Cantril High School Graduates 1899 - 1959

Cantril, Iowa

Contributed by Harold Jamison, class of 1945

* Class of 1899
Jones, Neal

* Class of of 1900
DeFord, Nora

* Class of 1901
Hendricks, Anna
Hendricks, Ora

* Class of 1902
Wilson, Stella
Moore, Albert

* Class of 1903
Cassady, Blanche
Chaplin, John
Cunningham, Lee
Stewart, Maude
Stonebraker, Jessie

* Class of 1904
Casady, Bessie
Casady, Harry
Clark, Anges
Norris, Hazel
Vale, Charles

* Class of 1905
Chaplin, Lew
Jack, Vera
Linn, Lewis
Smith, Rena

* Class of 1906
Cunningham, Ray

* Class of 1907
Casady, Ray
Cochran, Gladys
Creath, Chauncey
Cunningham, Clara
John, Chauncey
Moore, Charles
Moore, Grace
Roberts, Verne
Silver, Frank

* Class of 1908
Harbidge, Burr
Keller, Blanche
Saar, Jesse
Stott, Alvin
Work, Bertha

* Class of 1909
Holder, Marion
Miller, Edna
Silver, Arch
Silver, Bertha
Smith, Georgia
Smith, Harold

* Class of 1910
Creath, Mable
Norris, Vestus

* Class of 1911
Dooley, Russell
Harbidge, Glen
McLeland, Bessie

* Class of 1912
Casady, Warner
Creath, Cleda
Creath, Neva
Hogan, Scott
Hull, Leo
Linn, Mabel
Saar, Ruby
Stonebraker, Violet
Wellborn, S.E. Tom

* Class of 1913

* Class of 1914
Hillis, Marguerite
McLeland, Josie
Powell, Mayme
Suit, Frank

* Class of 1915

* Class of 1916
Hellwig, Grace
Kessel, Gladys
Rosenberger, Ruby
Stewart, Rena
Suit, Emma
Teter, Mabel
Thieme, Helen
Wollam, Clarence

* Class of 1917
Bennett, Van
Rosenberger, Edith
Thieme, Florence
Wellborn, Cleda
Wollam, Mabel

* Class of 1918
Casady, Beryl
Delaney, Irene
Jacobs, Harry
McLeland, George
Robbins, Gladys
Saar, H.S. Dick
Saar, Marguerite
Tackaberry, Olen
Vale, Netta

* Class of 1919
Hopp, Mamie
Westbrook, Mabel

* Class of 1920
Bashford, Villa
Beatty, Eva
Hardin, Helen
Henderson, Eugene
Maupin, Aletha
Miller, Lilla
Robbins, Lucille
Rosenberger, Vera
Smith, Kathryn
Thieme, Ruth
Warner, Freda

* Class of 1921
Carpenter, W. Bill
Casady, Craig
Hoskins, Wilbur
Miller, Maude
Phillips, Cecil
Robinson, Grace
Rugh, Ivan
Wellborn, Thressa
Wells, Lila

* Class of 1922
Cooley, Sara
Roberts, Therme
Thieme, Clara
Watkins, Jesse

* Class of 1923
Cochran, Selma
Daughrity, Selman
Holland, Glen
Huntley, Mable
Kisling, Naomi
Ratcliff, Harold
Roberts, Catherine
Wells, Earl

* Class of 1924
Casady, Blanche
Evans, Ethel
Henderson, Luvene
Hundley, Alma
Hunt, Flossie
Johnson, Letha
Jones, Marguerite
Price, Leona
Reese, Lester
Roberts, Roland
Shaw, Clarence
Smith, Craig
Stemple, Phillis
Stone, Madge
Warner, Pauline
Weir, Vera
Wellborn, Weltha

* Class of 1925
Beatty, Edna
Buehler, Kenneth
Eggleston, Harley
Evans, Olive
Hoskinson, Gretchel
Magorian, Adeline
McManis, Noel
Robertson, Georgia
Smith, Everett
Stabler, Glen
Yeager, Selma

* Class of 1926
Casady, Clyde
Cochran, Charles
Douglas, Grace
Hootman, Joe
Hoskins, Mabel
Huntley, Bertha
Jacobs, Norwood
McManis, Thayne
Roberts, Roland
Smith, Irene
Smith, Lionel
Smith, Marguerite
Smith, Raymond
Stott, Lawrence
Tackaberry, Irene
Van Fossen, Edmond

