1890 Portrait and Biographical Album
of Jefferson and Van Buren Counties, IowaVan Buren County Biographical Sketches Transcribed Below
Index ARCHIBALD GILCHRISTARCHIBALD GILCHRIST, contractor and builder of Fairfield, has followed his present business since the age of twenty-two years, and in the pursuit of his chosen trade, has done not a little for the upbuilding and advancement of this community. He was born in Westmoreland County, Pa., January 1, 1837, and was the fourth in order of birth in a family of eight children, whose parents were Joseph and Eliza (McAllister) Gilchrist. His parents were both of Scotch descent, and were natives of the Keystone State. His father was twice married, his first union being with a sister of his second wife, and unto them were born two children. By the second marriage eight children were born, as already stated, and of the complete number, nine are living. Having engaged in fanning in Pennsylvania until 1868, Mr. Gilchrist then removed to Van Buren County, Iowa, where he and his wife spent their last days. His death occurred at the age of seventy-eight years, and his wife departed this life when ten years younger. They were members of the Presbyterian Church, were people highly esteemed by their many friends, and in politics, he was a Whig, and later a Republican. Although reared to farm life, Archibald Gilchrist determined to engage in some other pursuit as his life work, and at the age of twenty-two years began learning the trade of cabinet-making and carpentering, at which he became a proficient workman. In 1861, he married Eliza Kirkpatrick, but she survived their union only about a year. Having lost his wife, and with no home duties to bind him, Mr. Gilchrist followed his patriotic impulses, and in August, 1863, enlisted in the service as a member of Company F, Sixty-third Pennsylvania Infantry. He joined the army of the Potomac at Culpeper Court House, Va., and was with the Third Army Corps until its consolidation with the Second Army Corps, which was commanded by Gen. Hancock. He participated in many, skirmishes and a number of important battles, including the engagement at Mine Run, the battles of the Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Spottsylvania, the siege of Petersburg, and the capture of Lee at Appomattox. Through his entire service he was never wounded or taken prisoner, and on the 18th of July, 1865, was honorably discharged at Pittsburg. When the war was over, Mr. Gilchrist returned to his home and engaged in the undertaking and cabinet-making business in Madison, Westmoreland County, Pa. He was again married November 6, 1867, the lady of his choice being Miss Mary M. Clendenin, who was born in Westmoreland County, June 9, 1840, and is a daughter of David and Nancy (Barr) Clendenin, who were also natives of the Keystone State. By occupation her father was a farmer, and followed that business throughout his entire life. He died at the age of sixty-six years, but his wife is still living in Missouri, and has now attained her eightieth year. Of their family of eight children, the wife of our subject is the fourth in order of birth. The year 1869 witnessed the removal of Mr. Gilchrist from his native State to Greenwood, Jackson County, Mo., where he worked at cabinet-making and undertaking for some five years, at the expiration of which time we find him en route for Iowa. Making a location in Fairfie1d, in 1874, he assisted in building Parsons College, and a number of other buildings. He then spent two years in a furniture factory, since which time he has devoted his time and energies to his present business, that of contracting and building. Thoroughly conversant with the trade, capable of planning and superintending the work, and conscientious in the fullfilment of all contracts, he has won the confidence and regard of the community, and thereby secured a liberal patronage, which he justly merits. He was bridge builder for the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad for two years, was the builder of the Savings Bank, and has erected several of the finest residences of Fairfie1d, including that of Mrs. Henn's and his own home. In April, 1890, he admitted to partnership in the business, W. S. Cook, and the flrm of Gilchrist & Cook ranks first among the contractors of Fairfie1d. They employ about ten men and their trade is constantly increasing. The Gilchrist home is the abode of hospitality, and our subject and his worthy wife hold an enviable position in the social world. Their union was blessed with no children of their own, but they reared an orphan child, Erie R. Mr. Gilchrist has served as a Director in the:Fairfle1d Building and Loan Association. In politics, he is a Republican, having supported that party since casting his first Presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln in 1860.BERT GILLETTBERT GILLETT, the leading photographer of Fairfield, and one of its wide-awake and enterprising young citizens, has spent the greater part of his life in this State. He was born in Birmingham, Van Buren County, Iowa, on the 14th of July, 1856, and is a son of Isaac C. and Maria (Groesbeck) Gillett, who were early settlers of Van Buren County, and are now living in Keokuk County. The early life of our subject passed uneventfully, unmarked by any event of special importance. His primary education, acquired in the public schools, was supplemented by a course in the academy of Birmingham and in 1873, he accompanied his parents to Sigourney, Iowa, where he learned the business in which he is at present engaged. He opened a gallery in Nickerson, Kan., in 1882, and afterward engaged in the same pursuit in Emporia and Clay Center, of the same State. Three years have passed since he located in Fairfield and in that time he has succeeded in securing a liberal patronage such as is deserved by his merit and ability. His studio is situated in the new brick building just erected by F. W. Junken, at the southwest corner of the square and contains all the appurtenances and improvements known to that branch of business. The marriage of Mr. Gillett was celebrated in Fairfield on Christmas Day of 1878, Miss Virginia E. Ratcliff becoming his wife. The lady is a native of the city which she now makes her home and is a daughter of R. F. Ratcliff. Two interesting children graced their union, a son and daughter. but the former, Robert Clyde, died at the age of ten years. The daughter is Bessie Maud. Mr. Gillett is an Odd Fellow, belonging to Sigourney Lodge. No. 98, I. O. O. F. and his wife holds membership in the Presbyterian Church. He has been in business in his present line for eight years and is an expert and popular artist.ISAAC C. GILLETTISAAC C. GILLETT, a pioneer of Fairfield, now a resident of Sigourney, Keokuk County, Iowa, was born in Cattaraugus County, N. Y., January 19, 1825, and is a son of Samuel Gillett, who was born March 28, 1799. In 1822 he married and afterwards removed to Cattaraugus County, and thence, in 1837, to Iroquois County, III. In January, 1838, the family removed to Franklin County, Ohio, and in the spring of 1846 came to Iowa, locating in Jefferson County, near Fairfield, on the farm now owned by W. E. Groff. The mother died August 16, 1846, and the father departed this life on the 18th of January, 1848. Isaac C. Gillett accompanied his parents in their migrations until they settled in Iowa. He was reared on a farm and was married near Birmingham, Van Buren County, February 17, 1848, to Miss Maria Groesbeck, a daughter of Peter and Mary Groesbeck. Mrs. Gillett was born in Washington County, N. Y., June 1, 1827. Their union was blessed with five children, three sons and two daughters, as follows: Mary, born November 22, 1848, is now the wife of William Gann of Sigourney, Iowa; Sarah M., born August 12, 1850, died in infancy ; Orlando G., born October 14, 1853, died in infancy; Bert, born July 14, 1856, married Miss Virginia E. Ratcliff and is now a photographer of Fairfield; Edmund M., born May 11, 1858, is single and resides in Fairfield. Mr. Gillett, the father of this family, is a wagon-maker by trade and carried on business in Birmingham, Van Buren County, for several years. In the fall of 1856 he moved to Monroe County, Iowa, where he engaged in farming with good success until 1859. He then returned to Birmingham and at that place made his home until 1873, when he removed to Sigourney, his present place of residence. He is a Republican in politics and with his wife belongs to the Presbyterian Church. Socially, Mr. Gillett is a member of Sigourney Lodge, No. 98, I. 0. O. F. and is highly respected by all who know him.JONAH GLOVERJONAH GLOVER, who carries on farming and stock-raising on section 34, Farmington Township, Van Buren County, was born in Orange County, Ind., March 11, 1821, and is a son of Stephen and Sarah (Kirkhan) Glover, both of whom were natives of Kentucky, where their marriage was celebrated. About 1810 they removed to Indiana, which at that time was a wild and unsettled region where the red men were numerous and game was plentiful. The father died in the prime of life in that State, and the mother died in this county in her eighty-ninth year. She was a member of the Baptist Church for fifty-five years and a lady whose life was most exemplary. In the family were nine children, eight of whom reached mature years and were married, while four are yet living, namely — Mrs. Jane Archer, Mrs. Hulda Case, Jonah and Newton. Our subject is of English descent on the paternal side, and on the maternal side is of Irish extraction. His boyhood days were spent amid the forests of Indiana, and in the old log schoolhouse with its puncheon floor, slab seats and huge fireplace, he familiarized himself with the three R's. He used to make wooden mold-boards for the plows, and like a dutiful son remained at home until he was about twenty-four years of age. In Washington County, Ind., he married February 29, 1844, Amanda Mitchell, who was born in that county. Their union was blessed with two children — Robert E., now a physician of Corning, Iowa, and Benjamin F., a farmer of Scotland County, Mo. In 1845, Mr. Glover removed with his family to Jasper County, Ind., where in 1852 his wife died. He was again married March 17, 1853, to Elizabeth Mack, a native of Fayette County, Pa., born November 7, 1829, and a daughter of James and Catherine (Grawl) Mack, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania. They emigrated to Ohio in 1833, and four years later became residents of Jasper County, Ind. The father died at the age of seventy-six years, but his wife reached the advanced age of eighty. After his marriage, Mr. Glover continued his residence in Indiana until 1855, when he removed to Crawford County, Wis., where the succeeding nine years of his life were spent. It was in 1864 that he settled in Van Buren County. Farming has been his life work, and he is now the owner of two hundred and twenty acres of nearly all arable land, highly improved and cultivated. He raises some fine stock, including thoroughbred Merino sheep, and is the owner of the largest Percheron horse in this part of the State, his weight being 2020 pounds. When Mr. Glover started out in life for himself in Northern Indiana he had no capital, but rented land until he had saved $100, with which he made a partial payment on an eighty-acre farm. He lived in a pole cabin and was his own cabinet-maker, but by hard work and good management he rose from the ranks and is now accounted one of the leading and substantial farmers of his township. Fair and honest dealing, strict adherence to correct business principles and a determined will have won him his success, and at the same time secured to him the confidence and regard of those with whom he has come in contact. Politically he was a Whig until the organization of the Republican party, since which time he has supported the principles of that body. In religious belief he is a Baptist, but his wife is a