NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1860 TERRITORY: IA COUNTY: Van Buren DIVISION: Farmington Twp. REEL NO: M653-342 PAGE NO: 455 REFERENCE: Enumerated 12th day of July 1860 by Geo. C. Gebhardt =================================================================================================================================== LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. REAL VAL. PERS VAL. BIRTHPLACE MRD. SCH. R/W DDB =================================================================================================================================== 1 1560 1578 Griffith William 45 M Farmer 75 O. 2 1560 1578 Griffith Esther 42 F N.H. 3 1560 1578 Griffith Harrison 21 M Farming Mo. 4 1560 1578 Griffith Mary 13 F Wis. X 5 1560 1578 Griffith Roxanna 10 F Ill. X 6 1561 1579 Burke William 60 M Labourer 50 Ireland 7 1561 1579 Burke Mary 60 F Ireland X 8 1561 1579 Burke William 22 M Labourer Ireland 9 1561 1579 Burke Michael 20 M Ireland 10 1561 1579 Burke John 18 M Ireland 11 1561 1579 Burke Alexander 16 M Ireland 12 1561 1579 Burke Mary 25 F Ireland 13 1562 1580 Lewis J. G. 36 M Lawyer 500 150 O. 14 1562 1580 Lewis Emily G. 33 F O. 15 1562 1580 Lewis George C. 13 M Iowa X 16 1562 1580 Lewis Uclid 11 M Iowa X 17 1563 1581 Hawkins Levi 45 M Miner 50 N.Y. X 18 1563 1581 Hawkins Leah 47 F Pa. X 19 1563 1581 Hawkins Jacob R. 12 M O. 20 1563 1581 Hawkins Sarah J. 11 F O. 21 1564 1582 Lewis Thomas 65 M Merchant 1,200 300 Conn. 22 1564 1582 Lewis Diannah 75 F Conn. 23 1564 1583 Lewis Abner 37 M Farmer 800 O. 24 1564 1583 Lewis Vast* 47 F O. 25 1564 1583 Lewis Louisa 11 F Iowa X 26 1564 1583 Lewis Mary 9 F Iowa X 27 1565 1584 Farrell John 40 M Labourer 150 Ireland X 28 1565 1584 Farrell Catharine 35 F Ireland X 29 1565 1584 Farrell Allice 4 F Iowa 30 1566 1585 Rice Timothy 29 M Miner 50 Ireland 31 1566 1585 Rice Mary A. 33 F E. Indies 32 1566 1585 Muse Mary A. 6 F England X 33 1566 1585 Muse Eliza 5 F England X 34 1567 1586 Arnold Jane 45 F 100 75 O. 35 1567 1586 Arnold Perces 19 F Teacher O. 36 1567 1586 Arnold Elizabeth 13 F O. X 37 1567 1586 Arnold Sarah 8 F O. X 38 1568 1587 Frail Enos 25 M Miner 50 Ireland 39 1568 1587 Frail Ellen 24 F Ireland 40 1569 1588 Bateman Wesley 48 M Carpenter 1,000 700 Pa.