Historic Photos of Milton

Do you have old photos showing scenes of Milton's past that you would like to share? If so, let us hear from you. Please e-mail as an attachment in .jpg format if at all possible. Include a description of the scene. We can't promise to use every photo submitted, and the selection may change from time to time, however, we will try to build a collection for all to enjoy. 

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Contributor's info is listed below photo.

Milton Colored Main Street.jpg (128277 bytes)
Main Street
Fran Hunt

Built Mid 1880's -- Replaced 1929
Old Milton High School
Fran Hunt

First White Man in Jackson Twp.
Bushrod W. Craven
Fran Hunt

016milton.jpg (25721 bytes)
Main Street
Rich Lowe

MiltonHS2.jpg (563914 bytes)
Old Milton High School
Marsha Ament

MiltonStreet2.jpg (30939 bytes)
Postmarked 1950
Rich Lowe

MiltonMEChurch.jpg (62775 bytes)
Methodist Episcopal Church
Marsha Ament

oldmain.jpg (29271 bytes)
Old Main c. 1910
Rich Lowe