1890 Portrait and Biographical Album
of Jefferson and Van Buren Counties, IowaVan Buren County Biographical Sketches Transcribed Below
HON. WILLIAM A. TADE, who lives on section 4, Harrisburg Township, is a prominent and influential farmer of Van Buren County and her representative in the General Assembly of the State. Widely known, with a circle of friends almost innumerable, his sketch will be of interest to many, and we take pleasure in thus presenting him to the readers of the ALBUM. He is not only now a resident of Iowa, but was born in the Hawkeye State, his birth occurring Lee County on the 17th of September, 1841. Little is known concerning the early history of the family, except that his grandfather was a resident of Kentucky, whence at an early day he removed to Illinois. He also held a commission in the Black Hawk War. John Tade, father of our subject, was but five years of age when he accompanied his parents to Illinois, where he grew to manhood and married Martha Davis. In 1835 he became a resident of Lee County, Iowa, making a location near Ft. Madison, in what is now Denmark Township. He bought land at the first land sale in the Territory of Iowa and made his home in Lee County until 1854, when he came to Van Buren County. His home is now in Decatur County, Kan. His wife died in 1848, when our subject was a lad of some seven summers. Nine children were born unto Mr. and Mrs. Tade, and all grew to mature years, while seven are yet living, as follows: Ewing O., a Congregational minister, now in charge of the church of East Grandville, Mass.; George W., who died while a student in Iowa College, in 1858; B. F., a retired farmer of Sacramento, Cal.; James A., who died from disease contracted in the late war; Susan E., wife of William G. Marshall, of Kansas; John D., a resident farmer of Decatur County. Kan.; W. A., of this sketch; Lottie, wife of J. B. Percival, a farmer of Harrisburg Township; and Mary A., now Mrs. G. K. Dewey, of Nebraska. Our subject spent his boyhood days in a manner common to farmer lads, alternating his time between labor in the fields and the perusal of the common branches of learning. In October, 1861, when twenty years of age, he entered the service of his country as a private of Company F, Fourteenth Iowa Infantry, and after being mustered in at Davenport, was, with his regiment, assigned to the Army of the Tennessee and sent at once to the front. He participated in the engagements at Fts. Henry and Donelson, and at the battle of Shiloh was captured by the enemy, remaining a prisoner for eight months, during which time he was incarcerated in Montgomery, Mobile and Macon, and finally was sent to the horrible Libby Prison, where he was afterward paroled and exchanged. He then rejoined his regiment, which was stationed at Benton Barracks, and later took part in an expedition to Rolla, Mo., whence the troops made their way down the river to Cairo, Ill., where Mr. Tade served on detached duty for several months as river detective in the Provost Marshal department. While engaged in the discharge of those duties he was commissioned Lieutenant of an independent company known as the Liberia Guards, which was organized by Gen. Buford, and with which company he made an expedition to Helena, Ark. At Little Rock, Ark., the company was merged into the Fifty-seventh United States Colored Regiment, and Mr. Tade was made Quartermaster and served in that capacity until January, 1866, when he was made Captain of the company and ordered to New Mexico; here he remained until December of the same year, when he returned to Leavenworth, Kan., and was honorably discharged, after having been in the service continually for more than five years. During the entire time he was never known to shirk any task imposed upon him, but was ever faithful to his duty and the cause for which he was valiantly fighting. Early in the year 1867 Mr. Tade began the improvement of the farm on which he now lives, but which he had purchased some time previous. He now possesses a well-improved farm of two hundred and five acres, divided into fields of convenient size, a glance at which shows to the observer that a man of thrift and industry has the management and control of the same. He is also a leader among the stock-raisers of the county and has made a specialty of Hereford cattle and Shropshire sheep, being among the first to introduce both into the county. In reality he did not begin his business career until 1867, and the wonderful progress which he has made should be the cause of pride to himself and friends. In June, 1868, Mr. Tade was united in marriage with Miss Sarah E. Dewey, the union being celebrated in Lee County, Iowa, where the lady was born. Her parents were George H. and Chloe B. (Butler) Dewey, both natives of Massachusetts. Unto them were born seven children, yet living — Nellie B., Alice C., Howard D., Orville, Kate, Lilly and Lola (twins), all living at home. The mother of this family died on the 10th of May, 1881, in the faith of the Baptist Church, of which she has been an active and devoted member for many years. In 1882 he was again married, his second union being with Miss Nancy Dewey, a sister of his former wife, and unto them have been born two children — Willie B. and John L. Mr. and Mrs. Tade and the four eldest children are members of the Baptist Church, of Harrisburg, in which he holds the office of Deacon. He is an active advocate of all laudable enterprises and a liberal contributor to benevolent and charitable institutions. Socially, he is a member and Past Commander of J. L. Jordan Post, G. A. R., of Hillsborough, also belongs to the Farmers Alliance, being President of the Harrisburg Society, and holds membership in the Masonic lodge. The interest which he has taken in politics has contributed not a little to the success of his party—the Republican—in Van Buren County. A firm believer in its principles and one of its stanchest advocates, he labors for its welfare and is an influential member in its State and county conventions. He was honored by an election to the State Legislature, and displaying the same fidelity to duty which has characterized his entire life, he is proving himself an efficient and capable officer. He makes no hasty decisions, but, with the interests of the people at heart, carefully weighs all subjects which come before the Assembly for settlement, and his judgments are therefore unbiased and have the stamp of a true and loyal citizen upon them.MICHAEL B. TOBIASMICHAEL B. TOBIAS is a prominent farmer residing on section 32, Lick Creek Township, Van Buren County. He is now practically living a retired life, having as the result of his labors in former years acquired a handsome competency which now enables him to rest from all business cares. As his friends and acquaintances are many and as he is widely and favorably known throughout Southeastern Iowa, we are pleased to record his sketch in this volume. The history of his life is as follows: He was born in Berks County, Pa., on the 15th of December, 1807, and is the only surviving one in a family of seven children, whose parents were Christian and Molly (Bucher) Tobias. His father was a native of Pennsylvania, in which State he was reared to manhood, learning the carpenters' and coopers' trades in his youth. About 1800 he wedded Miss Bucher and after a twenty-eight years' residence in the Keystone State, they emigrated westward, locating on a farm near Dayton, Ohio, which continued to be their home until death. The wife and mother died in 1824, and twenty days later the husband was laid to rest by her side in the cemetery near that place. They were active members of the Lutheran Church, and he was a supporter of Democratic principles. The year in which our subject reached man's estate also witnessed the emigration of his father's family to Ohio. In Mr. Tobias' shop he learned the cooper's trade and for four years followed that pursuit, after which he was employed as a farm hand. Subsequently he rented a cooper's shop and engaged in business for himself in that line for two years, when he turned his attention to farming, renting a quarter section of land. As a helpmate on life's journey he chose Miss Sarah Good, their wedding being celebrated November 12, 1835. She was a native of Germantown, Ohio, born November 6, 1817, and was left an orphan at the age of eleven years. Her parents died and were buried in the same grave. Mr. and Mrs. Tobias began their domestic life upon a rented farm, which he continued to operate some years when he purchased eighty acres. Prospects were brightening and he felt that in a short time he would be in comfortable circumstances but about this time he was taken ill, his sickness exhausted his supply of money and he was left in debt. His life in Ohio was checkered by seasons of prosperity and adversity and at length he determined to seek his fortune elsewhere. With teams he crossed the country to Iowa in 1851, bringing with him about six horses and some $4.000 in money. One of the old wagons in which the journey was made is still in his possession, a memento of that early day. He made a judicious investment of his capital, purchasing three hundred and twenty acres of land at $12.50 per acre, which farm for twenty-one years he made his home. He cleared the greater part of the land, built a fine brick residence thereon, the finest in the township, and erected splendid barns, selling at last, for $10,000. In 1872 he purchased his present home, comprising two hundred and fourteen acres of the best farming land in the county. His residence is a fine frame structure tastefully furnished, where he and his family are surrounded by all the comforts, and many of the luxuries of life. There are also many other excellent improvements, including large barns, a blacksmith shop and other necessary buildings. He was also the inventor of many ingenious devices which add to the convenience of the home and nothing necessary to a model farm of the nineteenth century is there lacking. He has an apiary and orchards, and small fruits of all kinds in their season find a place upon his well-spread table. All this stands as a monument to the thrift, enterprise and business sagacity of the owner. Mr. Tobias is now living a retired life, as his property and bank account is sufficient to supply all his wants through the remainder of his life. Besides his farm of three hundred and sixty-nine acres he owns an hotel and two lots in Doud's Station. