Bir. -- Birmingham Kil. -- Kilbourne Hill -- Hillsboro Ben. -- Bentonsport Sto. -- Stockport Bon. -- Bonaparte Mt. S -- Mt. Sterling Fa. -- Fairfield Mt. Z -- Mt. Zion Akey, Ed, R3 Aldrich, George Anderson, Mrs. Elwood Anderson & Zeigler Market Anderson, Howe, R1 Anderson, Glen, Ben., R1 Anson, Alva Anson, Chas. Anson Gas Station Anson, Orin, R1 Armstrong, Gene Armstrong, Craig (Johnny) Arthmann, W. F. Austin, J. C., R3 Aylor, Mark Aylor, Kermit* Bakery Bank, Farmers State Bankson, Pearl, Res. Barker, Arthur, Mt. Z., R1 Barker, Chester, Mt. Z., R1 Barker, George, R1 Barker, Arnold, Mt. Z., R1 Barker, Joe, R1 Barker, Kenneth, Mt. Z., R1 Barker, Jose, Mt. Z. Battery Station Beall, Bruce Beatty, Roy, R1 Beatty, Linn, Mt. Z. Beaute Shopp, Dorothea Beer, Harry Beer, Walter Beer, Willis, Ben., R1 Beggs, J. W., R2 Beggs, Ross Beggs, Otto Beggs, Otto Bell, James Bishop, Wm., R1 Bittinger, H. H. Blackburn, Walter, R1 Blackburn, Hazen, R1 Blackburn, Hugh, R1 Boley, Bruce, Mt. Z., R1 Boley's Cafe Bostock, Arthur Bostock, W. O., Ben., R1 Boyer, Herder, R2 Branon, Milt. Brewster, Arthur, R1 Brewster, Clyde, R1 Brewster, harvey Brooks, Mrs. Jennie Brownlee, Chas., R1 Brownlee, Sam Buckles, George Burkett, James,R2 Burkett, Mrs. M. I. Burkett, Orville, R2 Burnett Furniture Store Burnett, Harry, Res. Burns, Frank, R2 Calhoun, John Calhoun & Calhoun Office Calhoun, J. C., Res. Cameron, Mrs. Margaret Campbell, Chas., Mt. Z., R1] Campbell, Hollis Campbell, T. E. Carnahan, George Carroll, H. B. Carruthers, Lee Carruthers, Fred Casady, Art Catcott, Sam, Kil. Chafer, John, R1 Chafer, Bert Chipman, Noble Chipman, Eula Christian Parsonage Christian Churck Civilian Corporation Camp Clark, Mrs. Arthur Clark, Delbert, Ben., R1 Clark, Sam Coal & Ice Co. Collector, Telephone Conklin, M. D. County Agent County Attorney County Auditor County Clerk County Engineer County Home County Jail County Recorder County Sheriff County Superintendent County Treasurer County Warehouse County Court Room Cox, Hershal Cox, Milt, Mt. Z. Cozy Cafe Craig, Jean Craig, Harvey. R3 Craig, Arthur, R2 Craig, Colin, R3 Craig, David Craig, Evans, R1 Craig, George Craig, Harold, R3 Craig, John Craig, James, R3 Craig, Dr. James A., Office Craig, Dr. James A., Res. Creamery Daughrity, Mrs. John Daughrity, Paul Davidson, Wayne Davidson, Wm. Davis, George, R1 Davis, P. L. DeHart, Dwight, Ben. R1 DeHart, Walter, Ben. R1 DeHart, Ernest DeHart, Miss Ethel DeHart, M. H. Depot, C. R. I. & P. Keo. Depot, C. R. I. & P. Mt. Z Dietzman, Arch Dewein, Arthur, R3 Dill, James Disbrow, Mrs. Lucy Dorothea Beaute Shoppe Dorothy Bros. Store Dorothy, Robert M. Dorothy, E. C. Dorothy, Arthur Dorothy, Walter Dooley, WIll, R3 Dows Cafe Duffield, Ed, R2 Duggield, James Duvall, Iska Duvall, Andy, R2 