* Class of 1927
Evans, Dorothea
Holland, Marguerite
Huntley, Blanche
Hustead, Imogene
Jacobs, Mildred
Kisling, Iris
Norris, George
Pierce, Wesley
Powell, Madeline
Powell, Paul
Roberts, Elva
Robinson, Stanley
Smith, Madeline
Smith, Mildred
Sparks, Sidney
Van Auken, Craig
Wellborn, Donna
Wells, Leonard
Whitcanack, Verda
Wilson, Florene

* Class of 1928
Beeson, Henry
Casady, Carl
Daggs, Elma
Davis, May E.
Epperly, Don
Evans, Grace
Harmon, Paul
Henry, Florence
McManis, Lloyd
Payne, Sarah
Smith, Dorotha
Smith, Helen
Smith, Lloyd
Stabler, Lois
Teter, Dorothy
Thompson, Joseph
Yeager, Iris

* Class of 1929
Burling, Grace
Casady, Helen
Casady, Paul
Davis, Carroll
Guyman, Helen
Jones, Helen
McManis, Faye
Payne, Chuck
Powell, Geneva
Thomas, Ethel
Thomas, Lona
Thompson, Paul
Wells, Everett

* Class of 1930
Baird, Avarial
Bishop, Gordon
Daggs, Helen
Elliott, Hollis
Gilfillan, Homer John
Guyman, Josephine
Norris, Grace
Roberts, Ruth
Robinson, Verne
Rogers, John
Tedrow, Leroy
Wellborn, William

* Class of 1931
Downing, James
Hoskins, Everett
Hustead, Jane
Jacobs, Royal
Jones, Minnie
Kirkhart, Jesse
McLevaine, Clarence
Stott, Elva
Stott, Freda
Swank, Laverne
Swank, Lavon
Thompson, Illene
Van Horn, D. Pete
Wellborn, Maxine

* Class of 1932
Conaway, Geraldine
Cox, Marjorie
Dougherty, Raymond
Hewitt, Fern
Jansen, Florence
Judd, Mabel
Judd, Manilus
Keller, Joe
Keller, Marie
Parker Jr., Arthur
Poling, Kenneth
Powell, Wayne
Roberts, Mildred
Robinson, Stanley
Shappell, Ruth
Smith, Donald
Smith, Edgar
Smith, Wayne
Wells, Louise

* Class of 1933
Anderson, Marjorie
Casady, A. J.
Cox, Ethelyn
Jones, Mae
McLeland, James
Moore Jr., Charles
Pettit, Doris
Powell, Bennie
Robinson, J.C.
Short, Nelda
Smith, Isabelle
Smith, Lloyd

* Class of 1934
Kerr, Sybyl
Maden, Allen
Roach, Mildred
Saunderson, Alleen
Shappell, Richard
Short, Nelda
Tedrow, LaVada
Van Fossen, Margaret
Wellborn, Iona

* Class of 1935
Cochran, Lynn
Cretcher, Harold
E. March, Harry
Halberstadt, Hubert
Hetzler, Maynard
Hootman, Mary
Hull, Hollis
Jones, Mabel
Kaiser, Walter
McCoy, Junior
Meyer, Juanita
Powell, Kathryn
Roberts, Clair
Shappell, Edward
Shappell, Leabelle
Stewart, Lewis

* Class of 1936
Cox, Richard
Fisher, Helen
Harrison, Lorraine
Hendricks, Florence
Hill, Hollis
Hull, Charles
Jones, Lois
Jones, Mary
Keller, Emma
McManis, Majorie
Meyers, William
Payne, James
Shufflebarger, James
Traut, Raymond
Traut, Vernus

* Class of 1937
Anderson, Francis
Cox, Jeanne
Creath, John
Downing, Harold
Fisher, Ruth
Mitchell, Helen
Reisch, Francis
Robertson, George A.
Tedrow, Aletha
Whitcanack, Glen

* Class of 1938
Harward, Bernice
Hendricks, Edith
Jones, LeRoy
Stewart, Virgina
Van Fleet, Viola
Wells, Betty

