1878 Chequest Twp., Van Buren County, IA
Biographical Directory of Citizens

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Aylor, John. M., farmer; P.O. Lebanon.

Barker, James H., farmer, Sec. 25; P.O. Lebanon.

Benjamin, A., far., S. 8; P.O. Portland.

Benjamin, Joseph L., farmer, Sec. 11; P.O. Doud's Station; born in Vigo Co., Ind., July 20, 1820; when about 2 years old, moved with parents to Warren Co., Ind.; in 1834, moved to Du Page Co., Ill; in 1853, to Van Buren Co., and settled on his present farm. Married Calista E. Lawson Jan. 16, 1851; she was born in Pennsylvania; died Nov. 26, 1854; they had one child, which died in infancy. He married Rose A. Crandel Aug. 27, 1856; she was born in Caldwell Co., Mo., Oct. 4, 1837; had one child who died in infancy. He owns eighty acres of land, valued at $2,000.

Berger, Jasper, farmer, Sec. 36; P.O. Lebanon; born in Hunterdon Co., N. J., Aug. 27, 1813; in 1833, moved to Franklin Co., Ohio; in 1853, to Van Buren Co., and settled on his present farm; in early life, he followed milling, of late years, farming. Married Susan A. Clickinger July 3, 1849; she was born in Hunterdon Co., N. J., April 15, 1819; had five children; Rachel A. only is living, and married to W. A. Winn. Members of the M. E. Church. He owns eighty acres of land, valued at $4,500.

Bowen, R. M., far., S. 2; P.O. Portland.

Brooks, G., far., P.O. Troy, Davis Co.

Brown, D., far., S. 35; P.O. Lebanon.

Buckls, A. J., far., S. 20

Cambridge, John, far., S. 31; P.O. Milton.

Carpenter, H. M., far., S. 18; P.O. Troy, Davis Co.

Canfield, H. M., far., S. 33; P.O. Lebanon.

Claflin, Ira, farmer and County Surveyor, Sec. 36; P.O. Lebanon; born in Addison Co., Vt., March 12, 1808; in November, 1838, moved to Van Buren Co. and settled in Van Buren Tp.; in 1841, to Chequest Tp.; farming has been his principal occupation; after coming to Iowa, in 1840, he was engaged as assistant under Judge Biggs on the Government surveys; he showed such an aptitude for the business that the Judge encouraged him to fit himself for a surveyor, which he did and was elected County Surveyor, which office he has held eighteen years; was also engaged, as principal or assistant, in Government surveys for a number of years; in 1845, he was elected County Commissioner, and held the office until 1851; he has also held several township offices. Married Hannah W. Richardson March 7, 1833, she was born in Windsor Co., Vt., June 8, 1814; have had eight children; one died in infancy; another, Ira W.., graduated at West Point in 1857, entered the service as Second Lieutenant in the U. S. Mounted Rifles, and was assigned to duty in New Mexico; in 1862, was assigned to duty under Gen. McClellan, as Captain in the 6th U. S. Cav., and served through the war; at Gettysburg, he was wounded through the lungs; after the war he was appointed a tutor at West Point; he served as such a short time, when, with the rank of Major, was assigned to duty in Texas, where he died November, 1867, the remaining children are Hannah E., Mary F., George A. and Julia A. (twins), Emeline and Charles. He owns 160 acres of land valued at $4,000.

Clark, C. C., far., S. 3; P.O. Portland.

Clayton, A., far., S. 27; P.O. Lebanon.

Clayton, Geo. W., far.; P.O. Lebanon.

Covault, J. A., far.; P.O. Lebanon.

Cresswell, J., far., S. 7; P.O. Troy.

Davis, A., far., S. 24; P.O. Lebanon.

Davis, D., Sr., far., S. 24; P.O. Lebanon.

Davis, R., far., S. 11; P.O. Portland.

Denning, W. P., far., S. 9; P.O. Portland.

Downing, L., far.; P.O. Portland.

Downing, R., far. ; P.O. Portland.

Emerick, J., far., S. 35; P.O. Lebanon.

Emery, W., S. 18; P.O. Lebanon.

Erickson, J. A., far., S. 9; P.O. Portland.

Friberg, O., far., S. 9; P.O. Portland.

Ferris, A. H., far.; P.O. Troy.

