Biographical Directory of Citizens Search Hint: Search for surnames by using the "Find" command usually found under the "Edit" menu or by the keyboard command "Ctrl+F" on most PC's. Use "Ctrl+G" to find next instance of same name. Names in some cases are not in alphabetical order. Others my be found in the body of the bio rather than as the subject. Anson, Thomas, farmer, Sec. 20; P.O. Keosauqua; son of Henry and Elizabeth Anson (nee Pierly); born July 24, 1826, in Pike Co., Mo.; his father, in company with a Mr. Linzey, came to this county in the fall of 1835, prospecting, and the following spring his father came and located the land upon which Thomas now lives, and in December, 1836, moved his family on it, where he lived till he died, April 5, 1850, his wife having died April 10, 1847. Thomas went to California in the summer of 1850, with an ox-team; he followed mining mostly till the spring of 1853; he came home via New York City; he has four brothers and three sisters living--Henry, George, William, Flerious, Kesiah, Catherine and Eliza, the last is keeping house for him; Peter, Francis, John and Christina have died. He owns 297 acres of land, individually, and one-half interest with his brother William in 880 acres. Republican. Anson, William, farmer, Sec. 8; P.O. Keosauqua; son of Henry and Elizabeth Anson (nee Pierly); was born Sept. 8, 1828, in Pike Co., Mo.; parents came to this county in the spring of 1836; his father made his claim on the side of the Des Moines River below Keosauqua; built a cabin and put in some corn, and returned and brought his family in December following; father died April 5, 1850, aged 77 years, and mother died April 10, 1847, aged 63 years. Mr. Anson was married to Charlotte Martin, of this county, June 15, 1862; she was born in this county April 25, 1840; have five children--Isabel, Abner O., Iowa, Curtis and Fred; lost one--Grant. He owns one-half interest with his brother Thomas, in 880 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre. Republican. Batchelor, George, farmer, S. 23; P.O. Vernon. Bailey, Gideon S., M. D., farmer, Sec. 1; P.O. Vernon; own 320 acres of land adjoining the village of Vernon; was born June 3, 1809, near Louisville, Ky.; parents moved to Lawrence Co., Ind.; he read medicine while there one and a half years; went to Shelby Co. in 1832, finished reading medicine there, and went to Charleston, Coles Co., Ill., in 1834, and began the practice of medicine, which he continued till the summer of 1837, when he came to this county, and took up the farm upon which he is still living; practiced medicine about two years; he was elected to the Legislature in 1839, and again in 1841, and, in 1843, as member of the Council, same as Senator now; he was appointed United States Marshal by President Polk, which position he held four years; was elected as one of the deligates to the first Constitutional Convention, and, in 1858, was elected as State Senator, also, for the successive term. Married Julia Jones, whose maiden name was Manwarring; she was born in Connecticut in 1797, and died Feb. 16, 1865; was again married to Anna M. Sprecht, whose maiden name was Schneck; she was born Nov. 6, 1834; had two children by first wife--Augustus C. and Julia, the daughter being dead; by second wife, one son--Gideon. Democrat. Beashor, D., far., S. 10; P.O. Vernon. Bennett, S. M., far.; P.O. Vernon. Blount, E. C., woolen manfr., Vernon. Booth, E. C., merchant, Vernon. Boyer, Isaac, farmer; P.O. Vernon. Boyer, Jacob, farmer, Sec. 3; P.O. Vernon; owns 160 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre; born Feb. 26, 1817, in Adams Co., Penn.; went to Indianapolis, Ind., in 1837, where he remained till the Spring of 1842; then went in company with Robert Greer and Jacob Landis with a load of liquors on a flatboat to New Orleans, and from there he came up the Mississippi River and the Des Moines to Farmington, in this county. Was married there to Elvira Davidson Dec. 13, 1844; she was born Dec. 9, 1826, in Lawrence Co., Ohio; her parents came to Bentonsport, in this county, in 1838, and subsequently moved to Farmington, where her father died in the spring of 1840. Mr. Boyer came on his present farm in 1854; have four children living--Isabel, Clara, Albert and Charles; lost one--Joseph, who died of disease contracted while in the army; he was in Co. G, 3d I. V. C. Bradford, Albert, merchant, Vernon. Bradford, Anthony, far.; P.O. Vernon. Christians, John, brickmaker, Vernon. Coffman, D. S., teamster, Vernon. Daniels, Bernard, laborer, Vernon. Davis, Charles, far., S. 4; P.O. Vernon. Davis, D., teamster, Vernon. Davis, Enoch, farmer, Sec. 2; P.O. Vernon; is a son of Isaac and Sarah (Baker) Davis; they are both natives of Kentucky; his father was born April 9, 1808, and his mother in February, 1814; and he was born in Madison Co., Ky., Feb. 28, 1835; parents emigrated to this county in the fall of 1836. Mr. Davis is not married; owns 174 acres of land adjoining his father's on the east; he has five brothers and three sisters living--Isaac, David, Henry, Joshua, Perry and Martha J., Margaret A. and Mary E.; lost two brothers--Peter and William. Democrat. Davis, Isaac, Sr., far., S. 3; P.O. Vernon. Davis, P., far., S. 3; P.O. Vernon. De Hart, Edward, farmer, Sec. 34; P.O. Vernon; owns eighty-five acres where he lives, and 160 acres in Vernon Tp., valued at $30 per acre; son of Eli and Hannah De Hart; was born Feb. 14, 1835, in Canada West; in September, 1838, his parents left there and came via the Ohio, Mississippi & Des Moines River to Bentonsport, in this county, where they arrived in April, 1839, and, in 1840, his parents moved to Hancock Co., Ill., where they remained till 1844, then returned to this county, where they still live; this county has been Mr. De Hart's home, although for the benefit of his health, he took a trip to California in the fall of 1873, and returned the following spring. Was married to Martha J. Hanan Feb. 13, 1862; she was born in this county Aug. 5, 1844; have five children--Harvey L., Marion H., Mary A., John John E. and Bebe W. Republican. De Hart, E., far., S. 3; P.O. Vernon. De Hart, Wm., blacksmith, Vernon. Dickson, Grimsley & Co., pottery, Vernon. Dickson, R. M., proprietor Vernon Pottery, Vernon; born March 13, 1826, in York Co., Penn.; parents moved to Muskingum Co., Ohio, in 1832, where they both died a few years after; he came to Scott Co., Ill., in 1851, and was married there to Melinda J. Hanback April 4, 1852; the next day started for Iowa; arrived at Vernon the 13th of April, bought an old pottery building, and commenced business the 17th, since which time he has continued the business to the present; was burned out in 1869, after which he associated himself with J. C. Grimsley, who is a present partner. Have four children living--Mary A., Charles T., Anna V. and Blanche; lost three. Robert L. was killed in the pottery in 1863, and William C. died the same year. John H. was killed on the U. P. R. R. near Wolcott's Station, in 1874. Mr. Dickson is an Elder in the Presbyterian Church. Ehrman, H., laborer, Vernon. Ervin, I., far., P.O. Vernon. Ervin, J. H., laborer, Vernon. Evans, L. J., attorney, Vernon. Gaston, G. W., far., S. 15; P.O. Vernon. Gaston, C., laborer, Vernon. Glasscock, C., laborer, Vernon. Grages, H. B., far., S. 8; P.O. Vernon. Grimsley, J. C., potter, Vernon. Hallett, A. M., far., S. 9; P.O. Vernon. Hardy, Almeda; P.O. Vernon; she was born Dec. 27, 1818, in New York; her maiden name was Olney; her parents came to this county in 1838. She was married to Mr. Dudley Hardy March 21, 1839, in this county; he was born Oct. 5, 1803, in New Hampshire, and came to this county in 1837, and served his county as a member of the Legislature, in its early days; came on to his present homestead in 1852. Mr. Hardy is at present quite sick, and unable to transact business. In the home farm there are 362 acres, and 171 acres elsewhere. Have ten children living--Louis A., Charlotte H., William D., Nathan O., Mary J., Charles M., Harriet E., James F., Ettie and Stephen A. D.; lost one, Sarah A. William D. served in Co. C, of the 17th Iowa V. I., about three years. Mr. Dudley Hardy died Sept. 30, 1878. Henry, T. P., far.; P.O. Vernon. Henry, Volney, far., S. 10; P.O. Vernon. Hornbaker, M., far., S. 24; P.O. Bonaparte. Hornbaker, R. R., far., S. 24; P.O. Bonaparte. Lewis, George, laborer, Vernon. Lewis, John C., stone-mason, Vernon. Lewis, R. M., laborer, Vernon. Lippincott, A. G., farmer and stock-raiser, S. 32; P.O. Vernon; owns 1,220 acres of land in this county, and 80 acres in Davis Co.; son of Allen and Sarah Lippincott; was born March 19, 1833, in Richland Co., Ohio; his father was a native of New Jersey, and his mother, of England; they came to this county in September, 1839, and settled on the farm now occupied by A. G.; his father died March 4, 1864; his mother, Oct. 9, 1873. He was married to Sarah A. Davis Jan. 29, 1857; she was born May 27, 1836, in Kentucky; her parents came to this county in 1836; have two children--May and Sarah. Democrat. McCrary, James, Sr., wheelwright, Vernon. McCrary, J. C., far., S. 5; P.O. Keosauqua; owns 160 acres of land valued at $40 per acre; was born June 7, 1817, in Vanderburgh Co., Ind.; move to McDonough Co., Ill., in the fall of 1835; in January, 1837, came to this county and made a claim of the land he still owns; the