Methodist, and his first wife was a member of the Christian Church. The four children born unto Jonah and Elizabeth Glover are Waldo E., who is living in Washington; Ella A., at home; Truman J., assistant in the Chief Engineer's office of the War Department; and Newton L., telegraph operator. The family was represented in the late war by Robert E., who enlisted at the age of seventeen and served three years in the Thirty-third Wisconsin Infantry; and Benjamin F., who in his sixteenth year entered the Sixtieth Illinois Regiment and served a year and a half. Though not a pioneer settler, Mr. Glover is a valuable citizen, and deserves a front rank among the representative men of this county.ASA GOODINASA GOODIN was born in Ohio, in 1816, and the family is of German descent. In his native State he was reared to manhood and received such educational advantages as the schools of that day afforded. Having attained to mature years, in 1837 he led to the marriage altar Miss Rachel Smith, who was also a native of the Buckeye State. They began their domestic life in Ohio, but after seven years determined to try their fortune in the West and in 1844 we find them en route for Iowa. They chose Farmington, then a small village, as a favorable location, but the following year removed to Lee County where Mr. Goodin remained until the death of his wife which there occurred in 1850. Two children were born of that union — William, and Mary, wife of John Lightfoot. Mr. Goodin was again married in 1853, the lady of his choice being Caroline McEhamy. They became the parents of five children who are yet living — Ella, Edward, Ida, Alfred and Charles. During his residence in this county, Mr. Goodin followed teaming. He made his home in this community from 1844 until 1867, when severing his business relations he removed to Knoxville, Marion County, Iowa, making his home in that community for some time. He then again came to Van Buren County and settled in Farmington, where he spent the remainder of his life. He died in 1889, respected by all who knew him. One of its pioneer settlers, he had witnessed almost the entire growth of the county and was acquainted with its history of progress and development. He faithfully discharged every duty of citizenship and whenever called upon to aid in the promotion of any worthy enterprise, cheerfully responded.WILLIAM GOODINWILLIAM GOODIN, son of the pioneer, Asa Goodin, claims Ohio as the State of his nativity, his birth having occurred on the 14th of November, 1838, in Perry County. However, he there spent but six years of his life. In 1844 he accompanied his parents on their emigration to the Territory of Iowa and in the district schools of Van Buren County he acquired a limited education. As his father needed his services his attendance at school covered only about six terms, but subsequent reading, observation and experience have made him a well-informed man. In 1854, when a lad of sixteen years, he left the parental roof and started out in life for himself, making his own way in the world as a day laborer. In 1855 he began running upon the Des Moines and Mississippi rivers and followed that business for some six years. Feeling that the country needed his services and believing it his duty to respond to the call for troops; he enlisted at the beginning of the war, joining Company A, of the First Iowa Cavalry, on the 15th of June, 1861, at Keokuk. He participated in all the engagements of his company and remained with the regiment, faithfully performing his duty, until mustered out at Davenport, Iowa. On leaving the service, Mr. Goodin returned to Farmington where he embarked in the grocery business, which he has since followed. On embarking in business he invested $275, but the stock he has greatly increased to accommodate his ever growing patronage. He has now one of the leading stores in Farmington, where may be found the best grades of everything kept in a first class grocery. Courteous treatment and fair dealing have won him favor with the public and he now reaps a good income from his business. It was in the month of September, 1864, that William Goodin and Miss Matilda Rogers, a native of Ohio, were united in marriage. Their union was blessed with two children, Inez and William Collier, who died November 25, 1883. In political sentiment Mr. Goodin is a Democrat, and in civic societies belonging to the Grand Army of the Republic and the Masonic fraternity. He is a Knight Templar Mason, Treasurer in the Blue Lodge and Scribe of the Chapter. Mr. Goodin is an enterprising and progressive citizen who labors for the upbuilding of the county's interest and is a worthy representative of one of its pioneer families.E. S. GOULDE. S. GOULD, a farmer of Union Township, Van Buren County, residing on Section 19, was born on a farm in Franklin County, Ohio, on the 1st of November, 1831, and is a son of Samuel and Mary (Livingston) Gould, natives of Washington County, N. Y., the former born in October, 1804, and the latter August 15, 1800. They were married in the Empire State, and in 1827 removed to Franklin County, Ohio, where they experienced all the toil and hardships incident to hewing out a farm from the midst of a heavy beech and oak forest. The trials of pioneer life became familiar to them, and in a measure fitted them for a similar experience in Iowa, where they arrived in the autumn of 1846. They located in Lick Creek Township, Van Buren County, where during the remainder of their lives they continued to make their homes, exerting an influence for good in the community which has not yet ceased to have its effect. Both were life-long members of the United Presbyterian Church, and gave liberally of their means to the support of the Gospel. For many years he was a Ruling Elder. Politically he was a Whig until the rise of the anti-slavery party, when, his sympathies reaching out to the oppressed of every class and especially to those held down by the galling chains of servitude, he took an active part in the promotion of the scheme which came to he known as the Underground Railroad. He considered it wrong that a man should be deprived of his property without compensation, but he accounted it a far greater wrong that men should be deprived of their God-given liberty without their consent. He voted for James G. Birney, the Abolition candidate, and continued to support that party until it was merged into the Republican party, with which he thenceforth identified himself. He died March 24, 1873, and his wife died April 24, 1879. In their family were five children: Mrs. Agnes Lindsay and Mrs. H. Boone reside in Van Buren County; Mrs. Margaret C. Baird is living in Madison County, Iowa; and Mrs. Mary A. Graham makes her home in Lamar, Col. E. S. Gould, the other member of the family, and the only son yet living, was the second in order of birth, and in the usual manner of farmer lads the days of his boyhood and youth were spent. Mid play and work his time was divided, and in the pioneer school-room of that day he acquired a limited education. A marriage ceremony performed on the 1st of December, 1859, united his destiny with that of Miss Rebecca Brownfield, a native of Decatur County, Ind., born April 5th, 1840, and a daughter of Robert and Sarah (Price) Brownfield, whose residence in this county dates from 1847. Upon their marriage they settled upon the farm where they still reside, and ten children came to gladden the home by their presence, of whom seven are yet living — Agnes, wife of W. L. Carson, a resident of Van Buren County; Emma, Cora, John, Ruth, Orpha and Robert, who are yet with their parents. Farming has been the life work of Mr. Gould, and he is now the owner of a rich tract of land of one hundred and ninety-seven and one-half acres, which is under a high state of cultivation and well improved. He also raises a good grade of stock, and his barns and outbuildings, necessary to the care of the same, are in keeping with the advanced ideas of the nineteenth century. Politically, he was a strong anti-slavery advocate before the war, and his services were often called into requisition in transporting passengers on the Underground Railroad, and, although only a youth, he felt that he had a part to play in "setting the captive free." He is a warm advocate of prohibition as a party movement, is a valued citizen, and one who manifests a commendable interest in such enterprises as are calculated to upbuild the community and promote the general welfare.JOSEPH GRAHAMJOSEPH GRAHAM, of the firm of Risk & Graham, merchants of Birmingham, Van Buren County, is a native of Ohio, and his parents, Joseph and Mary (Glover) Graham, were natives of Virginia and Pennsylvania respectively. During the days of youth and maidenhood, they emigrated to Ohio where they were married and where was born unto them a family of eight children, six of whom are yet living. Joseph is the sixth in order of birth, and was but ten years of age at the time of his mother's death. His father subsequently married again and emigrated to Van Buren County, Iowa, in 1849, locating nine miles west of Birmingham, from which farm he removed after two years to one adjoining the city limits. Throughout his entire life he engaged in agricultural pursuits. He enlisted in the War of 1812, but peace was declared before his regiment was called into action. In political sentiment, he was first a Whig and later a Republican and both he and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church until late in life, when he joined the Free Methodists. The birth of our subject occurred in Noble County, Ohio, April 21, 1832, and in his native State engaged in farm labor, he was reared to manhood. Like thousands of others his educational advantages were limited to those of the district schools, but reading and observation in after life have made him a well-informed man. He gave his service to his father until he was twenty-five years of age and in the years which have followed has gained his entire property. On the 30th of October. 1856, he was united in marriage with Miss Margaret Walter, a native of Barbour County, W. Va., horn in September, 1835. She came to Van Buren County, Iowa, with her parents in 1854, and their union was blessed with four children, of whom, the eldest, George W., died at the age of twenty-two years, while Letitia V., the youngest, died in infancy; Elmer E., is master of the Union Depot at Minneapolis, Minn.; and James H. is a salesman for Risk & Hufstedler, of Fairfield. The mother of this family, a consistent member of the Free Methodist Church and a lady possessing many excellencies of character, died December 22, 1877. On the 2nd of December, 1880, Mr. Graham wedded Olivia L. Norcross, a native of Wisconsin. The business history of our subject is as follows: On starting out in life for himself he engaged in operating a saw mill, Benjamin Casner being associated with him as his partner for three years. Subsequently he was engaged in running the engine and the saw for the Birmingham mill, when, in November, 1870, he entered the employ of C. C. Risk as a salesman in his large general store at Birmingham, who placed the entire charge of the business in his hands. For nine years he served in that capacity when he was admitted to partnership, a relation which has continued for eleven consecutive years with good feeling on both sides, while from a financial standpoint it has also been a success. In connection with his interest in the business, Mr. Graham is also the owner of eighty acres of land, comprised in the old homestead. He may truly be called a self-made man, who by his own efforts has gained a comfortable competence for which he deserves no little credit. As a supporter of the Republican party, for many years he cast his ballot but in later years has identified himself with the Prohibitionists. He has been honored with the offices of Mayor and Councilman of Birmingham, which he filled with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. Mr. and