Bir. -- Birmingham Kil. -- Kilbourne Hill -- Hillsboro Ben. -- Bentonsport Sto. -- Stockport Bon. -- Bonaparte Mt. S -- Mt. Sterling Fa. -- Fairfield Mt. Z -- Mt. Zion Abrisz, Geo., R 1 Adkisson, Ed, R 1, Hill Alexander, Manley, Res. Anders, C. O., R 2 Anderson, Geo., R 3 Arnold, Alvey, R 1, Mt. Z. Arnold, John L., Sr., R 2 Arnold, John B., Jr., R 2 Arnold, Rufus, R 2 Asby, Mrs. Zelda, Res. Askew, George, R 1 Askew, Mrs. Wm., Res. Bagby, Harley, R 2 Bagby, Mary, R 2 Bailey, Chas. E., R 2 Bailey, Henry, R 2 Bailey, James, R 2 Bales, Mrs. John, Res. Bales, Wm., Res. Bank, Stockport Savings Barclay, Geo., R 1 Barger, James, R 2 Bartholow, Geo., R 1 Bates, Victor, R 1 Beer, Toby, R 1, Hill. Bennett, Chas., R 1 Bequeath, Lawrence, R 2 Berry, Wm., Res. Beswick, Mrs. Kate, Res. Beswick, Roy, R 2 Beswick, Worthy, R 2 Billingsley, E. E., R 3 Blakely, Joe, R 1 Boley, Bruce N., R 1, Hill. Boley, D. M., R 1, Hill. Boley, S. G., R 1, Hill. Boley, Wm., R 1 Boone, J. M., R 2 Bowles, Rev. J. C., Res. Breareton, Sam, R 1 Breareton, Willard, R 3 Brickey, John, R 1 Brombough, B. S., R 3 Brown, Arza, R 1 Brown, Ed, R 1 Brown, J. M., Res. Brown, J. T., R 3 Brown, O. H., R 3 Brown, N. A., R 3 Brown, Warren, R 2 Bryson, Dee, Res. Bunker, Dr. C. E., Res. Caffery, Chas., R 3 Campbell, Ray, Res. Campbell, Victor, R 1, Bir. Carmichael, Hugh, R 3 Carter, Chas., R 33 Carter, Lloyd, R 1, Hill. Carter, Louis, R 3 Carter, John, R 1, Ben. Cass, Carl, R 1, Ben. Cecil, J. P., R 1 Chaney, John, R 1, Ben. Chapius, Ray, R 3 Clark, J. T., R 2 Clark, Milo, R 2 Clark, Mrs. Rose, R 1 Coffin, Jasper, R 1, Hill. Collais, Dave, R 2 Coltrane, Floyd, Res. Comstock, M. E., R 1, Mt. Z. Connor, Chas., R 1 Crawford, Irvin, R 2 Crawford, John, Sr., R 3 Crawford, John, Jr., R 32 Crawford, N. E., R 2 Crenshaw, Emery, R 3 Crenshaw, Ivan, R 2 Davidson, Phin, R 1 Davidson, Roy, Res. Davis, A. M., Res. Davis, James Fairfield, R 5 Davis, Marion, R 2 Depot, C. B. & Q. Doan, D. T., Res. Dodds, L. W., R 1 Donald, Ed, R 2 Donald, Harve, Res. Donald, John, R 2 Donald, Ray, R 2 Dorthy, Chester, R 3 Dorthy, James, Res. Douthart, Calvin, R 2 Dow, Bryant, R 3 Downard, Ben, R 1, Mt. Z. Downard, John, R 1 Downard, Lizzie, R 1 Drug Store Duncon, Bruce, R 1 Duncon, Elbert, R 1 Duvall, Harness Shop Duvall, Wilbur, Res. Edwards, Geo., Res. Edwards, Leonard, R 3 Edwards, R. F., R 1 Eichorst, Fred, R 1 Elevator, Grain Elmore, Jesse, R 2 Endersby, Alfred, R 1, Hill. Farmer, Sarrah, R 3 Fauler, Chas., R 1 Ferree, Paul, R 1, Hill. Fickle, Mrs. Bertha, Res. Fleming, Fred, R 2 Fletcher Coal Co., R 3 Forbes, Gerald, R 1 Foster, E. J., R 1 Furniture Store Gardner, Guy, Res. German, Floyd, R 1 Giberson, Harley, R 3 Giberson, James, R 3 Giberson, Tom, R 3 Gibson, Jesse, R 3 Gillaspie, Wm., R 1 