, far., S. 23; P.O. Doud's Station. Crum, I., far., S. 3; P.O. Birmingham. Crum, William F., far., Sec. 9; P.O. Birmingham. Deahle, S., Sec. 11; P.O. Birmingham. Elerick, L. C., far., Sec. 22; P.O. Birmingham. Elliott, W., far., S. 1; P.O. Birmingham. Enlow, William H., far., Sec. 1; P.O. Birmingham. Ferrell, James, far., Sec. 8; P.O. Birmingham. Fleming, W. J. B., far., Sec. 30; P.O. Doud's Station. Gilbert, James, blacksmith, Kilbourn. Gilchrist, J., far., Sec. 16; P.O. Birmingham. Gire, G., far., S. 16; P.O. Birmingham. Glotfelty, N., far., Sec. 1; P.O. Birmingham. Goodall, J., far., S. 1; P.O. Birmingham. Goodall, L. E., far., S. 1; P.O. Birmingham. Graham, J., Jr., merchant, Birmingham. Graham, S., far., S. 12; P.O. Birmingham. Green, C. L., far., S. 5; P.O. Birmingham. Greenfield, J., far., S. 6; P.O. Doud's Station. Hanshaw, S., far. S. 20; P.O. Doud's Station. Harness, H., far., S. 11; P.O. Birmingham. Harness, S., far., S. 2; P.O. Birmingham. Hendricks, E., far., S. 17; P.O. Doud's Station. Herriman, J. C., blacksmith, Kilbourn. Hootman, Christopher, farmer, Sec. 1, T. 69, R. 10; P.O. Mt. Zion; born in Harrison Co., O., Oct. 19, 1813; fall of 1839, moved to Van Buren Co. and settled on his present farm. During the earlier settlement of the country, his mechanical genius brought him in general demand for all kinds of repairing; served his township one year as Trustee. Married Elmira Dyer in September, 1839; she was born in New York March 17, 1819; died Nov. 8, 1856; they had eight children, six living--Joseph M., Mary C., Jacob, David C., Eliza J. and Hannah A.; he married Jane Ager Sept. 19, 1859; she was born Aug. 11, 1825, in Montgomery Co., Ohio; have had three children; Oscar A. is still living. Mr Hootman is a believer in the Lutheran faith. He has 165 1/2 acres of land, valued at $4,500. Hootman, D. C., far., Sec. 36; P.O. Birmingham. Hootman, Jacob, far., Sec. 29; P.O. Doud's Station. Hootman, James H., far., Sec. 34; P.O. Kilbourn. Horton, John, far., Sec. 36; P.O. Kilbourn. Huffman, Fred B., far., Sec. 13; P.O. Birmingham. Hull, Daniel L., far., Sec. 31; P.O. Doud's Station. Johnson, Zachariah, farmer, Sec. 8; P.O. Birmingham. Jones, James L., far., S. 7; P.O. Doud's Station. Jones, Jasper, far., Sec. 35; P.O. Kilbourn. Kennedy, Ambrose, farmer, Sec. 12; P.O. Birmingham. Kimmel, Henry, far., Sec. 25; P.O. Kilbourn. Knox, David, far., S. 10; P.O. Birmingham. Knox, Nelson, far., Sec. 17; P.O. Birmingham. Kimmel, Jacob, far., S. 26; P.O. Birmingham. Laughlin, William G., farmer, Sec. 30; P.O. Doud's Station. McCausland, Henry, farmer, S. 10; P.O. Birmingham. McCausland, Jonathan, far., S. 11; P.O. Birmingham. McGraff, M., far., Sec. 35; P.O. Kilbourn. Martin, John, far., S. 8; P.O. Birmingham. Mathias, Simon P., far., Sec. 17; P.O. Birmingham. Maxwell, R., far., S. 34; P.O. Kilbourn. Mercer, J., far., S. 28; P.O.Kilbourn. Mesecher, W. A., far., S. 20; P.O. Doud's Station. Minear, George W., far., Sec. 2; P.O. Kilbourn. Monahan, H., far., S.1; P.O. Kilbourn Moore, W., far., S. 14; P.O. Birmingham. Morrow, A., far., S. 19; P.O. Doud's Station. Morrow, E., farmer and carpenter, Sec. 6; P.O. Doud's Station. Morrow, George B., farmer, S. 32; P.O. Doud's Station; born in Belmont Co., Ohio Oct. 15, 1817; in 1858, he moved to Van Buren Co., and settled in Village Tp.; in 1876, moved to his present farm in Lick Creek Tp.; farming has been his business; from 1838 to 1840, followed butchering in Wheeling W. Va. Married Elizabeth Guthrie Dec. 27, 1839; she was born in Harrison Co., Ohio, June 16, 1818; have had six children, one died in infancy; living--Sylvester, Samuel Thomas D., Jane, Richard and George W. Mrs. Morrow is a member of the Presbyterian Church. He owns 603 acres of land, valued at $15,000. Moyer, T. G., far., S. 16; P.O. Doud's Station. Nelson, W. W., farmer and physician, S. 13; P.O. Birmingham. Nedrow, George, far., S. 20; P.O. Doud's Station; born Sept. 24, 1807, in Somerset Co., Penn.; in 1832, moved to Tuscarawas Co., Ohio; in 1844, to Van Buren Co.; while in