Bir. -- Birmingham Kil. -- Kilbourne Hill -- Hillsboro Ben. -- Bentonsport Sto. -- Stockport Bon. -- Bonaparte Mt. S -- Mt. Sterling Fa. -- Fairfield Mt. Z -- Mt. Zion Abernathy, Eva Alden, George, R1 Allen, Arthur Auzen, James Alexander, Will Bank Office Bakery,Russells Barton, T. Earl, R1 Batchelor, J. W. Bauters Home Cafe Beard, Tom B. Beauty Salon Bennett, Jake H. Bennett, Wes. G. Bentonsport Store Bentonsport Depot Berg, Mrs. W. E., Hills., RFD Blackford Store Blackford Garage Blackford, A. V. Blackford, Xantippe Bolin, Geo., Ben., RFD Boley, H. N., Hill., RFD Bonaparte High School Bonaparte Ford Garage Bonaparte Mill Bonaparte Produce Bostock, O. L., R2 Bowman, H. E., R2 Bradford, Leander, R2 Bradford, Annison, R2 Brewster, Oscar Brombaugh, Fred, R1 Burlington Cream Station Burnett, Floyd, R1 Butts, Refa Cafe, Home Campbell, Meryl, Hill., RFD Campbell, Taylor, R1 Campbell,, J. A., R1 Cassaidy, Ed, R1 Cassaidy, James Caudill, Chas., R1 Caudill, Frank, R1 Chaney, Cornelia Chase, Edith M., Hill., RFD Chipman, Addison, Ben., RFD Christy, J. June Chevrolet Garage Church, Ray, R1 City Hall Clover Farm Store Coleman, Bryant, Hill., RFD Collins, C. B. Compton, Ralph, R1 Corns, Calvin, Ben. Cramblit's Garage Cramblit, Mrs. Dora, Farm. Cresap, Dan Cresap, Margaret Ellen Cummings and Gilchrist Cummings, J. C., R2 Cummings, Arthur Cummings, C. E. Curtis, T. S. Cream Station, Noske Cream Station, Sherman Cream Station, Wilson Daniels, A. R., Ben. Davis, W. W., Ben., RFD Davis, Grover, Ben., RFD Davis, Mrs.Jessie, Ben., RFD Dawson, Ida Depot, C. R. I. & P., Ben. Depot, C. R. I. & P., Bona. Derr, Anna Derr, Clark Denley, I. E., R1 Dick, Chas., R1 Dickson, Leslie, R2 Dingley, J. P., R1 Dodds, John, R1 Dodds, Harry, R1 Dodds, Ralph, R1 Dodds, Donald, Hill., RFD Donnelly Garage Donnelly, H. G. Downey, Cina Downs, Sam, R1 Dulin, Laura Dunn, John, R1 Easter, Joe H., R1 Easter, Albert, R1 Edmondson, Sarah Edwards, Leo, R2 Eich, Catherine Ewing, Dr. J. O., Office Ewing, Dr. J. O., Res. Factory, Glove and Mitten Farley, L. E. Farnum, Clinton, R1 Farmers Co-operative Oil Station Feed Mill Feinberg Store Feinberg, Philip Flanagan, Rev. D. D. Fletcher, Martha Jane, R1 Fletcher, Chas. A. Franklin, Kenneth, Ben. Fray Store, Ben. Frederic Beauty Salon Ford Garage Fritsinger, Craid, R1 Furniture, W. C. Page and Son Galloway, R. J. Gardner, A. R., R1 Gilchrist, Orr Gilchrist and Cummings Glove Factory Gilbert, H. C. Gordon, J. C. (Duff) Ben., RFD Gordon, Mrs. J. W., Ben RFD Greer, Chas., R1 Grey Health Orchard Gulick, J. D., Ben., RFD Haberman, Mrs. Henry, R1 Hales, Mrs. John Haney, Mrs. Nettie Hanson, C. G. Hardware, Troutman's Hardware, Blackford's Hardware, Troutman & Pender Harlan, Elizabeth Harrisburg Twp. Hall Harrison, Carl Harkness, Otis, R1 Hatchery, Noske Hawk, Henry, Ben., RFD Hawk, Ralph, R1 Hawk, Kenneth, R2 Heaton, Aaron, Hill., RFD Heaton, Frank, Hill., RFD Heise, Ed, R1 Hendricks, Geo., Ben., RFD Henry, W. B., Ben., RFD Henry, Claude, Farm., RFD Henry, Lem, Sr. Henry, S. F. Hines, Jennie Henkle Hill, E. J., Ben., RFD Hogue, George, R2 Holcomb, Gene, Ben., RFD Home Cafe Holmes, S. Manning Holmes, John. R1 Holmes, Sam, R1 Hoover, Frank, R2 Hornbaker, Jesse, R2 Hornbaker, Clarence, R2 Hornbaker, D. R., R2 Hornbaker, Marion, R2 Hornbaker, Roger, R2 Hornbaker, Phil, Mt. S., RFD Horstman, Phil, R1 Hotel Lackey House, W. W. R2 House, Noah House, Mrs. John Huff, Harry, Hill, RFD Huff, Everett, Ben., RFD Humphrey,Kate Hunter, Nelson, R2 International Co. Dealers Jerome, Mrs. J. V. Jewelry Store, Lane's Johnson, J. A. Johnston, Supt. A. R. Johnston Bros., Ben., RFD Jones, L. Y., Ben., RFD Jones, Walter, Ben. Keasling Bros., R1 Keck, Karl Kennedy, James B., Hill., RFD Knehans, August, R2 Knowles, Lamar Lackey Hotel Lane, W. S. Store Lane, W. S., Res. Lanman, Emery, R2 Lanman, Orville, R1 Leffler, John M., R1 