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Tobias were born two children. Elizabeth, the eldest, born in 1837, married Alonzo Doud, by whom she had one child, and for her second husband wedded Isaac Pence. She was a lady of culture and refinement, well educated, and her death, which occurred in 1872, was mourned by many friends. William V., the son, was born in 1847, reared to manhood on his father's farm and received good educational advantages, his early scholastic training being supplemented by a two years' course in Birmingham College. When twenty-one years of age he married Miss Alice Short and brought his bride to the old home, that he might operate the farm for his father. He also ran a sawmill and in addition to those two branches of industry is a good bricklayer and blacksmith. He is now a manager of the machine works of Lamar, Mo., where he has made his home for the last two years. He possesses business ability of a high order and the success which has thus far attended him will no doubt make him a wealthy man. By his union with Miss Short five children have been born — four sons and a daughter. The removal of William Tobias to Missouri proved a loss to this county, for he was ranked among the leading citizens and was a favorite with all who knew him. Michael Tobias, whose name heads this sketch, cast his first Presidential vote for Gen. Jackson, and has since been a supporter of Democratic principles. He believes that his wealth has been given him, not to store away in miserly fashion but for his profit and enjoyment, and to this end be has spent considerable time in traveling. Accompanied by his wife he visited the Centennial at Philadelphia in 1876, was present at the New Orleans Exposition, and during the St. Louis Exposition of 1885 had the pleasure of seeing President Cleveland and his wife and shaking hands with Vice President Hendricks. He has also visited Canada and many other points of interest in this country.G. K. TEN EYCKG. K. TEN EYCK, one of the honored pioneers and a self-made man of Van Buren County, residing on section 36, Chequest Township, has for forty-five years made his home in this community. He has been a witness of the greater part of the growth and progress of the county and has been identified with its growth and development. On the paternal side Mr. Ten Eyck traces his ancestry back to Holland. His grandparents, the founders of the family in America, left their native land and settled in this country prior to the Revolutionary War. On the maternal side he is of Irish descent. The parents of his mother during the Irish Revolution fled to this country and located in Schoharie County, N. Y., in early Colonial days. They spent the remainder of their lives in the Empire State and the husband served in the French and Indian War. Christopher Ten Eyck, the father of our subject, was a native of Albany County, N. Y., and throughout his entire life followed farming in that State. He married Polly Kennedy, also a native of Albany County, whose death occurred in 1826. He died some twenty-four years later in 1850. Of their four children, three are yet living: Thomas, a resident of Rensselaer County, N. Y.; G. K., of this sketch, and Mrs. Ellen Morris, of Frankfort, Ind. The boyhood days of our subject were spent in the vicinity of Albany, N. Y. Not content with the limited education which he had acquired in the district schools, while learning the trade of a carpenter and joiner he attended night school in that city, thereby adding not a little to his store of knowledge. The studious and enterprising habits of those years have characterized his entire life and he yet keeps himself well informed on matters of general interest. His term of apprenticeship to his chosen trade having expired, he followed that pursuit in Albany and vicinity for several years, hut at length he came to the West to try his fortune upon its broad prairies. In 1846 he purchased two hundred acres of raw land and began the development of a farm. He was then a single man, but after having made some preparations for a home, in 1847 he returned to his native State, where was awaiting him a lady who had promised him her hand in marriage. The wedding of Mr. Ten Eyck and Miss Christina M. Bink was then celebrated and with his bride he returned to Iowa. Her parents, Philip and Mary (Harrington) Bink, were natives of New York and of German descent. Of this marriage three children were horn, all of whom are deceased. The young couple began their domestic life upon a farm in Chequest Township, which at one time comprised three hundred acres, hut it now em-braces one hundred and forty acres of highly cultivated land, he having disposed of the remaining portion. In 1849 he went to St. Louis, where he spent one year working at his trade, but with that exception he has continuously made his home in Van Buren County since 1846. He has carried on agricultural pursuits and also done considerable carpentering, by which means he has acquired a good property which now places him in comfortable circumstances. Mr. Ten Eyck was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife in 1854, and in 1856, in Van Buren County, he wedded Rosannah Elizabeth Sellers, a native of Indiana, and a daughter of Benjamin Sellers. Both her parents died in Indiana. By this union has been born four children, three of whom are deceased; the one living, Oliver E., married Mary Vincent, daughter of S. E. Vincent, and is now engaged in teaching school in this county. Mr. and Mrs. Ten Eyck have a pleasant home situated only a short distance from Lebanon, in fact that town was built upon a part of his farm. They are highly respected throughout the community, and their home is the abode of hospitality. Mr. Ten Eyck is a Democrat in politics and is a member of the School Board, The cause of education finds in him a warm friend, and he has done effective service for her interests. Large-hearted and liberal, he is a friend to the poor and needy and his has been the helping hand stretched out to many who, had it not been for his timely aid, would doubtless have been involved in bankruptcy. At one time he bid in a farm that was sold at a sheriff's sale and thus gave the previous owner a chance to redeem his home. His life is made up of such commendable acts as that, and in consequence he has won the lasting regard and respect of those with whom he has been brought in contact.JOHN C. THORNEJOHN C. THORNE, a leading dry-goods merchant of Fairfield, has been engaged in his present line of business in that city since 1880, but for thirty years he has been a resident of the Hawkeye State. However, he claims Pennsylvania as the State of his nativity, his birth having occurred in Butler County, August 26, 1851. His parents were Robert and Elizabeth S. (Calhoun) Thorne. When he was a lad of six years his father died, and two years later he came to Iowa to make his home with his maternal grandfather who was then living in the northeastern part of Van Buren County. His boyhood days were spent in the usual manner of farmer lads, and when not employed in labors connected with the farm he attended the public schools where he received a good English education. This was supplemented by attendance at the academy of Birmingham, and afterward he pursued a course in the Commercial College of Keokuk. In 1870, Mr. Thorne made his way to Tennessee and for a time engaged in clerking in Manchester. There he gained a fair knowledge of business principles and in 1874 returned to Fairfield, where he was employed for one year as dry goods clerk in the house of Mr. Risk. He then secured a like position with J. E. Roth, with whom he remained five years, when in the spring of 1880, he embarked in business for himself. In the ten years which have since elapsed he has found ample reward for the efforts he has put forth and is now doing a large business which is annually increasing. In 1880, he started in business in company with E. M. Gage, under the firm name of Thorne & Gage. This connection continued for three years when Mr. Thorne bought his partner's interest, and since that time he has continued the business alone. During his service as salesman the public had found that it would receive courteous treatment, prompt attention and fair dealing from Mr. Thorne, and was glad of an opportunity to show its appreciation of his faithfulness which it does by a liberal patronage. On the 12th of April, 1877, Mr. Thorne led to the marriage altar Miss Rose Pitkin, daughter of E. Pitkin, now of Fayetteville, Ark. The lady is a native of Van Buren County, Iowa, and unto them has been born one child, Harry Pitkin, born March 18, 1879. The parents attend the Presbyterian Church and in political sentiment Mr. Thorne is a Republican. He is one of the enterprising and wide-awake merchants of Fairfield, popular with the public and highly esteemed throughout the county.J. T. TILFORDJ. T. TILFORD, who resides on section 25, Round Prairie Township, is one of the honored pioneers of Van Buren County. It was on the 16th of May, 1836, when his family, consisting of his parents, James and Polly (Workman) Tilford and six children, reached Southeastern Iowa and located in this community. Almost this entire portion of the State was then in its primitive condition, few settlements had been made, and scarcely another one of the pioneers of that year are left to tell the story of frontier life in Van Buren County. Mr. Tilford was born in Adair County. Ky., in 1826, and was the third in order of birth in his family. He was therefore a lad of ten summers at the time of their westward emigration. The journey was made with teams of oxen from Morgan County, and on reaching their destination they settled upon what is now the farm of our subject. For supplies and flour they had to go to Morgan County, Ill., a distance of about one hundred and forty miles, which trips were made with ox teams and often required from seven to ten days. Indians were far more numerous than the white settlers, and months often passed without their seeing a white woman except the members of their family. Such were the surroundings of Joseph Tilford in the days of his boyhood and youth. His parents resided upon the old homestead until called from this life. The mother died in 1856, and the father in 1858. Their children were Sarah, wife of Thomas Lambirth, whose sketch appears upon another page of this volume; Robert, a farmer of Mahaska County, Iowa: Joseph, our subject; Harriet, wife of Bruce Frame, of Round Prairie Township, Van Buren County; Mary, now Mrs. Humphrey, of Round Prairie Township, and Elizabeth, now Mrs. Grady, of Macon County, Mo., who are twins. J. T. Tilford bore his share in the hardships and trials of pioneer life and aided in the arduous task of developing a farm. In the autumn of 1848 he left home and was united in marriage with Matilda A. Andrews, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Tott) Andrews, and a native of Illinois. The following spring they removed to Marion County, where he entered two hundred acres of Government land, to which he has since added an eighty-acre tract. That farm he partially improved and made his home for fourteen years, when he returned to his old homestead on account of the death of his parents. He is now the owner of eighty acres of well-improved land, constituting the oldest farm in the county. No one is better informed on pioneer life in Southeastern Iowa than Mr. Tilford. He was a scholar in the first school taught in the county, which wet in a rude log building, the dimensions of which were 16x18 feet. A large fireplace occupied one entire end, the floor was of puncheons and the seats were made of slabs of basswood. One log having been removed the aperture was covered with greased paper and served to light the entire building. Mr. Tilford is a member of the Old Settlers Society of Henry County, and in politics he is a Democrat. His children, two in number, are John, who married Miss Eleanor Smith, and is engaged in farming in Henry County; and William, who resides at home.THOMAS TULLEYTHOMAS TULLEY, proprietor of a meat-market of Cantril, Van Buren County, is a native of Pennsylvania. He was born in Schuylkill, August 15, 1847, and is a son of Thomas and Margaret (Canfil) Tulley. His parents were both natives of Ireland, where they grew to maturity and were married, after which they left the Emerald Isle and came to America, locating in the Keystone State, where our subject was born. The father engaged in coal mining for some time and then started westward with the hope of bettering his financial condition. He took up his residence in St. Louis, Mo., where he opened a grocery store, carrying on business in that line until, attracted by the discovery of gold at Pike's Peak, he started for the scene of supposed wealth. He was last heard of at Salt Lake City and a report came that he was there taken sick and died, but it was supposed that he was killed for his team and the money which he carried with him. His widow ever remained true to his memory and devoted herself to her six children thus left dependent upon her for support. Catherine, the eldest daughter, is now the wife of John Smith; Lydia wedded John A. Leas and is living in Keokuk; Lizzie is the deceased wife of Noah Pritchett, of Cantril; John, William and Thomas complete the family. Mrs. Tulley came with her children to Iowa in 1850, where she remained until her death which occurred some twenty-four years later. Her remains were buried in Hoskins Cemetery, and a beautiful monument marks her last resting place, erected as a token of the love which her children bore her. We now take up the personal history of Thomas Tulley, who at the early age of thirteen years began life for himself and has since made his own way in