Historic Photos of Cantril, IA

Do you have old photos showing scenes of Cantril's past that you would like to share? If so, let us hear from you. Please e-mail as an attachment in .jpg format if at all possible. Include a description of the scene. We can't promise to use every photo submitted, and the selection may change from time to time, however, we will try to build a collection for all to enjoy. 

Click on Photo to see larger version. Contributor's info is listed below photo.

cantrilhs.jpeg (19244 bytes)
Cantril High School c. 1920

divisionst.jpg (35459 bytes)
Division St.

pcz359.jpg (54668 bytes)
Harbridge Bldg.

depot.jpg (40761 bytes)
Cantril Depot

Legion Building
Legion Hall 1947

downtown.jpg (51197 bytes)

locker.jpg (44455 bytes)
1913 Meat Market/Locker

CantrilNorthSt1909.jpg (48361 bytes)
North Street c. 1909

Built on present school site. Torn down in 1914.
Old Cantril School

CantrilFootball1910.jpg (74644 bytes)
Cantril Football 1910


cantrilbaseball.jpg (37684 bytes)
Cantril Baseball Team