~ J thru O ~

The Iowa Constitution of 1846 provided that within one year after its ratification and within every subsequent term of two years, an enumeration of all the white inhabitants of the State should be made. In accordance with this provision an act was passed by the First General Assembly, and approved January 20, 1847, requiring the assessors to take an enumeration of white inhabitants on or before the first day of August, 1847. In the census of 1847, the first of the State, the counties of Dallas, Iowa, Jasper, Keokuk and Winneshiek appeared. Thirty-two counties in all made report. Total population ascertained was 116,454. The following 1847 record for Van Buren County, the original of which is in Census Division at the Iowa State Department of History and Archives, was prepared and edited by Mrs. Vernon Harris with the assistance of Miss Linda Harris, who undertook the tedious assignment of alphabetizing this entire list of names. Head-of-family and number in each household are given.

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JACKSON          Augustus B.    6
JACKSON          H. C.          8
JACKSON          Hirum          5
JACKSON          James          9
JACKSON          Jerimiah       10
JACKSON          Joseph         3
JACKSON          Lewis          8
JAMES            Perry          7
JAMESON          Robert         9
JAMISON          Daniel I.      3
JAMISON          Milton         6
JAMISON          Thomas         5
JAMISON          William        3
JAMISON          George H.      3
JENNINGS         Nathan         1
JEWELL           James          10
JEWET            Daniel         5
JEWETT           E. L.          5
JOB              Abram          3
JOB              John           9
JOB              William        7
JOHN             William W.     1
JOHNSON          Abington       9
JOHNSON          Alexander      2
JOHNSON          Benjamin       6
JOHNSON          Benjamin F.    7
JOHNSON          Benjamin H.    3
JOHNSON          John W.        5
JOHNSON          T. E.          5
JOHNSON          William C.     4
JOHNSON          William H.     9
JOHNSON          William J.     3
JOHNSTON         James          5
JOHNSTON         James          8
JOHNSTON         John           5
JOHNSTON         John           7
JOHNSTON         Peter          2
JOHNSTON         Steven B.      2
JOLLY            Henry B.       6
JOLLY            Reuben M.      10
JONES            Alexander      2
JONES            Edward         8
JONES            Ezra M.        6
JONES            John           6
JONES            John           7
JONES            Joseph         3
JONES            Joseph         5
JONES            Maryland       11
JONES            Thomas         3
JONES            Thomas         8
JONES            William        5
JONES            William        7
JULIAN           Samuel E.      5

KANTS            Sarah          5
KEAMS            Mathew         6
KEAN             Joseph A.      4
KEAN             S. C. K.       1
KEARNS           Hamilton       4
KECK             Henry          12
KEER             William B.     3
KEITH            Charles        3
KEITH            Isham          3
KEITH            John           3
KELLY            David          2
KELLY            Ezra           6
KELLY            Merchant       1
KELLY            William F.     5
KELSEY           Easton         5
KELSEY           Ira            3
KEMP             William        3
KENAKER          Edward         5
KENNEDY          James B.       1
KENNEDY          William        6
KENT             Robert         6
KEPLINGER        Adam           3
KEPLINGER        Jacob          3
KERR             John           1
KERTZ            William E.     4
KEYS             Elirha         5
KIRKPATRICK      Thomas         7
KILBFOIL         James          11
KILGORE          John B.        1
KILLEBREW        Finis          5
KILMERS          Mrs.           6
KIMBALL          Deborah        3
KIMMELL          Henry          4
KIMSBURRY        Cyrus          3
KINCAID          J. H.          12
KING             Benjamin       8
KING             C. H.          4
KING             Elias          10
KING             Susan          3
KING             Thomas M.      5
KING             William S.     1
KINNERSLY        James J.       6
KINNEY           Luke           5
KIRKHUN          W. G.          3
KISINGER         George         7
KISINGER         James          8
KITREDGE         George         5
KLISE            Henry          5
KLISE            John           2
KNAPP            J. G.          1
KNAPP            Solomon        1
KNAPP            William        5
KNIGHT           Caleb          3
KNIGHT           Joel           7
KNIGHT           John           7
KNIGHT           John           10
KNIGHT           Samuel         6
KNIGHT           William        2
KNOTT            William        7
KNOX             David          2
KNUCKLE          Edward T.      8
KNULAND          John S.        5
KRIEGH           Phillip S.     4
KYES             Benjamin B.    5

