Bir. -- Birmingham Kil. -- Kilbourne Hill -- Hillsboro Ben. -- Bentonsport Sto. -- Stockport Bon. -- Bonaparte Mt. S -- Mt. Sterling Fa. -- Fairfield Mt. Z -- Mt. Zion Albright, H. W., Res. Allen, R. D., Fa., R 7 Allender, Mrs. Frank, R 2, Sto. Alton, E. H., Res. Anderson, J. F., Res. Angle, Abe, Res. Arbaugh, Mrs. Hilda, Res. Baker, Bazil, R 2 Baldwin, Gar., R 2 Bank Birmingham Savings Bank, Farmers Savings Barker, Dr., Office, (Dentist) Barker, Dr., Res. Bauman, Dr. S. H., Res. Bauman, Fred, R 1 Bean, John, R 1 Behner, Rev. F. S. C. F. M., Parsonage Beggs, Harley, Res. Biggs, S. K., R 1 Blair, John, R 1 Bogle, Reid, R 1 Boies and Kerr Office Boies, L. G., Res. Bonnette, A. N., R 2 Bonnette, Dale, R 2 Bonnette, Frank, Res. Bonnette, Jesse, R 2 Boone, Ross, R 2 Booth, Jno., R 2 Brannon, Joe, Res. Brannon, Milt, R 2 Brown, Fred, R 1 Brown, Warren, R 2, Sto. Bryant, Mrs. Laura, Res. Buchanan, Joe, R 1 Burch and Watts Store Burch, R. O., Res. Burch, Wm., Res. Byers, John, R 1 Calhoun, Mrs. Belle, Res. Calhoun, O. S., Res. Cambell, Victor, R 1 Cambell, Wilbur, R 1 Canady, Albert, R 1 Canady, E. F., R 1 Canady, Elmer, R 2 Carl, Harley, R 1 Catcott, Raymond, R 1 Clark, Lester, R 2 Clarridge, Frank, R 2 Colais, B. F., R 2, Sto. Conard, W. E., R 7, Fa. Corry, F. M., Res. Corry, F. M., Store Corry, Lee, R 2 Countryman, Fred, R 2 Countryman, Jay, R 2 Crandall Battery and Elec. Co. Crowner, John, R 7, Fa. Curtis, Alva, Res. Dailey, F. O., R 2 Den, Beston C., R 2, Sto. Depot, C. B. & Q. Dille, Ed, R 2 Dingus, Chas., R 1 Dugger, David, R 2 Duke, Elmer, R 2 Dunn, Earnest, R2 Edwards, Claude, Res. Elevators, Farmers Enlow, Miss Florence, R 2 Enterprise Office Ewing, Clarence, R 2 Farmers Store Farrell Implement Co. Fellows, Ray, Res. Filson, Earl, R 2 Filson, Paul, R 2 Finger, C. J., Res. Finger, J. I., R 7, Fa. France, LaSalle, R 1 Freshwater, Robert, Res. Gentiel, Julius, R 7, Fa. Gilbert, Kelly, R 1 Glaha, Earl Produce Co. Goemate, Abe, R 1 Gould, Bert, R 1 Graham and Son Graham, C. H., Res. Graham, J. H., Res. Graham, Leo, Res. Graham, Mary A., Res. Graham, Mrs. Joe, Res. Grammer, Mrs. John, Res. Greenfield, Chas., Res. Greenfield, W. S., Res. Hainey, Walter, R 1 Hall, Earl, R 2 Hall, I. O. O. F. Hall, K. of P. Hall, Ora, R 7, Fa. Hall, Otto, R 2 Hall, Verne, R 2 Hawbaker, Mrs., R 1 Heinsel, Julius, R 2 Hiatt, Mrs. Kate, Res. Hill, Harry, R 1 Hoffman, Frank, R 2 Hoinshell, W. H., Res. Hollander, Elmer, Res. Holms Meat Market Hootman, Chester, R 1, Mt. Z. Hootman, Howard, Res. Hootman, Frank, R 2 Hootman, Mrs. Dave, Res. Hootman, N. V., Res. Hootman, Will, R 2 Hope, M. D., Res. Hummel, I. J., R 2 Jackson, Henry, R 1 James, Kirby Jameson, Ira, R 1 Jameson, Ralph, Res. Jeffery, Ed, R 2 Johnson, John, R 2 Johnson, Pitt, R 1 Johnston, C. C., R 2 Johnston, Chas., R 2 Johnston, Grover, R 2 Johnston, Harley, Res. Johnston, John M., Res. Johnston, Miss Mary, Res. Johnston, Ralph, R 2 Johnston, Wm., R 2 Jones, Asa, Res. Jones, John, R 1 Kemmer Hotel Kerr, George, Res. Kerr, Ira, Dodds