Graber, Dr. F. J., Office Gracy, Roy, R 1 Gregory, Clyde, Res. Gregory, S. A., Res. Grove, Wm., R 1 Haines, Walter, R 2 Hall, E. J., R 2 Hardware Store Harlan, Albert, R 3 Harlan, Chas., R 3 Harlan, Clarence, R 3 Harlan, Mrs. Eda, Res. Harlan, George, R 3 Harlan, Isaiah, Res. Harlan, Jay, R 3 Harlan, Max, R 3 Harlan, Otto, R 3 Harlan, W. K., R 1, Hill. Harness Shop Harper, Virgil, R 1 Hawbaker, Chas., R 1 Hawkeye Lumber Co. Hawkins and Davidson Hawkins, Wm., Res. Helterbran, Guy, R 1 Helterbran, Mrs. Laura, R 1, Hill. Helterbran, Paul, R 1, Hill. Heston, Floyd, R 2 Hiatt, A. R., Res. Hoaglin, Joe, R 1, Hill. Hooper, George, R 1 Hooper, Lute, R 1 Hooper, Wm., R 1 Hootman, John, R 2 Hosette, C. L., R 2 Howard D. A., R 1, Ben. Howard, George, R 1 Howard, Sam, R1, Mt. Z. Howard, Stanley, R 1, Hill. Huff, Mrs. Ben Huff, Clinton Hummel, Carl, R 2 Israel, Mrs. Bess, R 1 Jacobs, Joe, Res. Jacobs, Rodger, R 3 Jameson, George, R 2 Jameson, Ira, R 1, Bir. Johnston, Mrs. Agnas, Res. Johnston, Mrs. Alice, Res. Johnston, Carl, R 3 Johnston, Clarence, R 1 Johnston, Floyd, Res. Johnston, George, Res. Johnston, James, R 1 Johnston, Lloyd, R 1 Johnston, Smith, Res. Johnston, Walker, R 3 Johnston, Wm., Res. Keck, E. E., R 1 Keck, J. H., R 1 Keller, Marshal, R 2 Kisling, A. F., Res. Kisling, John, Res. Kisling, Mrs. Mary, R 1 Kisling, Willard, R 2 Klise, Grant, R 1 Klise, Newton, R 1 Klise, Worthy, R 1 Knowles, Elmer, Res. Knowles, John, Res. Landess, Cyrus, R 2 Landess, Stanley, R 1 Lane, A. J., R 1 Lane, Dewey, R 1 Lane, Harry, R 2 Lane, W. C., R 1 Lazenby, John, R 1 Leffler, Geo., R 1 Leffler, James, R 1, Ben. Leffler, Omar, R 1, Bon. Logan, John, R 1, Mt. Z. Lyons, Tom, R 1 McClellon, B. A., R 3 McCracken, Geo., R 1, Bon. McGlothlen, Res. McGreer, Geo., R 1, Hill. McKee, George, Res. Mackey, Sam, Res. Maddix, E. C., Res. Maddix, Glen, Res. Mahon, Lee, R 2 Marshall, Elmer, R 1 Marshall, Jesse, R 2 Martin, James, Res. Martin, Oliff, R 1, Ben. Meat Market Mellon, Clark, R 1 Mellon, Myron, R 1 Miller, Bert, R 1, Bir. Miller, Boyd, R 1 Miller, D. A. Miller, Geo., R 1 Miller, Kenneth, R 1 Miner, Lloyd, R 1 Mitz, Chester, R 5, Fa. Morris, A. D., R 3 Morris, Arthur, R 3 Morris Bros., R 1 Morris, Chas., R 1 Morris, Ed, Res. Morris, Edgar, R 3 Morris, Jay, R 3 Morris, John, R 3 Morris, Mary K., R 1 Morris, S. C., R 3 Morris, S. M., R 3 Morris, Spencer, R 3 Morris, W. L., R 3 Morrison, B. W., Res. Morrison, Harve, R 1, Hill. Moxley, Grant Nelson, A. C., R 1 Nelson, Earl, R 1, Hill. Nelson, Fred, R 2 Nelson, Geo., R 1, Hill. Newbold, Gene, R 1, Hill. Newbold, Otis, R 1, Hill. Newman, Mars. Mary, Res. Newman, Tom, R 3 Nichols, Clarence, R 2 Nixon, Mrs. Bonnie, Res. Nixon, J. G., R 1 Nixon, Sam, R 1 Nixon, W. A., R 1 Oberg, A. J., Res. Oldt, B. F., Res. Overlander, H. H., R 