Pennsylvania, he followed milling, afterward farming, which has been his occupation since. Married Mary Nedrow in June, 1832; she was born in Somerset Co., Penn., in March, 1812, and died Oct. 17, 1856; had ten children, three living--Margaret, Simon P. and Sarah A. Members of the Lutheran Church. He owns 120 acres of land, valued at $3,500. His son Simon P. was born on their present farm Sept. 5, 1848, and is now working the farm. He married Rosannah J. Arbaugh Sept. 19, 1872; she was born in Van Buren Co., Sept. 9, 1854; had two children, one living--Irvin L. Members of the Lutheran Church. Nedrow, Michael (deceased); born in Somerset Co., Penn., Sept. 10, 1802, and died Oct. 25, 1875; in 1832, moved to Tuscarawas Co., Ohio; while in Pennsylvania, was engaged in farming and milling; since then, in farming alone; while in Ohio, filled the office of Justice of the Peace six years; came to Iowa in 1844, and settled in Lick Creek Tp. Married Sarah Nedrow, May 13, 1827; she was born in Somerset Co., Penn., Oct. 15, 1805; had nine children, seven living--Adaline, George, Michael, Sarah A., Mary, Aaron and David. Members of the Lutheran Church. The farm contains 200 acres, valued at $6,000. Platt, Edward H., wagonmaker, Kilbourn. Perrine, Samuel, far., Sec. 15; P.O. Birmingham; born in Washington Co., Penn., Nov. 15, 1820; when about 2 years old, moved with his parents, to Wayne Co., Ohio; in 1845, moved to Van Buren Co., and settled in Lick Creek Tp., his present home; went to California in the spring of 1850; returned in June, 1853; while there, he was mining and gardening on the Sacramento River; also kept a wood-yard; has been Justice of the Peace three years; has been Justice of the Peace three years; Trustee one year. Married Phidelia E. Shankland Sept. 25, 1845; she was born in Wayne Co., Ohio, Aug. 25, 1823, and died June 2, 1873; had five children--Selucia A., Millard W., Samuel W., Harriet E. and Emma A. Married Minerva A. Coleman, Oct. 8, 1874; she was born in Van Buren Co. Sept. 29, 1838; have two children--Lilly M. and John M. He owns 265 acres of land, valued at $7,500. Pool, B., far., Sec. 33; P.O. Kilbourn. Pool, E., far., S. 28; P.O. Doud's Station. Porter, C., far., P.O. Kilbourn. Prewitt, T., far., S. 2; P.O. Birmingham. Rail, Adam, farmer, Sec. 25; Sec. 25; P.O. Birmingham. Rail, Joseph, farmer, Sec. 24; P.O. Birmingham; born in Dauphin Co., Penn., Nov. 12, 1817; when 5 years old, moved with parents to Seneca Co., N.Y.; in 1826, moved to Yates Co., N.Y.; September, 1838, to Fort Madison, Iowa; the following spring, to Van Buren Co., and settled in Lick Tp.; farming has been his principal occupation; worked six months in 1841 as a tanner in Keosauqua; moved to Birmingham; followed that business alone about four years. Married Sarah Hootman Nov. 23, 1843; she was born in Harrison Co., Ohio, Feb. 10, 1824; have had twelve children, eight living--George H., Mary S., Jay, Sarah C., Margaret A., John B., Adam G. and Martha E. Members of M. E. Church. He has 160 acres of land, valued at $5,000. Reniker, D., far., S. 33; P.O. Kilbourn. Reniker, E., far., S. 8; P.O. Birmingham. Reniker, Jacob, far., S. 33; P.O. Kilbourn. Reniker, J., far., S. 33; P.O. Kilbourn. Robertson, M., far., S. 4; P.O. Birmingham. Robison, James, farmer, Sec. 25; P.O. Birmingham; born in Wayne Co., Ohio, April 5, 1818; in 1834, moved to Harrison Co., Ohio; in 1839, to Van Buren Co., and settled on his present farm. He served his township one year as Trustee. Married Sarah A.Wilbur April 18, 1844; she was born in Campbell Co., Ky., July 21, 1825; have had eleven children, eight living--George W., Isaiah W., Lorena E., Lemira S., James T., Mary A., Sarah B. and William R. Members of the Presbyterian Church. He has 425 acres of land, valued at $8,500. Rutledge, John M., far., Sec. 3; P.O. Birmingham. Sadler, Jacob, farmer, Sec. 7; P.O. Doud's Station. Sadler, George, (deceased); born in Harrison Co., Ohio, March 2, 1828; moved to Tuscarawas Co., Ohio; in 1847, to Van Buren Co., where he engaged in farming. In