Mrs. Graham are members of the Free Methodist Church, in which he holds the office of Trustee, and in the Sunday-school he serves as Superintendent. His public and private life are alike above reproach, commending him to the confidence of all with whom he comes in contact. The home of himself and his worthy wife is noted for its hospitality and their friends in the community are many.WALTER W. GRUBBWALTER W. GRUBB, one of the prominent and honored pioneers of Van Buren County, now deceased, was born in Brandywine Hundred, Del., October 25, 1798, and died at his home in Clark County, Mo., near Farmington, in 1874, at the age of seventy-six years. Widely and favorably known throughout the community, his death was the occasion of deep regret on the part of many friends. The Grubb family is of English origin, and was founded in America about 1682, by John Grubb, who emigrated from his native land to America, locating along the banks of the Delaware River, at what is now known as Grubb's Landing, which place was named in his honor. It was then a part of the Colony of Pennsylvania. Emanuel Grubb, son of John Grubb, was the first white child born of English parentage on the Delaware shore. Our subject was of the fifth generation from the American progenitor. He acquired a good education in his youth, and then went to Philadelphia, where he secured a position as salesman in one of leading stores in that city. In 1821, he led to the marriage altar Miss Margaret Richey, who was born on the 22d of March, 1800, and they became parents of four children, two sons and two daughters, namely: Dr. William Ford, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this volume; Lydia A., who became the wife of Jacob Archer, of Birmingham, and died at her home in this county ; James R., who died in California, in 1852, and Elizabeth C., wife of J. R. Tewksbury, of Ft. Madison, Iowa. For some twenty years after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Grubb made their home in Ohio. The year 1841 witnessed their emigration to the Territory of Iowa, and in Birmingham, Van Buren County they made a location, but the country was then wild and unsettled, and they soon afterward returned to Ohio, whither they had removed soon after their marriage. Eight years then passed, years in which great changes were made in Van Buren County, and at the end of that time, Mr. Grubb, accompanied by his family, returned to Iowa. This time he made a settlement in Farmington, where he spent the remainder of his life. He was a worthy and esteemed citizen, and an upright honest man. He never aspired to prominence in any direction, preferring to pursue the even tenor of his way, quietly discharging the duties of citizenship, and faithfully caring for his family. He was always a stanch supporter of Democratic principles, and after coming to Farmington, was honored by an appointment as Postmaster of the city, which position he filled creditably and acceptably for eight years. Mr. and Mrs. Grubb traveled life's journey together as man and wife for fifty-three years, when in 1874 the marriage tie was broken by the hand of death, and the husband passed to his last rest. The loved wife survived him some thirteen years, when in 1887 she too was called to her final home.DR. WILLIAM F. GRUBB
DR. WILLIAM F. GRUBB is the oldest practicing physician of Farmington, Iowa, in years of service, having opened an office and embarked in the prosecution of his profession at this place in 1849. He was born in Morgan County, Ohio, July 23, 1823, and received his literary education in the common schools of the neighborhood. When a young man of eighteen years, in 1841, he accompanied his father to the Territory of Iowa, and for a year engaged in farming, but the medical profession offered attractions for him, and believing that it would prove congenial as a life work, he entered upon the study of the same under the direction of Dr. H. H. Little, of McConnellsville, Ohio. In March, 1847, he was granted the degree of M. D., and immediately afterward opened an office in McConnellsville, Ohio, where he practiced for about a year. He then made a location in Athens, Clark County, Mo., but after about twelve months spent in that place, he came to Farmington, where he has since been engaged in active practice with the exception of six years spent on the Pacific Slope. In 1851, he went to California, where he followed his chosen work among the miners who had flocked to that State in vast numbers after the discovery of gold. Returning by way of the Isthmus of Panama, in 1857, he again reached Van Buren County, and through the succeeding years has administered to the sick and suffering of the community. It was not long before his ability won recognition by liberal patronage, and he received calls for miles around throughout the surrounding country. A man of progressive and enterprising ideas, he still keeps abreast with any new discoveries or experiments connected with his profession. He has been a life student of medicine and stands in the front ranks of the leading practitioners of Southeastern Iowa. The Doctor assisted in organizing the first Allopathic Society in Iowa, which convened at Burlington. In political sentiment he is a Jeffersonian Democrat, but has never sought public preferment, having served only in the position of health officer. Socially, the Doctor is a Knight Templar, and a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. For a number of years past, he has devoted much time and attention to the study of astronomy, and prob ably no man in the State is better informed regarding that science than he.DR. GEORGE S. GUERNSEY
DR. GEORGE S. GUERNSEY, a retired physician who is extensively engaged in farming near Lebanon, Iowa, his home being situated on section 2, Jackson Township, has been a resident of Van Buren County since the 1st of October, 1848. Emigrating westward from Rochester, Windsor County, Vt., he here located and began the practice of medicine, which he followed until within a few years, but he is now practically living a retired life, attending only to a few of his old patrons who refuse, while he has health, to employ any other physician. The Doctor was born in Rochester, Vt., July 27, 1822, and is of English descent. His parents were Newson and Ruth (Jefferson) Guernsey, the latter a relative of President Thomas Jefferson; and his grandparents were Eldad W. and Sarah (Perry) Guernsey. His grandfather was born March 20, 1770, and his wife on the 29th of November of the same year. Their family numbered nine children, the eldest of whom, Sarah, was born October 1, 1792; Newson, May 7, 1794: Hiram, December 11, 1796; Lyman, July 12, 1799; Mary, October 1, 1801 ; Hannah, April 25, 1803; Amanda, January 9, 1805; Triphena, January 4, 1807, and Gardner, August 22, 1810. The father of this family was a tanner and shoemaker by trade, and in connection with those occupations carried on farming. His death occurred December 20, 1810, but his wife survived him thirty years, dying in 1840. Newson M. Guernsey learned the tanner's and shoemaker's trade with his father, and continued to engage in those pursuits as a means of livelihood until his emigration to Van Buren County, Iowa, in 1857. He spent his last days in Bloomfield, where his death occurred April 21, 1879. His wife had passed away some ten years previous. Their marriage was celebrated October 15, 1820, and unto them were born ten children, six of whom are living at this writing (in the fall of 1890): Louisa, born August 10,1821, is deceased; George S. is the second in order of birth; Joseph, born September 14, 1824, was drowned in a tub when a year old; Ruth, born July 23, 1826, is deceased; Elizabeth, born August 14, 1827, is now the wife of J. Q. Megrath; Clarissa Jane, born September 31, 1830, is the widow of Orin Harvey, of Rochester, Vt.; Samuel, born July 9, 1833, died in infancy; Julia A., born in September, 1835, is the wife of John Warner, of Des Moines Township; Mary A., born November 8, 1838, is the wife of John Evans, of Davis County, Iowa, and Henry C., born January 14, 1842, is a resident of Bloomfield, Iowa.The subject of this sketch was reared to manhood in his native State and in his youth received excellent school privileges, completing his literary education by a year's course in the academy of Potsdam, N. Y. Having arrived at years of maturity, on the 11th of December, 1845, he was joined in wedlock with Miss Olive M. Hazen, daughter of Elder and Abigail (Thomas) Hazen of Woodstock, Vt. Her father was of Scotch descent, and her mother of English extraction. Mrs. Guernsey is a descendant of very old New England families. On her father's side she traces her ancestry back by direct descent to Edward Hazen, who came to Massachusetts Bay in 1639. Her mother's family trace back to the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, who came over in the "Mayflower", the founder of the family in America being one of that number. Her great-grandfather on the maternal side was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and her grandfather, Elias Thomas, built the first frame house in Woodstock, Vt. Unto her parents were born nine children, two of whom died in childhood, and the following seven grew to maturity: Ursula, a resident of Woodstock, Vt.; Daniel T., a farmer of Michigan; Edwin R., a practicing physician of Woodstock, Vt.; Jasper, also a resident of Woodstock; Laura W., wife of the Rev. Moses Kidder, of the same city; Jacob T., who is engaged in farming near Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and Olive M., wife of our subject. Eleven children were born unto the Doctor and his worthy wife, but only five of the number grew to mature years, four of whom are still living: Julia, the eldest, is the wife of Harvey Dean, of Chicago, Ill.; Laura, George W. and Jasper are at home. Minnie became the wife of Charles Owen, of Toledo, Ohio, but is now deceased. The Doctor began the study of medicine in March, 1842, with J. H. Phelps, M. D., of Rochester, Vt., in whose office he remained two years, after which he continued his reading under the direction of Prof. B. R. Palmer, of Woodstock, Vt., a professor in the Woodstock Medical College, and attended three courses of lectures in that institution, from which he was graduated in June, 1845. He first opened an office and hung out his shingle in Felchville, Vt., but after practicing a year at that place he returned to his native city, where for two years he engaged in the practice of the medical profession. Believing that the West would furnish superior advantages to young men, he determined to try his fortune on its broad prairies and started for the new State of Iowa, making the journey mostly by steamboat. After four weeks of travel he arrived at his destination, finding on his arrival that the country was a wild and sparsely settled region, the home of a few sturdy pioneers, whose dwellings were log cabins, but who had come with a firm purpose of making homes for themselves and families in the West. In 1849 the Doctor purchased twenty acres of land, which formed the nucleus around which his other possessions have gathered. Meanwhile he engaged in the practice of medicine and steadily built up a good trade. In the fall of 1858, he went to Keosauqua and purchased an interest in a drug-store, which he carried on until 1866, when he sold out. Six years previous to this time he had bought a sixty-acre tract of land, that upon which the old homestead now stands. On disposing of the drug business he made another purchase of one hundred and twenty acres and other purchases have increased his landed possessions until he is now the owner of four hundred and ten acres. In 1868 the Doctor erected his commodious residence, one of the best in the township. Three years later he went to Council Bluffs, where he purchased a drug-store and fine residence, moving his family thereto, but after a year he sold his store and devoted