1 Parker, John, R 1, Hill. Parrish, Asa, Res. Pender, Melvin, R 1 Phillips, H. C., Res. Phillips, Ira, R 3 Pickard, Leslie, Res. Plummer, Pitt Pope, Mrs. Mary, R 1, Hill. Pratt Bros. Store, R 1 Pratt, James, R 1 Pratt, John, R 1 Pratt, Manley, R 1 Pratt, Perry, R 1 Pratt, Worthy, R 1 Pulsipher, Harry, Res. Rail, Glen, R 2 Rail, John, R 2 Rekhoff, Albert, R 1, Ben. Restaurant (Russell) City Reynolds, John, R 2 Rhynas, Frank, Res. Rhynas, James, Res. Rhynas, Warren, R 1 Rhynas, Will, R 2 Ridgeway, Roy, R 1, Hill. Robison, Will, R 2 Roush, Bates, R 1 Rowe, Ellis, R 1 Rowe, Elmer, R 1 Rowley, Vinnie, R 1 Ruby, Frank, R 3 Ruby, Grant, R 2 Runyon, L. A., R 1, Hill. Runyon, W. F., R 3 Russell, Jay, Res. Russell, M. M., Res. Russell, Ralph, R 1 Russell, Store Sanderson, Joe, R 1, Bon. Schulz, J. C., R 2 Shaklee, A. T., R 3 Shellman, Mrs. Mary, Res. Shellman, Otto, Hill. Silver, Ezra, Res. Silver, J. A. and Co. Silver, J. C., Res. Silver, L. E., Res. Silver, W. E., Res. Simkins, Allen, R 1 Simpkins, Frank, Res. Smith Bros. Service Station Smith Bros. Store Smith, F. H., R 1, Bir. Smith, Frank, R 1 Smith, Frank, Res. Smith, Nuby, R 3 Smith, Perry, Res. Smutz, B. R., R 1 Smutz, Ray, R 1 Smutz, W. A., R 1, Hill. Spencer, Martin, R 3 Spencer, Will, R 3 Spray, Will, R 3 Standley, Francis, R 2 Standley, Geo., R 3 Standley, John, R 3 Standley, Mrs. Mable, Res. Standley, Wm., R 3 Steele, Rex, R 5, Fa. Steinberg, Garage Sterling, Reed, R 1 Still, C. H., R 3 Stipe, John, R 2 Stonebraker, Mrs. N., R 2 Storms, Lowell, R 1, Bir. Tade, W. A., R 1, Hill. Talbott, Russell, R 1 Taylor, Arthur, R 2 Taylor, George, R 2 Teal, Frank, R 2 Thompson, Roy, R 1 Tompkins, Wm., Res. Walker, Ed, R 2 Walker, Martin, Res. Walker, Willis, R 1, Mt. Z. Wamsley, Mrs. Alice, R 1 Ware, Mrs., Res. Warner, Ambrose, Res. Warner, Bruce, R 2 Warner, Garage Warner, Geo., R 1 Warner, John, Res. Wasson, O. P., R 3 Watson, Boyd, R 1, Hill. Watson, Carl, R 3 Watson, Cleo, R 3 Watson, Mrs. Dan, Res. Watson, Elmer, R 3 Watson, George, R 3 Watson, Mrs. J. A., R 5, Fa. Watson, James, R 3 Watson, Joe, R 1, Hill. Watson, John, R 1, Hill. Watson, John, R 5, Fa. Watson, L. E., R 2 Watson, Mrs. Mary, R 1, Hill. Watson, N. G., R 3 Watson, Orla, R 3 Watson, Ray, R 5, Fa. Watson, S. S., R 3 Webber, John, R 2 Webber, Ray, R 2 Wheatley, Cortez, Res. White, Andy, Hotel White, Produce Co. White, Will, Res. Williams, Dan, R 2 Williams, Henry, R 5, Fa. Williams, Irvin, R 2 Wise, Chas., Res. Wise, Harry, R 3 Workman, Gene, Res. Workman, Mrs. Martha, Res. Workman, Otto, R 2 Workman, R. A., Res. Wright, V. O., R 1 Yargus, Marion, R 3 Yarnell, Nelson, Res. ![]() ©1999 by Rich Lowe solely for the use and benefit of the IAGenWeb Project, a part of the USGenWeb Project. |