Van Buren Democrat
Bonaparte, Iowa
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January 19, 1870
Volume 1; Number 1 [first issue]
8 Pages page 3MASONIC DEPARTMENT. [All communications and contributions designed for this department of THE DEMOCRAT, should be addressed to GEORGE F. SMITH, one of the editors of the paper.] THE MASONIC TRINITY. FAITH, HOPE, CHARITY. BY MRS. SAM. WHITING. When the clouds of earthly sorrow. Hover o'er our pathway here, from what sources shall we borrow. Light, the dark some way to cheer. Lo! celestial light is breaking, While Voice of music saith, Mortal, from thy sleep awaking, See the angel form of FAITH. See yon tempted, erring rother, Bowed by sorrow, sunk in grief, Strive the syren's voice to smother With words of sweet relief. Tell him of that home celestial, Whose bright doors ere long, will ope---- Pointhim mid the storms terrestrial. To the soul's sure anchor, HOPE. Onward, brethren. "Tis our mission Thus to soothe each others' woes; Till "Our Master" grants" "Dimission," Till our eyes in deaths shall close, Brethren! Let us fondly cherish That supremest virtue here, CHARITY, which ne'er can perish. While our tenets we revere. EVE GREEN. MASONRY AND POLITICS. From the Keystone. Keep masonry and politics apart; let them have no connection, however distant! Remember when you visit the lodge-room, that "no private piques or quarrels." -- far less quarrels about national or state policy -- can exist there with safety to the order. At the door we lay aside all our differences -- let them rest in silence and forget them for the time, and mingle like brothers on the ground-floor, in the middle chamber, or the sanctum, on a common level, united for a great and noble object. How beautiful and hard-cheering is such a sight! Brother! You, like yourself, can behold it and know its influence. From the fierce strife, man, all flushed with party rancor -- -- rivals and strenuous opponents in the political contest -- come up to the entrance of the porch; their flushed countenances become composed; the spirit of opposition manifested in the eye grows dim; the hands active in gesticulation but a moment before, as with the indices of opposing thoughts, clasp each other with a warmth which flows only from the heart; no angry debate is heard; no word of disrespect escapes the lips of any; all is tranquil and calm--a unity of sympathy and desires, and as each listens to the teachings of masonry, and feels there benign influence, he forgets that there is any strife without, all is so peaceful and harmonious within. Such a scene is the strongest evidence of the benefits and purity of masonry. Such a scene is one of her proudest trophies. This state of things should be witnessed in every lodge. Where it does not exist, someone has been false to his trust; someone has disregarded the principles of the institution, and through ignorance, carelessness, malice, or misguided zeal, seeks to inflict a blow, when he should be actuated only by feelings of reverence and gratitude. ANTI-MASONRY IN MASSACHUSETTS. From Pomeroy's Democrat. We learned from our contemporary, the Freemason's Monthly Magazine, that an anti-masonic meeting was recently held in one of its older resorts--North Wrentham, Mass. in speaking of it, our friend and brother thus portrays one of its leading members, the Rev. Moses Thatcher. He says: "An anti-masonic meeting was recently held in the meeting-house, formerly occupied by the notorious Rev. Moses Thatcher, in the neighboring town of North Wrentham, and from which he was dismissed soon after his expulsion from masonry. He was one of the meanest and vilest anti-masons in the state. Being a man of some popular talent, he managed, so strong had the anti-mason party become, to get himself elected to a seat in the state Senate, where he served one year, to the disgust of its most decent members, and the disgrace of the commonwealth. We had supposed that both he and his co--laborers, Samuel D. Green, had both gone to their own places; but it would seem that they have not yet accomplished all the evil for which they were originally intended." In the account which follows of this ranting, canting, hypocritical, and at times blasphemous conventicle, we find the names of the following, with the clerical prefix: "Rev. J. Blanchard, president of the Calvinistic institution of learning in Wheaton, Ill.; Rev. Mr. Dickinson, of Foxboro; and Rev. J. N. Tarbox; all of whom, like bulls of Bashon, roared and bellowed about "the inherent ungodliness of masonry," and "with a violence and malignity characteristic only of fanatics and devils." We of the Democrat have no language to express the deep disgust and loathing we entertain of such miserable fanatics, and can only exclaim in the words of the gifted Cowper: "Ye clergy, while your orbit is your place, Lights of the world, and stars of human race; But if, eccentric, ye forsake your sphere, Prodigious, ominous, and nerved with fear, The coronet's baneful influence is a dream, Your's real, and pernicious in the extreme. Go, cast your roads at your bishop's feet, Send your dishonored gallons to Monmouth street. The sacred function in your hands is made. Sad sacrilege--no function, but a trade." MASONRY IN HUNGARY. Only within a short time has it become lawful for Masons