* Class of 1939
Brown, Dale
Canfield, Max
Cavitt, John
Cox, Betty Jo
Davis, Dean
Drake, Eloise
Ennes, Margaret
Hull, Laura
Innis, Margaret
Johnston, Charles
Kirkhart, Iola
McVey, Harrison
Mitchell, Jack
Myers, Jack
Powell, Mary
Reisch, Ruby
Robertson, Dale
Robinson, Francis
Shufflebarger, Barbara
Smith, Rosalie
Wellborn, Bert
Whitcanack, Richard
Wiley, Robert
Wilson, Louise

* Class of 1940
Beeler, Nancy
Brouillard, Myrna
Burkett, Kathleen
Daggs, Robert
Downing, Craig
Gibson, Betty
Glasscock, Fred
Glasscock, Velma
Harward, Virginia
Hoskins, Neal
Johnston, Hayes
Johnston, Kathryn
Johnston, Margaret
McMillian, Lavada
Meade, Charles
Radestock, Lois
Robertson, O'Neal
Warner, Bert
Wells, Lester G.
Wiley, Jane
Wiley, Josephine
Wollam, Helen

* Class of 1941
Bingamon, Dwight
Downing, Elizebeth
Griffiths, Charles
Heminger, Fred
Hoskinson, J. C.
Hurwitz, Helen
Jones, Donna
Koontz, Berneil
McQuoid, Betty
Peacock, Lenore
Powell, Vance
Rinaberger, Donald
Robinson, Gene
Robinson, Lola
Robinson, Wayne
Saar, Jane
Saar, Jean
Skelton, Dorothy
Waterman, Howard
Wells, Wayne

* Class of 1942
Beeler, Norman
Cutler, John
Darr, Ray
Davis, Beverly
Engle, Erma
Ferguson, Robert
Gipson, Landis
Harward, Richard
Johnston, Clara
Johnston, Paul Ed
McIntosh, Clara
McQuoid, Marilyn
Nelson, Kathleen
Nixon, Dorothy
Peacock, Kathleen
Radestock, Eilene
Reisch, Ivan
Roush, Louise
Shotten, Margaret
Van Steinberg, Martha
Waterman, Joyce
Wellborn, Beryl
Wollam, Ruth

* Class of 1943
Abernathy, Juanita
Agan, Dana
Anderson, Vance
Armstrong, Marjorie
Bennett, Rachael
Davis, Eulala
Dickey, Mathew
Glasscock, J. C.
Hoskinson, Gordon
Hunter, Harry
Jones, Fenton
Kaiser, Leon
Kerr, Clem
Kerr, Cleva
Kerr, Stanley
Madden, Jack
Morris, Lola
Moural, Corrine
Riley, Jack
Roush, Keith
Shotten, Murle
Smith, Jack
Stott, Orin W.
Warning, Richard
Wells, Donald
Wells, Portia
Williams, Fred
Wollam, Bert

* Class of 1944
Abernathy, Burle
Augspurger, Chris
Breckenridge, June A.
Brumagen, Maxine
Cunningham, Robert
Dearinger, Donald
Dickey, R. Blaine
Jamison, Robert
Jones, Jeanie
Kirkhart, Joe
McDonald, Merle
McManis, Gene
McSwain, George
Meade, Elizabeth
Nixon, Betty
Rinaberger, Betty
Robertson, Rex
Robinson, Beryl
Saar, Dorothy
Wollam, Lois

* Class of 1945
Coleman, Kenneth
Cox, James
Creath, Naomi
Cretcher, Louise
Cunningham, Clarence
Cutler, Edward
Engle, Annabelle
Hull, Dorothy
Jamison, Harold
Johnston, Patty
Kerr, George
Lazenby, Patty
McCord, Darlene
McEldowney, Opal
Veshlage, Donald
Wells, Dwight
Wolfe, Roslie
Wollam, Shirley

* Class of 1946
Anderson, Marilyn
Charbonneau, Tom
Robinson, Douglas
Shotten, Madaline
Sprouse, Gracie
Willson, Bernita

* Class of 1947
Dickey, Zane
Hamberg, Frances
Harward, Robert
Harward, Roscoe
Jack, Karal Ann
Kerr, Betty
Peacock, Carrell
Radestock, Gail
Roberts, Kathleen
Schultz, Blanche
Schultz, Ellen
Wollam, Dale