Ferris, Jonathan, farmer, Sec. 17; P.O. Troy; born in Loudoun Co., Va., Feb. 17, 1804; his mother died when he was about 6 years old, and his father died a soldier in the war of 1812; during that war, Jonathan was employed in a woolen factory, which was closed at the termination of the war, throwing him out of employment; being an orphan and poor, the authorities bound him as an apprentice to a wagon-maker for over six years, until about 14 years old; he ran away at 17, and went to Franklin Co., Penn., where he apprenticed himself to another wagon-maker for two and a half years; he then went to Bedford Co., Penn., and engaged in the business for himself; in 1834, moved to Richland Co., Ohio., and bought a farm; in 1848, to Van Buren Co., and settled where he now lives. He was County Supervisor one term; was elected Township Trustee in October, 1878. Married Mary Langham May 14, 1826; she was born in Bedford Co., Penn., and died June 6, 1836; married Charlotte Fullmer March 11, 1838; she was born in Luzerne Co., Penn., Jan. 21, 1812, and died March 11, 1871; had ten children, seven living-James L., John S., Jonathan N., William A., Samuel F., Alvius H. and Maria S.; married Elizabeth Baker, nee Parks, Sept. 1, 1874; she was born in Claiborne Co., Tenn., July 29, 1825; is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Ferris is a member of the M. E. Church. He owns 384 acres of land, valued at $7,000.

Fritz, Levi, farmer; P.O. Doud's Station.

Glanville, J. B., farmer; P.O. Lebanon.

Goff, J. M., farmer; P.O. Portland.

Groves, Thomas M., far., Sec 22; P.O. Lebanon.

Haney, Francis M., farmer; P.O. Doud's Station.

Haney, Thomas, far., Sec. 6; P.O. Doud's Station; born in Belmont Co., Ohio, Nov. 20, 1819; in the fall of 1839, moved to Van Buren Co., and settled in Chequest Tp.; moved to his present farm in December, 1865; in the spring of 1850, went to California; returned in the fall of 1851; in the spring of 1853, he returned to California, and remained eleven months, engaged in mining. Married Elizabeth Dickerson Aug. 15, 1838; she was born in Morgan Co., Ohio, Feb. 13, 1821; had nine children--seven living--Francis M., Thomas W., Edward R., George B., Leroy H., John W., and Laura E. Mrs. Haney is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. He owns 120 acres of land, valued at $2,500.

Hanshaw, W., far., S. 10; P.O. Portland.

Harmon, William H., far., Sec. 11; P.O. Portland.

Harrington, G. W., farmer; P.O. Troy.

Hartley, M., far., Sec. 7; P.O. Troy.

Hastings, W. S., farmer; P.O. Lebanon.

Hissem, Abner, farmer, Sec. 5; P.O. Doud's Station; born in Tyler Co., W. Va., Jan. 8, 1830; fall of 1850, moved to Meigs Co., Ohio; spring of 1865, to Van Buren Co., and settled on his present farm; in the years 1863 and 1864, he owned and operated a sawmill in Meigs Co., Ohio. He married Serene Sayre Feb. 29, 1852, a native of Ohio; died April 9, 1861; had two children--Serene J., still living; he married Caroline Walker April 27, 1862; she was born in Meigs Co., Ohio, June 29, 1832; have one child--Arthur W. Mr. Hissem has 240 acres of land, valued at $8,000.

Hissom, T., far., Sec. 5; P.O. Portland.

Holtz, H., far.; P.O. Portland.

Hootman, D., far., S. 15; P.O. Portland.

Hull, H., far. and wagon-maker, Portland.

Humphrey, G. B., merchant, Lebanon.

Jones, J., farmer, Doud's Station.

Kennedy, D., far., Sec. 10; P.O. Portland.

Knight, F., far., P.O. Doud's Station.

Lee, J., far., Sec. 6; P.O. Portland.

Liming, J., far., Sec. 13; P.O. Lebanon.

Martin, P., far., Sec. 24; P.O. Lebanon.

Mathias, W., far., Sec. 6; P.O. Troy, Davis Co.

Miller, Francis, far., Sec. 6; P.O. Troy.

Moore, J., far., Sec. 4; P.O. Lebanon.