LAMB             Able           7
LAMB             Jacob          8
LAMB             James          7
LAMB             William        7
LAMBERT          Isaac          6
LANE             Ashahel        10
LANE             Pleasant       9
LANE             Thomas         1
LANES            Daniel         4
LANGFORD         Anderson       12
LANGLEY          Samuel         6
LATIMER          S. G.          7
LAUGHLIN         Elizabeth      4
LAUGHLIN         James          2
LAUGHLIN         John           2
LAYROCK          John           5
LAYTON           John           4
LAYTON           Nehemiah       7
LAZENBY          Robert         6
LEA              Claiborne      6
LEACH            John           3
LEACH            Thomas         8
LEACH            William        6
LEE              E. D.          7
LEE              G. W.          5
LEFEVER          John           5
LEFLER           Monset         1
LEFLER           Monset         5
LEOMONS          Morris         4
LEONARD          Isaac          6
LETTMIRE         Jacob          5
LEWIS            Charles        6
LEWIS            David          4
LEWIS            George         9
LEWIS            James          5
LEWIS            James          3
LEWIS            Owen           3
LINCOLN          Thomas B.      5
LINSEY           Robert         1
LIPPENCOTT       Allen          5
LIPPENCOTT       William P.     6
LITTLEJOHN       John           7
LIVERS           Benedict       7
LIVERS           William Jr.    3
LIVINGSTON       Steven         4
LOCK             William R.     7
LOCKWOOD         E. J.          3
LONG             Isaac          10
LONG             Titus          4
LONGWORTHY       T. H.          4
LOMEN            William        9
LORTON           John           7
LOW              Benjamin       6
LOW              Thomas         5
LOW              William        1
LOZIER           Abram          1
LUNDY            Nicholas       2
LURE             Aaron          5
LYMAN            Christian      7
LYON             John           4

