NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1860 TERRITORY: IA COUNTY: Van Buren DIVISION: Jackson REEL NO: M653-342 PAGE NO: 209 REFERENCE: Enumerated 26 day of June 1860 by A.C. Bailey =================================================================================================================================== LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. REAL VAL. PERS VAL. BIRTHPLACE MRD. SCH. R/W DDB =================================================================================================================================== 1 421 422 Holder Eleanor 69 F 1,600 527 Virginia 2 421 422 Holder Margaret 30 F Virginia 3 422 423 Kettle Elizabeth 27 F Virginia 4 421 422 Tazewell Littleton 17 M Laborer Virginia 5 422 423 Hunter Joseph 26 M Farmer 1,600 527 Penn 6 422 423 Hunter Mary J 23 M Ohio REMARKS: Marked as Male 7 422 423 Hunter Francis M. 2 M Iowa 8 422 423 Hunter Theadore L. 9/12 M Iowa 9 423 424 Valentine William 43 M Farmer 500 Ohio 10 423 424 Valentine Emma 38 F New York 11 423 424 Valentine Sarah J. 16 F Iowa 12 423 424 Valentine Santley 14 M Iowa 13 423 424 Valentine Obadiah 10 M Iowa 14 423 424 Valentine Wardworth 8 M Iowa 15 423 424 Valentine Charles A. 6 M Iowa 16 423 424 Valentine Ida M. 3 F Iowa 17 423 424 Valentine Harret 6/12 F Iowa 18 424 425 Cloot Joseph 34 M Farmer 720 643 Prussia 19 424 425 Cloot Hellem 32 F Prussia 20 424 425 Cloot Henry 10 M Prussia X 21 424 425 Cloot Helen 4 F Iowa 22 424 425 Cloot Frank 2 M Iowa 23 424 425 Cloot John 1 M Iowa 24 425 426 Humphrey Thomas 20 M Farmer 253 Iowa 25 425 426 Humphrey Martha 19 F Virginia X 26 425 426 Humphrey Monona 1/12 F Iowa 27 426 427 Mayne Philander 28 M Farmer 1,388 Ohio 28 426 427 Mayne Mary 25 F Illinois 29 426 427 Mayne Cliffton 5 M Iowa 30 426 427 Mayne Alvadus 3 M Iowa 31 426 427 Mayne Grace 1 F Iowa 32 427 428 Milner John T. 44 M Farmer 1,600 547 Penn 33 427 428 Milner Harriet N. 44 F New York 34 427 428 Milner Theodore 21 M Ohio 35 427 428 Milner Courtland 20 M Ohio X 36 427 428 Milner Leander 15 M Ohio X 37 427 428 Milner William 14 M Ohio X 38 427 428 Milner Thomas 11 M Ohio X 39 427 428 Milner Oran 9 M Ohio X 40 427 428 Milner Harvey 6 M Ohio X