NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1860 TERRITORY: IA COUNTY: Van Buren DIVISION: Lick Creek Twp. REEL NO: M653-342 PAGE NO: 289 REFERENCE: P.O. Keosauqua - 7 June by Geo. C. Gebhardt =================================================================================================================================== LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. REAL VAL. PERS VAL. BIRTHPLACE MRD. SCH. R/W DDB =================================================================================================================================== 1 289 297 Porter Anna A. 3 F Iowa 2 289 297 Porter Napoleon 2/12 M Iowa 3 289 297 Porter Thomas 22 M Tanner England 4 289 297 Vancel Mary 17 F Ill. 5 290 298 Fatherson Mary 42 F Boardinghouse 50 England 6 290 298 Fatherson Sarah 13 F England X 7 290 298 Fatherson Elizabeth 7 F England X 8 290 298 Perry Howard 23 M R.R. Store Keep Ill. 9 290 299 Eidron Thos. 43 M Teamster 200 250 England 10 290 299 Eidron Mary C. 41 F O. 11 290 299 Eidron Joseph 6 M England X 12 291 300 McMulgrave James 44 M Labourer 100 200 Ireland 13 291 300 McMulgrave Rachel 38 F O. 14 291 300 McMulgrave Mary M. 9 F Iowa 15 291 300 McMulgrave John J. 1 M Iowa 16 292 301 Stewart Thos. 45 M Stone Mason 400 100 Scotland 17 292 301 Stewart Bridget 40 F Ireland X 18 292 301 Kessler Lewis 22 M Teamster Ill. 19 292 301 Gilbert Wm. 21 M Teamster Ind. 20 292 301 Cope C. 28 M Teamster O. 21 292 301 Major David 26 M Labourer Ireland 22 292 301 Manies Mary 65 F Ireland X 23 292 301 Manies Thos. 28 M Labourer Ireland 24 293 302 Kelley James 50 M Blacksmith 50 Ireland 25 293 302 Kelley Catharine 45 F Ireland 26 293 302 Kelley Peter 23 M Labourer Pa. 27 293 302 Kelley John 19 M Labourer Pa. 27 293 302 Kelley Rosannah 16 F Pa. X 29 293 302 Kelley Olney 12 M Md. X 30 294 303 Fleming Pat. 25 M Labourer 40 Ireland 31 294 303 Fleming Mary 20 F Ireland 32 294 303 Fleming John 2 M Iowa 33 294 303 Fleming Ann 8/12 F Iowa 34 295 304 Fitzgerald M. 31 M Labourer 50 Ireland X 35 295 304 Fitzgerald Joannah 22 F Ireland X 36 295 304 Fitzgerald Eddie 2 M Ill. 37 296 305 Conners Catharine 37 F 40 Ireland 38 296 305 Conners Patrick 18 M Labourer Ireland 39 296 305 Conners Michael 17 M Labourer Ireland 40 296 305 Conners James 15 M Labourer Ireland