NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1860 TERRITORY: IA COUNTY: Van Buren DIVISION: Jackson REEL NO: M653-342 PAGE NO: 226 REFERENCE: A.C. Bailey Enumerated July 11, 1860 =================================================================================================================================== LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. REAL VAL. PERS VAL. BIRTHPLACE MRD. SCH. R/W DDB =================================================================================================================================== 1 570 570 Boran Basil 61 M Farmer 800 955 Tennessee 2 570 570 Boran Cassea 54 F Kentucky 3 570 570 Boran Beverly H. 20 M Illinois X 4 570 570 Boran Erastus 19 M Illinois X 5 570 570 Boran Leanora A. 15 F Illinois X 6 571 571 Pennington George 37 M Farmer 1,680 780 Delaware 7 571 571 Pennington Mary M. 27 F Kentucky 8 571 571 Pennington Sarah A. 6 F Iowa X 9 571 571 Pennington Mary F. 3 F Iowa 10 571 571 Pennington Charlotte E. 11/12 F Iowa 11 572 572 Mcintire Robert 48 M Farmer 1,600 776 Kentucky 12 572 572 Mcintire Cassea A. 30 F Illinois 13 572 572 Mcintire James O. 10 M Iowa X 14 572 572 Mcintire John M. 8 M Iowa X 15 572 572 Mcintire Mary J. 6 F Iowa X 16 572 572 Mcintire Sarah E. 4 F Iowa 17 572 572 Mcintire Ann E. 2 F Iowa 18 573 573 Stump Jeremiah P. 30 M Farmer 2,010 670 Ohio 19 573 573 Stump Sallie 61 F Virginia 20 573 573 Raston Rachel 21 F Domestic Ohio 21 573 573 Minor David 29 M Laborer Indiana 22 574 574 Stump Jackson 38 M Farmer 800 478 Ohio 23 574 574 Stump Wilhelmina 36 F Ohio 24 574 574 Stump Daniel A. 12 M Ohio X 25 574 574 Stump Sarah E. 9 F Ohio X 26 574 574 Stump Louisa M. 6 F Ohio 27 574 574 Stump Joseph 1 M Iowa 28 575 575 Roby Singleton 52 M Farmer 750 720 North Carolina X 29 575 575 Roby Katharine 47 F Virginia X 30 575 575 Roby Henry 25 M Indiana 31 575 575 Roby Stephen 25 M 140 Indiana 32 575 575 Roby Singleton 22 M 80 Indiana 33 575 575 Roby Christopher 20 M Indiana 34 575 575 Roby Louisa 18 F Indiana 35 575 575 Roby Cynthia A. 16 F Indiana 36 575 575 Roby James 14 M Indiana X 37 575 575 Roby Sarah K. 11 F Indiana X 38 575 575 Roby George E. 8 M Iowa X 39 575 575 Roby John W. 5 M Iowa 40 576 576 Klum Henry 42 M Farmer 1,100 785 New York