NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1870 TERRITORY: IA COUNTY: Van Buren DIVISION: Village REEL NO: 421 PAGE NO: 395A REFERENCE: PO Hickory 24th day of June 1870 by Henry G. Miller ======================================================================================================================================================================================== LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. REAL VAL. PERS VAL. BIRTHPLACE FOREIGN BIRTH MONTH MONTH ATT. CAN'T CAN'T DEAF M-21yrs VOTE- FATHER MOTHER BORN MARR. SCHOOL READ WRITE DENIED ======================================================================================================================================================================================== 1 231 222 Parrott George W. 28 M W Shoe Maker 30 100 France X X X 2 231 222 Parrott Julie 20 F W Keeping House Iowa 3 231 222 Parrott Nettie 6/12 F W Iowa X 4 232 223 Garvey Timothy 33 M W Laborer Ireland X X X X X 5 232 223 Garvey Almira 30 F W Keeping House 300 Ohio X X 6 232 223 Garvey Francis D. 7 M W Iowa X X 7 232 223 Garvey John 5 M W Iowa X X 8 232 223 Garvey Timothy 2 M W Iowa X 9 232 223 Garvey Martin 01/12 M W Iowa X May 10 233 224 Johnson Thomas 31 M W Saloon Keeper 300 100 New York X X X 11 233 224 Johnson Catherine 30 F W Keeping House Indiana X 12 233 224 Johnson Hannah 7 F W Iowa X 13 233 224 Johnson Emma 5 F W Missouri X 14 233 224 Johnson William F. 3 M W Iowa REMARKS: F. or L. or *.? 15 233 224 Johnson Minnie 1 F W Iowa 16 233 224 Dodson Sarah 19 F W Domestic Servant Iowa 17 234 225 Wells John 38 M W Harness Maker Virginia X 18 234 225 Wells Sarah C. 24 F W Keeping House Iowa 19 234 225 Wells Orlena C. 3 F W Missouri 20 234 225 Wells John W. 3/12 M W Iowa March 21 235 226 Adams Samuel A. 32 M W Dry Goods Merchant 500 1,000 Ohio X 22 235 226 Adams Ameritta 21 F W Keeping House Iowa 23 235 226 Adams Guy 1 M W Iowa 24 236 227 Taylor Daniel 26 M W Dry Goods Merchant 500 1,000 Indiana X 25 236 227 Taylor Mary 20 F W Keeping House Iowa X 26 237 228 Mix William H. 29 M W Dry Goods Merchant 1,500 2,000 New York X 27 237 228 Mix Susan H. 26 F W Keeping House New York 28 237 228 Mix Winniford 1 F W Iowa 29 237 228 Wheatley Sarah 19 F W Ohio 30 238 229 Morgan Thomas 38 M W Engineer in Grist Mill 500 Indiana X 31 238 229 Morgan Eveline 28 F W Iowa X 32 238 229 Morgan Thomas 9 M W Iowa X 33 238 229 Morgan Mary 6 F W Iowa X 34 238 229 Morgan Harriet 2 F W Iowa 35 238 229 Morgan May 1/12 F W Iowa May 36 239 230 Shay Michael 25 M W Laborer Ireland X X X 37 239 230 Shay Ellen 23 F W Keeping House Ireland X X 38 239 230 Shay Martha 2 F W Iowa X X 39 239 230 Shay Mary A. 1 F W Iowa X X 40 239 230 Garvey Mary 52 F W At Home Ireland X X X X