NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1860 TERRITORY: IA COUNTY: Van Buren DIVISION: Jackson REEL NO: M653-342 PAGE NO: 235 REFERENCE: A.C. Bailey Enumerated July 12, 1860 =================================================================================================================================== LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. REAL VAL. PERS VAL. BIRTHPLACE MRD. SCH. R/W DDB =================================================================================================================================== 1 629 629 Harmon Sarah 3 F Iowa 2 630 630 Briggs Frances 56 F Farmer 1,600 730 Vermont 3 630 630 Briggs Adeline 26 F Vermont X 4 630 630 Briggs Jame 24 F Vermont X 5 630 630 Briggs Harlan 22 M Vermont 6 630 630 Briggs Hiram 19 M Iowa X 7 630 630 Briggs Jerome 17 M Iowa X 8 630 630 Briggs Franklin 14 M Iowa X 9 631 631 Worthington John 35 M Farmer 1,600 780 Ohio 10 631 631 Worthington Mary J. 31 F Indiana 11 631 631 Worthington George 2 M Iowa 12 631 631 Worthington Nancy J. 5/12 F Iowa 13 632 632 Dowell Elija R. 40 M Farmer 3,000 1,290 Kentucky 14 632 632 Dowell Mary F. 36 F Kentucky 15 632 632 Dowell John 17 M Kentucky X 16 632 632 Dowell James 15 M Kentucky X 17 632 632 Dowell Sarah 13 F Kentucky X 18 632 632 Dowell Jacob 7 M Iowa X 19 632 632 Dowell Richard 5 M Iowa 20 633 633 Brown Robert 27 M 325 Penn 21 633 633 Brown Barbara 20 F Kentucky 22 633 633 Brown Elija 1 M Iowa 23 634 634 Ralston Thomas 47 M Farmer 1,600 919 Penn 24 634 634 Ralston Katherine 44 F Ohio 25 634 634 Ralston Rachel 21 F Ohio 26 634 634 Ralston Nelson 19 M Ohio 27 634 634 Ralston Rebecca 17 F Ohio X 28 634 634 Ralston Lorenzo 13 M Ohio X 29 634 634 Ralston Eliza 11 F Ohio X 30 634 634 Ralston Millie A. 9 F Ohio X 31 634 634 Ralston Angeline 7 F Ohio X 32 634 634 Ralston Thomas 4 M Iowa 33 634 634 Ralston Lora 7/12 F Iowa 34 634 634 McCoy Jonathan 4 M Iowa 35 635 635 Harmon Jacob 25 M Farmer 435 414 Ohio 36 635 635 Harmon Hannah 18 F Kentucky 37 635 635 Harmon Louisa A. 1 F Iowa 38 636 636 Shuster Samuel 30 M Farmer 70 340 Ohio 39 636 636 Shuster Sarah 21 F Kentucky 40 636 636 Shuster Alma 1 M Iowa REMARKS: Marked as male