the world. It was his desire to follow railroading and to that end he became an engine wiper on the Wabash Road. On the expiration of a term of apprenticeship he was made fireman, and after three years, in recognition of his efficiency and faithfulness, he was placed in charge of an engine. He continued railroading then for a period of thirteen years, but at length desisted from it at the request of his aged mother, who feared that her boy might in that manner meet his death. In several instances he did narrowly escape death, having been in several wrecks, in one of which his left wrist was crushed. During his thirteen years' service as an engineer he was employed upon the Wabash and the Union Pacific Railroads, and after his return to the road, following the death of his mother, he entered the employ of the Keokuk, St. Louis & Western, a branch of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy system. At length Mr. Tulley permanently abandoned engineering and turned his attention to the breeding of horses and jacks, purchasing a thoroughbred Clyde and Norman stallion and a Kentucky jack. This business he sold out and then embarked in the butchering business, which he followed in Illinois until the autumn of 1881, when he came to Cantril, Iowa. On the 22d of October, he opened a meat-market in Cantril and to that vocation he has since devoted his energies. He slaughters on an average of three cattle per week, does all his own killing, preserves his own meats and has a good trade. Considering the disadvantages under which he labored in early years, he has met with excellent success in his business career which is due to his thrift and industry. In 1874, Mr. Tulley wedded Louisa J. Struble, who was horn in Van Buren County in 1863, and is a daughter of Jacob and Louisa Struble, natives of Germany. Five children grace their union and the family circle yet remains unbroken. In order of birth they are as follows: John, F. Clare, Speed, Bessie and Rutledge L. Mr. Tulley is one of the active members of the Methodist Church, is one of the Board of Directors under whose management the house of worship was erected, and to the support of the Gospel he gives liberally. As every true citizen should do, he feels an interest in political affairs, his views being in harmony with the principles of Democracy. He is a member of the City Council, which position he has filled five years to the satisfaction of all concerned. In civic societies, Mr. Tulley takes considerable interest and is an honored member of several organizations. He belongs to Apollo Lodge No. 461, A. F. & A. M., Moore Chapter, and Commandery of Keosauqua; also holds membership in Prairie Gem Lodge, No. 50, I. O. 0. F., which he has three times represented in the State Lodge, and also in Cantril Lodge, No. 235, K. P. He is a retired member of the Brother-hood of Locomotive Engineers.CAPT. VOLTAIRE P. TWOMBLY
CAPT. VOLTAIRE P. TWOMBLY of Keosauqua, is the present State Treasurer of Iowa, and a native of Van Buren County, among whose honored pioneers are numbered his parents. His father, Samuel Tuttle Twombly, was born in Madbury, N. H., and reared in Norway, Me. He became a resident of the Territory of Iowa about 1839, locating in Van Buren County, where soon afterward he met and married Miss Dorothy Carter Wilder, the wedding being celebrated at Sulubria [sic], near Farmington. The lady was born and reared in Westminster, Worcester County, Mass., and the date of her arrival in Van Buren County is August, 1838. Our subject is the only child of his parents. He was born February 21, 1842, in a log cabin, on a small farm near Farmington, and the same year, in the month of September, his father died. In 1843 the mother with her baby boy came to Keosauqua, which is still her home at the age of seventy-one, but for some years she has been in very poor health. To his mother our subject owes much. The careful training of his youth has done not a little towards shaping his after life, and while the mother feels a just pride in her son, he cannot but remember with gratitude the service which she performed for him. His education was acquired largely in private schools in Keosauqua, as the public schools of that day were not of a very high order. In the years 1859 and 1860 he had the privilege of being instructed by the Rev. Daniel Lane, the pioneer Congregational minister of Keosauqua, whom all his old scholars, and in fact all who knew him, remember with veneration and respect. From the schoolroom, though only nineteen years of age, he entered upon army life. In April, 1861, immediately after the firing upon Ft. Sumter, Mr. Twombly, responding to the first call for troops, enlisted in what became Company F, of the Second Iowa Infantry. James M. Tuttle, afterward General, was the first Captain of the company. He was mustered into the State service May 1st, and on the 27th into the United States service as a private, but was appointed Corporal and assigned to the Color Guard of the regiment in October, 1861. As such he took part in the charge made by his regiment on the rebel right at Ft. Donelson, February 15, 1862. In the report of the part taken by his regiment in that battle Col. Tuttle says: "I cannot omit in this report an account of the Color Guard. Color Sergeant Doolittle fell early in the engagement, pierced by four balls and dangerously wounded. The colors were then taken by Corporal Page, of Company B, who soon fell, dead. They were then taken by Corporal Churchill, of Company I, who had his arm broken (afterward amputated) just as he entered the entrenchments, when they were taken by Corporal Twombly, of Company F, who bore them gallantly to the end of the fight. Not a single man of the Color Guard but himself was on his feet at the close of the engagement." As a reward of his meritorious conduct during that battle, Mr. Twombly was made Sergeant, acting as Color-Sergeant, and while serving in that capacity carried his colors as the head of his regiment through the two days battle of Shiloh, during the 6th and 7th of April, 1862. During the siege of Corinth, Miss., he served as Second Lieutenant of his company, and later received a commission as such to date from August 1, 1862. During the battle of Corinth. on the 3d and 4th of October following, he was wounded, which necessitated his remaining in the hospital for a month, the only time he was off duty during more than four years of service. The following year, 1863, the Second Iowa Infantry, as part of the First Brigade, Second Division, Sixteenth Army Corps, commanded by Gen. G. M. Dodge, was stationed at Corinth, whence it proceeded on many raids after Forrest and Rhodey, with their rebel cavalry, through Northern Mississippi, Alabama and Western Tennessee. These troops were stationed at Pulaski, Tenn., during the winter of 1863-64, and the last of April of the latter year joined Sherman's Army just as it was moving out of Chattanooga against the rebel army under Gen. J. E. Johnston. With Dodge's Division of the Army of the Tennessee, Mr. Twombly participated in the many battles and skirmishes of the Atlanta campaign from Resaca to Lovejoy Station, which occurred between May 1 and September 1, 1864. He was slightly wounded in the battle of Jonesboro, August 31, but did not enter the hospital. In July, of the same year, he was commissioned First Lieutenant and Adjutant, and on the 10th of November, was promoted to the rank of Captain, which position he continued to fill during the remainder of his service. With his company under Sherman he marched "from Atlanta to the Sea." In January, 1865, while at Savannah, Ga., by an order from division headquarters, he was ordered to report for duty as Inspector of the Third Brigade, Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, and served in that position during the march north through the Carolinas to Goldsborough, and until mustered out. In that march they met the enemy at Columbia, S. C., and in Bentonville, N. C., where Mr. Twombly was last under fire. From Goldsborough he marched to Raleigh, and soon after the news of Johnson's surrender, which brought hostilities to a close, reached him. Going with his command Northward, he then took part in the Grand Review of the Eastern and Western armies at Washington, proceeded thence by rail to Louisville, Ky., where he was mustered out July 12, and on the 20th of July was finally discharged at Davenport, Iowa, after a continuous service of more than four years or throughout the entire war. After a short visit to his mother and friends in Keosauqua, Capt. Twombly entered Bryant & Stratton's Business College, of Burlington, Iowa, and at the end of three months accepted a position as manager of the large flouring interests at Ottumwa, owned by the Orchard City Mills Company, of Burlington. He there remained two years, during which time he was united in marriage with Miss Chloe A. Funk, of Keosauqua, the marriage ceremony being performed on the 1st of May, 1866. The lady is a daughter of William Funk, Esq., one of the early settlers of Van Buren County, who emigrated from Ohio to this State when Chloe was three years old. She was born February 9, 1845. From Ottumwa, in December, 1867, Mr. Twombly removed to Pittsburg, Van Buren County, Iowa, where he engaged in the milling business with his father-in law until the spring of 1876, at which time he removed to Keosauqua. The mercantile business then engrossed his attention until the autumn of 1879, when he entered into politics, being nominated and elected Treasurer of Van Buren County by the Republican party, receiving a majority of two hundred and thirty-nine, while the candidates for Sheriff, County Superindendent [sic] and member of the Board of Supervisors were defeated. In 1881 he was renominated by acclamation, and elected by a majority of four hundred, the Democrats again electing Sheriff and Superintendent. His second term closed January 1, 1884, and he announced himself a candidate for Treasurer of State, for which office he was nominated by acclamation at the Republican State Convention held in Des Moines in August, 1884. With the others on the ticket he was elected, having a majority of nineteen thousand; in 1886 he was renominated without opposition, and elected with a majority of sixteen thousand; and in 1888 was renominated for a third term. This is an unusual honor in Iowa. The returns showed a majority of more than nineteen thousand, and a plurality of thirty-one thousand. By reason of this office he is a member of the Executive Council of the State, composed of of the Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of State and Treasurer of State, upon which body many important duties devolve. Mr. Twombly is a charter member of William C. Harper Post, No. 79, G. A. R., of Keosauqua. and has several times represented his post in the department encampment, by which he was elected a delegate to the National Encampment held in St. Louis, Mo., in October, 1887. He is a companion of the First Class of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and is now Recorder of the Commandery of Iowa. He is also a Master Mason of twenty-five years standing, and for twenty years he and his wife have been active members of the Congregational Church, he being a delegate to the State Association, at its fiftieth anniversary in May, 1890, at Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Twombly have been blessed with five children, the two oldest, little girls, and the fourth, a boy, died in infancy. The third, William Tuttle, lived to be nearly seventeen years of age, and died December 28, 1887. He was the pride of his parents, the sunshine of their home, and was greatly respected by both young and old. Eva, the youngest and only living child, will be twelve years old on the 10th of November, 1890. The brilliant record of Voltaire P. Twombly is familiar to Iowa's citizens, and words of praise and commendation would seem almost superfluous, yet a few facts relative to his public character we should like to mention. His popularity throughout Iowa is indicated by the large majority which he received on his first election