country was then a wild waste, inhabited principally by the red men of the forest and wild game. On the 15th of August, 1839, he was married to Kerren Leach, of this county; she was born Dec. 15, 1820, in West Virginia; have five children living--Margaret A., Abner N., Amanda, Oscar and Oran; lost one--John L. At his county's call, Mr. McCrary enlisted in Co. G, of the 3d Iowa Cav.; in the summer of 1861, he recruited for the company; was elected 1st Lieutenant; at the battle of Kirksville, Mo., the Captain was killed; he was then promoted as Captain, and, in June, 1864, was promoted as Major, but did not assume the duties of Major till the last of July; participated in the battle of Tupelo, Miss., and Little Rock, Ark.; the post was surrendered to his regiment, which was in command of Lieut. Col. Duffield; was mustered out Jan. 28, 1865, for disability. The following fall, he was elected Sheriff of the county, and re-elected in the fall of 1867. Republican; member of the Christian Church. Mallett, N., druggist and Postmaster, Vernon. Marriott, I., far., S. 2; P.O. Vernon. Marriott, Wm., far., S. 2; P.O. Vernon. Meredith, G. W., farmer and stock dealer, Sec. 15; P.O. Vernon. Merredith, J., far., S. 13; P.O. Vernon. Mohler, Levi, far., P.O. Vernon. Neal, Abel, farmer, Sec. 13; P.O. Vernon. Pace, E. H., miller, Vernon. Pexley, W. B., merchant, Vernon. Phillips, A., far., S. 7; P.O. Keosauqua. Rigsby, Benjamin, farmer; P.O. Vernon. Rinebarger, H., far., S. 9; P.O. Vernon. Rinebarger, W., far., S. 6; P.O. Vernon. Robb, Thomas, farmer; P.O. Vernon; owns 160 acres of land, valued at $45 per acre; son of Harvey and Rachel (Christie) Robb; was born Jan. 16, 1849, in this county; parents came from Jefferson Co., Ind., to this county January, 1838, and are now living in Bonaparte. Thomas Robb was married to Amanda Brewster March 31, 1870; she was born in this county Sept. 25, 1849; have two children--Mary B. and Bertha J. Democrat. Robinson, A., far., S. 10; P.O. Vernon. Robinson, H. J., manufacturer, Vernon. Rabb, Samuel, farmer, Sec. 14; P.O. Vernon; owns 405 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre; born June 7, 1818, in Warren Co., Ohio; parents moved to Fountain Co., Ind., in the fall of 1828, and came to this county in 1839, and settled near Bonaparte. Married to Melinda Willetts Oct. 1, 1846, in this county; she was born Sept. 20, 1828, in Wayne Co., Ind.; came on to his present farm in 1847; have one son living--Monroe; lost two--Allison and Kerry. His father, Joseph Rabb, was born in Fayette Co., Penn., and mother in New Jersey; she died in September, 1848, and father in June, 1865. Sargent, A., far., S. 14; P.O. Vernon. Sargent, L., far., Sec. 14; P.O. Vernon. Shepherd, J. W., teamster, Vernon. Shuster, I., laborer, Vernon. Stadler, M., laborer, Vernon. Stephens, Geo. P., far., Sec. 33; P.O. Vernon; son of Nathaniel Stephens, of Pennsylvania; was born Nov. 4, 1830, in Fayette Co., Penn.; parents moved into Allegheny Co. in 1831; from there he came to Iowa in 1854, and stopped in Henry Co. till 1856, then came to Cedar Tp. of this county, where he remained till the fall of 1873, when he came into Henry Tp., where he now lives; he enlisted at his country's call in Co. F, of 14th I. V. I. in November, 1861; was at the battles of Fort Donelson, Shiloh and Corinth, etc.; was mustered in out fall of 1865. He was married to Elizabeth Newbold, of Pennsylvania, March 30, 1853; she died Sept. 10, 1854; was again married, to Susan Salmons, July 1, 1855; she died March 6, 1875; was again married, to Margaret A. Cupp, Dec. 20, 1875; she was born March 5, 1850, in Ohio; have eight children by second wife living--Nathaniel F., Eliza M., Margaret A., Emma G., Mary E., Flora A., John W. and Ida M.; by third wife two--Katie and Clyde B. Mr. Stephens has charge of a farm of 286 acres, valued at $30 per acre, the title of which is in his father's name. Republican. Stephenson, J. Y., far., S. 3; P.O. Vernon. Walters, Rawley, far., S. 11; P.O. Vernon. Waterman, H., carpenter, Vernon. Wilkinson, H., attorney and Justice of the Peace, Vernon. Wright, C., far.; P.O. Vernon. Yeager, Amos, farmer and minister, S. 12; P.O. Vernon. 1878 Biographies of Bonaparte Township, Van Buren County, Iowa transcribed by Rich Lowe. E-mail - 1878 Township Index | Van Buren County, IAGenWeb Van Buren County 1878 Biography Index created and maintained by If you note any corrections, changes, additions, or find that any links provided on these pages that are not functioning properly please notify me. Prepared for the IAGenWeb Project ![]() Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001 by Van Buren Co. IAGenWeb Project All Rights Reserved |