* Class of 1948
Breckenridge, Helen
Charbonneau, Ben
Davis, Paul
Foster, Bill
Humble, Arthur
Hurley, Robert
McManis, Paul
Robertson, Gene
Robinson, Paul A.
Sprouse, Clyde
Wellborn, Paul
Wolfe, Dean

* Class of 1949
Breckenridge, Betty
Conrad, John
Drake, Robert
Lunsford, S. Lena
Martin, Wilbur
McIntosh, Irene
Miller, Burton
Robinson, Rodney
Scott, Donald
Wilson, Kathleen

* Class of 1950
Beggs, Donald
Coleman, Gene
Cretcher, Roberta
Drake, Bill
Humble, Allan
Kuntz, Nellie
Meade, Carl
Saar, Hollie
Shotten, Raymond
Smith, Jerry
Williamson, Ellagene

* Class of 1951
Beggs, Bernard
Coleman, Charles
Daughrity, Jane
Guyman, Donald
Heminger, Joe
Jamison, Vivian
Lunsford, Angie
Martin, C. Dean
Rinaberger, Phillip
Robinson, Jane
Smith, Billy
Smith, Geraldine
Wiley, Barbara
Wiley, Virginia

* Class of 1952
Abernathy, June A.
Charbonneau, James
Evans, Donald
Hamberg, Robert
Hervey, Wayne
Hurley, Harriett
Miller, Jimmie
Pencil, Keith
Roberts, Darlene
Short, Dwight
Smith, Shirley
Sullivan, Margorie
Taylor, Eston
Wells, Van

* Class of 1953
Carnes, Betty
Cortum, Evelyn
Creath, Ellen
Dillon, Dee
Grimes, Donna
Harward, Jennie
Hinkle, LeRoy
Huff, Marguerite
Humble, Jerry
Jack, Dottie
Ludwick, Jerry
Shotten, Mary Lou
Wiley, Vivian

* Class of 1954
Beggs, Lowell
Buckles, Dennis
Cargill, Ralph
Davis, Betty
Kimmel, Joe
Krause, Ann
McManis, Bill
Miller, Carolyn
Pencil, Larry
Pundt, Harold
Wiley, Helen

* Class of 1955
Charbonneau, Roger
Cole, Patricia
Coleman, Gary
Harris, Terry
Harward, Russell
Heminger, Shirley
Henderson, Jimmie
Hetzler, Larry
Jamison, Craig
Lunsford, Dean
McCracken, Deloris
McLeland, Joan
McLeland, Ray
Miller, Mary Ann
Miller, Monty
Robinson, John
Short, Donna
Weisenhoffer, Ray
Wells, Bettys
Wiley, Wm. Bill

* Class of 1956
Barnett, Edna Mae
Beggs, Hollis Lee
Buxton, Teddy
Coleman, Mary Ellen
Dougherty, Isabelle
Hetzler, Ronald
Kirkhart, Jerry
Lunsford, Mattie
Pundt, Norma
Robinson, Martha
Smith, Joni
Smith, Larry
Sprouse, Carolyn
Van Fleet, Lyle
Wellborn, Max
Wiley, James

* Class of 1957
Alig, Charlotte
Balmer, Lloyd
Bashford, Vera
Beckman, Earl
Beggs, Darlene
Carpenter, Eddie
Daughrity, Kay
Fisher, Marcia
Gregg, Betty
Grimes, Ray
Grimes, Ray
Helsel, Patty
Hetzler, Donald
McLeland, Joe
Norris, Lana
Powell, Ruth
Riley, Dixie
Roberts, Dale
Thommen, Donald
Wheaton, Shirley
Wiley, Joe

* Class of 1958
Bennett, Janet
Casady, Richard
Coleman, Marvin
Harward, Mary Ann
Hetzler, James
Pundt, Donna
Rinaberger, Steve
Thommen, Shirley

* Class of 1959
Balmer, Helen
Bickel, LeRoy
Bower, Neomi
Buxton, Richard
Creath, Miriam
Davis, Carolyn
Hesler, Robert
Jack, Karol
Johnson, Janet
Krouse, Donald
Krouse, Jimmy
Ludwick, Patsy
Lunsford, Marilee
Norris Jr., George
Robinson, Raymond
Shotten, Norman
Van Fleet, Delores
Wear, Nancy
Wiesenhofer, Shirley