Lindsay, Dr. S. G., (Vet.) Long, W. H. Lorton, George Lorton's Clover Farm Store Lumber Yard Office Lydolph, Guy and Joe, R1 Lowe, N. V. McComb, Geo. B., R1 McCoy, Mark B., R1 McCracken, Albert, Ben., RFD McCracken, Richard, Ben., RFD McCracken, W. E., Ben., RFD McCracken, Arthur, R1 McGreer, Will McGreer, Geo., Hill., RFD McIntosh, C. W., Ben., RFD Macklin, Floyd Mahler, Frank, R1 Mahler, Rosina Martin, George Marriott, Lizzie, Ben. Masonic Hall Manager Telephone Office Mayor's Office Meat Market Meek, Byron F. Meek, Carl E. Meek, Kirk L. Mellen, Kelley, R1 Meredith, Anna Meredith, George B. Meredith, Otto, R2 Meyer, M. C., Ben., RFD Myers, Alva, R2 Miller, Byron, R1 Miller, Mrs. Geo. W., R1 Miller, George M., R1 Miller, Joe, Hill., RFD Miller, Dayton Miller, W. P., Hill., RFD Miller, John C., Hill., RFD Miller, Golda, R1 Miller, Glenn, R1 Miller, Rex, R1 Mills, Gus, R1 Miner, Ollie Mitchell, Don, R2 Moore, Ernest M. Mooer, J. Brown Mounce, Merle, R2 Nixon, Orlie, Farm, RFD Noske Produce Nursery, Des Moines Valley Nursery, Bonaparte Oil Station (Farmers) Oil Station (Donnelly) Oil Station (Sinclair) Oil Station (Cramblit) Orchard, Grey Heath Overland Garage Packer, Emma Page, George, R1 Page, W. C. Page, W. C. & Son Store Parr, K. Roy Peoria Cream Station Pender & Troutman Pender, Frank, Ben., RFD Pender, Harley Pender, Lewis Pender, Clarence Pender, Wilbur Percival, Dr. C. S. Office Percival, Dr. C. S. Res. Perkins, O. R. Persinger, J. W. Peterie, Sarah Peterie, Clyde Pratt, Manly Peterson, R. C. Pfiefer, John, Hill., RFD Phelps, Dewey, Hill., RFD Phelps, T. M., Hill., RFD Phelps, Nellie B., Hill., RFD Pickard, Chas., Ben., RFD Pobanz, Ruddie, RFD Poole, Bruce, Hill., RFD Randolph, Geo., R2 Radestock, Wm., Ben., RFD Rankin, J. W., Ben., RFD Record, Van Buren Repair Shop, Pender and Troutman Repair Shop, Telephone Rigler, Geo., Ben., RFD Roberts, A. G. Roberts, Elmer, Ben., RFD Roberts, Isaac Roberts, Mrs. W. H. Roberts, W. R., Ben., RFD Roberts, Kenneth, Hill., RFD Russells Bakery and Grocery Sargeant, Melvin, R2 Schmidt, Fred Schmidt, LeRoy, R1 Schau, Henry, R2 Sears, Frank, Ben. Second Hand Store Sears, Jennie, Ben. Seward, Fannie, Ben. Sherman Produce Simmons, Mattie Simmons, Earl, Ben., RFD Simmons, Forrest M., R2 Simmons, Agnes, Ben., RFD Sinclair Oil Station Sloan, Ben., Mt. S., RFD Smith, E. C. Smith, W. E. Lbr. Co. Smith, M. J. Stafford, John E. Stoops, Craig, Ben., RFD Snodgrass, Eugene, Ben., RFD Stebbins, C. S. Stecker, John, Hill., RFD Sturdivant, W. C., R2 Still, Perry, Farm., RFD Story, Ralph, R2 Story, Kate Stutsman, Emma Suydam, Mrs. W. H., Mt. S., RFD Swartout, Arthur, Hill., RFD Tade, W. B., Hill., RFD Tibbetts, Joseph and Mathew Thomas, Oscar, Ben., RFD Thomas, J. M., R2 Thompson, W. O. Troutman Hardware Troutman, S. S. Troutman, Joe Troutman, Frank Troutman, Jim, R2 Troutman and Pender Trumbo Sisters Trumbo, John Trumbo & Woods Telephone Repair Shop Vale, Bruce R., R1 Van Buren Record Voigtlander, Ed Von Seggen, Homer, R2 Walker, Ed, R1 Walter, George, I., Ben., RFD Wallingford, Geo., R1 Wallingford, Lacey, R1 Wallingford, John, R1 Ware, L. M., R1 Ward, W. D., Ben., RFD Warner, Frank, R1 Warner, Marion, Ben., RFD Warner, Harry, Ben., RFD Watts, F. J. Watts, Leslie, R2 Watts, S. B., Mt. Z., RFD Watkins, Roy, R2 Webb, Dr. J. W. Weaver, Robt., Hill., RFD West, Hattie, Hill., RFD Weiher, Robt., R2 White, Rollo Whiteley, J. W. and Sons Whiteley, P. S. Whiteley, J. G. Whitmore, H. A., R1 Whitmore, H. L., R1 Whitlock, W. H. Williamson, J. H. Williamson, Harry, R1 Willits, Robert Willits, Karl, Mt. S., RFD Wilson Bros. Wilson, Scott, R2 Wilson, Sarah Winkler, Fred, Ben., RFD Witt, Allen, Hill., RFD Winslow, Robert Woods, Otto, R2 Woods and Trumbo Wolf, Gale, Mt. Z., RFD Wolf, Carl, Mt. Z., RFD ![]() ©1999 by Rich Lowe solely for the use and benefit of the IAGenWeb Project, a part of the USGenWeb Project. |