to the office of State Treasurer, and no higher testimonial of efficiency and faithfulness to duty could be given than the statement of the fact that at the last election he had a greater majority than ever before. It shows the confidence reposed in him as a citizen and public officer, and the honor of being three times elected to his present position has been conferred upon no other man in the State since 1871. In church, society, and in public life his friends are almost numberless, and even his political enemies accord him their respect.BENJAMIN R. VALEBENJAMIN R. VALE, President of the Farmers' & Traders' Bank, of Bonaparte, Van Buren County, is well and favorably known throughout Southern Iowa. He is a representative of the best class of citizens—one who feels an interest in public affairs and cheerfully performs any labor which will promote the general welfare of the community. His birth occurred on the 4th of June, 1848, in Jefferson County, Ohio, and he came to Iowa in 1850 and to this county in 1856. His primary education, which was acquired in the public schools, was supplemented by a course in the Academy of Birmingham, Van Buren County, and in 1868 he entered the Monmouth College, of Monmouth, Ill., being graduated, on his completion of the classical course, in 1873. It was his intention then to take up the study of law. In fact, he had made partial arrangements to enter the law department of the Iowa State University, but circumstances so shaped themselves that he gave up that idea, turning his attention to other pursuits. He is now engaged to a considerable extent in stock growing in Harrisburg Township, and has met with good success in that line. As before stated, he is connected with the Farmers' & Traders' Bank, of Bonaparte, Iowa, as its President, and the success of that institution is due in no small degree to Mr. Vale, who possesses good business ability, energy and a straightforward manner, which wins the confidence of all with whom he comes in contact. It was in February, 1874, that Mr. Vale led to the marriage altar Miss Julia Biddle, daughter of Dr. Biddle, of Kirkwood, Ill., one of the prominent physicians of that town. They began their domestic life in Harrisburg Township, but in 1885 he built a residence in Bonaparte and removed his family to that town, the cause of the removal being his wife's health. There were four children born of their union. one son and three daughters — Anne R., May B., Margaret and Bruce Rex. Mr. Vale has the honor of being President of the National Anti-Horse Thief Association. Both he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church, and in the social world are held in high regard. In politics he is a stanch supporter of Republican principles, having cast his ballot with that party since attaining his majority. In the fall of 1887 he was nominated by his party for the office of State Senator and triumphantly elected, representing his constituents in the Upper House faithfully and well. He proved an influential member of the Legislature and gave his support to all measures calculated to aid the general community. The school interests of the community have engaged his attention, he having served for eight years as Secretary and seven years as President of the School Board. He is also connected with several stock breeding associations, and is now President of the National Swine Breeders' Association, which is beneficial in developing stock and shaping legislation. The public and private life of Mr. Vale, alike, are above reproach. He is a man of sterling worth and strict integrity, with many commendable characteristics, and it is with pleasure that we present this brief sketch of his life to the readers of the ALBUM.HON. JACOB G. VALEHON. JACOB G. VALE, ex-Senator of Iowa, was born in the western part of York County, Pa., July 7, 1821. The family is of English origin. He traces his ancestry back to Robert Vale, a native of England, who followed a seafaring life, being captain of the ship on which William Penn made his second voyage to America. In order to induce him to locate in America, Penn gave him one thousand acres of land in York County, Pa., on which he settled. Soon afterward he married Anna Bula, a native of Ireland, but a Quaker in religious faith. They had a family of six children, including William Vale, grandfather of our subject, who married Miss Anna Witherall, a native of Ireland. They became the parents of two sons and five daughters, the youngest son being John, who was born on the old homestead, and there lived until the age of thirty years. On attaining his majority he married Miss Lydia Garretson, a native of Pensylvania [sic], but of English-German ancestry, and the union was blessed with a family of four children. Our subject is the only survivor. He was but two months old at the time of his father's death, and he made his home with his maternal grandfather until the death of that gentleman, when Jacob was a lad of nine years. He then lived with his mother's brother, Daniel Garretson, until nineteen years of age. With his brother he emigrated to Jefferson County, Ohio, and after attending school for a few terms was engaged as teacher in the district schools. He then spent a year in the Mt. Pleasant boarding school, under the management of the Society of Friends, and during the succeeding twelve years followed teaching, and perfected his previous imperfect knowledge of the higher scientific branches. For eight years of this time he served as Principal of the Smithfield public schools, and also studied law under Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War under President Lincoln. He was admitted to the bar in 1844, in Jefferson County, Ohio, and in 1847 was a candidate for the State Legislature in a Democratic county in Ohio, where he was beaten by only twenty-one votes. The same year Mr. Vale was united in marriage with Miss Anne, daughter of Benjamin Rex, a wealthy Ohio farmer, and unto them were born six children. They came to Iowa in 1850, after which Mr. Vale continued to practice only as an accommodation to his friends until 1860, since which time he has devoted himself entirely to the care of his farm. He first located in Lee County, where, in 1853, he was a candidate on an independent ticket for the Legislature but was beaten. In 1856 he came to Van Buren County, and in the fall of 1869 was solicited by representatives of both parties to become a candidate for the State Senate, and was elected by a fair majority, being the only independent Senator in the Thirteenth General Assembly. Politically he is a stanch Republican, and religiously is a faithful Presbyterian. In his legislative labors he was conscientious, never advocating a measure until he was fully persuaded that he was right, and then it would require facts with the force of logic to turn him aside from the apparent path of duty. Opposite to his name in every enterprise, social, moral, financial or official, may be written the word " success."S. E. VINCENTS. E. VINCENT is one of the leading business men of Van Buren County and one of its largest landowners. He is now engaged in general merchandising in Lebanon and is also the owner of a similar establishment in Cantril. Being widely known throughout the community, his sketch will be of interest to many of our readers and we are therefore pleased to represent him in this work. He was born on the 13th of March, 1830, in West Virginia, gracing the union of Rice W. and Elizabeth (Meeks) Vincent. On the paternal side the family is of English origin, but the Meeks are of Scotch-Irish extraction. The paternal grandfather of our subject, John Vincent. was a native of Delaware and served in the Revolutionary War. He lived to the advanced age of ninety-six years and his wife, whose maiden name was Sarah Rice and who was a native of Virginia, died at a remarkable age of one hundred and one years. The parents of our subject were both born in the Old Dominion and Mr. Vincent followed farming in the pursuit of fortune. He died in 1852 and his wife passed away in 1868. Their family numbered twelve children. John J., the eldest, who was a native of West Virginia, enlisted in the Union Army during the late war, was captured and died in Andersonville prison in 1864; Susan died in Virginia; Thomas W. died in West Virginia, in 1889; Mamie died in Virginia; and Morgan C, in Indiana; Amos B. is engaged in farming in Pennyslvania; S. E. of this sketch is the next younger; Sarah is now deceased; Jefferson C. is married and resides in Missouri; William H. is married and makes his home in Chillicothe, Mo., D. Frank is married and resides in California; and Lucy W. is now Mrs. Van Fleet of Jackson Township, Van Buren County. The first twenty-five year's of his life S. E. Vincent spent in the State of his nativity but in 1855, he resolved to act upon Horace Greeley's advice and go West. He made a location in Hancock County, Ill., where he engaged in farming for about a year, when he removed to Missouri, where he spent five years engaged in the same pursuit. It was a fortunate day for him when he decided to remove to Van Buren County. In 1861, he located in Jackson Township and since that his efforts have been attended with marked success. For about nine years he engaged in farming and stock raising. He purchased one hundred and eighty acres of land and from time to time made additional purchases, until he is now the owner of seven hundred acres under a good state of cultivation, together with some landed property in Virginia. He still superintends the management of his farm which pays to him a golden tribute for his care and cultivation and stock raising is also an important branch of his business, he shipping from seventy-five to a hundred head of cattle per year. Prior to his emigration from his native State, Mr. Vincent was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Dameron, the wedding taking place in 1850. The lady was born in that State March 12. 1831. Their family numbered the following children: Ellen Nora, now deceased; Mrs. Jane Davis; Cordelia who died in California; Mrs. Amanda R. Frazee of Van Buren Township, Van Buren County; Mrs. Emma Work of Denver, Col; W. H. who is married and is engaged in merchandising in Cantril; Mrs. Mary Ten Eyck of Lebanon ; Ida C., Zepha, James F. and John J. who died in childhood. The mother of this family passed to her last rest on the 30th of January, 1890, after a long married life of forty years. Mr. Vincent left his farm in 1870, and removed to Lebanon, where he has since resided. He erected a good store building, put in a large stock of general merchandise and has since done a good business in that line. As he keeps only good grades of merchandise which he sells at fair prices and as in all his dealings he is upright and honorable, courteous to all, he has won a liberal patronage which he richly deserves. His store at Cantril is also in a prosperous condition. The business interests of Mr. Vincent are extensive, yet he has found time to devote to public duties. For seventeen years he served as Postmaster of Lebanon, has filled the office of Trustee in both Chequest and Jackson Townships for several years each and is now Township Treasurer. He takes considerable interest in political affairs, and is a stanch advocate of the Democracy. He is a sagacious and far-sighted business man who has been blessed with the prosperity which comes to those of energetic and industrious habits.CRANDALL C. WALKERCRANDALL C. WALKER, Auditor of Van Buren County, Iowa, and a resident of Keosauqua, was born in Mercer County, Pa., November 8, 1849, and is a son of Harvey and Anna M. (Nelson) Walker. In 1854, when our subject was but five years of age, the family emigrated to Knox County, Ill., and three years later made a settlement in Bourbon County, Kan., but at the time of the border warfare were forced to leave the State on account of the radical abolition principles which Mr. Walker entertained. He and his family afterwards became residents of Jefferson County, Kan., and when the War for the Union broke out, anxious to aid his country in the preservation