to meet, as such, in the land of the Magyars. A lodge was opened in Pesth, last summer, we believe and now, as we learned from our spicy N. Y. Contemporary-- Figaro --a paper devoted to the drama, to music, and to masonry, and edited in its Masonic department by Bro. C. C. Northup: A new masonic lodge was recently opened at Oedenberg, Hungary, by sixteen brethren, having at their head M. Vogel Statt. These brethren comprised representatives as various nationalities, viz: Hungarians eleven, Germans two, Poles one, a Slavonian and a Czech. When the symbolic lodge had been opened and the grand battery given, ten profanes, including three Magyar notables, were admitted members of the order, and were addressed by the orator on the mission of Freemasonry. The nationalities above mentioned as being represented, are sufficiently numerous to give one a fair idea of the cosmopolitan character of the institution.--Evergreen. - - - - We clip from an exchange the following item, we find going the rounds of the press: "St. John's gate, the only remaining gate of the ancient city of London, erected A.D 1100, and saved from decay and restored in 1504, is constructed in a castellated form, with a large room overlooking the roadway which the arch of the gate crosses. This gate was 'ye work of ye Masons of ye olden tyme,' and is so much esteemed as such, that the large room before alluded to has been set apart as a meeting place for lodges, chapters, and encampments, more especially for the use of Knights Templar. Under the care of the fraternity, the old gate is expected to last for centuries to come." - - - - Epitaphs. There is more human nature in the graveyard, we sometimes think, than anywhere else. "Even in our ashes live their wonted fires." The aristocracy of tombs, for instance, is something you will find in every burial place, little or big, country or city. We wot of a young lady in a certain town not far off, who, it is said, astonishes every new acquaintance, very soon after the introduction, by the inconsequent question: "O, Mr_________, have you seen our vault at Hillside?" It is a very pretty vault, we know -- for we have seen it--but we are not sure that the sleepers on its marble shelves rest any more peacefully than those beneath the humble mounds in the little valley near. While we are among the tombs, let us read some of the wise old inscriptions, using our fingers amid the mosses is as blind men: "To the memory of Thomas Birch, who departed this life 10th of March, 1795, aged 73 years. Also, Sarah, wife of Thomas Birch, who departed this life 6th of November, 1801, aged 73 years. "A good husband, and father, too. Such a one as the world scarce ever knew; What God to Adam did testify, He was resolved his children should come high; For pride and pleasure he did not allow, But made them get their bread by the sweat of their brow, A good wife, and mother, and neighbor too, Such a one as the world scarce ever knew; Agreeabler couple could not be; Whatever pleased he always pleased she; Everything that a good wife, and mother, and neighbors should be. And here is another: "Whether in another world she'll Know her brother John, Or scrape acquaintance with Her sister Soam, Is not for me to inquire; But this I know, She once was mine; And now To thee, O Lord, I her resign, And am your humble servant. "ROBERT KEMP." And this tells briefly the manner of death: "The Apple wheel did roll on me, And by its Iowa slaying; But Christ is my deliver, In Him I rise again." Poor fellow!--the local traditions say he was killed in a cider press, instead of being classically drowned in a hogshead of wine. - - - - Thos. Jefferson and Tom Moore. Tom Moore, 24 years old, had as yet publish nothing which had crossed the Atlantic but "Gentle Little's moral Song," and Mr. Jefferson had no idea that he stood in the presence of a young Catullus of his day. Standing in his height of six feet two and a half inches, the president looked down upon the perfumed little Adonis, spoke a word to him and gave him no further attention. Moore, after this unflattering reception, fell to lampooning the president and almost everything American. Some of the scurrilous attacks fell into the hands of Mr. Burwell, formerly the president's private secretary, who carried them to Mrs. Randolph. The gentle Martha was roused by such insults from a man who had been introduced into society and patronized by the British minister. They were indignant, and agreed that it was proper to place the matter before the president. This was done at Monticello, while Jefferson was reading in his library. He glanced through the obnoxious passages pointed out, looked at his daughter and his friend and burst into a clear hearty laugh, in which they joined after a moment of reflection. When Maurice Irish melodies appeared years afterwards, and the book was put into Jefferson's hands, "Why this," he said, "is the little man who satirized me so!" He read on: he had always sympathize with the Irish patriots; and presently exclaimed: "Why, he is a poet, after all!" Henceforth the bard of Erin shared with Burns the house of the retired statesman. - - - - BONAPARTE HOUSE. WATER STREET, BONAPARTE, IOWA. J. L. LEACH, Proprietor. Bills reasonable. - - - - ASHLAND HOUSE, FRONT STREET. Bentonsport, Iowa. J. F.. MASON, Proprietor. Passengers