himself exclusively to the practice of medicine. His residence in that city covered a period of six years, and on leaving Council Bluffs in 1878 he went to San Francisco, Cal., as one of the incorporators and stockholders of the Continental Oil and Transportation Company. He was made President of that organization and for some time served as manager in San Francisco, but after two years he returned to Council Bluffs, where a succeeding twelvemonths was passed. About 1881 he returned to his farm where he has since resided. The Doctor and his wife have an elegant home in Jackson Township, which presents rather the appearance of a city mansion than a country dwelling. It is commodious, nicely arranged, substantially built, but above all tastefully and comfortably furnished. Everything which goes to make life worth the living is there found, and in the enjoyment of the fruits of former toil the Doctor is now spending his days. Large and beautiful trees of his own planting throw their delightful shade across the lawn. The outbuildings are also in keeping with the residence. Beside the fine, large barn there is a harness and buggy house, granaries and such other buildings as are necessary for the care of the stock and grain raised upon this homestead. Through his practice and other business interests the Doctor has acquired his handsome possessions which stand as monuments to his thrift and enterprise. Himself and family are members of the Presbyterian Church of Lebanon, and he holds membership in Council Bluffs Lodge, A. F. & A. M. His political views are in harmony with the principles of the Democratic party and he has served as Supervisor of his county, and for three years was President of the Agricultural Society. The Doctor is very popular throughout the county, is an acknowledged leader among his neighbors, and in public assemblies is almost invariably called upon to act as chairman.
JOHN C. HAGLERJOHN C. HAGLER, an honored pioneer of Iowa, of 1832, who, since 1843 has made his home in Van Buren County, and is now a resident of Milton, was born in Stewart County, Tenn., on the 19th of March, 1814, and is one of a family of thirteen children, numbering six brothers and seven sisters, of whom five brothers and four sisters are now living. The parents of this family were Cleveland and Nancy Hagler, natives of North Carolina, both born and reared in the region of the Little Pedee River. They removed to Tennessee in early life, whence they emigrated to Madison County, Ill., with their children, in 1819, and Mr. Hagler there devoted himself to farming until 1832, when, accompanied by his family, he took up his residence in Warren County of the same State, where he made his home until 1843, when he emigrated to the Iowa Territory, the family locating in Jackson Township on Government land. Mr. Hagler followed the occupation of farming throughout his entire life. He held various township offices and lived to a ripe old age, his death occurring in 1877, having survived his wife about three years. John C Hagler was reared on a farm and received his education in the country district schools of Illinois. When eighteen years of age he turned his face toward the setting sun, and crossing the Mississippi at a point where now flourishes the great city of Burlington, set foot upon Iowa soil. At that time one log house alone marked the advent of the white race into what was then an unorganized territory, but which was attached to Michigan in 1834, became Wisconsin Territory in 1836, and was organized into the Territory of Iowa in 1838. Mr. Hagler erected a log cabin on a claim near the present site of Burlington, where he spent the winter, returning to Illinois in the spring of 1833. The following fall he went to Dubuque, Iowa, then a mere hamlet, and followed teaming with a yoke of oxen. between Keokuk, Galena, Mineral Point and Plattville, until the fall of 1834, when he returned to Warren County, Ill. He engaged in farming there and was married in that county on the 30th of November, 1837, to Miss Rachel Baker, who was born in St. Claire County, Ill., May 10, 1817. In the spring of 1843 Mr. Hagler emigrated from Illinois to Iowa, and located in Jackson Township, Van Buren County, near Milton. His brother, Amos Hagler, in company with two other families, were the earliest settlers in this township, they having located here in the spring of 1838. The brother died November 10, 1864. John C. Hagler purchased Government land on section 32, town 68 north, range 11 west, where he engaged in farming and stock-raising. He added to his original purchase until he had four hundred acres in this township, in addition to which He now owns two hundred and forty acres near Rippey, Greene County, Iowa, and eighty acres in Woodbury County. In 1866 he began buying and shipping live stock, which business he continued until 1884. His first markets were St. Louis, Mo., and Pittsburg, Pa., and he also shipped some stock to New York, but later the greater part of his shipments were sent to Chicago. He purchased considerable Texas stock in early days, but subsequently bought Iowa cattle. His shipments averaged about two cars of stock weekly, and he was known throughout Iowa as one of the largest stock dealers of the State. In 1877, retiring somewhat from active business life, he removed to Milton, where he has since resided. Mr. and Mrs. Hagler were the parents of seven children, four sons and three daughters, of whom five are living. George W., the eldest, was born August 9, 1840, served three years during the late war as a member of the Ninth Missouri Cavalry, married Miss Hattie Wright, and resides in Ida County, Iowa, where he is engaged in farming; Nancy E., born July 30, 1842, is the wife of George Pippinger, and is a resident of Ida County, Iowa. Mr. Hagler, Sr., has two brothers and a sister living in Ida County, besides his son and daughter. Marion C., the next younger, was born March 25, 1844, and died August 4, 1845; Elisha C., born May 20, 1846, and died August 15, 1847; Susanna, born February 16, 1848, is the wife of Calvin Huddleston, a farmer of Jackson Township, who enlisted in the Ninth Missouri Cavalry, and served three years in the late war; John Fletcher was born January 31, 1850, wedded Lizzie Abernathy, who lives in Shenandoah, Iowa; David M., born January 27, 1855, married Emma Smith, and is farming in Jackson Township. On the 24th of September, 1883, Mr. Hagler was called upon to mourn the loss of his esteemed wife, who had been his companion on life's journey for nearly forty-six years, and who was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was again married September 30, 1885, the lady of his choice being Mrs. Mary J. Corwin, widow of B. W. Corwin, and daughter of Josiah and Hattie (Taylor) Tufts. Mrs. Hagler was born in Lebanon, Warren County, Ohio, January 22, 1844, was reared and educated in her native town, and on the 14th of September, 1865, became the wife of Lieut. B. W. Corwin. Her husband was born in Warren County, Ohio, April 2, 1841, and was a Lieutenant of the Second Ohio Heavy Artillery. In 1867 he removed with his family to Keosauqua, Iowa, and on the 15th of February, 1877, his death occurred in Scotland County, Mo. Mrs. Hader had five children by her first marriage. Hattie Corwin, the eldest, was born October 8, 1866, and is the wife of Charles Drake, of Scotland County, Mo.; Winnie, born December 31, 1867, died October 29, 1887; Joseph E., born October 14, 1869; Frank E., April 11, 1875; and John W., August 20, 1876. Mrs. Hagler is a member of the Christian Church. Mr. Hagler has always been a Republican in politics and has held various township offices; was Justice of the Peace, Notary Public, Township Trustee, and a member of the School Board. Socially, he is a member of Aurora Lodge, No. 150, A. F. & A. M., of Milton. Toward the breaking out of the war he engaged in merchandising with John Wright, and continued some six years. Fifty-eight years mark the time since he came to Iowa.JACOB E. HAINLINE, M. D.JACOB E. HAINLINE, M. D., the popular Mayor and prominent physician, of Cantril, deserves more than a passing notice in this volume. His enterprising and progressive spirit has made him a leader in the community and he has been instrumental in the establishment of many interests calculated to benefit both town and county. His residence here covers a period of but eight years yet few men are more widely, and none more favorably, known than the Doctor. He was born in McDonough County, Ill., August 30, 1851, being the second child in a family of ten children, whose parents were William C. and Sarah E. B. (Logan) Hainline. His father was a native of Kentucky, his mother of Illinois. The Hainline family is of German origin, and was founded in America in the early part of the eighteenth century. The great-grandfather of our subject was one of eight men who accompanied Daniel Boone, the celebrated pioneer, when he made a permanent settlement in Kentucky. The grand-parents were George and Flora (Cockerell) Hainline. Both were natives of Kentucky and the wife was an aunt of Senator Cockerell, of Missouri. William Hainline was a farmer by occupation and follows that pursuit in McDonough County, Ill., being still the owner and operator of the farm on which our subject first opened his eyes to the light of day. The Doctor received good educational advantages in his youth, his primary training in the district schools being supplemented by a course in the Normal and Scientific College of Macomb, Ill., of which he is a graduate. He then entered upon his business career as a teacher and followed that profession until 1870, when he began the study of medicine with Dr. H. B. Livermore, of Macomb, under whose instruction he continued his reading for two years, when he entered the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Pa. After attending two courses of lectures he was graduated from that institution in the class of 1872. He remained in the hospitals in the City of Brotherly Love for five years, during which time he acquired a knowledge of his profession which many an older practitioner might well envy. For three years he was the surgeon of the eye and ear department of the Wells Hospital, and for two years had charge of a ward in the Blockley "lying in" hospital, after which he spent about eighteen months in the St. Luke Hospital as physician. He was also first assistant of the Chair of Clinical Surgery at the Jefferson Medical College. Although young in years, Dr. Hainline showed rare talent and was given positions of distinction which enabled him to perfect himself in his studies and acquire a skill which has placed him in the front rank in the medical profession of Southeastern Iowa. Leaving Philadelphia, the Doctor returned to his native State, locating in Fulton County where he embarked in practice. Previous to this time he had wedded Miss Anna R. McElrath, daughter of John McElrath, a native of Pennsylvania. The lady was born in McDonough County, Ill., April 3, 1851, and their marriage was celebrated on the 9th of February, 1871. After a short married life of little more than a year Mrs. Hainline died, leaving one child — James S. Some ten years later the Doctor was again married his second union being with Emma L. Roe, the only child of the distinguished Dr. Roe, who for some time filled one of the Chairs in the St. Louis Medical College. He was a stockholder in that institution hut afterward sold out and removed to Kirksville, Mo. Mrs. Hainline was born in Knox County Mo., February 14, 1863, and spent the days of her maidenhood in Kirksville. Two children have been born of the second marriage — Beatrice and Russell. Determining to seek a location further westward, in 1880 Dr. Hainline came to Iowa. He first located in Mt. Pleasant, where he was engaged in practice two years, after which he came to Cantril, where he at once opened an office, having now one of the largest and most lucrative practices of any