of the Union, he enlisted in the famous Graybeard Regiment of Kansas. Mr. Walker was personally acquainted with Jim Lane and John Brown, two of the most noted characters connected with the early history of the late war. He has lived to see the entire abolishment of slavery with scarcely even a trace of its existence remaining, and yet makes his borne in Jefferson County, where he and his wife are widely known. In their family were eleven children, namely: Crandall C., Claudius D., Marion D., Marvin L., Olina, Ellis F., Schuyler R., Mitchell H., Roland, (deceased) Anna and Willie. Mr. Walker is a man of the strictest integrity and uprightness who can not be induced to swerve from the path of duty, and his life makes an impress upon the character of all those with whom he comes in contact. The principles of the Whig party received his support in his early life, afterward he became identified with the Abolitionists and is now a stanch supporter of the Republican party. Crandall C. Waltzer, whose name heads this sketch, acquired his early education in the pioneer schools of Kansas, after which he attended Baker's University, in Baldwin City, Kan., but before completing the course, failing strength forced him to abandon his studies. The next three years he spent in the southern part of the State for the purpose of regaining his health, after which he came to Iowa in 1874. It was his intention to further prosecute his studies in Mt. Pleasant, but his exchequer becoming somewhat exhausted, it was necessary to replenish it ere he could carry out his plans. In the winter of 1875-6 he was a student in Knox College, of Galesburg, Ill., and during the succeeding twelve years he devoted his attention to school teaching in Van Buren County, Iowa, and in Illinois and Kansas. In 1877, in Winchester, Van Buren County, Iowa, Mr. Walker was united in marriage with Miss Flora D. Fry, daughter of A. A. Fry, of that place. He then embarked in farming and in connection with his father-in-law, owned the first draft horse in the county, since which time he has made a business of breeding horses. In 1889 he was elected to the office of County Auditor, by the Republican party, of which he has ever been a stalwart advocate. He has been a resident of Keosauqua since 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Walker are the parents of three children— Ethel, Florence and Vedah, and also lost one in infancy. Their church relationship is with the Methodist Episcopal, of which they are faithful members. As an educator, stock-raiser and public officer, he has been successful and is regarded as a representative and worthy citizen of the county.HON. WESLEY WALKERHON. WESLEY WALKER. The history of Van Buren County would be incomplete should the sketch of Mr. Walker be omitted, for few have longer been residents of the community and none are more widely or favorably known. In the pursuit of his business he has aided immeasurably in the upbuilding of the county, and with a desire to promote the general welfare, though himself receiving no benefit, he has supported all worthy enterprises, and, with others, should receive the lasting gratitude of the citizens of the county for ages to come. We can hardly realize what is due the pioneers, yet we can cherish their memory while we perpetuate their lives by written record. They were the founders of the county, and the work which they performed cannot be measured by a common standard. Wesley Walker was born in York County, Pa., on the 11th of June, 1820, and is a son of Joseph and Lydia (Bell) Walker, who were also natives of the same county, the former born in 1787, the latter in 1788. The grandfather of our subject, Abel Walker, was one of the early settlers of York County. He married Ann Vale, daughter of Capt. Robert Vale, who accompanied William Penn on his second voyage to America. For valuable services rendered, William Penn presented him with one thousand acres of land in York County, where the Walkers also owned large possessions. Both families belonged to the Society of Friends, but Joseph Walker was dismissed from the church on account of having served in the War of 1812, the sect being strongly opposed to warfare. Our subject was one of nine children, all of whom grew to mature years—Joel, who settled in Keosauqua, in 1839, died in 1881; John is a carriage-maker, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Josiah has been a resident of Van Buren County since 1860; Wesley is the fourth in order of birth; Abel is still living in his native State; Eliza is the widow of Adam Freeze, of Springfield, Mass.; Jane, widow of John P. Wolfe, died in Cumberland County, Pa., in 1872; Louisa, who resides in Nebraska, is the widow of John Pyles; Lucinda is the wife of John P. Shively, of Cumberland County, Pa. The parents of this family both died in York County, Pa. They were honest, upright people, members of the Methodist Church, and their consistent lives won them host of friends. Wesley Walker acquired his education in the subscription schools of the early day, and at the age of eighteen years began learning the carpenter's trade. Possessing a natural aptitude for mechanics, he soon mastered the business and became a proficient workman. With a desire to benefit his financial condition and with the hope of securing for himself a comfortable home, he followed the course of human emigration, which was steadily drifting westward, and in the spring of 1839 landed in Van Buren County, Iowa. On the 20th of June he made a claim in Des Moines Township, but did not locate upon the land, as he believed it would be to his advantage to devote himself to carpentering. Yearly the number of emigrations increased and his labors were in constant demand. On the 17th of June, 1846, he was united in marriage with Miss Rosa A. Robins, who was born in Lebanon County, Pa., in 1827, and was a daughter of William Robins. Three years later, in March, 1849, with his father-in-law, he started for California. In Keokuk they were delayed nine days on account of the river being frozen over. At the expiration of that time they boarded a steamer and sailed down the Mississippi to New Orleans and across the Gulf to Panama. On reaching the opposite side of the Isthmus they embarked in a steamer, "Capaka,'' but ninety-three days had passed ere they reached Monterey, Cal., during that time the supply of provisions was exhausted, and they also suffered from thirst, only a pint of water being allowed each passenger per day. Some idea of the suffering will be obtained from the knowledge of the fact that Mr. Walker on starting out weighed one hundred and sixty-five pounds, but his weight on reaching Monterey, Cal., was only one hundred and twenty-five pounds. After some time spent in travel, and three months in which he engaged in mining, he made his way to Sacramento, where he followed the carpenter's trade. He was in that city at the time of the great overflow, and succeeded in saving the life of his father-in-law, who was sick at the time. They made a claim on the site of the Capitol building and remained in California till the fall of 1850, when they returned by the same route which they had before traveled. On reaching Van Buren County, Mr. Walker once more resumed carpentering, in which line of business he has since continued operations. Many of the important structures of the city and community were erected by him or under his immediate supervision. He built the first frame house in Ottumwa, which at the time consisted of two log cabins, and made the first coffin, in which was laid to rest Mary Ann Hall, the first buried at that place. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Walker were born five children, yet living—Mary, wife of John McPherron, of Northville, Spink County, S. D.; Willie, who is a miller of Keokuk County, Iowa; Flora, wife of Ed Peterson, who also makes his home in Northville; Emma, wife of John Rank, of Chadron, Neb.; and Morris, who is a resident of Kansas City. The mother of this family was called to her final rest on the 29th of August, 1873. She was a member of the Christian Church and a lady greatly beloved for her many excellencies of character. On the 3d of June, 1886, Mr. Walker was again married, his second union being with Mrs. Sarah McNee, widow of William McNee. In political sentiment Mr. Walker is independent, casting his ballot for the man and not the party. He was honored by his fellow-citizens with the office of Mayor, which he filled acceptably and with credit to himself and his constituents. However, he has never sought political preferment as his business occupies his entire time and attention. Quietly and faithfully he performs the duties of citizenship, and by his upright life and honorable course wins the respect of all with whom he comes in contact. As a pioneer he has lived to witness the vast changes which have taken place, has participated in the wonderful growth and development, and has the honor of being known as one of the fathers of the county, where for more than half a century he has made his home.JOHN K. WALLERJOHN K. WALLER, grocer and proprietor of a restaurant and public hall in Milton, is numbered among the pioneers of Van Buren County of 1845. He was born in Sussex County, Del., March 26, 1826, and is a son of William and Mary (King) Waller, who were also natives of Delaware and of Scotch descent. When the subject of this sketch was seven years of age he removed with his parents from the State of his nativity, and journeying westward, settled in Versailles, Marion County, Ohio, where he grew to manhood, receiving such educational advantages as the common schools of that day afforded. In 1845 the family emigrated to Iowa, making the journey by team, and arrived in Van Buren County on the 28th of September. Our subject settled in Chequest Township, where he engaged in farming until the spring of 1849, when he was employed on board a steamboat on the Mississippi River, to which pursuit he devoted his energies for two years, or until the spring of 1851, when he crossed the plains to California with mule teams. He was engaged in mining in the gold fields of the Pacific Coast from July 6, 1851, until August 18. 1855, when he returned to his home by the way of the Isthmus of Panama and New York. His father died of cholera on the 28th of September of that year, and John K. took charge of the farm in Chequest Township, belonging to the estate, which he operated from the spring of 1856 until 1864. On the 21st of September of the former year in Van Buren County, he was united in marriage with Miss Lucinda Gardner, a native of Rush County, Ind., and a daughter of Aaron and Clarissa Gardner. Two children, a son and a daughter, have been born of their union — Clara, who is now the wife of John W. Ward, a resident of Grandview, Douglas County, S. Dak.; and William Clay, who married Miss Alice Dye and is a resident of Isabel, Kan. In the spring of 1864 Mr. Waller removed to Montana Territory with his family, and at Virginia City, Helena, and other points engaged in mining. In May, 1866, he returned to Iowa and soon afterward he entered the service of the Chicago & Rock Island Railroad Company as local agent at Summit, Van Buren County, where he continued for three years. His next vocation was the grocery business, in which he embarked in Bloomfield, Davis County, carrying on operations in that line until 1874, when he went to the Black Hills. After one summer spent in that mining region without satisfactory results, he returned to Van Buren County, Iowa, locating in Milton, where he has since been engaged in the grocery business. He is also proprietor of a restaurant and public hall. On the 11th of March, 1880, in this city, Mr. Waller was united in marriage with Mrs. Emma Ruth Groves, widow of John Groves, and a daughter of William King. The lady was born in Sussex County, Del., and in 1841 came with her parents to Van Buren County, where she has since made her home. In politics Mr. Waller is a Democrat, and socially, is a member of Aurora Lodge, No. 50, A. F. & A. M., also of Jackson Lodge, No. 25, K. P., both of Milton. He is