carried to any part of the County. Charges of moderate. - - - - STATE LINE R. R. HOUSE, FARMINGTON, IOWA F. BROCK, Proprietor. Good accommodations and moderate charges. - - - - O. GEORGE, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Office over C. L. George's Drug Store, Bonaparte, Iowa. Thankful for the very liberal patronage in the past, the doctor respectfully solicits a continuation of public favor. - - - - L. W. PETTIT, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Post-office address, Lebanon, Iowa. Office 1 1/2 miles North of Lebanon. Special attention given to the collection and securing of claims, etc.. - - - - J. B. COOPER, FASHIONABLE BARBER Water St. Between Main & Washington, Bonaparte, Iowa. Haircutting, shaving, and shampooing done expeditiously and in the latest styles. - - - - MRS. J. B. COOPER LADIES' HAIR DRESSER And Manufacturer of Switches, Curls, Puffs, Braids, etc. - - - - THE BONAPARTE DEBATING SOCIETY. Meets every Saturday night in the basement of the Baptist Church. Come, everybody! - - - - FOSNOT & CO., Watchmakers & Jewelers -and- PHOTOGRAPHERS, KEOSAUQUA, IOWA. Special attention given to repairing watches and clocks. - - - - CHARLES L. GEORGE, Water Street, Bonaparte, Iowa, Dealer in DRUGS! MEDICINES! Chemicals, Pure Wines, Bitters, Paints, Oils, Varnish, DYE STUFFS, GLASS, PUTTY, Pens, Ink, Tobacco and Cigars, Envelopes of every style, Note, and the Letter Paper, Fine Toilet Soaps, Fine Hair and Tooth Brushes, Fancy and Toilet Articles. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded at all hours. He may be found after night in the room above the store. - - - - S. FRIEDMAN, Bonaparte, Iowa. Dry Goods, Groceries, CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furs, Hardware, Queensware, Glass-Ware, Wall and Window Paper, Window Blinds, Window Glass, Oils and Paints, Trunks and [sic?] Cerped Bags, NOTIONS, And everything, in fact, that comes within the wants and requirements of the people of this section of country. I buy chiefly in New York, with a large percent off for cash, thereby making by purchasing and not on selling, altogether, as others do. I Defy Competition. Prices Reduced on All Winter Goods Cash paid for hides and pelts. Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. - - - - TO THE FARMERS! Come right along with your PRODUCE! I want it all; for which I will pay the Highest Cash Prices! This is your last chance! Come one, come all. For further information, inquire at D. V. station. C. S. DETWILER. - - - - QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS! W. H. Entler, dealer in STOVES! Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware, Water Street, Bonaparte, Iowa. Job work and repairing of all kinds neatly executed at the lowest figure. - - - - ANNOUNCEMENT. THE Van Buren Democrat. A JOURNAL FOR THE PEOPLE! In presenting THE VAN BUREN DEMOCRAT as a candidate for public favor, the publishers desire to ask the attention of a generous public to the merits which they most respectfully claim the paper possesses. THE DEMOCRAT is published weekly, in the town of Bonaparte, Van Buren County, Iowa, decidedly the most advantageous location for a newspaper in the County, having all the facilities of railroad and telegraph communication, so essential to a well-conducted journal, and thus being enabled to obtain all general news without being subject to the vexations incident to irregularities of mails and want of speedy communication The size of the paper is in the highest degree respectable, and its form for convenience of arrangement cannot be excelled. In point of mechanical execution and general appearance, it is believed that THE DEMOCRAT will contrast favorably with any other paper published in the state. It's columns will at all times be filled with entertaining reading matter, and we wish to call especial attention to THE DEMOCRAT in this respect. Home News. THE DEMOCRAT has a special correspondent at every post office in the County, who will furnish it, each week, all items from their respective sections which are of interest to the people of the county. This will enable us to give a complete record of the general news of the County. It is believed this feature alone will be well worth the price of subscription. General News. This department will be as full and reliable as it can possibly be made. The items will be collected up to the time of going to press, all matters of a doubtful character being carefully excluded. Iowa Legislature. THE DEMOCRAT has secured, at great expense, the services of a talented and distinguished newspaper correspondent at the state capital, who, during the present session of the legislature, will furnish for it's columns a complete weekly review of the doings of that body. This correspondence cannot fail to prove highly interesting and instructive to our readers. History of Van Buren County. The material for a complete history of Van Buren county, from its earliest organization down to the present time, is being rapidly collected; and it is proposed to publish such a history in the columns of THE DEMOCRAT as soon as practicable. Editorials. THE DEMOCRAT will always express its views on every question of state or national importance, as seen from a true democratic standpoint. Recognizing