MACE             Wandle         7
MADISON          A.             5
MADISON          Joab           6
MANGUM           Alehephus W.   6
MANGUM           Spear S.       5
MANIEY           Samuel         5
MANWILL          John           6
MARK             John           4
MARL             William        4
MASLOW           B. P.          4
MAUSAN           Peter          5
MARSHALL         Elizabeth      5
MARSHALL         Thomas         4
MARSON           John           6
MARTIN           Ambrose        11
MARTIN           Ashbel         7
MARTIN           Joseph         8
MARTIN           S. P.          3
MARTIN           Samuel         8
MATHEWS          Isaac          3
MATHEWS          Isaac          2
MATHEWSON        Jesse A.       7
MATHIAS          James          8
MAXWELL          Harrison       7
McATEE           John           10
McBRIDE          Ephrun         2
McBRIDE          Thomas         4
McBURNEY         Thomas         5
McCLURE          James          1
McCLURE          Jonathun       2
McCLURE          Thomas         3
McCLURE          William        6
McCOLE           Daniel         9
McCOLL           Thomas         8
McCULLOUGH       R.             9
McCONNEL         Jehiel         3
McCOY            Daniel         2
McCOY            Henry          4
McCOY            John           5
McCOY            Samuel         3
McCRACKEN        Solomon        7
McCRARY          Abner H.       7
McCRARY          James          9
McCRARY          John           1
McCRARY          John           1
McCRARY          John C.        7
McCRARY          William F.     1
McCUTCHEN        Samuel         7
McCUTCHEN        William B.     7
McCUTCHEN        James          6
McCUTCHEN        Preston        1
McCUTCHEN        R. S.          1
McCUTCHEN        R. S.          5
McDANIEL         Martin         8
McDONALD         Arch           7
McDONNIAL        James          8
McELFRESH        Benjamin       3
McENTIRE         R.             2
McENTIRE         William        2
McENTOSH         James          6
McESTER          John           1
McEWING          Mathew         5
McGUIRE          D. G.          7
McHUGH           Daniel         6
McHUGH           James          6
McHUGH           William        5
McINTOSH         G.             4
McINTOSH         George S.      3
McINTOSH         T. B.          1
McKEE            David          5
McKEE            David          8
McKIBBIN         J.             3
McKIBBIN         James          1
McKINNEY         Joseph         5
McKINZEY         James          5
McLHANY          John           5
McLHANY          Robert         5
McLHANY          S. A.          2
McMANAMAN        J. W.          9
McMANAND         James C.       1
McMANIMS         John           3
McMANIS          James          2
McMANIS          Newton         6
McMANNIS         George         6
McMARSHMAN       William        1
McMILLIER        Robert D.      5
McNEAL           John           3
McNEAL           Thomas         5
McPHERSON        William H.     3
McSURLY          Miles          8
MEDLEY           John           7
MEDLOCK          David          7
MEEK             Joseph         3
MEEK             Robert         8
MEEK             Robert         10
MEEK             Samuel G.      9
MEEK             William Jr.    7
MEEKER           A. C.          4
MELIZUR          Samuel         6
MENDENHALL       Eli            2
MERCER           James          4
MERCER           Solomon        4
MEREDITH         Andrew         8
MEREDITH         David          6
MERRITT          Andrew         8
MERRITT          William        6
MILES            Willard        1
MILLER           Absalom        7
MILLER           Anna           8
MILLER           Casper         10
MILLER           Daniel         10
MILLER           David          12
MILLER           Eli            1
MILLER           Francis        8
MILLER           George         9
MILLER           George W.      7
MILLER           Henry          4
MILLER           Isaac          5
MILLER           Jacob          11
MILLER           James          9
MILLER           Joseph         1
MILLER           Mathias        3
MILLER           Michael        9
MILLER           Samuel J.      10
MILLER           Thomas         6
MILLER           William        7
MILLIGAN         John           6
MILLINGTON       S.             4
MINER            Albert         9
MINTON           Josiah D.      3
MITCHELL         George         5
MITCHELL         John L. T.     1
MITCHLER         John D.        3
MITCHLER         Samuel         6
MOFFIT           Robert         8
MONROE           William        3
MONTAGUE         George         9
MONTGOMERY       Francis        1
MONTGOMERY       J. G.          8
MONTGOMERY       John M.        6
MOORE            Aaron B.       5
MOORE            Benjamin       8
MOORE            Chalon         1
MOORE            Charles        1
MOORE            Herrod         4
MOORE            John           4
MOORE            Johnston       1
MOORE            Joseph         6
MOORE            Mahlon B.      1
MOORE            Robert         5
MOORE            Samuel         7
MOORE            Thomas         7
MOORSEHEAD       John           6
MORAY            John           2
MORFE            Titus          5
MORGAN           Freling        3
MORGAN           J. D.          5
MORME            Comodore       6
MORRELL          Benjamin F.    7
MORRIS           David          2
MORRIS           Eliza          7
MORRIS           Henry          7
MORRIS           James N.       6
MORRIS           William C.     1
MORT             Conrad         6
MORT             Henry          4
MORT             Jeremiah       3
MORT             Peter          2
MORT             Peter Jun.     1
MORTON           G. B.          6
MOSS             Henry          11
MOTEN            Hugh           6
MOXLEY           Francis        10
MUFFMAN          George         2
MUIR             Thomas         6
MUNJAR           William        8
MURLEY           William        5
MURPHY           John           12
MURPHY           Thomas         1
MUSSETTER        Henry          2
MYER             A. S.          ~
MYER             Nathaniel      2
MYER             Nathaniel      5
MYERS            Eli            4
MYERS            James          4
MYRES            John           3
MYRES            Lewis          2
MYRES            Marshall M.    3

NAGGLE           Ezra           1
NASH             Abram          5
NASH             Albert         2
NEAL             Abel           4
NEAL             Ariel          3
NEAL             John           2
NEDROW           Isaac          5
NEDROW           George         9
NEDROW           Michael        9
NEFF             Marques        5
NIESWONGER       Martin         4
NELSON           A. S.          9
NELSON           I. W.          11
NELSON           Isaac          9
NELSON           Lewis          10
NELSON           Lorenzo D.     3
NELSON           Parker         7
NESMITH          Henry          4
NESMITH          Henry          10
NESMITH          Joseph         2
NEWMAN           W. B.          6
NEWHALL          Almond         4
NEWMAN           Andrew         7
NEWMAN           John A.        1
NEWMAN           John           1
NEWMAN           William        7
NEWSON           Steven         5
NEWTON           A.             10
NEWTON           David          5
NICHOLAS         Solomon S.     3
NILES            Apolis         5
NIXON            William        11
NORRIS           J. W.          4
NORRIS           Luke           1
NORRIS           S. N.          3
NORTH            John           5
NORTON           Alanson        7
NUPP             Jacob          6
NUTTER           William H. H   10

OBER             C. H.          8
OKENDON          John           2
OLMSBY           Abner          5
ONEY             Charles        2
ONEY             James          2
ONEY             Joseph         2
ORRIS            John           5
ORTH             William H.     4
OSBORN           Abraham        8
OSBORN           Eli            2
OSBURN           Andrew         2
OSMER            Jane           4
OWEN             H. B.          7

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