recognized as one of the enterprising business men of that place and is highly esteemed by his fellow-citizens.JOSEPH WARRENJOSEPH WARREN is a native of County Wexford, Ireland, born July 12, 1814. His parents were Christopher and Sarah Warren, who were both natives of Wexford County. His father was a farmer by occupation, to which pursuit Joseph was reared. The schools of that locality not being good he received but a limited education which however he largely supplemented by reading and observation. He remained at home assisting his father in the management and cultivation of the farm until he was twenty-five years of age. On the 17th of February 1840, he married Miss Ann Pierce who was also a native of County Wexford. After his marriage he engaged in farming for himself, and continued to successfully operate a large farm until his emigration to America. That he thoroughly understood all branches of agriculture is attested by the fact that he has in his possession a silver medal, that was presented to him by the Agricultural Association for being the best farmer in the county. In the summer of 1853, he decided to seek a home in the New World, and with his wife and four children, sailed for America, landing at New Orleans, and continuing his journey, arrived at St. Louis on the 26th of December of that year. In the spring of 1854, he landed in Van Buren County. He was not without means, for upon his arrival he had about $3,000, as the result of his successful tenant farming in his native land. He located in Vernon Township, where he bought one hundred and twenty acres of land and began the development of a farm. His labors were successful, and he continued to increase his possessions until he became the owner of seven hundred acres. He had been in the county but a few years, when the people recognizing his ability and worth as a citizen elected him to the office of Township Supervisor, and the County Board elected him President of that body. He served his constituents faithfully. He was subsequently elected Justice of the Peace, but not caring to act in that capacity he held the office but a few years. Mr. and Mrs. Warren became parents of seven children, four of whom grew to mature years and are yet living, viz; Christopher, who is a farmer of Vernon Township; Ellen Jane who is the wife of Samuel H. Warren, a successful farmer of Vernon Township, and Sarah who wedded Samuel Herron, of Van Buren Township, Mr. Warren has given his children good educational advantages, and provided each with a good farm, though he still retains three hundred and forty acres for his own use and maintenance. Idleness is no part of his nature; he has always been industrious, and though amply able to lay aside all business cares, and spend his declining years in ease and luxury, he still keeps himself employed looking after his farms and stock, not so much as a source of profit, as for the pleasure it affords him. He has acted as guardian for several orphan children, and administrator for the settlement of a number of estates, and in every case his course has been marked by the strictest integrity. In his many and varied business transactions he has never had a lawsuit on his own account. He has been a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church ever since he came to the county, as was also his good wife, whose loss he was called upon to mourn in 1882. In the summer of 1888 Mr. Warren visited his native land, and spent about five weeks in traveling in that country, and visiting many places of interest, notably the beautiful "Lakes of Killarney," and the famous "Blarney Castle." On his return to Iowa he felt more strongly than ever his preference for the land of his adoption to that of his nativity. In the public questions of the day he has always taken an interest, and in national elections has supported the Republican party. He is a liberal supporter of the church and other deserving institutions. To the poor and needy he is a friend, to whom he dispenses charity with genuine Irish hospitality; by reason of a good constitution, correct and temperate habits he has by several years exceeded man's allotted three-score and ten and is still well preserved, and in the enjoyment of his faculties both physical and mental. He can now look back over a long, busy and well-spent life of usefulness, with the pleasant consciousness of having in all things honestly endeavored to perform his full duty to his God, to his fellow-men, to his family and to himself. "Good actions crown themselves with lasting days. Who well deserves, needs not another's praise."JOHN WHITTENJOHN WHITTEN, the present Deputy Treasurer of the State of Iowa, was born August 4, 1842, in Lick Creek Township, Van Buren County; his parents, Walter and Rebecca Whitten, having come to the county in 1840, from Scioto County, Ohio. In his youth he received the ordinary educational advantages of the pioneer schools of those days, and on July 1, 1861, although less than nineteen years of age, he enlisted in Company H, Fifth Iowa Infantry. He saw two years and six months of service in the field and wore the blue for over four years. He was with Gen. Fremont during the Springfield, Mo., campaign in the fall of 1861, participated in the siege of New Madrid, Mo., the battle at Island No. 10, and the siege of Corinth, Miss., under Gen. Halleck in the spring of 1862. In the battle of Iuka, Miss., on the 19th of September of that year he was wounded. He took part in the battle of Corinth, Miss., on the 3rd and 4th of October following, was in the Yazoo Pass expedition under Gen. Sherman, the battles of Jackson and Champion Hills, Miss., and the siege of Vicksburg. This was followed by the battle of Lookout Mountain and in the engagement at Missionary Ridge on November 25th, 1863, he was taken prisoner. We quote from a volume, "Iowa in War `Times" written by S. H. M. Byers, late Adjutant of the Fifth Iowa Infantry. In writing about the battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, he says: "The Fifth Iowa Infantry's loss, including quite a number captured, was one hundred six officers and men, out of the two hundred forty-eight engaged. Several officers and the color guard were among those captured in the assault. The flag too, though torn nearly to pieces, was lost. At the moment it was about to fall into the rebel hands, it was seized by some of those nearest it, its stars torn out and secreted about their persons. One of these stars was saved by John Whitten, now Deputy State Treasurer. He was captured a few moments later and carried the star with him through many horrible months of rebel imprisonment. That star, worthier than any star of the Order of the Garter, framed and preserved, is in the Capitol at Des Moines. Mr. Whitten was confined on Belle Isle, Va., for over three months and was then removed to Andersonville, Ga., in the spring of 1864, and there confined until April 17, 1865. Of eleven of his company confined at Andersonville, nine died from ill treatment and starvation, among which number was his brother, Josiah A., a young man full of promise of a useful life. Mr. Whitten was released ten miles from Jacksonville, Fla., April 28, 1865, and discharged from the service on the 7th of July following, having for more than four years under one enlistment followed the fortunes of war. On returning from the army, Mr. Whitten took up farming but his health was so impaired that he had to abandon that labor and then attended the Iowa Agricultural College for two years. He was married on October 8, 1872, to Miss Ella L. Rice of Farmington, Iowa who is also a native of Van Buren County. He was elected to the office of County Auditor of Van Buren County in the fall of 1879, and re-elected in 1881, serving two full terms. He received the appointment of Deputy Treasurer of the State, January 1, 1885, and his third term of two years each, will close in January, 1891. Mr. Whitten is a member of Miles King Post, G. A. R. of Farmington; of Mt. Moriah Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and Kadosh Chapter, R. A. M. of Farmington; also of El Chanan Commandery, K. T. of Keosauqua.WILLIAM ALBERT WILCOXONWILLIAM ALBERT WILCOXON, the popular photographer of Bonaparte, is a native of Indiana. He was born in Delaware County, that State, on the 9th of December, 1858, and is a son of Horatio Wilcoxon. His father died when he was a mere babe, only two years old, and he then went to live with his uncle, John Williamson, who brought him to Iowa. He made a location in Bonaparte Township, Van Buren County, where our subject was reared to manhood, spending the days of his boyhood and youth in the usual manner of farmer lads. His education was acquired in the district schools of the neighborhood, which he attended only during the winter season as his services were needed on the farm during the summer months, but on reaching years of maturity he decided to make his life work some other profession or occupation than that which had engrossed his attention during boyhood. With a view of learning his present business, he came to Bonaparte in the spring of 1880 and entered the photograph gallery of Levi Henry, who instructed him in the methods of the art. After mastering the business, he continued with Mr. Henry as an employe for some years, when iii the autumn of 1889, he bought out the business and began life for himself. Little more than a year has passed yet he has now a liberal patronage and his business is constantly in-creasing, a fact which gives evidence of the thoroughness and pleasing manner in which his work is done. In the year 1882 Mr. Wilcoxon was united in the holy bonds of matrimony with Miss Mary J. Madden, daughter of Thomas Madden, one of the early settlers and a prominent farmer of Van Buren County, now deceased. The lady is a member of the Presbyterian Church and in the community where she has so long made her home has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. A little daughter graces their union — Edith May. In political sentiment, Mr. Wilcoxon is a supporter of Republican principles. In speaking of him in the beginning of this sketch we used the adjective popular. He is popular both in the line of his work and in social circles. An agreeable companion, intelligent and entertaining, he has won the high regard of all with whom he has been brought in contact.JOSEPH WILLIAMSONJOSEPH WILLIAMSON, deceased, is numbered among the honored pioneers of Van Buren County, Iowa. He located in the county in 1835, when it formed a part of the Territory of Michigan. The entire State was then an almost uninhabited wilderness and gave little promise of its present prosperity or of the advanced position which it to-day occupies in the Union. Mr. Williamson, a son of Francis and Eve (Mc-Namar) Williamson, was born June 20, 1814, in Scioto County, Ohio, where the first twelve years of his life were spent upon his father's farm. In 1826, he accompanied the family on their removal from Ohio to Indiana, where he continued to reside until 1835, when he journeyed westward, crossing the Father of Water and set foot upon Iowa soil. From that time until his death, he was identified with the history of the State and especially with the growth and advancement of Southeastern Iowa. He aided in the erection of the first house in Farmington and after a year returned to Indiana where, on the 24th of July, 1836, he was united in marriage with Hannah Lemming, who was born in Knox County, Ohio, August 28, 1817, and is a daughter of Elias and Deborah (Reed) Lemming, who were natives of New Jersey, the former born of Scotch parentage, while the latter was of Irish lineage. About the time when Iowa was made a territory, in 1838, Mr. Williamson and his wife removed to the vicinity of Bonaparte where they resided until 1850, when they became residents of Davis County. Twelve years later they removed to Van Buren County, but in 1875, again became residents of Davis County, where Mr. Williamson died on the 19th of August, 1889. He was a farmer by occupation and followed that business during the greater part of his life. As a citizen, he occupied a front rank among the progressive and influential men of the community and his death proved a loss to a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Williamson were born eleven children. John W., born in Indiana, died before the walls of Vicksburg, on the 23rd of March, 1862, while serving as a soldier of Company D, Thirtieth Iowa Infantry; Francis M., was born October 10, 1838, and resides in Milton, claims to have been the first white child born in Van Buren County; Mary A., is the wife of G. W. Rosser, of Colorado; Ellen, is deceased; William H., is living in Van Buren County; Emily J., is deceased; Eva E., is the wife of C. E. Archer and their home is in Davis County; Martha J., is also deceased; Clara, is the wife of W. F. Edmondson, and the Postmistress of Milton, Iowa; Sarah I. and Helen B. have also passed away. The mother of this family is still living and makes her home in Van Buren County. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a most estimable lady.A. H. WOODSH. WOODS is now living a retired life on his fine farm situated on section 31, Harrisburg Township, Van Buren County. His home, a commodious brick dwelling, is situated in the midst of seven hundred broad acres that for years have yielded him a golden tribute for his care and cultivation. Fences divide the farm into fields of convenient size, good barns and outbuildings shelter his stock, and the entire surroundings are in keeping with the improvements before mentioned. During the past few years, however, Mr. Woods has laid aside the more arduous duties of farm life, being now in the eighty-second year of his age and spends his time in rest and quiet, enjoying the fruits of his former toil. However, he is still rugged and active and transacts all his own business. His farm he has mostly seeded down to hay and pasture, and the balance he has rented. Mr. Woods was born in Virginia, on the 11th of August, 1808. His father, John Woods, was also a native of the same State and served his country in the War of 1812. When our subject was a babe he removed from Virginia to Ohio, where he worked at his trade of blacksmithing for many years. He wedded Nancy Skillin, who was born on the Emerald Isle, and when three years of age, was brought by her parents to America. She died when about sixty years of age, and Mr. Woods died in Richland County, Ohio, at the age of eighty years. Of their family of seven children, six reached maturity — William, who was a medical practitioner, died in Cincinnati, Ohio, aged fifty years; A. H., of this sketch, is the second in order of birth; John, who followed farming, died in Richland County, Ohio; Hugh, a millwright by trade, died in Michigan; Archibald, who has traveled extensively over this country, is now a resident of California; Margaret, the youngest, is deceased. Remaining under the parental roof until he had attained his majority, A. H. Woods then left home and started out in life for himself. Going to St. Joseph County, Mich., he worked in a gristmill and, during his stay in that community, married Miss Elizabeth Meek, a native of Ohio, and a daughter of William and Elizabeth (Johnson) Meek. Their union was celebrated in 1834, after which Mr. Woods purchased eighty acres of land, but still continued working in the mill. Later he sold that tract and bought four hundred acres of timber land in St. Joseph County, which he sold after coming to Iowa in the summer of 1837. The traveler of to-day can scarcely imagine the condition of the county at that time. The work of improvement was scarcely begun, much of the land was in its primitive condition, many of the now flourishing towns and villages had not yet sprung into existence, civilization had made but little advancement, in fact it was almost an unbroken wilderness. Mr. Woods first pre-empted one hundred and sixty acres of land and, by purchase, added to it eighty acres upon which he built a log cabin. In pioneer style the family began life in Iowa. Few comforts found their way to their home in those earlier days, and many of the inconveniences and hardships of frontier life were borne by the inmates of that home. Not only had all the land to be broken, but the implements with which the work was to be done, were crude in character as compared with the improved machinery of to-day. The nearest mill was some miles away, and they had to go long distances to market, sometimes over almost impassible roads. But all this is now changed; waving fields of grain now greet the eye in every direction, improvements have been made and the county is inhabited by a well-contented and educated people, who are justly proud of the home of their adoption and the progress here made. Mr. Woods shared in the general prosperity of the county and, extending his possessions, became owner of seven hundred and sixty-five acres of land all in one body. Eleven children were born to our subject and his worthy wife, but four of the number have been called home. Nancy A., the eldest, is now deceased; William V., is a resident of California; Robert M. is a farmer of Vernon Township, Van Buren County; Elizabeth is the wife of Lewis De Hart, who resides near St. Louis, Mo., and is the mother of six children — Clement, C. Loraine, Jennie, Fannie, Clarence and Walter; Ellen is the wife of E. W. Glasscock, of Bonaparte, Iowa, by whom she has seven children, as follows: Charles, William, Alex, Fannie, Edna, Jessie and Anna; Sarah L., wife of H. B. Edmundson, is living in Washington Township, Van Buren County; Mary V. is deceased; Henrietta wedded J. Lefler, by whom she has two children, Myrtle and Lena; Jessie F. is the wife of S. P. Davis, and their union has been blessed with six children. Leonard W., Estella (deceased) Cass M., Grover C., F. Earl and Zula. Mr. Woods is well known throughout the entire county and has taken a prominent part in many public affairs. In politics, he is a Democrat and, as a delegate, he has frequently attended the conventions of that party. He held the offices of Justice of the Peace, School Trustee, etc., and participated in the organization of the county with which he has since been identified. As a friend and neighbor, he is held in high esteem and has the full confidence of all who know him.SAMUEL WORKSAMUEL WORK, an intelligent and respected farmer of Union Township, Van Buren County, residing on section 7, was born in Clark County, Ind., September 30, 1818. The family is of Scottish origin, but from Scotland some of its members emigrated to the North of Ireland., whence at an early day in the history of the American Colonies, Henry Work came to America. The family had its representatives in the Revolutionary War, and though none of its members have distinguished themselves in professional or mercantile life, a line of worthy and respected citizens have descended from the American progenitor. Henry Work, the grandfather of our subject, was born in Pennsylvania, grew to manhood in that State, removed to Kentucky, and at length became a resident of Indiana, where he became owner of two five hundred-acre farms which, after his death, were divided among his children. He left five sons and three daughters — John, Samuel, Joseph, Andrew, Henry, Sarah, Rebecca and Anna. The third of the family, Joseph Work, became the father of our subject. He was born in Fayette County, Pa., and when a lad of fourteen years accompanied his family to Kentucky, and later to Indiana. He was studious by nature, and although his advantages were not of the best, he acquired a good education, and became a leading citizen of Indiana. He first gave his attention to farming as a means of livelihood, but becoming crippled through an accident, he devoted himself to teaching, which profession he followed many years. Possessing oratorical powers much above the average, and being a logical and deep thinker, he became noted as a public speaker. Several terms he represented his district in the State Legislature of Indiana, and also served as Associate Judge for some years. He was a great reader, and possessed a retentive memory which proved of much benefit to him in public life. His views of political questions changing, he discontinued his allegiance to the Democracy and became a supporter of Whig principles. He died on the 15th of December, 1845, at the age of fifty-five years. His wife, whose maiden name was Elvy Dunn, was horn near Norfolk, Va., in February, 1799, and died on the 14th of August, 1874. Their children were as follows — Samuel, of this sketch; Henry, deceased; Joseph, who resides near Mt. Zion, Iowa; John, of Kansas; William, who served in the Third Iowa Cavalry, was taken prisoner and died at Shreveport, La., from the effect of ill-treatment from his rebel captors; Susan is living in Kansas, and Martha and Sarah died in childhood. No event of special importance marked the early life of Samuel Work. He was educated in the subscription schools, attended the Clark County Seminary, of Indiana, and remained under the parental roof until twenty-three years of age, when he bade good-bye to home and friends, and with three companions started for Iowa in 1841 on a prospecting tour. He purchased two hundred acres of land adjoining Birmingham — his present farm, but there is little similarity in the appearance of the cultivated fields of to-day and the barren acres of half a century ago. Only ten acres of the entire amount had been fenced, and the work of improvement had not yet been begun. After making some preparation for a home he returned to lndiana, and on the 6th of March married Miss Hannah Beggs, a native of that State. Soon afterward he brought his young bride to the West, making the journey by river, and they began their domestic life in a little log cabin with puncheon floor, the windows of which looked more like port-holes than that for which they were intended. Their lives have here since been passed, but that pioneer home has long since been replaced by a commodious residence. His home farm comprises two hundred and forty acres, and his landed possessions aggregate twelve hundred acres, making him one of the extensive property-owners of the county. In former years he raised considerable stock, and personally superintended the cultivation of his farms, but the greater part of his land is now rented, while he is practically living a retired life. Mr. and Mrs. Work have seven children living, and have lost two sons. John, who enlisted in the Thirtieth Iowa Regiment, and participated in many battles of the late war, died in the hospital at Keokuk, January 5, 1865; George, is living in Clark County, Ind.; Joe Q., a graduate of the Mt. Pleasant College is now engaged in the practice of law in Lamar, Barton County, Mo.; James M., is living in Jefferson County, Iowa, and with his brother Samuel, the next younger, engages in farming and stock-raising; Thomas makes his home near Cantril, lowa; Robert E. and Emma J. are at home; and the other member of the family, a son, died in childhood. Mr. Work is a friend to education, and gave his children good advantages, thereby fitting them for the practical duties of life. In politics he is a Republican, having supported that party since 1856, when he voted for Fremont, its first candidate. His first Presidential ballot was cast for William Henry Harrison, in 1840. During those early days he manifested considerable interest in political affairs, and had the pleasure of hearing speeches made by Henry Clay, S. S. Prentiss, and other noted orators of the day. The name of our subject is an index to his character, and to his labors may be attributed his success in life.HON. GEORGE F. WRIGHTHON. GEORGE F. WRIGHT, one of the prominent men of Keosauqua, Van Buren County, Iowa, now a prominent attorney of Council Bluffs, Iowa, is a native of Warren, Washington County, Pa., born December 5, 1833. His father, Franklin A. Wright, of English descent, was a farmer by occupation and a man of decided character, who exerted a great influence in his community. George received a good academic education, and designed to pursue a collegiate course. At the age of seventeen he engaged in teaching, continuing that occupation