the right of all men to the promulgation of an honest opinion, we claim the privilege of being decidedly Democratic in our sentiments, and of expressing them on all proper occasions. Farmers' Department. Our columns will, at all times, be open for correspondence relating to agriculture and kindred subjects. Our farming friends are requested to contribute to this department, and thus unable us to make it of some practical advantage to farmers. It is contemplated to make this an entirely original one; hence, no senseless extracts from other papers which never contains subject matter applicable to our county, will ever be given. Masonic. This department will be under the especial supervision of a member of the firm, and will be found of general interest to the craft. Markets. THE DEMOCRAT'S markets will be found full, complete, and reliable. Persons wishing a statement of the correct condition of our home markets will do well to consult our columns. Miscellaneous. The miscellaneous department of the paper will be made up of interesting tales and sketches, selected poetry from standard authors, items of general information, etc. The Whole County. We expect to labor at all times for the good of the whole County, irrespective of section and, to this end, will visit every portion, for the purpose of obtaining a perfect knowledge of her resources, natural advantages, the character of her citizens, etc., in order that the world may form a correct impression of what we really are. In view of all these things, it is not too much to expect that THE DEMOCRAT will find its way into at least every household of the County. Terms. Single copy, one year, $2.00; six months, $1.00 In advance. Address. THE DEMOCRAT, Bonaparte, Iowapage 4TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year.... $2.00 Six is $1.00 By SMITH & HOLCOMBE SALUTATORY. With the first number of THE DEMOCRAT, it is not only customary, but perhaps appropriate that a brief introductory or prefatory statement should be made. The want of a good, readable, enterprising home newspaper has long been felt and acknowledged by the citizens of this County. It was in response to that want that THE DEMOCRAT came into being; and such a newspaper it proposes to be. In size and mechanical appearance, it speaks for itself. In these respects it is designed to be in keeping with the enterprise of our people, and is probably excelled by no county paper in the state. In point of ability, it shall always be all that considerable newspaper experience, a proper degree of enterprise and enthusiasm, our humble abilities, and money can make it. THE DEMOCRAT is founded on a sound and independent financial basis, and is designed to be peculiarly and emphatically a journal for the people. No man or party having given a dollar towards its establishment, THE DEMOCRAT is the organ of no local clique, ring, or faction, but a paper for all sections, conditions, and classes. THE DEMOCRAT might have been content to have settled down in this, that or the other village, and issued a seven-by-nine sheet as the mouthpiece of the few surrounding burghers. But it has preferred a different course. It will be published in the interest of the whole county --a representative of her enterprise and public spirit--an exponent of her agricultural, mineral and manufacturing resources--a reflex of the tastes, culture and intelligence of her people. And it is believed that the undertaking will meet with an abundant and a willing support. Politically, THE DEMOCRAT will be an earnest, straight-forward, reliable democratic journal. This it wishes to be distinctly understood. But while it will be decidedly democratic in its views and fearless in their expression, THE DEMOCRAT will endeavor at all times to keep within the bounds of reason and propriety, avoiding and discountenancing all absurd extremes and facetious extremists, fanatics, mountebanks, and notoriety-seekers, wherever found. Unlike those who, through a false estimate of the sagacity the of the masses, expect their wild, frantic, and senseless chattering to be construed into party zeal, THE DEMOCRAT has an exalted opinion of the intelligence and good judgment of the people, basing our belief and the ultimate triumph of our principles upon the intelligent appreciation of their reasonableness and justice of our cause. With this brief resume, extending a greeting to its numerous patrons and friends, THE DEMOCRAT is submitted to the criticism of a generous and enlightened public. Should it be found to reflect unfavorably upon Van Buren county, it should be promptly discountenanced; but if it merit public approbation, it hopes to meet with that liberal encouragement do a first-class home newspaper. - - - - We desired to return our sincere thanks to those of our friends who have given us so much material assistance and substantial encouragement in our enterprise. Where all have done so well, to particularize would be almost invidious; yet we cannot refrain from saying that to those noble, whole-soled men, Thomas Rankin, J. C. Knapp, and J. S. Shepherd, of Keosauqua; T. P. Doud, of Doud's Station; I. T. Wilson, of Independent; Dr. M. J. Land, of Iowaville; L. W. Pettit, of Lebanon; Onias Hale and J. W. Carr, of Milton; L. J. Evans, of Vernon; A. F. Holder, of Upton; Esquire Henry