NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1860 TERRITORY: IA COUNTY: Van Buren DIVISION: Jackson REEL NO: M653-342 PAGE NO: 213 REFERENCE: Enumerated 26th day of June 1860 by A.C. Bailey =================================================================================================================================== LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. REAL VAL. PERS VAL. BIRTHPLACE MRD. SCH. R/W DDB =================================================================================================================================== 1 449 452 Herring Samuel 33 M Farmer 460 335 Penn 2 449 452 Herring Eleanor 40 F Penn 3 449 452 Herring Lucinda 13 F Iowa X 4 450 453 Hines Thomas 32 M 1,540 450 New York 5 450 453 Hines Katherine 27 F New York 6 450 453 Hines Mary J. 10 F Ohio X 7 450 453 Hines John 5 M Ohio X 8 450 453 Hines James 4 M Ohio 9 450 453 Hines Elizabeth 2 F Iowa 10 450 453 Hines Margaret 9/12 F Iowa 11 451 454 Hagler Amos 50 M Farmer 1,760 390 Tenn 12 451 454 Hagler Comfort 40 F Delaware 13 451 454 Hagler Mary E. 15 F Iowa X 14 451 454 Hagler Eliza 13 F Iowa X 15 451 454 Hagler Sarah 6 F Iowa X 16 452 455 Stephens Adam 54 M Farmer 436 Germany 17 452 455 Stephens Elizabeth 50 F Germany 18 452 455 Stephens Mary 22 F New York 19 452 455 Stephens Philip 17 M Ohio X 20 452 455 Stephens Philimania 12 F Ohio X 21 452 455 Stephens John 9 M Ohio X REMARKS: age could be 49 22 453 456 Hagler Cleveland 77 M Farmer 1,200 560 North Carolina 23 453 456 Hagler Nancy 70 F North Carolina 24 453 456 Hagler Thompson 39 M Farmer 250 Ilinois 25 453 456 Hagler Nancy 15 F Iowa X 26 454 457 Hays Levi 33 M Farmer 485 Indiana 27 454 457 Hays Minerva J. 27 F Indiana 28 454 457 Hays William J. 13 M Iowa X 29 454 457 Hays Asa 11 M Iowa X 30 454 457 Hays Mary E. 9 F Iowa X 31 454 457 Hays Laura A. 8 F Iowa X 32 454 457 Hays John C, 7 M Iowa X 33 454 457 Hays Frank 5 M Iowa 34 454 457 Hays Margaret M. 3 F Iowa 35 454 457 Hays Knapp 11/12 M Iowa 36 454 457 Blanchard Andrew 18 M Farmer 1,288 300 Unknown 37 455 458 Coleman David 38 M Farmer 392 Illinois 38 455 458 Coleman Lucinda 32 F Illinois 39 455 458 Coleman Alfred 10 M Illinois 40 455 458 Coleman Emma 8 F Illinois X