NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1870 TERRITORY: IA COUNTY: Van Buren DIVISION: Bonaparte Twp REEL NO: M593-421 PAGE NO: 183A REFERENCE: PO Farmington - Enumerated 24 Aug 1870 by J. G. Shipley ======================================================================================================================================================================================== LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. REAL VAL. PERS VAL. BIRTHPLACE FOREIGN BIRTH MONTH MONTH ATT. CAN'T CAN'T DEAF M-21yrs VOTE- FATHER MOTHER BORN MARR. SCHOOL READ WRITE DENIED ======================================================================================================================================================================================== 1 1 1 Selgrove Margaret 56 F W Keeping House 800 305 New York 2 1 1 Selgrove Elizabeth 24 F W Milliner Iowa 3 1 1 Selgrove Ann 20 F W at Home Iowa 4 2 2 Baker Wm. 63 M M Farmer 1,200 1,500 Kentucky X X 5 2 2 Baker E. N. 45 F W Keeping House Ireland X X X X REMARKS: middle initial could also be A. 6 2 2 Baker William 29 M M Works on Farm Iowa X X 7 2 2 Baker James 24 M M Works on Farm Iowa X X 8 2 2 Baker Julius 23 M M Works on Farm Iowa X X 9 2 2 Baker Emily 5 F M Iowa X X 10 2 2 Mc Mahon Elisabeth 17 F W at Home Ohio X X X 11 3 3 Robison William 30 M W Laborer 100 Ohio X 12 3 3 Robison Emma 19 F W Keeping House Ohio 13 3 3 Robison James 2 M W Iowa 14 3 3 Robison Charles 1 M W Iowa 15 4 4 Hite H. C. 35 M W Farmer 430 375 Ohio X 16 4 4 Hite Mary 31 F W Keeping House Kentucky 17 4 4 Hite George A. 11 M W Works on Farm Iowa X 18 4 4 Hite H. E. 7 M W Iowa X 19 4 4 Hite Ellen 6 F W Iowa X 20 5 5 Cleve James 36 M W Laborer 440 England X X X 21 5 5 Cleve Eliza 31 F W Keeping House Iowa 22 5 5 Cleve Jane 8 F W at Home Iowa X X 23 5 5 Cleve William 6 M W Iowa X X 24 5 5 Cleve Bessie 5 F W Iowa X 25 5 5 Cleve Robert 3 M W Iowa X 26 5 5 Cleve Ella 1 F W Iowa X 27 6 6 Robison Francis 52 F W Keeping House 800 330 Virginia 28 6 6 Robison Judeth 26 F W Domestic Servant Ohio 29 6 6 Robison Ezra 17 M W Farm laborer Iowa 30 6 6 Robison Peter 15 M W Works on Farm Iowa X 31 6 6 Robison Alvie 12 F W at Home Iowa X 32 6 6 Robison Adabask 5 M W Iowa 33 7 7 Armstrong James 68 M W Farmer 2,250 1,017 Pennsylvania X 34 7 7 Armstrong Hettie 64 F W Keeping House Maryland 35 7 7 Armstrong Finley 28 M W Works on Farm Iowa X 36 7 7 Armstrong Perry 24 M W Works on Farm Iowa X 37 7 7 Armstrong Z. F. 22 M W Works on Farm Iowa X 38 7 7 Armstrong Dora 11 F W at Home Iowa X 39 7 7 Armstrong Louisa 20 F W at Home Iowa 40 8 8 Merrick Leagrand 28 M W Farmer 3,200 1,211 New York X