physician in the county. In 1844 he was the means of saving the people from the terrible scourge that passed through this country, known as the dysentery epidemic. Although he has a superior knowledge and skill in his profession he is yet a student and keeps abreast with all the improvements and discoveries relating to the science. Other interests have also engrossed his attention. In 1887 he established a drug-store which he still carries on, and in the same year he began the publication of a paper, known as the Cantril News, but after eighteen months he discontinued the same as his practice and their business interests were so large that he could not give to it the proper attention. Socially, he is a member of Cantril Lodge, No. 535 K.P., holding the office of Vice-Chancellor and also belongs to Prairie Gem Lodge, No. 288, I. O. O. F., in which he is Left Supporter of the Vice-Grand. In political sentiment he is a stalwart Republican and an influential member of his party in this locality. He often attends the conventions and was a delegate to the State Convention which nominated Gov. Larrabee for Chief Executive of the State. In March, 1890. he was honored with an election to the office of Mayor of Cantril, a position which he is creditably and acceptably filling.ISAAC HALSTEADISAAC HALSTEAD, one of the prominent farmers and stock-raisers of Jackson Township, came to Van Buren County, in 1862, but since 1847 has made his home in the State, having previously resided in Franklin and Keokuk. He has taken an active part in the growth of the county and to the extent of his ability and resources has assisted in its development and progress. The Halstead family is of German origin and was founded in America during Colonial days by ancestry who settled in New York, where the father of our subject, Timothy Halstead, was born in 1799. His boyhood days were passed in New York, but before he had arrived at years of maturity he went to Ohio, where he married, in 1820, Miss Hester Timmons, a native of Maryland, in which State her parents, Ephraim and Mary Timmons, were also born. They were parents of four children as follows: Mary Ann, deceased wife of Richard Massey; Martha, wife of Isaiah Preston. of Davis County, Iowa; Isaac of this sketch, and Timothy J. who is also living in Davis County. Our subject was born on the 18th of March, 1826, and his birthplace was in Ross County, Ohio, where under the parental roof the days of his childhood were spent. He accompanied the family on their emigration to Franklin, Iowa, and in Keokuk, he learned the trade of a brickmason, which he there followed until 1857. Removing in that year to Edina, Mo., he engaged as a contractor and builder, erecting some of the principal business blocks of that city, including the Bryant & Connelly two story brick block and Col. Pratt's building, which was two stories in height with a basement. He was also the architect of a large number of fine brick dwellings in the city and county, but after successfully carrying on business for five years in Edina, he returned to Iowa and began farming in Van Buren County. He traded for his first eighty acres of land and to that amount has added until he now owns two hundred acres of choice land, forty of which is timber, while the quarter section is divided into rich and fertile fields which yield a golden tribute for the care and cultivation he bestows upon them. The value of the farm has also been greatly increased by the erection of a comfortable residence, a large barn, shed, etc. and the whole is surrounded by beautiful shade trees of his own planting. Mr. Halstead, by fair dealing and just treatment has won a place in the esteem of his fellow townsmen and ranks among the representative citizens of the county. To have won the success which has crowned his business efforts he must have applied himself assiduously to his work, yet he has found time to encourage and aid all laudable enterprises. In politics, he is a supporter of Republican principles and has held a number of local offices. In 1856, Mr. Halstead formed a matrimonial alliance with Caroline Young, then a resident of Bonaparte Township, Van Buren County. Her birth, however, occurredp in New Jersey, September 7, 1829, and her parents were Benjamin and Mary (Fangboner) Young, natives of the same State. Unto them have been born four children but they had the misfortune to lose their eldest son and second child, George W. Amanda is now the wife of Caleb Tufts; Benjamin F., twin brother of George, is at home, and Ella is the wife of Theodore McMillen.ISAIAH HARRISISAIAH HARRIS, a leading business man of Milton and the President of the Milton District Fair, has carried on the grocery business at this place since 1872, a longer continuous period than any other engaged in that line in the city. The life record of Mr. Harris is as follows: He was born in Preble County, Ohio, March 29, 1844, and when a lad of seven years, in 1851, accompanied his parents to Iowa, where he was reared to manhood on a farm and received a common school education. When only seventeen years of age he responded to his country's call for troops and on the 9th of October, 1861, enlisted as a member of Company D, Third Iowa Cavalry, being mustered out October 9, 1865, after four years of active service. During that time he was three times wounded, first on the 7th of March, 1862, at Pea Ridge, where he received a gunshot wound; again in Benton, Ark., in November, 1863, he sustained a gun-shot in the left hand and a third time in the fall of 1864 at the battle of Big Blue. Mr. Harris participated in the capture of Vicksburg, was in the two battles of Jackson, Miss., and in the engagement at Pea Ridge, Guntown, Tupelo, Miss., and Columbus, Ga., under Wilson. He was made Orderly to Gen. A. J. Smith, and was appointed Quartermaster of his regiment, about three weeks before the battle of Tupelo, and later had charge of about sixty men guarding the division supply store. On his return from the war Mr. Harris engaged in farming in Davis County, Iowa, six miles west of Milton, where he continued operations until 1872, when he removed to the city and embarked in the grocery business as before stated. Eighteen years has he continued in that line of trade and the large patronage which he has received has made him one of the substantial citizens of the place. On the 13th of December, 1866, in Pulaski, Iowa, Mr. Harris led to the marriage altar Miss Leah Stover, a native of Smithfield, Ohio, and a daughter of Jacob Stover. Two children were born of their union but both died in infancy. This worthy couple are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church of West Union, and in the social world are held in high regard. In politics, Mr. Harris is a Democrat but has never sought official distinction. He was one of the organizers of the Milton District Agricultural Society in 1881, held the office of President for three years and is its largest stockholder. His enthusiasm and energy in support of the enterprise has done much to insure its success. Socially, he is a Master Mason, holding membership in Aurora Lodge, No. 50. A. F. & A. M., of Milton. Mr. Harris is a man of superior business and executive ability and is recognized as an enterprising, energetic and successful business man, whose integrity is unquestioned and whose judgment is always respected.WILL HASTINGSWILL HASTINGS, a farmer and stock-raiser of Van Buren County, owns two hundred and forty-two acres of valuable land, his home being situated on section 27, Union Township, where he devotes himself with unremitting zeal to the interests of his business, whereby he has become one of the substantial citizens of the community. In Hardin County, Ohio, on the 23d of November, 1844, he was born, and is a son of John C. and Jane (Plew) Hastings. His father was a native of County Antrim, Ireland, and when nineteen years of age came to this country, locating in Hardin County, Ohio, where he married Miss Plew, who was born near Meadsville, Pa., and emigrated to the Buckeye State with her parents in girlhood. She died in Hardin County, in 1846, leaving our subject, an only child. Subsequently Mr. Hastings chose as a second wife Mary E. Purdom, of Van Buren County, whither he had removed in 1861. He made his first settlement in the eastern part of the county, but later purchased the farm upon which our subject now resides. He became an influential citizen of the community, and several times represented Cedar Township on the Board of County Supervisors. He followed the occupation of farming in pursuit of fortune, and his efforts being successful, he secured a handsome competence. He had very little capital on coming to this county, but he was a shrewd financier, and taking no undue advantage of any one himself, he did not allow any one to overreach him. Though he loaned money, he never had occasion to sue any one, nor was he ever sued. Prompt to pay his debts, he was honorable and fair in all his dealings, and his word was as good as his bond. He was decided in his views and outspoken, but made no enemies, for his motives were sincere. He was full of life and humor, and the guests of his hospitable home were sure of a hearty welcome. As before stated, our subject was the only child of this worthy pioneer. His primary education was supplemented by a course in the higher schools, and at the age of nineteen years he began teaching, which vocation he followed through about eighteen terms, spent only in two districts. Certainly a higher testimonial of his ability and faithfulness could not be given. He was for many terms Principal of the Winchester schools, and in 1880 he was elected County Superintendent of Van Buren County, although the county has three hundred Republican majority and he is a pronounced Democrat, a fact which indicates his popularity, which is due not only to his genial and affable manner, but to his fitness for the position. So ably did he fill the office that he was re-elected in 1882. Later he was nominated by the Democratic convention for the position of County Clerk, but was not elected owing to the lack of party strength. He has been Clerk and is now Treasurer of the Township School Board, and was Township Clerk for some five years. Mrs. Hastings was, in her maidenhood, Miss Addie Kerr, who was born in Union Township, Van Buren County, and was a daughter of Christopher Kerr. Unto them has been born one child, Birdie, who died at the age of one year, and a month later the mother was also laid to rest. At Meadsville, Pa., on the 1st of October, 1889, Mr. Hastings wedded Miss Cora Dunson, of Hardin County, Ohio, who is a member of the Methodist Church and a most estimable lady. He is recognized as one of the leading men of the township. In addition to the cultivation of his farm of two hundred and forty-two acres, he has served as President of the Cheese and Butter Company since its organization, and has done not a little business in the way of selling estates. The business ability of his father descended to him, and with like energy and perseverance he has pressed forward, thus becoming one of the well-to-do citizens of the county. To say that Mr. Hastings is popular would hardly express the public feeling toward him, for in addition to his popularity there is a warm friendship everywhere manifested combined with respect and esteem for one who for thirty-two years has made his home among them.HENRY C. HILLHENRY C. HILL, of the firm of Bell, Hill & Kays, dealers in grain, lumber, seeds and live stock, is one of the leading business men of Milton. This business, in which he is now a partner, was established by J. D. Hollingshead about 1880, who, five years later, was joined by C. E. Bull and the business carried on under the firm name of Hollingshead & Bull. In 1887, Mr. Hollingshead retired, Mr. Hill purchasing his interest and the firm style was changed to Bull & Hill, under which business was conducted until July, 1890, when Mr. Bull