Benson, of Farmington; John D. Mitchler, of Pierceville; W. A. Lippincott, J. D. Pergrin, and Thomas McVity, of Bentonsport; and Thomas Christy and Thomas H. Hopkins of this place our special thanks are due. We refer, with a proper degree of pride, to these gentlemen, for they are well known to be among the best citizens of the county, and that whatever they endorse must possess some merit. These are men who have always been true to their principles, and loyal to their friends; who have never abandoned the faith that their reason told them was right; who have stood up when others sat down, and who have always been devoted to the best interests of our county and of the country at large. Gentlemen, each and every one of you have a claim upon our gratitude and a right to our services, which we shall ever be ready to accord. - - - - THE IOWA LEGISLATURE. On the 10th of the present of month, the legislature of Iowa assembled at the capitol. In all previous sessions their time has been mainly consumed in enacting laws which were not needed, and repealing others which were; in passing resolutions uncalled for; in making needless appropriations; in delivering buncombe speeches; in voting themselves plenty of pocket knives and pay, postage stamps and "perquisites," mucilage and mileage, newspapers and Noah Webster's dictionaries; in creating new offices but never abolishing old ones, and seldom enacting measures for the benefit of the people of the state at large. Many persons with whom we have conversed express the opinion that but little will be done this winter beyond the election of a United States senator, and the usual appropriations. It may be that some of the members are of the opinion that there is not much to do; that they have only to go through a formal routine--be duly button-holed by the candidates for the various state and United States offices, adjourn, pack up, and come home. There is, however, a great deal for them to do, if they will only do it. We know that the people of this county--and we feel justified in saying of the whole state--feel that they could do something word they invested with that power, and that it is not asking too much to demand of the legislature the consideration of the following subjects: A rigid economy and strict integrity in the management of the state expenditures. No more appropriations for railroads, unless with the "Doud amendment" thereto. The abolition of the offices of county superintendent of common schools and circuit Judge--both of which are worse than useless. One of the strongest articles presented by the people of the colonies against the British government in the declaration of Independence, was the charge of "creating a multitude of new offices amongst us." The legislature of Iowa, at their last session, created the office of circuit judge--which is about as essential to the conducting of legal affairs as the proverbial fifth wheel of a wagon. The office of county school superintendent is nothing more than a very expensive farce. It has for its object the elevation of the standard of our public schools, and every educator, as well as every other intelligent man, knows that upon the teacher alone this work depends. This office could and should be discharged by the county judge in each county, if it's duties were lessened as they should be. Nothing more should be required than the examination of teachers. A repeal of the law authorizing the publication of the acts of the general assembly in the various newspapers of the state. This is the one of the greatest impositions practiced on the people. It takes thousands of dollars out of the pockets of the people to pay the printer for the publishing matter which is never read, and which, if it be read, is not worth the time spent. Besides, it is well known that this is designed only to aid the republican press of the state, by giving a generous "lift" to the proprietors. A repeal of the infamous registry law. The enactment of a wholesome license law in lieu of the present proscriptive and intolerant system. We might go on and enumerate others, but, with the list of useless offices, of bad and injurious laws; of reforms needed in every department of the state government, we should have a greater task than we feel able to perform, were we to give a careful consideration to each matter. We will say in conclusion, however, that the members of the Legislature would do well to consider these questions and act upon them as their best judgment may dictate; but, gentlemen, be very careful how you act! The people are watching you, and it is for their benefit you profess to labor. See to it, then, that you confer real benefits, for which they stand so much in need, and remove grievances which they have so long and so needlessly endured. - - - - PROHIBITION. The question of the repeal of the prohibitory liquor law of the state, and the enactment of a judicious license law in its stead, is, at this time, attracting a large share of public attention. This subject is no new one however. It has been brought before the legislature, in some shape or other, at each session for several years past, and has always been defeated. The radicals, for political reasons, have always succeeded in making it a party question; and, owing to the fact that they have had an