NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1860 TERRITORY: IA COUNTY: Van Buren DIVISION: Village REEL NO: M653-342 PAGE NO: 263 REFERENCE: P. O. Hickory 4th day of June 1860 by Geo.C.Gebhardt =================================================================================================================================== LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. REAL VAL. PERS VAL. BIRTHPLACE MRD. SCH. R/W DDB =================================================================================================================================== 1 140 140 Davis Malinda 51 F Va. 2 140 140 Lewis Wm. 10 M O. X 3 140 140 Aered Melissa 4 F Iowa 4 140 140 Buckmaster F. 17 M Labourer O. X 5 140 140 ODonnelly Patrick 30 M Labourer Ireland 6 140 140 OFlackerty John 25 M Labourer Ireland 7 141 141 Murphy James 24 M Farmer 400 O. 8 141 141 Murphy Sarah A. 23 M Iowa 9 141 141 Murphy Isaac 2/12 M Iowa 10 142 142 Lefever Eli 35 M Farmer 3,000 750 Pa. 11 142 142 Lefever Jacob 55 M Farmer 3,000 750 Pa. 12 142 142 Lefever Catharine 53 F Housekeeper 900 Pa. 13 142 142 Lefever Sarah 47 F Housekeeper 900 Pa. 14 142 142 Lefever Elizabeth 76 F Pa. 15 142 142 Passmore Catharine 25 F Housekeeper Pa. 16 143 143 Nupp Jacob 45 M Farmer 750 Pa.. 17 143 143 Nupp Hannah 50 F Pa. 18 143 143 Nupp George 20 M Farming O X 19 143 143 Nupp Hamilton 17 M Farming O. X 20 143 143 Nupp Emily 15 F Iowa X 21 143 143 Nupp Melissa 12 F Iowa X 22 143 143 Nupp Christena 10 F Iowa X 23 143 143 Nupp Solomon 8 M Iowa X 24 143 143 Armuntrout Geo. 25 M Grocer O. 25 144 144 Huston Jacob 25 M Labourer 75 O. X 26 144 144 Huston Matilda 36 F O. X 27 144 144 Huston Nancey M. 9 F O. X 28 144 144 Huston James M. 6 M O. 29 144 144 Huston Rebecca J. 2 F Iowa 30 144 144 Huston Saml' F. 3/12 M Iowa 31 145 145 Coleman Lewis W. 26 M Labourer 800 50 Ill. 32 145 145 Coleman Sarah 23 F O. 33 145 145 Coleman Jeanna 16 F O. X 34 145 145 Glenn Wm. 45 M Labourer Ind. 35 145 145 Wadkins S. 53 M Labourer Ind. 36 145 145 Johnston J. 41 M Labourer Ind. 37 145 145 Miller Francis 33 M Labourer O. 38 145 145 Crisman Saml. 21 M Labourer O. 39 145 145 Rogers Hamilton 21 M Labourer O. 40 145 145 Rogers Huston 20 M Labourer O.