retired and the existing partnership between Messrs. Bell, Hill & Kays was formed. This house does an annual business amounting to upwards of $250,000, and the members of the firm rank among the progressive and enterprising citizens of Milton. The subject of this sketch, Henry C. Hill, was born in Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio, October 5, 1843, and is the son of Hazen H. and Louisa E. (Norton) Hill. His father was born near Concord, N. H., July 10, 1813, and was descended from an old New England family. His mother was born in Rutland County, Vt., June 3, 1818, and was of Scotch descent. They were married in Huron County, Ohio, and had a family of seven children, six sons and one daughter. The sons are all yet living. The father died December 19, 1865, but the mother survives and is still a resident of the old home in Ohio. Henry C. was reared on a farm and received such educational advantages as were afforded by the common schools of that day. He was married September 8, 1869, to Miss Phoebe A. Riggs, daughter of Edward and Mary Jane (Buck) Riggs, and the following April removed with his young bride to Sullivan County, Mo., where he embarked in merchandising. He was engaged in business in Scottsville, of that county for four years, and eight years at Browning, and his efforts were attended with a good degree of success. It was in 1882 that after selling out in Missouri he came to Milton, Iowa, where he engaged in mercantile pursuits with John C. Calhoun, they purchasing the trade and stock of John W. Carr. That connection continued four years when the partnership was dissolved and Mr. Hill returned to his native State, but after a year spent in Ohio he again came to Iowa, in 1887, and bought into the lumber and grain business with Mr. Bull. In connection with the mercantile business, during his residence in Missouri, he was extensively engaged as a dealer in live stock, and that branch of the business of the present firm is an important one. Mr. and Mrs. Hill have two children — Hazen Henry, born August 26, 1870, in Scottsville, Mo., and Harry Wilford, born in Browning, Mo., July 16, 1875. Mr. Hill is a Re-publican in politics, and socially, a member of Jackson Lodge, No. 28, I. O. O. F. His wife holds membership in the Baptist Church. The war record of the subject of this sketch is as follows. On the 18th of February, 1864, he enlisted as a member of Company C, Fifty-fifth Ohio Infantry and served until the cessation of hostilities, being discharged May 29, 1865. He participated in the battles of Resaca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain and the battles before Atlanta, and was with Gen. Sherman in the celebrated march to the sea. He was also engaged in the Carolina campaigns and at the battle of Aberysborough, N. C., on the 16th of March, 1865, received a gun-shot wound through the left hip, which injured him severely. After remaining a time in the field hospital he was removed to David's Island Hospital, from which he was discharged on the 29th of May, following. Mr. Hill is an active, enterprising and successful business man and, with his partners, has built up an extensive business in their line as the figures show. They handle annually from fifty thousand to seventy-five thousand bushels of grain, and five hundred thousand feet of lumber and a large amount of live stock, aggregating about a quarter of a million dollars in value.CAPT. ABRAM HINKLE
CAPT. ABRAM HINKLE, a leading farmer and stock-raiser of Village Township, Van Buren County, was born in Pendleton County, Va., July 1, 1835, and is a son of Esau and Leah (Harper) Hinkle. The Hinkle family is of German origin, and the name was formerly spelled Henkle. The great-grandfather of our subject, Abraham Hinkle, was a Lutheran preacher, and was born soon after the arrival of his parents in the United States, the family settling in Virginia. The grandfather, Capt. Michael Hinkle, was for a time a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, but later became a Universalist. His title was acquired from service in the War of 1812, and he was a wealthy farmer of Virginia, owning many slaves. He married Sarah Judy, and unto them were born eight children. In his community, Capt. Hinkle was a leading citizen, and in politics was an Old Line Whig. He died during the late war, at the extreme old age of one hundred and one years, and in his will made a provision that his negroes should never be sold, and thus forced to leave their county. The father of our subject was born in Virginia, in 1795, was an extensive farmer and stock-raiser, and had a wide reputation as an energetic and capable business man. He married Miss Harper, who was born in Virginia, in 1800, and whose people were advocates of freedom, as were the parents of our subject, who supported the Union during the late war. They made Virginia their home during their entire lives, but the mother, who was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for sixty years, died in Kansas, while there on a visit in 1876. Mr. Hinkle died in his native State, in 1888. He was a Universalist in religious belief, and a Whig and Republican in political sentiment. During the war he was taken prisoner by the rebels, but through the influence of friends was released, though he lost all he had. In the family of this worthy couple were twelve children, seven of whom are yet living, namely: Mrs. Mary Haigler, of Colorado; Sarah, living on the old homestead in Virginia; Abram of this sketch; lsaac, of Iowa; Mrs. Emily Phares, of Harrisburg, Va.; Mrs. Ellen Harper, of Monticello, Kan.; and Amby, of Cottonwood Falls, Kan. Capt. Hinkle, whose name heads this sketch, was reared on a farm among the mountains of Virginia, and never attended school but six months through-out his entire life. His mother instructed him at home, and by observation and reading he has become well informed. He remained under the parental roof until 1855, when he came to Iowa, and four years later crossed the plains with a team, stopping at Pike's Peak. ln the spring of 1861, during the midst of the Rebellion he returned to Virginia to his old home. With the exception of his father, all of his relatives were in sympathy with the South, even his brothers. The Captain tried to view the matter from a Southern standpoint, and go with his friends, but in vain. Neither could he stay at home, for men were forced to take sides, so his father gave him one of his best horses and a little money, and one morning, just after the battle of Rich Mountain, he bade farewell to his parents, and the next day reported himself at the headquarters of Gen. McClellan, then in command of the federal forces, who was so much impressed with his appearance and Union sentiments, that he at once proposed to engage him as a scout and guide to his army. When he left his parents he told them he would join the Union army, but as he had a brother and brother-in-law in the rebel army, they tried to persuade him not to fight against his brothers, but go North and remain silent or neutral; he told them he felt it his duty to take sides, and that he could not make a rebel out of himself. On his way to join the Union forces, Capt. Hinkle stopped over night with a Mr. Taylor, whose beautiful daughter was quite a favorite with young Hinkle, and who tried bard to persuade him not to join the Union forces, now only a few miles from her home, as her father and seven brothers were all at that time in the rebel army. While he found it hard to resist the entreaties of his old sweetheart, he nevertheless went on his way. McClellan left him in West Virginia, when he went to take command of the Union forces on the Potomac, as his superior knowledge of the mountains, and the people of that country, made him of great value to the Union forces operating in the Alleghany Mountains. He served for awhile as a volunteer aid on Gen. Millroy's staff, and participated in the battles of Cheat Mountain and McDowel, with distinction. At Franklin, (which was Mr. Hinkle's old home), Gen. Robert Schenck took command of the federal forces, and to him young Hinkle was introduced by Gen. Millroy, and for whom he obtained information that saved his command from being cut to pieces by the intrepid Gen. Stonewall Jackson. A few days after this, Gen. Fremont arrived with an army of 25,000 with headquarters at Franklin, only a few miles from the Captain's father's house. When Fremont took command, Gen. Schenck introduced young Hinkle to him, saying: "General, here is the only Union man in this whole county, and knows more of the country and its people, than all of us put together." Fremont at once engaged his services, placed him in command of all his famous Jesse Scouts, (a company organized in Missouri, and named in honor of his wife), with the title of captain and a captain's pay, in which capacity he served during the war. He remained with Fremont until that officer was superseded by Pope. He was engaged in the battle of Cross Keys, near Harrisonburg, Va. We cannot give all the many incidents of the services of our subject that are worthy a place in any history, but suffice it to say he frequently obtained information upon which whole armies were moved, and on many occasions success was due to his knowledge of the country and of the enemy, obtained in a way known to himself (and perhaps one or two brave boys) only. And this brave and gallant young man's name would not be known in the movements of the commands. He served under Gen. Hunter in the same capacity, and the next morning after the battle of Port Republic, he led a battalion of cavalry into the town of Stanton, released about two hundred and fifty prisoners, mostly citizens, who were incarcerated (in what they called barracks), on account of their loyal sentiments, and as his duty required him to be, he was always with the advance guard, he was again sent back into Western Virginia, where his superior knowledge of the country in that mountainous region made his services almost indispensable. He accompanied as the chief guide and scout, the brave Averhill on several of his raids inside the rebel lines; was with him at the battle of Stoney Ford, near White Sulphur Springs in Virginia, where he was repulsed by the rebel forces under Jackson, and would have been cut entirely off, had it not been for this man's knowledge of the country, who led them out by by-roads and by-ways, and nothing official to show his services save original letters from the many officers with whom he served, all acknowledging his great and valuable services. On one occasion Capt. Hinkle started with ten picked men from New Creek, where Gen. Latham was in command, in the evening, and at day-light surprised a company of Capt. McNeil's famous guerrillas in the town of Moorfield, fifty miles away, and while more than one hundred yards in advance of all his boys charging down the street, one brave rebel officer stood to fight and emptied the contents of a double-barrel shot-gun at him, killing the Captain's horse, and several of the shots taking effect in his legs, and one in his hand, which he still carries. He extricated himself from the horse as he fell, and ran upon and captured his would-be slayer, who, by the time the horse fell, was not more than twenty feet from the Captain, the blood from his hand flowing freely. The rebel says, "My God I have shot you," and the next moment they recognized each other as old acquaintances. He returned to camp with a prisoner for each man. On another occasion he captured both his brother and brother-in law. Mr. Hinkle visited his father while Gen. Fremont was near there, and while in his father's house there was a band of rebel soldiers tried to capture him, and would have done so, but for the faithful watch of one of his father's old slaves, who saw them coming, and running to the house, gave the alarm just in time for his young master. to make his escape. Manfully did the old darkey fight to keep them from taking