Moore, Michael, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 31; P.O. Troy; born in Lebanon Co., Penn., Oct. 9, 1809; in 1833, moved to Franklin Co., Ohio; in 1848, to Van Buren Co., and settled on his present farm; he was raised on a farm, but at the age of 17, began to learn milling, which trade he followed about twelve years; since then his occupation has been farming. Married Abigail Lisle Feb. 7, 1841; she was born in Franklin Co., Ohio, Jan. 6, 1822; had ten children, nine living--Jacob, John H., Samuel H., Mary R., Angie A., Emma, Sarah C., Ettie and Michael. Members of the Lutheran Church. He owns 560 acres of land, valued at $12,000.

Morris, Thomas, far., P.O. Portland.

Morris, Wm., far., P.O. Portland.

Mussetter, H., far., S. 23; P.O. Lebanon.

Nason, James, farmer, Sec. 6; P.O. Portland.

Nason, P. S., far.; P.O. Doud's Station.

Nelson, John, far.; P.O. Doud's Station.

Nicklin, F. A., far.; P.O. Pittsburg.

Palmer, David M., farmer; P.O. Portland.

Paris, M. S., far., S. 12; P.O. Portland.

Paxton, Thomas, far., S. 30; P.O. Troy.

Pickens, H. C., far., P.O. Portland.

Plowman, F., far., S. 11; P.O. Portland.

Plowman, C. J. & G. H., fars., Sec. 4; P.O. Portland.

Poling, M., far., S. 11; P.O. Portland.

Pollock, J., far., Sec. 17; P.O. Troy.

Pugh, A. H., far., S. 22; P.O. Lebanon.

Rambo, G. W., far., Sec. 12; P.O. Portland.

Roush, J., far., Sec. 6; P.O. Portland.

Roush, J. A., far., S. 23; P.O. Lebanon.

Sample, E. B., far., Sec. 25; P.O. Lebanon.

Seitz, G., Sr., far., S. 3 P.O. Portland.

Shafer, D., far., P.O. Portland.

Silvens, A., far.; P.O. Troy.

Slater, J. M., far., Sec. 24; P.O. Lebanon.

Smith, S. T., far., Sec. 13; P.O. Portland.

Stewart, J., far., P.O. Lebanon.

Stott, J., far., Sec. 8; P.O. Lebanon.

Stott, J. A., far., Sec. 8; P.O. Lebanon.

Stover, N., far.; P.O. Hickory.

Ten Eyck, G. K., farmer, Sec. 36; P.O. Lebanon.

Thomas, B., far., P.O. Pittsburg.

Thompson, J., far., P.O. Lebanon.

Vanfleet, A., far., Sec. 35; P.O. Lebanon.

Van Fleet, Abraham, farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 35; P.O. Lebanon; born in Hunterdon Co., N. J., March 4, 1817; in 1836, moved to Franklin Co., Ohio; in 1842, to Iowa, and settled on his present farm. Married Mattie Berger October, 1835; she was born in Hunterdon Co., N. J., Aug. 1, 1811, and died Sept. 16, 1870; had six children; one died in infancy; another, William, was a member of Co. F., 2d Iowa V. I., and died of typhoid fever in the hospital at Mound City, Ill., Feb. 24, 1862; the living are Getty M., Aaron, Mary, Julia and Thomas. He married Alvira Van Treese June 15, 1871. She was born in Franklin Co., Ind., Dec. 22, 1840; had four children; three living--George, Jerry and Clarence. He owns 180 acres of land, valued at $6,000.

Vernon, J. G., far., S. 24; P.O. Lebanon.

Vinson, C., far., P.O. Lebanon.

Vinson, M., far., P.O. Lebanon.

Webster, S. B., far.; P.O. Troy.

Webster, W. J., far.; P.O. Lebanon.

Weyer, J. A., far., S. 31; P.O. Troy.

Wilson, E., far., Sec. 33; P.O. Lebanon.

Wilson, P., far., Sec. 34; P.O. Lebanon.

Wilson, V., far., Sec. 36; P.O. Lebanon.

Winey, G., far.; P.O. Oak Point.

1878 Biographies of Bonaparte Township, Van Buren County, Iowa
transcribed by Rich Lowe. E-mail - richlowe@web-iowa.com

1878 Township Index | Van Buren County, IAGenWeb

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