overwhelming majority in both branches of the legislature, and that they have uniformly arrayed themselves on the side of the prohibitionists, no reform in the law which has been a disgrace to our state books, ever sinse its enactment, has ever been accomplished. It is a peculiar trait in the character of the radical party, that whenever a measure is introduced by their political opponents, without pausing to consider the beneficial effects likely to result from its adoption, they unhesitatingly and persistently oppose it. This is not right. No man should ever be loth to acknowledge that, in order to accomplish a beneficial measure, he has lain aside his devotion to party, and acted with those who have hitherto been his adversaries. Had the republican party pursued this course in reference to the temperance question, our state would be almost incalculably better off, both in the pecuniary condition and the social position. The statistics of other s of other states show that, were it not for the revenue derived from the manufacture and sale of spirituous liquors, a taxation which would be almost insupportable would have to be resorted to, in order to meet the expenses of the state government. Hundreds of thousands of dollars would now be in our state treasury, had we as liberal laws in this respect as other states, and the burdens of taxation which now rests so heavily on the people, materially reduced. It is claimed that our state is already out of debt--that there is a large balance in the treasury; but if this be true,--which we are inclined to doubt--how has it been accomplished? The receipts in the hands of the tax-payers of the country fully answer the question. And yet we go on in the work of taxation, which, when it becomes as greedy as as it has been for the past few years, is nothing more nor less than oppression, and give what we should have to other states, who will continue to derive the profits from the sale of ardent spirits within our state limits just so long as our present law continues in force. It is argued in this connection that a considerable portion of our school fund is the right from fines imposed upon those who manufacture and sell liquor in violation of the statute, and prohibitionists or want to dwell on the salutary effect of the wall in this respect. That is a poor government, indeed, that holds out an inducement to its citizens to commit crime! Let us explain: the demand for ardent spirits is greater to-day than it ever was, and is constantly on the increase. The profits on their sale or immensely large, and for men who wish to realize a large margin on their investment that temptation to engage in the sale is too strong to be resisted. The opponents of a license law, for the most part, discuss this question from a moral standpoint. They argue that, were such a law in effect, crime would increase to a fearful extent; the vice of every kind would be encouraged; that it is only in communities where total prohibition exists that there is anything like a moral state of society, etc. Now, all this is the merest stuff, gotten up for effect on shallow-minded persons who never see but one side of a subject, and who form, by far, the greater portion of the so-called temperance party. Were the effects of intemperance ten times as baneful as they are, this suppression or permission of the sale of ardent spirits would have nothing whatever to do with the matter. There is as much liquor drank, in proportion to the population, in states "blessed" with prohibitory laws as where the sale is legalized, and vice versa. If there be a moral stand in the question, the position may, with propriety, be claimed by the anti-prohibitionists, against the prescriptive and intolerant spirit which universally pervades all prohibitory laws. This same principle, if carried to its full extent, would lead to measures, in comparison to which, the old "Blue Laws" might be considered perfect models of liberality. It was exactly this same spirit which inspired the old Puritans when they indulged in the pleasant pastime of burning holes through Quaker's tongues, and nailing Baptists by the ears to door-posts. There are other points in this subject, but want of time and space prevent their consideration at present. At some future time, however, we hope to refer to this question again. - - - - FAVORITISM IN CONGRESS. Various bills have already been introduced in congress for the removal of political disabilities from individuals. Has not this business of favoritism gone far enough? Or can disabilities be removed only from these persons who pledge fealty to the radical party? Why is not a general law passed that will serve all alike? If one who was engaged on the confederate side of the war has got to swear allegiance to radicalism, to get citizenship, why not get that clause in a general bill and then allow all who can come up to the requirements, to become citizens? - - - - HEAVIER TARIFF. Those who have read the letters of the "Parsee merchant," in the New York World, on the iron monopoly which the present high tariffs gives, will be astonished to hear that the ways and means committee have agreed to still further increase it. The resolve of this project will be to prevent any competition whatever with the iron trade, and give Pennsylvania