Kerr, Mrs. Kate, Dodds Kirkpatrick, H. B., Res. LaFollet, John, R 1 Laughlin, E. A., R 1 Laughlin, Restaurant Lawson, J. F., R 2 Lazenby Hardware Store Lindsay, Sam, R 1 Locke, Miss Jane, Res. Logan, R. D., R 1 Lowe, Graham, Res. Lyden, John, R 1 Lyden, M. A., R 1 McBride, James, R 1 McKee, Grant, Res. McKee, John, R 2 McKee, Will, R 2, Sto. McLain, Mrs. Emma, R 1 McNamer, John, R 2, Sto. Maddix, Mrs., Res. Mathias, Chas., R 1 Mathias, Lenard, R 1 Mathias, Oscar, R 1 Mathias, Roy, Res. Mathias, Will, R 1 Meck, Joe, R 2 Meck, Ray, R 1 Meek, Orion, R 2, Sto. Meek, Wilmur, R 2, Sto. Miller, D. A., Res. Miller, Bert, R 1 Miller, Walter, Res. Moore, Chas., R 1 Moore, Tom, Res. Morrell, W. L., Res. Morrison, Rob., R 2, Sto. Munson, Glenn, R 2, Sto. Munson, Miles, R 2, Sto. Musser, Claude, R 1 Myers, Claude, R 2 Nash, L. V., Res. Nelson, Chas., Res. Nelson, Clyde, R 1 Nelson, Dr. W. W., Res. Nelson, Geo. I., R 2 Nelson, M. W., R 1 Nelson, Will, R 1 Newell, V. F., R 2, Sto. Newman, Russell, R 2 Nixon, Ora, R 2, Sto. Norcross, Mrs. Lena, Res. Norris, Dr. Jay, Res. Ogden, Mrs. Orpha, Res. Parsons, Ed, Res. Pepper, Dr., Office Pepper, Dr., Res. Phillips, Mrs. Wm., R 1 Pickeral, Wm., Res. Plowman, Harley, R 1 Pool Bros., R 1 Pool, Del, R 1 Pool, Rilla, R 1 Popejoy, Wm., R 2 Porter, Mrs. A. W., Res. Radestock, Harley, R 2 Ragsdale, Mrs. Hattie, Res. Rail, A. G., R 1 Rail, J. B., Res. Ramsay, Will, R 1 Ratcliff, Harley, Res. Ratcliff Garage Renaker, Glenn, R 1 Roberts, C. S., Res. Robison, Roy, R 1 Robinson, Tim, R 1 Rodgers, Homer, R 2 Roth, Jake, R 2 Ruby, Grant, R 2, Sto. Rudolph, John, Res. Ruggles, J. H., Res. Ruggles, Lee, Drug Store Ruggles, Lee, Res. Russell, Mrs. Wm., R 1 Scott, Earl, R 1 Scott, John, Res. Scott, Walter, Res. Sheward, Mrs., Res. Shott, W. R., Res. Simmons, George, Res. Simpson, Jas, R 2 Small, Frank, R 1 Smith, Rev., Methodist Parsonage Smith, Mrs. Susan, Res. Spees, F. J., R 2 Spees, Halie, R 2 Spees, Thos., R 2 Spees, W. G., R 2 Srout, J. E., R 1 Stabus, Elmer, R 1 Standard Service Station Storms, Frank, Res. Storms, Lowell, RFD Stout, R. H., Res. Stump, E. A., R 2 Stump Restaurant Syfert, Ed, Res. Taylor Bros., R 2 Taylor, H. A., Res Taylor Produce Co. Tedrow, Milo Thompson, Mrs. Mary, Res. Topping, Clem, R 1 Topping, Hugh, Res. Topping, Paul, R 1 Topping, Sam, R 1 Tucker, John, R 2 Tyler Motor Co. Umphrey, Bud, R 1 Unkrich, Kou, R 2 VanAtten, Russell, R 2, Sto. VanderWall, Albert, R 2 Watson, Jno., R 2 Watts, Amos, R 1 Watts, Standley, Res. Willey, Will, R 1 Williams, Ezra, R 2 Williams, Fred, Res. Williams, Fred, R 1 Williams, Glenn, Res. Williams, Mrs. Thos., Res. Wilson, Mrs. W. A., Res. Winslow, Elmer, Res. Winslow, R. B., Res. Woodrow, Anthony, R 2 Woodrow, Chas., R 2 Woodrow, Joe and Jno. R 2 Woodrow, Lloyd, R 2 Woods, Dr. H. E., Res. Work, James, Res. Workman, Fred, Res. Workman, Ralph, R 1 Yarnell, Ed., Res. ![]() ©1999 by Rich Lowe solely for the use and benefit of the IAGenWeb Project, a part of the USGenWeb Project. |