his horse and equipments, which he was watching, while the Captain was visiting his parents, but they took him all the same. After Lee's surrender, he felt the war was all over, and he at once returned to his old home, to find his father robbed of everything he had, both armies having camped on his farm, eating up all his cattle, and taking all his horses. And of course the result of the war had freed all his slaves; but accepting the issues of the war manfully, he at once began to build up again, but turned over the management of his farms to his son, the subject of our narrative, who stocked them up. He also took a large stock of of general merchandise, purchased in Baltimore, into his native village (Mt. Freedom), and for twelve months his was the only store within seventy-five miles of his place of business, consequently he did an immense business. ln the fall of 1865, Capt. Hinkle was elected to the Legislature of West Virginia, both parties voting for him. He refused to allow his name to be used any further, as he had no taste for politics, hut turned his attention exclusively to business. However, he consented to serve his county as Supervisor, which place he filled with great ability, finding much to do, as all the public buildings of the county, as well as school houses, and all bridges were destroyed during the war. He also served seven years as Deputy United States Collector of Internal Revenue. On a visit to Iowa in 1865, he met Miss Sallie F. Jordan. the only daughter of the pioneer Indian trader, James H. Jordan, who was born in Iowaville, February 8, 1844, and on Christmas Eve, 1866, they were married. They immediately returned to Virginia, where he carried on his mercantile business until 1871, when he sold out, and removing to Iowa, purchased the farm on which he now lives, his landed possessions now are a little over eleven hundred acres, his home farm being one of the finest in the county, if not in the State. He engaged extensively in the business of breeding Shorthorn cattle, and his herds won many premiums, both at State and county fairs. When it was dispersed in 1888, it was the largest individual herd in the State. On the death of his wife he quit that business, but is now extensively engaged in raising horses and cattle, and ranks as not only the largest, but one of the most practical farmers in the county, and is looked upon as one of the most thorough going wide-awake business men of his county. In 1883, Mrs. Hinkle was taken with consumption; her husband traveled with her extensively, and she spent two winters in New Mexico, hoping that the change of climate would prove beneficial, but death claimed her for his own on February 10, 1888, leaving six children: Lora J., Arthur, Harry, Nellie B., May, and Irwin. Nellie died at the age of sixteen years, and Irwin at six. Mr. Hinkle has been a life-long Republican, but can no longer tolerate the protection tariff, and is now Independent. In the fullest sense of the word he is a self-made man, and deserves an honorable place among the representative men of his county and State.MONTEREY HOSKINMONTEREY HOSKIN, residing in Des Moines Township, Van Buren County, has spent his entire life in this county, where he was born in 1848, being the ninth child of Neri and Rebecca (Dill) Hoskin, whose family numbered twelve children. They were born, reared and married in Ohio, and about 1837 came to the Territory of Iowa, locating in Des Moines Township, where Mr. Hoskin entered land and with the aid of his sons transformed it into a good farm. He took quite an active part in politics during the early history of the county and was a valued citizen who won the respect of all with whom he came in contact. He continued his residence upon the old homestead until called to his final rest in 1870. His wife had passed away many years previous, dying when our subject was an infant. The children of the family are, Harris, who is married and resides in Des Moines Township; Omer, who is married and living in Montana; Jasper and Neri are both married and live in Des Moines Township; Inez died in 1875: Mary Ann is now Mrs. Roberts, of Jackson Township; Rhoda is now Mrs. Gibleman, of Davis County, Iowa; Martha is also a Mrs. Roberts. The subject of this sketch was reared to farm life under the parental roof and spent his boyhood days in assisting in the cultivation of the home farm and in attending the district schools, where he acquired his education. At the age of eighteen years he began life for himself and the occupation to which he was reared he has since followed in pursuit of fortune. He was married in Van Buren County, in 1870, to Miss Rebecca Tackabary, a native of this county, and a daughter of Foster and Ann (Switzer) Tackabary, who were natives of Ireland, but emigrated to this country and settled in Van Buren County, Iowa, in the early part of the '50s. The father died in Davis County, Iowa, in 1885, and her mother is still living in that county. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin, after their marriage, settled upon a part of the old farm where has been born unto them a family of four children: Anna, Inez, Fossy and Arthur. In 1878, Mr. Hoskin purchased a partially improved farm of one hundred and eighty acres, to which he has since added a forty acre tract, making in all two hundred and twenty acres which yield to him a golden tribute for his care and cultivation. A portion of this is highly improved and the remainder is devoted to pasturage, he engaging to a considerable extent in stock-raising. Mr. Hoskin is a member of the Anti-Horse Thief Association and in politics he is a stalwart supporter of the Republican party. He has served as Township Trustee and also upon the School Board, during which time he did effective service for the cause of education, in which he is deeply interested. He is numbered among the pioneer settlers of Van Buren County, and has witnessed the greater part of its growth and progress. His memory goes back to the time when Alexandria, Mo., was their nearest market but now he can supply all his wants in the line of merchandise within three miles of his home. His fellow townsmen regard him as one of the thrifty and enterprising citizens of the community for he has always displayed a laudable interest in public affairs and done what he could for the promotion of all objects calculated to advance the general welfare.BURKE HUFFMANBURKE HUFFMAN, deceased, was a pioneer of Iowa of 1836, and although his death occurred in 1857, he will be remembered by many of the older settlers, by whom he was held in high regard. He was born in Burke County, N. C., in 1794, and was the son of Samuel Huffman. When a young man he removed to Indiana, and settling in New Albany, was there married in 1822, to Miss Mary Miller, a native of Kentucky, and a daughter of Samuel and Mary Jane Miller, who belonged to an early Kentucky family. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Huffman in Indiana. In 1836 they determined to cast their lot with the early settlers of the Territory of Iowa, and choosing Van Buren County as a favorable location, settled in what is now Lick Creek Township, where Mr. Huffman spent the remainder of his life. Here the family circle was increased by the birth of four children, making nine in all. The eldest, Barbara, is the widow of Moses Stanley, and resides in Appanoose County, Iowa; James M. married Eliza Boville, and is living in Butte, Mont.; Samuel, who served as a non-commissioned officer in Company F, of the Second Iowa Infantry, died at the age of thirty-two years; George married Malvina Pollock, and is living in New Jerusalem, Cal.; Hiatt wedded Vitula R. Goodall, and makes his home in Birmingham, lowa; Mary E. is the wife of John Bishop, a resident fanner of Liberty Township, Jefferson County ; John W. married Eudora Biele, and is located in Idaho; Frederick B. was joined in wedlock with Martha Skinner, and is engaged in mercantile pursuits in Fairfield; Robert J. H., who enlisted in Company H, Fifth Iowa Infantry, died in Andersonville Prison in 1864. Mr. Huffman, the father of this family, was a Democrat in early life, but when the Republican party sprang into existence be espoused its principles and voted for its first Presidential candidate, Fremont, in 1856. He was a member of the Baptist Church, and his wife belonged to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Both were worthy citizens and lived up-right lives. The husband was called to his final rest in May, 1857, and was survived but a short time by his wife, who died in October, 1859.HIATT HUFFMANHIATT HUFFMAN, a lumber dealer of Birmingham, is one of the few pioneers left to tell the story of Van Buren County as it was fifty-three years ago. He is also numbered among the early settlers of the State, for Iowa's citizens were then numbered among the population of the Territory of Wisconsin, and in numbers they were few, living mostly along the Mississippi river, or where a waterway would serve to connect them in some degree with the outside world. The greatest gratitude from the people of to-day, and from coming generations is due those honored pioneers who laid the foundation upon which was reared the vast structure now known as Iowa, a State which is on a par in many respects with the oldest States of the East, and of which its citizens are justly proud. Mr. Huffman is a native of New Albany, Ind., and a son of Burke and Mary (Miller) Huffman. His paternal grandfather emigrated from Germany, and settled at an early day in North Carolina, where his father was born in 1791. When a young man the latter emigrated westward, locating in New Albany, Ind. He wedded Mary Miller, a native of Kentucky, who was about ten years his junior. Her parents were of Scotch-Irish extraction. Having married, Mr. Huffman devoted himself to farming in Indiana, which he followed until 1836, when, accompanied by his family he started for Iowa, proceeding down the Ohio and up the Mississippi River to Ft. Madison. The following March he made a location in what is now Lick Creek Township, Van Buren County, where he took a claim of two hundred and eighty acres, which he entered as soon as it came into market. The Indians were far more numerous than the white settlers. and the noted chief, Black Hawk, was often a visitor at his home. He had to go to Rock River to mill, the nearest market was on the Mississippi, and other disadvantages of a similar nature formed a part of his pioneer experience. Until 1855 Mr. Huffman was a Democrat, but among the first that espoused the Republican principles he identified himself with the party and continued to support it with his ballot until his death, which occurred in 1859. The following year his wife, who was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was called to her final rest. They led quiet yet useful lives, and reared a family of eleven children who became respected and valued members of the community in which they made their homes. Barbara A., the eldest of the nine who grew to mature years, married Moses Stanley, now deceased, and resides at Unionville, Iowa; James M., is a hotel-keeper in Montana; Samuel served in the Second Iowa Infantry, was wounded at Ft. Donelson, and after his return died from a cold; George W. is a fruit-grower of California; Hiatt is the next younger; Mrs. Mary E. Bishop is said to have been the first white girl born in Van Buren County; Capt. John W., who is now engaged in mining in Custer City, Idaho, served in the late war, was taken prisoner at Missionary Ridge and incarcerated in the Libby prison; Fred B., is followed by Robert, the youngest, who served in the Fifth Iowa Infantry, was also captured at Missionary Ridge, and died in Andersonville prison. We now come to the personal history of our subject who was reared as a farmer lad, acquiring his education in the pioneer schools of that day, and at the age of eighteen years began life for himself. Those who sought homes on a