August, 1862, enlisted in Co. D, 30th Iowa Vol. Inf.; died of lung fever in the hospital at Charleston, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1865. Married Adaline Nedrow Jan. 17, 1849; she was born in Somerset Co., Penn., April 21, 1828; they had eight children, seven living--Martin L., Francis M., Michael N., Mary A., Jacob S., Henry C. and St. Valentine. Mrs. Sadler is a member of the Lutheran Church. The farm contains 125 acres, valued at $2,500. Sanford, B., far., S. 21; P.O. Birmingham. Scott, D., far., S. 27; P.O. Kilbourn. Scott, J. P., far., S. 23; P.O. Birmingham. Shaeffer, George, (deceased); born April 14, 1791, in Bedford Co., Penn.; died May 18, 1875; in early manhood, moved to Harrison Co., Ohio; in 1845, to Van Buren Co.; up to that time, his business was that of carpenter; afterward, farmer. Married Margaret Saulsgiver in the year 1823; she was a native of Adams Co., Penn.; had ten children, nine living--Mary, Hiram Q., Henry I., John A., Sarah Jane, Jacob L., S. Peter, Elizabeth and Matilda. Were members of the Lutheran Church; later in life, he joined the U. P. Church. His son Hiram Q. was born in Harrison Co., Ohio, March 21, 1826, and moved to Van Buren Co. with his parents in 1845; farming has been his occupation; followed threshing about ten years. Married Nancy J. Johnson May 5, 1853; she was born in Westmoreland Co., Penn., March 16, 1833. Are members of the Lutheran Church. Have one child (adopted)--Stephen A. Owns 263 acres of land, valued at $6,000. Short, B., far., S. 3; P.O. Kilbourn. Short, C. R., far., S. 34; P.O. Kilbourn. Siemon, F., far., S. 27; P.O. Birmingham. Skinner, C. A., far., S. 25; P.O. Birmingham. Smith, R., far., S. 15; P.O. Birmingham. Sowvell, E., far., S. 7; P.O. Doud's Station. Spohen, J., far., S. 7; P.O. Doud's Station. Stagers, J., far., S. 19; P.O. Doud's Station. Stansbury, G., far., S. 3; P.O. Birmingham. Stansbery, R., far., S. 7; P.O. Doud's Station. Stewart, T., far., S. 28; P.O. Birmingham. Strong, J., merchant, Kilbourn. Taylor, J., far, S. 11; P.O. Birmingham. Taylor, S., carpenter, Kilbourn. Tobias, Michael B., farmer, Sec. 32; P.O. Doud's Station; born in Lebanon Co., Penn., Dec. 15, 1807; when quite young moved with his parents to Berks Co., Penn., in 1829, to Montgomery Co., Ohio; followed the cooper trade until 36 years old, the latter part of this time also engaged in farming; in 1851, moved to Van Buren Co.; farming his occupation since. Married Sarah Good Nov. 12, 1835; she was born in Montgomery Co., Ohio, Nov. 6, 1817; had two children; William V. is still living. He has 375 acres of land, valued at $12,000. His son William V. was born in Montgomery Co., Ohio, Nov. 12, 1847, and came to Van Buren Co., with his parents in 1851; when 18, he began selling lumber and machinery; continued three years, then engaged in the mercantile business about nine months; afterward purchased a saw-mill, which he has operated in connection with farming since. Married Martha E. Short Dec. 1, 1868; she was born Aug. 30, 1850, in Van Buren Co. Have three children--Charles R., Guy O. and William O. Tobias, M. B., far., S. 32; P.O. Doud's Station. Torrence, H., far., S. 11; P.O. Birmingham. Tower, J. H., far., S. 6; P.O. Doud's Station. Towne, E., station agent, Kilbourn. Towne, O., carpenter, Kilbourn. Van Eman, G., farmer and preacher, Sec. 1; Kilbourn. Wells, J. C., far., S. 13; P.O. Birmingham. Wiley, Hans, far., Sec. 20; P.O. Doud's Station. Wiley, W. J., far., Sec. 15; P.O. Birmingham. Williams, T., far., Sec. 26; P.O. Kilbourn. Woodrow, A., far., Sec. 2; P.O. Birmingham. Yast, A., far., Sec. 5; P.O. Birmingham. 1878 Biographies of Bonaparte Township, Van Buren County, Iowa transcribed by Rich Lowe. E-mail - 1878 Township Index | Van Buren County, IAGenWeb Van Buren County 1878 Biography Index created and maintained by If you note any corrections, changes, additions, or find that any links provided on these pages that are not functioning properly please notify me. 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