NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1860 TERRITORY: IA COUNTY: Van Buren DIVISION: Vernon Twp. REEL NO: M653-342 PAGE NO: 157 REFERENCE: Enumerated 1st day of June 1860 by A. C. Bailey =================================================================================================================================== LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. REAL VAL. PERS VAL. BIRTHPLACE MRD. SCH. R/W DDB =================================================================================================================================== 1 16 16 Swartz Mary 1 F Iowa 2 16 16 Fisher Eliza 19 F Missouri 3 17 17 Dickson Rob't M 34 M Potter 7,000 1,600 Penn 4 17 17 Dickson Melinda J 30 F KY 5 17 17 Hanback John 68 M Painter 300 KY 6 17 17 Sharp Francis M 21 M Laborer Penn 7 17 17 Dickson Rob't L 6 M Iowa X 8 17 17 Dickson John H 5 M Iowa 9 17 17 Hanback Julia 38 F Seamstress KY 10 18 18 Hanback Tho"s A 22 M Potter 180 Illinois 11 18 18 Hanback Jennette 17 F Indiana 12 18 18 Hanback Florence 1/12 F Iowa 13 19 19 Parker Sidney 23 M Potter 250 200 England 14 19 19 Parker Margaret A 26 F Indiana 15 19 19 Parker Harret 13 F Wisconsin X 16 20 20 Grimsley John C 26 M Potter 600 200 Ohio 17 20 20 Grimsley Mary A 22 F Penn 18 20 20 Grimsley Alice C 2 F Iowa 19 20 20 Grimsley M H 13 M Ohio X 20 21 21 Lewis Resse M 30 M Laborer 50 Delaware X 21 21 21 Lewis Phebe 30 F Penn X 22 21 21 Lewis George W 10 M Penn 23 21 21 Lewis Elizabeth 6 F Penn 24 21 21 Lewis John 9/12 M Iowa 25 22 22 Davis Joseph 27 M Farmer 1,170 560 KY 26 22 22 Davis Elizabeth 24 F Milliner Virginia 27 22 22 Davis Mary Elsie 5/12 F Iowa 28 22 22 Leach Rebecca 21 F Milliner 255 Virginia 29 23 23 Root Erastus 50 M Manufacturer 1,000 1,000 New York 30 23 23 Root Esther 54 F New York 31 23 23 Root Nelson 25 M Carder 500 500 New York 32 23 23 Root James 20 M Carder New York 33 23 23 Boyd Geo S 26 M Clerk New York 34 23 23 Clark Ann 27 F Weaver 100 Ireland 35 23 23 Lock Kate 19 F Serving Girl Virginia 36 23 23 Booth Chauncy 20 M Spinner Ohio 37 24 24 McCrary William F 35 M Carpenter 250 225 Indiana 38 24 24 McCrary Elizabeth 29 F Virginia 39 24 24 McCrary Mary M 11 F Iowa X 40 24 24 McCrary Melvin B 6 M Iowa