Elder, Hugh, R2 Elerick, Mrs. Wm. Ellingsworth, F. H., Kil Elliott, F. M., Ben R1 Ensminger, Iliff Electric Light Office Else, Harold, R2 Enterprise School House Erler, E. G. Essex, Mrs. Edith Evans, John Ewing, Ben, Mt. Z. R1 Ewing, Will, Mt. Z. R1 Ewing, Clarence, R3 Farm Bureau Office Farmers State Bank Farmers Store Farwell and Williams Shop Farwell, S. B. Res. Fellows, Mrs. Seward Fellows, George Findlay, George Fire Station Forbes, Ben Fowler, Marius Frazie, Fred Garrett, Mrs. Mary Gephart, Cato Gilbert, Clint, Kil. Gilbert, Edwin, Mt. Z. R1 Gilbert, Mrs. Hugh, R3 Gilbert, Emmett, Kil. Gilchrist, Ward Gilchrist, Gerald, R3 Glancy, James Godown, Mrs. Mary Goodie Garden Gove, Ben, R1 Gove, Lowell, R1 Gove, Frank, R1 Gove, Gordon Greenwalt, Mrs. Amelia Griffiths, Fern, Ben. R1 Griffiths, Roy, R3 Griffiths, Gene, Ben. R1 Haney, T. W. Hanna, Robert, R2 Hanna, Mrs. J. W., R2 Harbidge, Glen, Res. Harbidge Motor Co. Harper, Leslie, R1 Harwood, R. J. Office Harwood, Mrs. J. W., Res. Hayes, Rev. M. E. Heminger, A. L., Office Heminger, A. L., Res. Hervey, Joe, Ben. R1 Hixon, Arthur * Higdon, Grant Highway Commission Maintenance Garage Hixon, Ben Hixon, Tyler Hodges, Mrs. Cornelia Hogue, Arthur, R2 Holden, Mrs. Ed Holroyd, George Home Bakery Hoops, Zane, R2 Hootman, Jake, Mt. Z. R1 Hootman, Will, Kil. Hoskins, Alva, R2 Hotel Manning Howard, Sam, Mt. Z. R1 Howland, B. J. Hughes, John, R1 Hughes, Russell Iowa Electric Office Jackson, John Jackson, Sam Jamison, Sherman, R2 Jamison, Lloyd, R2 Jemison, Hollis Jemison, A. E. Jemison, O. N. Jemison, Maurice Johnson, Clyde, R3 Johnston, Mrs. Frank Keck, J. H. Keegan, Barney, R3 Kennedy, A. M. Kennedy, Elmer, R1 Keosauqua Creamery Keosauqua Milling Co. Keosauqua Depot Kerr, George Kerr, Rex, R3 Kimmel, Henry Kimmel, Mrs. Sarah, Mt. Z. Kinersly, Miss Lute Kinersly Hdw. Store Kisling, I. W. Kisling, Roy, Mt. Z. R1 Kittle, R. B. Koch, Edgar Kozy Cafe Kreiss, Miss Beedie Kutcher, Jake, R3 Landes, Mrs. John Lane, Edgar Lawson, Mrs. Lettie Lazenby, Keith, R3 Lazenby, Bert, R2 Lazenby, Will, R2 Lazenby, Charles Lee, Weldon Leeps, Chas. Liddy, Lucius Linn, George Loeffler, V. H., Ben R1 Losey, Sherman, R1 Losey, Clyde, R1 Lumber Yard Lyons, Wm. Madden, John, R1 Mairet, Paul, Mt. Z. R1 Maltbie, Mrs. John Manning, Mrs. Edna Manning Hotel Martin, Ray, Mt. Z R1 Mason, Ed, R2 Masonic Lodge Hall Mathias, O. D. Matheson, Grant Matheson, George, R1 Matheson, Hugh, Ben R1 Matheson, John, R1 Megrath, Mrs. Henry Mercer, Clyde. Mercer, G. E., Kil. M. E. Parsonage Mid-Continent Oil Station Midget Inn Milling Co. Miller, Craig, R1 Miller, Fossie, R1 Miller, Max, R1 Miller, Leo, R1 ![]() ©1999 by Rich Lowe solely for the use and benefit of the IAGenWeb Project, a part of the USGenWeb Project. |