four years; at the expiration of that time, in the spring of 1855, Mr. Wright settled in Keosauqua, Van Buren County, and began the study of law in the office of Messrs. Knapp & Wright; was admitted to the bar in 1856, becoming a partner in the firm with whom he studied; continuing in practice in Keosauqua until 1868 with good success. Mr. Wright then removed to Council Bluffs, his present home, and resumed the practice of his profession with Judge Caleb Baldwin. During the partnership they acted as attorneys for the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, also for the Burlington & Missouri, and the Union Pacific Railroad. His fellow-citizens seeing in Mr. Wright peculiar fitness for official position, have honored him with responsible trusts. While a resident of Keosauqua he was solicited to become a candidate for the Legislature, but declined on account of pressing engagements. In 1874 he was elected to represent in the State Senate the district comprising Mills and Pottawattamie Counties for four years. In public enterprises he has always been active, and while in the State Senate he acted a prominent part. During the Civil War he rendered very efficient service to the State in raising troops, and through his efforts the necessity of a draft in Van Buren County was avoided. Upon the first call for volunteers by President Lincoln, he was commissioned by Gov. Kirkwood, and raising a company, repaired to the rendezvous, but the call being filled the company disbanded. Personally, Mr. Wright is a man of sterling qualities, and possesses a wide range of experience. He was married in 1865, to Miss Ellen E. Brooks, of Northfield, Vt., and by that union was blessed with two sons and two daughters.HON. GEORGE G. WRIGHTHON. GEORGE, G. WRIGHT, an eminent jurist and a pioneer lawyer of Iowa, a former citizen of Van Buren County, is a native of Indiana, having been born in the town of Bloomington, Monroe County, on the 24th of Mach, 1820. His father, John Wright, was a native of Pennsylvania, and was of Welsh descent, the family dating its origin in America back to the year 1720, when the founder, an emigrant from Wales, settled in Pennsylvania. John Wright was a mason by trade, and in early life married Miss Rachel Seaman. His death occurred in Bloomington, Ind., in 1825, when our subject was but five years of age. Mrs. Wright survived her husband many years. She came to Iowa in its Territorial days, and died in Keosauqua, in 1850. George G. Wright was educated in the State University of Indiana, being graduated in the class of '39, while in his twentieth year, after which he read law at Rockville, Ind., under the tutelage of his brother, Joseph A. Wright, afterward Governor of Indiana, and was admitted to the bar in the State Courts of that State in 1840. In September of that year he came to the Territory of Iowa, and in November established himself in practice in Keosauqua, then one of the most promising towns in the Territory. A thorough Whig in political sentiment, the young lawyer at once took prominence in his party, and was chosen Prosecuting Attorney of his county; he was also elected to the State Senate for the term of 1848 and 1850. In the latter year he was the Whig candidate for Congress in a district comprising the whole southern half of Iowa, but the waning strength of the party was not equal to the task of electing him, although his vote exceeded that of the general ticket. In January, 1855, and while yet under thirty-five years of age, his ability and learning as a lawyer and his personal popularity led to his election as Chief Justice of Iowa, to which position he was re-elected, holding the office for a period of fifteen years, or until 1870, when he was elected to the United States Senate. At the close of his Senatorial term, Judge Wright declined a re-election, preferring, as more congenial, the practice of his profession to the more exciting arena of politics. His time on the Supreme Bench covers the most important period in the judicial history of the State. The adoption of the Code system and judicial construction of it is embraced in it. Judge Wright's opinions will be found in all the Iowa Reports from Volume 1 to Volume 30, and the lawyer, whether he be in Iowa, Maine, California or elsewhere, will find in those volumes precedents on general law that he may cite with confidence to any court, assured that they will be accepted with respect and will carry weight and authority with them." Ten years after his election to the Supreme Bench, Judge Wright removed from Keosauqua to Des Moines, which has since been his home. In the fall of that year he associated with himself Judge Chester C. Cole, of the same court, in the organization of the Iowa Law School (the first law school west of the Mississippi River). Judge Wright had had a number of students in his office during the two or three years preceding, and several applications for a like privilege suggested the formation of a school, in which, during the first year, twelve students pursued the study of law under the tutelage of these two gentlemen, they being the only instructors. At the opening of the second year, Prof. William G. Hammond became connected with the school, giving it a constant personal attention, which the judicial duties of the other professors did not permit them to render; and the three men carried the enterprise through the two succeeding years with but slight increase in the number of students. The merits of the school attracted the attention of the bar throughout the State, and in 1868 the Iowa Law School, by the action of the Regents, became a department of the State University, and its instructors still remained in charge as its professors, while the prior graduates were made Alumni of the University. Prof. Hammond removed to Iowa City and was placed at the head of the school, Judges Wright and Cole continuing to give a portion of their time to its service. During his labors on the bench, and while engaged in building up a sound and safe fabric of the unwritten law, Judge Wright found time to give, by his energy and influence, an impetus to many public enterprises and objects. Prior to the organization of the Iowa Law School, he took a prominent part in the organization of the State Agricultural Society, of which he was President for five years, from 1858 to 1863, thereby fostering and encouraging improved methods in all that pertains to Iowa's peculiarly agricultural population. "An earnest patriot, while physical incapacity prevented his entering the army, by word and deed he sustained the arm of the Government in the struggle to save the Union, and many a soldier drew inspiration from his earnest speech, and many a soldier's family found in him a steadfast supporter in time of need. In the Senate, he at once became Chairman and member of influential committees, and had he not, for reasons wholly personal to himself, voluntarily declined re-election. he would doubtless have become one of Iowa's famous long-time Senators. Retiring from the Senate, he took the head of the law firm of Wright, Gatch & Wright, and again entered the practice with his early enthusiasm, and at once was felt in the work of his profession. A desire for rest and greater quiet induced him in time to seek less engrossing duties, and as the trusted head of financial institutions of his city, he now devotes such time as he desires to business. Retaining, however, his early love for his profession, Judge Wright continues to lecture to his old law school, and for like reasons is actively associated with the American Bar Association, of which he was President from June, 1887, to June, 1888. His wide experience as a lawyer, legislator and judge, makes his judgment in that body of recognized value, and as such is constantly sought and observed. In 1882 he severed his connection with the law firm of which he was the head, and accepted the Presidency of the Polk County Savings Bank, which was organized that year, and which position he has filled continuously since, covering a period of seven years. During the same time he has been President of the Security, Loan and Trust Company of Des Moines, an important financial institution of Polk County. Judge Wright was married in Van Buren County, Iowa, on the 19th of October, 1843, to Miss Hannah M. Dibble, daughter of Thomas and Ruth (Gates) Dibble. Mrs. Wright was born in Saratoga County, N. Y., near the celebrated springs of that name, and came to Iowa with her parents in 1839. Her family was of New England origin, and removed from Connecticut to New York early in the eighteenth century. Judge and Mrs. Wright have six children living, four sons and two daughters: Thomas S., the eldest, wedded Miss Mary Tuttle, is an attorney by profession, and is the present solicitor of the Rock Island Railroad for Iowa and Illinois, and resides in Chicago; Craig L. married Miss Kate Van Dyke, and is a practicing attorney of Sioux City, Iowa; Mary D., the eldest daughter, is the wife of Frank H. Peavey, a grain merchant of Minneapolis, Minn.; Carroll, who married Miss Nellie Elliott, was graduated from the Iowa State University, and also from the Law Department of Simpson College, and is a lawyer in active practice in Des Moines; Lucia H. is the wife of Edgar H. Stone, a banker of Sioux City; George G. is single and a resident of Des Moines. Judge Wright is and has been an earnest Republican since the formation of the party. In his religious views he adheres to the Methodist Episcopal Church, under the auspices of which he received his early religious training. Mrs. Wright is a member of the Unitarian Church. The Judge is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and enjoys the distinguished honor of being one of the three Iowa members from civil life, of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Almost half a century has passed since he made his maiden speech in an Iowa Court. Then this now populous and wealthy State was a sparsely-settled region, with but a portion of its territory open to settlement by the whites. During that period his name has been honorably associated with the history of the bar of Territory and State, and for fifteen years he has served with distinction in the highest office in its Judiciary. The imprint of his legal talent is stamped upon the records and reports of the State in a manner that reflects credit upon himself and the commonwealth, and will perpetuate his memory for all time. Many of the most successful and promising lawyers of the State were his pupils or were benefited in their professional education through his efforts in founding a law school and his continued interest in the Law Department of the State University. His election to the United States Senate was an honor justly deserved, and his honorable and upright service in that distinguished body fully justified the choice of his constituents. While it is difficult to write of the living in terms worthy of their merits, virtues and talents, without incurring the risk of offending with an appearance of flattery, it is nevertheless true that in a work like this, that is intended to be a standard work of reference for posterity, a true delineation of character and a fair representation of the life-work of the subject should be presented. We know no reason why we should wait until a man is dead to speak the truth of him. Judge Wright possesses all the characteristics of a great lawyer. Studious by inclination, he is well grounded in the law. His mind, always active, grasps with force the subject of his thoughts, and his opinions are expressed in terms at once clear, logical and comprehensive. In his intercourse with men his manner is entirely free from ostentation and self-consciousness, but is calm, dignified and at the same time evincing an earnest cordiality that wins him many friends. The purity of his life and his fidelity to every trust have won for him the unbounded confidence and respect of his fellow-citizens, both at home and abroad.Transcribed by Rich Lowe for the Van Buren County IAGenWeb Project - copyright 2007 Please Report Any Transcription Errors Found