iron men the complete monopoly of the manufactured material, shutting out from importation railroad iron, and all those articles that are made here, the people paying the expenses, of course. - - - - NEWS ITEMS. Judge Clagett, in his characteristic manly way, congratulates Howell on his election to the United States senate. Major General Mower died at New Orleans, on the 5th instant, General Mower entered the Union Army at the commencement of the late war, as Colonel of the 11th Missouri infantry, and was promoted to the position of major general of volunteers for his general good conduct and efficiency as a soldier. After the close of the war congress commissioned him as major general in the regular Army. At the time of his death he was in command of the Department of Louisiana. In Congress, on the 15th inst., the house passed the bill admitting Virginia to the right of representation in congress, by a vote of 98 to 95. The Iowa members voted for the bill. The Missouri legislature instructed the members of congress from that state to vote against all appropriations for public buildings in Washington. St. Louis has been talked of as a very proper site for the national capital, and St. Louis is in Missouri! A meeting of officers and soldiers of the war of 1812 was held in St. Louis on the 8th--the anniversary of the battle of New Orleans. A memorial was prepared for submission to congress, asking that body to "place the names of the soldiers of the war of 1812, now alive, upon the United States pension list, thus showing to the world that the United States government is just as well as great." The Senate has confirmed Henry W. Blodgett judge of the United States district court, in the northern district of Illinois. In Cincinnati on the 15th, a heavy man loosened the foundations of a stone wall, one hundred feet long and thirty feet high, causing it to fall on the kitchens of six dwelling houses. One woman had a leg broken, and a little boy was killed. Over sixty leading members of the Chicago bar recently petitioned Governor Palmer of Illinois, for the appointment of Mrs. Myra Bradwell editor of the Legal News, as a notary public and end for the city of Chicago. The governor concluded that under the laws of Illinois she could not legally be appointed. Learning that their beloved pastor was about to retire to private life, by reason of advanced age and other et ceteras, the members of his church have increased Henry Ward Beecher's salary to $20,000, and he thinks he can "endure" it a while longer. And all this to the honor of Him who said, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man hath not where to lay his head." Fernando Wood takes charge of that portion of the president's message relating to the French cable. The governor of Alabama complains that the Negro members of the Legislature use such shocking bad grammar in the bills presented for his signature, that it is necessary to employ a clerk to revise and correct them. The Ohio Senate has ratified the 15th amendment, by a vote of 19 to 18. The radical Senatorial caucus at Des Moines, on the 13th inst., nominated Judge Wright for senator for the long term, and J. B. Howell, of the Gate City, for the short term. The House territorial committee have reported adversely on the bill providing a territorial government for Alaska. The chairman of the house committee on territories introduced a bill recently, providing that in the future Brigham Young and the rest of the latter-day saints shall have but one wife, and Brigham Young hits them a fearful blow below the belt when he says that he is content to live with one woman, if all the congressman will. There is great excitement in France over the murder of Victor Noir, by Prince Bonaparte. In Paris, on the 13th instant, great excitement was occasioned by the arrival of troops from Vincennes, and several disturbances occurred. The city is now held by over one hundred thousand soldiers, and a conflict between them and the citizens is daily imminent. Roehefort, editor of the Marsellaise, the organ of the people, continues to animate the spirit of the citizens by stirring appeals in his paper each day. The Burlington and Missouri River railroad has about finished the grading from Plattsmouth to Lincoln, Nebraska--sixty miles, and has iron enough on hand to lay the track that distance. The bill introduced by Senator Pomeroy of Kansas, repealing so much of the act of August, 1846, as declares the Des Moines River at a public highway, has passed both houses of congress. A woman and two children, the youngest aged only two years, were frozen to death recently near Jonesboro, Ill. They had been sent from the house of a well-to-do farmer who had kindly permitted them to go forth into a severe storm without scarcely enough clothing to cover them. Merrill, of Maine, without the fear of Grant before his eyes, has introduced a bill in congress prohibiting officials from receiving any contributions from those receiving less pay than themselves, the violation of which is to be punished by a summary dismissal of the offender, who is thereby declared ineligible to any position under the government for three years.
Pages 1 & 2 Pages 3 & 4 Pages 5 & 6 Pages 7 & 8 Transcribed by Rich Lowe for the Van Buren County IAGenWeb Project - copyright 2007