NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1860 TERRITORY: IA COUNTY: Van Buren DIVISION: Vernon REEL NO: M653-342 PAGE NO: 170 REFERENCE: Enumerated 6th day of June 1860 by A. C. Bailey =================================================================================================================================== LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. REAL VAL. PERS VAL. BIRTHPLACE MRD. SCH. R/W DDB =================================================================================================================================== 1 109 109 Rowan Edward 26 M Laborer 1,000 120 Ohio 2 110 110 Allison Wm. F 26 M Blacksmith 250 350 Indiana 3 110 110 Allison Jemima H 25 F Indiana 4 110 110 Allison Marian 1 M Iowa 5 110 110 NS NN 6 111 111 Allison John P. 25 M Farmer 467 Indiana 7 111 111 Allison Margaret 26 F Indiana 8 111 111 Allison Florence M. 2 F Iowa 9 112 112 Phillips Albert 32 M Farmer 1,220 807 Ohio 10 112 112 Phillips Cllarissa H 22 F Ohio 11 112 112 Phillips Oliver 3 M Iowa 12 112 112 Swasey Almira 28 F Ohio 13 112 112 Swasey Clara E. 2 F Missouri 14 112 112 Hoon William 18 M Laborer Ohio 15 113 113 Bradford Isaac B. 73 M Farmer 1,400 275 Rhode Island 16 113 113 Bradford Sarah 77 F Rhode Island 17 114 114 McIntosh James 39 M Farmer 810 505 Virginia 18 114 114 McIntosh Susanna 39 F Ohio 19 114 114 McIntosh John J. 18 M Iowa 20 114 114 McIntosh Mary I 15 F Iowa X 21 114 114 McIntosh Hannah C. 13 F Iowa X 22 114 114 McIntosh Cyrus F. 11 M Iowa X 23 114 114 McIntosh Charles P. 9 M Iowa X 24 114 114 McIntosh Thomas R. 7 M Iowa 25 114 114 McIntosh Norrah E. 4 F Iowa 26 114 114 McIntosh Virginia 1 F Iowa 27 114 114 Peterson John 88 M 810 New Jersey 28 114 114 Peterson Mary 78 F Maryland 29 115 115 Genil Henry 55 M Farmer 800 300 Hanover 30 115 115 Genil Mary 50 F Hanover 31 115 115 Genil Mary 21 F Hanover 32 115 115 Genil Henry 19 M Hanover 33 115 115 Genil Augustus B. 18 M Hanover 34 115 115 Genil Sarah 11 F Penn X 35 116 116 McIntosh Thomas B. 42 M Farmer 1,200 585 Virginia 36 116 116 McIntosh Rebecca E. 29 F Michigan 37 116 116 McIntosh James 4 M Iowa 38 116 116 McIntosh George 3 M Iowa 39 116 116 McIntosh John 1 M Iowa 40 116 116 Fitzgerrold Madison S. 19 M Laborer Iowa