1941 Directory of Van Buren County
Selma [note: number = phone number - original had "bell " symbol in front of number] p1 (67)
Selma Business Firms
ARCHIBALD GENERAL STORE Chas. Arcihibald prop 2 CANADY GARAGE Dale Canady prop COPELAND PROD & SERVICE STA G.R. Copeland prop 7 HUGHES HARDWARE Garold Hughes prop 222-1 JONES GROC MARKET John A Jones prop 25 LASLEY GROC Wallace Lasley prop 22-26 LEPPER BARBER SHOP Ralph Lepper prop NELSON GARAGE & BLACKSMITH Chas. Nelson prop SCHELLHOUS GARAGE Earl Schellhous prop 30 SELMA SCHOOLS H.C. Ensminger supt 44-22 SELMA TELEPHONE ASSN Mrs. J.E. Dulin mgr US POST OFFICE W.W. Fulton post master 44-3
Selma Residents
A Adams Minnie wid Archibald Charley (Delia) merch 2 B Baker Albert (Keo) miner emp H Smith Douds R Beghtol Norton (Birdie) R Beghtol Gertrude Beghtol Minnie domestic Bishop E W (Anna) ret 24-10 Black Loman ret Blackburn C E (Lucy) farmer & trkr 44-12 R Blackburn Helen student 44-12 Bones Herbert (Helen) WPA R Brown Ella wid 424-10 C Canady Dale (Mary) garage prop 222-21 R Canady Fred (Della) trkr 222-12 R Canady Van (Helen) miner 44-21 emp Ratcliff Coal Co. R Carroll Fannie wid 2242-10 Carroll Vinson (Bertha) lab 2242-10 R Carter Will ret Copeland Guy (Allie) prop prod & service sta R Copeland Naomi emp NYA Copeland Pauline domestic D Davis Emma ret Diehl Lillian wid R Dulin Cleo wid tel opr Selma Exch R Dulin Marvel tel opr Selma Exch E Ensminger Henry (June) supt schools 222-22 emp Selma Schools R F Fieldler John B (Ola) mech 442-10 emp Schellhous garage R Fridley Howard (Ethel) emp WPA R Fridley James miner emp Douds Coal Co TOBACCO CANDY ICE CREAM Groceries and Luncheons Men's Wear-U-Well Shoes PHONE 22-26 SELMA, IOWA HUGHE'S HARDWARE General Hardware . . . . Stoves . . . . Washing Machines Radios . . . . Bottled Gas GERALD HUGHES, Prop. PHONE 222-1 SELMA, IOWA
C. B. FIDLER, Mechanic
SCHELLHOUS GARAGE SKELLY GAS AND OILS GENERAL REPAIR WORK Bring Your Auto and Tractor Work to Us PHONE 4-30 SELMA, IOWA Selma Residents-Continued Fridley John (Myrtle) miner emp Douds Coal Co R Fulton W W (Goldie) postmaster 422-3 emp U S Govt R Fulton W W Jr student 422-3 G Gardner Emma ret Glasgow Eph ret R Glasgow Sam ret R H Hayden Arthur (Clara) farmer & trkr 424-10 R Hart Hazel (tchr emp Selma Schools 424-1 Hem John (Nancy) blksmth 24-28 Henkle Edith wid 4442-21 R Henkle Dwight lab 4442-21 emp Douds Coal Co Hootman James (Marybelle) lab 4222-8 emp Van Buren Co R Hughes E T (Mary) pntr & int dec 29 Hughes Emery (Cindy) jan emp Selma Schools Hughes Garold (Frances) hardware prop 424-1 R J Jackson Mary wid 44-10 Jones John A (Mary) groc 25 L Larson Barbara tchr emp Selma Schools 4442-21 Lasley Ola wid 42-26 Lasley Wallace groc 42-26 Lepper Ralph (Gwendolyn) barber 44-28 Lewis Belle wid 4422-10
Mathies C E (Maude) emp WPA 44-15 R Mathies Hollis 44-15 Mathias George (Bessie) lab R Maddix Ed lab 2422-15 Milam Irwin (Mary) trkr 2422-15 McCreery Lena tchr emp Selma Schools 424-1 N Nelson Chas (Rosie) mech & blksmth 424-15 Nelson Opal tchr emp Selma Schools 424-15 Nelson Elmer (Julia) emp WPA R CATCOTT FUNERAL HOME PHONE 7304 BIRMINGHAM, IOWA CAMPBELL and SONS FUNERAL - - - AMBULANCE Service Day or Night ELDON Tel. 123 BATAVIA Tel. 4301 p 3 (69) C. E. ARCHIBALD GENERAL STORE Groceries - Dry Goods - Shoes - Notions We Pay Highest Prices for Your Eggs Selma, Iowa Selma Residents-Continued Nelson Fred lab Nelson Roy lab emp Fred Kunzman Jr Nicklin D C (Blanche) ret 5 Nicklin I W ret O Overturff, D N ret 4422-10 P Parker W E ret 422-21 Ploss Anna wid 442-28 Price Madelyn emp NYA 222-21 Puffinbarger Robert (Audrey) emp WPA 222-28 R Ransom Frank farmer 222-10 Ritz Aldula wid Ritz Harry (Nellie) lab 42-21 R Ripley Clair (Mable) mech emp Douds Stone Co Ripley George Douds Garage prop Reish Lowell tchr emp Selma schools 29 S Schellhous Earl (Margaret) garage prop 42-8 R Steiner Arlene tchr emp Selma sch 4442-21 Stevig Keith tchr emp Selma schools 44-12 Strang John (Mary) ret 422-21 Stump Joe (Willa) mail carrier emp U S Govt 422-9 Stump Margaret domestic emp W W Campbell Eldon 422-9 T Taylor Floyd miner emp Ratcliff Coal Co. Douds [Note: no other names included after letter "T" ] DR. FRANCIS W. McINTOSH OSTEOPATH KEOSAUQUA, IOWA Phone 213
Manufacturers of FAIRFIELD FEEDS Quaker and Sargent Feeds — Wholesale and Retail Custom Grinding and Feed Mixing Portable Mill Service Phone 609 Fairfield, Iowa J. E. Jackson, Prop. Dead Stock Removed Promptly Call Your Nearest Operator MID WEST RENDERING CO. BONAPARTE IOWA LOANS: $25 to $300 On Your Own Note and Security Easy Payment Plan – Under Banking Supervision Oldest Loan Company in South Eastern Iowa LIBERTY LOAN CO. 102 Main St. Ottumwa, Iowa Phone-999 |