frontier were usually not in very prosperous circumstances, and could give their children little assistance. So it was with Mr. Huffman, who from the time he left the parental roof was dependent upon his own exertions. On the 19th of February, 1877, having chosen Miss Vitula R. Goodall as a helpmate on life's journey, he led her to the marriage altar. She was born in Van Buren County, August 11, 1838, her father being William Goodall, one of the early hotel-keepers of Fairfield. They began their domestic life in this county, but in 1862, with their children, they started to Oregon, making the journey in a wagon drawn by an ox-team. For some five years they carried on a hotel in Auburn, after which they returned to Iowa by way of the Nicaurauga route. In 1867, Mr. Huffman began merchandising in Birmingham as a partner of E. Pitkin, which connection continued eight years, when Mr. Pitkin withdrew. In 1877 the store with all its contents was burned, causing considerable loss. Mr. Huffman then devoted himself to the management of his farm until 1881, since which time be has been engaged in the lumber business in Birmingham. He yet owns some one hundred acres of land adjoining the corporation limits of this place. Mr. Huffman is a Republican in politics, and a stalwart supporter of the party principles. He cast his first vote for John C. Fremont, in 1856, and each election day finds him ready to deposit a ballot in support of the Republican candidate. While in Oregon he held the office of Sheriff of Baker County for one term, and has been Mayor and Councilman of Birmingham. Both he and his wife are zealous workers and faithful members of the Methodist Church. Their family numbers three children — Mortimer, residing near Wymore, Neb., has charge of the bridges for the Burlington & Missouri Railroad; Mary L. is at home; and Ira B. is station agent at Stoddard, Neb.WILLIAM M. HUFSTEDLERWILLIAM M. HUFSTEDLER, of the firm of Risk, Hufstedler & Whitham, was born in Parke County, Ind., on the 2d of August, 1843, and on the paternal side is of German descent, while on the maternal side the family is of Scotch origin. His parents, Martin and Mary (Kirkham) Hufstedler, were natives of Kentucky and Ohio, respectively. The subject of this sketch became a resident of Keosauqua, lowa, in 1850. His father following agricultural pursuits, during his youth he spent his summer months in aiding him in the labors of the farm and during the winter season attended the common schools of the neighborhood. When a lad of nineteen years he responded to his country's call for troops, enlisting in Company C, Twenty-fifth lowa Infantry, in August, 1862. He served three years as a non-commissioned officer and participated in many famous battles and sieges of the war. He was with Sherman at the first attack made on Vicksburg, later participated in the battle of Arkansas Post and at that place was wounded in the shoulder by a glancing shell. This caused his laying aside all duty for six weeks, but at the end of that time he rejoined his regiment. During the siege of Vicksburg he was for forty-six days in the pits and was present at the capture of that city. He also took part in the battles of Jackson, Miss., Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Chattanooga, Resaca, Dalton, Corinth, Kenesaw Mountain and several minor engagements. At one time lameness caused him to again take a much-needed rest, but on his recovery he joined Sherman's army at Kingston, N. C. He then remained with his command until the close of the war, when he was mustered out at Washington City, after participating in the Grand Review in May, 1865. On his return from the army, where he had faithfully served his country for three years, Mr. Hufstedler located in Fairfield. His education had been interrupted by his enlistment and on his return he attended a private school. Not desiring to follow the pursuit to which he had been reared, he en-gaged as a salesman with Maj. J. W. Moore, dealer in groceries, hats and caps. A year later he bought a half-interest in the business, but the night after his purchase the store with nearly all its contents was destroyed by fire. Hardly anything remained and Mr. Hufstedler was forced to resort to his former employment of clerking. He secured a position with Wells, Sterver & Averill, one of the oldest mercantile houses of Fairfield and remained with that firm until 1873, when on the 13th of September of that year he joined C. C. Risk in his present business. The firm continued operations under the style of Risk & Hufstedler until 1882, when Mr. Whitham was admitted to partnership and the firm name changed to Risk, Hufstedler & Whitham. On the 17th of June, 1875, Mr. Hufstedler married Miss Emma Mohr, their union being celebrated in Fairfield, where their entire married life has been passed. The lady is a native of Pottsville, Pa., and a daughter of Henry Mohr. Both are members of the Congregational Church, and in political sentiment Mr. Hufstedler is a Republican. He is an enterprising and sucecssful business man, respected by all who know him, and the firm of which he is a member takes front rank among the mercantile establishments located in the county seat of Jefferson County.ISAIAH HUMBERTISAIAH HUMBERT, one of the most substantial farmers of Van Buren County, now a resident of Milton, claims Pennsylvania as the State of his nativity. He was born in Fayette County, March 29, 1819, and is the son of Jacob and Mary (James) Humbert, who were also natives of the Keystone State, but the former was of German birth and the latter of Irish descent. Isaiah Humbert, whose name heads this notice, spent the days of his boyhood and youth in the usual manner of farmer lads and received a common school education. Having attained to mature years, he was married in Uniontown of his native county, December 22, 1841, to Miss Mary Shoaf, daughter of James Shoaf, and a native of Fayette County, Pa., born in 1816, of German lineage. Seven children graced their union, four sons and three daughters, but only two sons and one daughter are now living. The record of the family is as follows: William Breckenridge, the eldest was born September 18, 1842, and died January 14, 1852; Ellis Bailey, born March 11, 1844, married Annie Tatman and resides on a part of the old home farm in Van Buren County; Peter, born May 10, 1846, married Catherine Rhoads and is living on the old homestead; Serena Ann, born March 5, 1848 became the wife of John Rhoads and died March 7, 1873; Isaiah was born May 7, 1851, and died July 19, 1867, at the age of sixteen years ; Mary Elizabeth who was born March 20, 1853, died on the 12th of February, 1863; Martha Belle is the wife of Thomas Cooley of Jackson Township. The four oldest children were born in Pennsylvania and the younger members of the family in Van Buren County. Mr. Humbert was engaged in farming in his native State until the spring of 1850, when believing he might better his financial condition, he started Westward, accompanied by his family. The new State of Iowa was his destination and he settled near Bonaparte, Van Buren County, on a farm, to the cultivation of which in connection with stock-raising, he devoted his time and attention until 1861, when he removed to Jackson Township of the same county and purchased a fine prairie farm situated about four and a half miles south of Milton. He is now the owner of five hundred and ten acres of well improved prairie land, including his original purchase, in Jackson Township, which he leases from year to year. He continued to personally operate his farm until the spring of 1889, when he removed to Milton and purchased his present residence, since which time he has practically laid aside all business cares. In politics Mr. Humbert is a Republican and has voted with that party since its organization, feeling a deep interest in its success. He and his excellent wife are consistent members of the Methodist Church, as are his daughters. Mr. Humbert has lived an active and useful life, well worthy of emulation. In his habits he is frugal and temperate and he has, by patient industry and judicious management succeeded in acquiring a large and valuable property.BENJAMIN F. HUMPHREYBENJAMIN F. HUMPHREY, a jeweler of Milton, is a native of Illinois, born July 3, 1854. His father was George Humphrey, who was born in Ohio, about 1826. and in 1832, with his parents came to Van Buren County, where be wedded Miss Mary Sheets, the mother of the subject of our sketch. A more extended notice of this worthy couple is given on another page of our history. Benjamin F. Humphrey during his childhood days was brought by his parents to Van Buren County, where in the common schools his education was acquired. His early life passed uneventfully and on nearing the years of maturity he made choice of the jeweler's trade as a business which he believed he could profitably and pleasantly follow through life. In 1877, he began learning the trade in Lebanon, where he continued about a year. He came to Milton the following year and in 1879 established his present business. Mr. Humphrey has now been located in Milton some eleven years and has built up a fine trade, while his skill in his calling has won for him the confidence of those needing the services of a skilled watchmaker. An important event in the life of Mr. Humphrey occurred on the 5th of April, 1882, which day witnessed the celebration of his marriage to Miss Mattie Pennington, daughter of Benjamin Pennington, of Milton. The lady is a native of Davis County, Iowa, and four children have been born of their union, one son and three daughters: Mabel, Laura Elota, Sidney Glenn and Edith LaRue, all born in Milton. Mr. Humphrey is a member of the Order of Knights of Pythias, belonging to Jackson Lodge, No. 28, K. P., and a Republican in politics.GEORGE HUMPHREYGEORGE HUMPHREY, deceased, is numbered among the pioneer settlers of Van Buren County, Iowa. He was born in Ohio, about the year 1826, and was a son of David and Mary (Smith) Humphrey, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of the Buckeye State. The family came to this county in 1832, our subject being then a lad of six summers. He was reared to manhood amid the wild scenes of frontier life and in consequence his educational advantages were limited. Having attained to mature years, Mr. Humphrey was united in marriage with Miss Mary Sheets. Their marriage was celebrated in Van Buren County, and unto them were born three children, but two died in infancy. Benjamin F., who was born July 3, 1854, in Illinois, is the only surviving child of that marriage. He is now engaged in business in Milton. Mr. Humphrey was a farmer by occupation and followed that business throughout his entire life. He continued the cultivation of his farm in Des Moines Township until about 1853, when he removed to Illinois, where he continued to reside until 1856. Again coming to Van Buren County, he located upon a farm in Des Moines Township, where he continued to reside until called from this life. His wife died in 1858, and in 1861, he was again married, his second union being with Miss Nancy Lewis. In the fall of that year, while riding in Northern Missouri, Mr. Humphrey was caught and shot by guerrillas near Mt. Sterling, and after his death a son was born unto Mrs. Humphrey, George, who went West, was married in Oregon and is now living in Thompson Falls, Mont. Mr. Humphrey was a Republican in politics and a valued citizen whose loss was felt throughout the entire community. He had been identified with the growth and progress of the county in its earlier days, had done what he could for its advancement and in both public and private life had so conducted himself that he won the respect of all with whom he came in contact. Mrs. Humphrey still survives her husband and is living in Thompson Falls, Mont.Transcribed by Rich Lowe for the Van Buren County IAGenWeb Project - copyright 2007 Please Report Any Transcription Errors Found